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AN ORDINANCE of the City Commission of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to
the qualified electors of said city at a special
election of a proposition authorizing the construction
and installation of certain storm sewers and the paving
of certain streets, all within the city, and providing
further that the city issue general obligation bonds,
to be paid by unlimited annual tax levies,in the
principal amount of not to exceed $360,000 for the
purpose of providing funds to pay part of the cost
of said improvements.
WHEREAS, many of the main traveled arterial streets in the City of
Port Angeles are greatly in need of paving in order to properly handle
the traffic using the same and in order to reroute heavy truck traffic
away from the business section of the city; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide storm or surface water drainage
for said streets before the same are paved; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a concrete culvert and fill be con-
structed and made on 8th Street between Eunice and Francis Streets in
order to properly take care of the traffic on said 8th Street; and
WHEREAS, in order to pay part of the cost of the construction and
installation of said improvements, it is deemed necessary that the city
issue and sell its general obligation bonds, payable by unlimited tax
levies, in the principal sum of not to exceed $360,000; and
110 WHEREAS, the Constitution and statutes of the State of Washington
require that the question of whether or not such bonds shall be issued
to provide funds for such purposes must be submitted to the qualified
electors of the city for their ratification or rejection;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows:
Section 1. That the following described streets within the City of Port
Angeles shall be improved as follows:
A. C. Street from 8th Street north to 5th Street, 5th Street from
C Street east to Tumwater Street, Tumwater Street from 5th Street north to 3rd
Street, by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement in the center
of each of said streets and the installation of 7' wide strips of Type 1 -1
asphalt concrete pavement on each side of said cement concrete pavement on said
streets, except that said 7' strips of asphalt pavement shall not be laid on
Tumwater Street, and by the installation of storm sewers on all of said streets.
B. Cedar Street from the north margin of 8th Street to 2nd Street,
by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof,
by the installation of 7' wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on each side
of said cement conrete pavement from the north margin of 8th Stree t to 6th
Street, and by the installation of storm sewers on said Cedar Street from 8th
Street to 2nd Street.
C. Cherry Street from 8th Street north to 2nd Street, thence west
on 2nd Street to Marine Drive, also Valley Street from Second to First, by the
installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof and the
installation of 7' wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on each side of said
cement concrete pavement on Cherry Street from 8th Street to 3rd Street and
Va11ey Street from Second to First Street.
D. Peabody Street from the north[ margin of 8th Street to the South
margin of Front Street, by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement
in the center thereof, by the installation of 7' wide strips of asphalt concrete
pavement on each side of said concrete pavement, and by the installation of storm
sewers on said peabody street from 8th to Front Streets.
E. Race Street from the south margin of 1st Street south to the city
limits, by the installation of 214 wide cement concrete pavement in the center
thereof, by the installation of 12' wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement
on each side of said cement concrete pavement from 1st Street south to 8th
Street, and by the installation of storm sewers on Race Street from 1st Street
to 8th Street.
F. 8th Street from the east margin of Lincoln Street to the west
margin of Race Street, by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement
in the center thereof, by the installation of 12' wide strips of asphalt
concrete pavement on each side of said cement concrete pavement, and by the
installation of storm sewers on 8th Street from Peabody Street to Eunice Street.
G. The existing bridge on 8th Street between Eunice and Francis
Streets shall be replaced with a concrete culvert and fill to the height of
8th Street on each side of said fill.
H. Race Street from 1st Street to Caroline Street, thence east on
Caroline to Washington Street, by the installation of 38' wide asphalt concrete
pavement and storm sewers.
I. Georgiana Street from Race Street to Francis Street, by the
installation of storm sewer outfall.
J. Ennis Street from 1st Street north to the Rayonier Mill, by the
installation of a 24' wide strip of cement concrete pavement_ and storm sewers.
K. Front Street from the west margin of Ennis Street to the east
margin of Lincoln Street by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete
pavement in the center thereof and by the installation of stub storm sewers in
the intersections of Front Street with Liberty, Jones, Chambers, Washington,
Race, Francis, Eunice, Albert, Vine and Peabody Streets.
All of the above described storm sewers shall be constructed and installed
with all manholes, catch basins and other appurtenances necessary to properly
drain all surface water from said streets, and shall be connected with other
trunk, main and lateral sewers of the city wherever necessary and advisable.
Said plan of improvements is all as more particularly set forth in maps
plans and specifications therefor now on file in the office of the city clerk,
and shall be subject to such changes as to details, either prior to or in
the course of actual construction, as shall not
affect the main general portions of said plan and as authorized by
the city commission.
Section 2. That in order to pay part of the cost of the above
described plan of improvements constituting capital improvements, the
city shall issue and sell its general obligation bonds in the principal
sum of not to exceed $360,000. The balance of said cost shall be paid
by assessments to be levied in a local improvement district or districts
to be created and out of such other funds as the city may have on hand
and available for such purpose.
Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per
annum payable semiannually, and shall mature in from 2 to 20 years
from date in such amounts as will, as nearly as practicable, together
with the interest on said bonds, be met by equal annual tax levies for
the payment of the principal and interest thereon. Said bonds shall
be payable, both principal and interest, by annual tax levies to be
made upon all the taxable property within the city without limitation
as.to rate or amount. The exact date, form, terms and maturities of
said bonds shall be as hereafter fixed by ordinance.
Section 9. The foregoing plan for the issuance of said general
obligation bonds for the foregoing purposes shall be submitted to the
qualified electors of the city for their ratification or rejection at
a special election to be held therein on July 25 , 1950.
It is hereby found and declared that an emergency exists requiring
the calling and holding of said special election on said date, and the
Auditor of Clallam County, as ex officio supervisor of elections, is
hereby requested to also find the existence of such emergency and, in
conjunction with the city and its commission, to call a special election
to be held therein on said date to submit to the qualified electors of
the city the proposition hereinafter set forth. The city clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to certify to the said Clallam County
Auditor the proposition to be so submitted in the form of a ballot
title as follows:
Shall the City of Port Angeles, Washington, issue
its general obligation bonds in the principal sum of
not to exceed $300,000 to be payable by annual tax
levies without limitation as to rate or amount, to
bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum,
and to mature in from 2 to 20" years from date of
issue, for the purpose of providing funds to pay part
of the cost of improving certain main traveled streets
within the city by the installation of storm sewers
therein and by paving the same, all as more specifically
provided in Ordinance No. /2Z of the city passed and
approved 'June =, 1950?
L -J
The precincts and polling places for each precinct for such special
election shall be as follows:
1 16
polling Place
1414 East First St.,
724 So. Chambers St.,
812 East First St.,
729 East First St.,
535 East Third St.,
601 East Eighth
7th & Peabody Sts.
412 East first St.,
233 East 9th St.,
Chinook Motel
Osco Rains Residence
Ruffles Court
L. D. Lowry Residence
W. C. Gellor Residence
H. P. Knott Residence
City Barns
Carpenters Hall
J. W. Loomis Residence
City Commissioners Room 215 So. Lincoln St.,
Eagles Club 112 No. Lincoln St.,
Baptist Church 105 West Sixth St.,
Presbyteriah Church 8th & Cherry Sts.
Ben F. Church Residence 311 West 8th St.,
Cherry Eight Grocery 238 West 8th St.,
Mrs. T. M. Bourm Residence 1104 So. Cherry St.,
Irma E. Horstman Residence 519 West 12th St.,
Franks Shoe Repair Shop 507 West 8th St.,
W. R. Macklin Residence 535 West 4th St.,
Richard Apps Residence 923 West 6th St.,
Walter H. Madsen Residence 929 West 8th St.,
John Soli' Residence 1324 So. C St.,
Melvin Corfee Residence 1323 West 6th St.,
Community Mission Church 1416 West 5th St.,
Fred ,F7. Kyes Residence 1835 West 7th St.,
Olympic Auto Courts 1305 East First St.,
The election officials to serve at each precinct shall be as
later fixed by resolution of the city commission.
The polling places for said special election shall be open
irsfrom 8 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m.
Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon its
passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, and approved by its Mayor this 5tht day of June, 1950.
City Clerk
City Attorney
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