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An Ordinance relating to and providing for the regulation
of Taxi Cabs and For -Hire Cars; providing for the inspection and
control thereof, fixing the rates to be charged therefor, and for 1
the licensing and controling of drivers thereof, defining offenses,'
prescribing penalties and repealing Ordinance No. 11°5-6 and all 1
other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith.
SECTION 1. This ordinance shall be deemed and is hereby
declared to be an exercise of the police power of the City of Port
Angeles, and for the protection of the health, safety, peace and
morals of the community and its inhabitants, and shall be liberally'
construed to accomplish the purpose intended.
SECTION 2. TERMS: &- r7c.er ,t �,F :, late, /..p2-7
(a) The term 'person" whereever used in this ordinance
shall be held and conArued to mean and include natural persons
lof either sex, firms, copartnerships, associations, and corporations,
whether acting by themselves, by servant, agent or employee. The
singular number shall include the plural and the masculine pronoun
shall include the feminine and the neuter.
(b) The term "taxicab" whereever used in this ordinance
shall be held and construed to mean and include every motor vehicle,
having a seating capacity of seven passengers or less, as per manu-
facturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers for 1
hire, and not operated exclusively over a fixed and defined route. 1
(c) The term "for -hire carat whereever used in this ordin-
ance shall be held and construed to mean and include every motor 1
vehicle having a seating capacity of seven passengers or more, as I
per manufacturer's rating, used for the transportation of passengers
for hire, and not operated exclusively over a fixed and defined route.
The number of taxicabs authorized to operate, and for
which license or permits maybe issued, shall be based upon the pop -
ulation of the City of Port Angeles, as determined in the last
preceding United States Census, at the ratio on one (1) taxicab to
each Two Thousand (2,000) inhabitants or fraction thereof; provided,
however, that this limitation shall not affect taxicabs in operation
under license on the effective date of this ordinance except such
vehicles as do not through failure or inability of the operators
meet the requirements of this ordinance.
SECTION 4. No taxicabs or for -hire cars shall ply or be
operated upon the streets of the City of Port Angeles without first
obtaining a license so to do. Such lincense shall be authorized
by the City Commissioners, and only after they shall find that the
public convenience and necessity require the operation thereof;
the license when authorized shall be issued by the City Clerk.
SECTION 5. Applications for license shall be made on forms
provided by the Chief of Police and shall contain the following in-
(a) the location of the zone applied for together with any
other location from which the taxicabs will be operated.
(b) full information concerning the ownership, the number
and classification of vehicles to be operated, the name, ficticious,
or otherwise, under which the applicant intends to operate.
(c) the distinguishing color scheme, dress or design, includ-
ing any monogram or insignia intended to be used upon the vehicle.
(d) such other information as may be required by the
Chief of Police and necessary for the proper supervision and the
public good.
(e) such application shall be accompanied by proof that the
applicant is a reliable and bonafide owner and has met all the re-
quirements of this ordinance, that the name under which he is to
operate and the color scheme used upon the vehicle does not conflict
with others, and tend to deceive the public, that the vehicles have
valid state licenses, and that they are properly bonded for the
protection of the public as required by the motor vehicle laws of
the State of Washington.
SECTION 6. The annual license fees for taxicabs or for -hire
cars shall be as follows: any person, firm or corporation shall be
charged a license fee of $50.00 per annum; for each additional car
operated by the same owner, the license fee shall be $25.00 per
Such license if issued shall be for the callendar year ending
December 31st and applications therefor shall be made and licenses
issued to expire on December 31st, following the application; the
applicant shall pay such proporation of the annual license fee
provided as the period up to and including December 31st following
the date of the application bears to a year.
All vehicles for which application is made shall be inspected
by the Chief of Police before licenses are issued, and all vehicles
operating under this ordinance shall from time to time be inspected
by the Chief of Police or his duly authorized agent for the purpose
of determining whether the same are clean, properly equiped, mechan-
ically fit, and in a safe condition for the transportation of
passengers; and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or op-
erate, or engage in the business of operating any taxicab or for -
hire car, unless and until the same has been inspected and approved
by the Chief of Police.
(a) no license shall be granted for a taxi stand or zone
without the written permission of the owners or ocupants of ad-
joining premises.
(b) no license granted under this ordinance shall permit more
than three taxicabs to stand or wait at the same time in a
axi stand or zone, and it shall be a violation of this ordinance
' to permit more than three taxicabs to stand or wait at the
same time in any taxi stand or zone.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, controling or
engaging in the business of operating taxicabs or for -hire cars to
employ as a driver of any such vehicle to be driven by, a driver
who does not possess a valid and subsisting city drivers license.
No person shall be permitted to obtain a drivers license
for the driving of taxicabs or for -hire cars unless:
(a) he is of the age of 21 years or over.
(b) of sound physique with good eyesight, and not sub-
ject to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble, or any other infirmity of
body or mind which might render him unfit for the safe operations ofa
taxicab or for -hire car.
(c) be able to speak, read and write the English language.
(d) be clean of dress and person and not be addicted to
'the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics.
(e) has not been convicted of a felony, or of operating
a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor,
or narcotic drugs, within five years,next preceding the date of
his application.
Every application for a drivers license shall be upon a form
provided by the Chief of Police and shall contain the following in-
formation: the full name, address, residence, race, age, color,
height, color of eyes and hair, place of birth, length of time he
has resided in the City, whether a citizen of the United States,
whether he had been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor, whether
he has been previously licensed as a driver or chauffeur, and if so,
when and where, whether his license has ever been revoked and for
;!what cause, and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant and
filed with the Chief of Police as a permanent record.
Every applicant for drivers license must submit to finger-
printing by the Police Department and must file with his application
two recent photographs of himself of a size designated by the Chief
of Police and which may be easily attached to his license, one of
which shall be so attached when issued, the other shall be filed
with the application. The photograph shall be so attached to the
I license that it cannot be removed and another photograph substituted
without probability of detection. Each licensed driver shall upon
demand of any police officer or a passenger, exhibit his license and
photograph for inspection.
After examination of the application, the Chief of Police
shall endorse his recommendation thereon, which endorsement shall
be filed with the application before the license is issued, pro-
vided, however, that the Chief of Police may, if he finds that the
applicant for a taxicab or for -hire car license is qualified to
hold such linense, issue a temporary taxicab or for -hire drivers
license pending the investigation, effective only until the appli-
cation is finally acted upon by the Chief of Police, and in no event
for a period of longer than sixty (60) days.
The licenses issued under this ordinance shall be of such form
as prescribed by the Chief of Police and shall contain the photo-
graph as provided in the preceding Section, and the signature of
the licensee; all drivers license shall be issued for the calendar
year and expire on the 31st day of December of each year.
SECTION 14. The fee for drivers license shall be 13.00 per
annum and such license shall not be transferable.
SECTION 15. Drivers licenses may be renewed from year to
year by appropriate endorsement by the Chief of Police.
SECTION 16. The Chief of Police shall keep a complete record
Ilof each license issued to a driver and all renewals, suspensions
and revocations thereof, which record shall be kept on file with
the original application for a license.
C� ..
Every person, association, co- partnership, firm or corporation
conducting or carrying on the business of transporting passengers
in vehicles for -hire, shall file with the Chief of Police a
schedule of rates, fares and charges for services, a copy of said
schedule shall also be pasted, at all times in a conspicous place
in every vehicle operated by such person, firm, co- partnership,
association or corporation.
Any driver of a taxicab or for -hire car who shall change
any passenger a rate of fare higher than that provided in the
schedule of rates filed with the Chief of Police, shall upon con-
viction thereof be punished in addition to the other penalties
therein provided, by having his city drivers license suspended for
a period of not less than six (6) months, nor more than one year.
SECTION 19. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse
to pay the regular fare for taxicab use or for -hire cars after
having hired the same.
In the event the operator of a taxicab or for -hire car,
desires to change the rates, he shall file an amended schedule with
' the Chief of Police at least thirty (30) days prior to such change
and no change in rates will be effective until examined by the City
Commission and approval thereof endorsed by the Chief of Police.
Every person engaged in the business of transporting passengers
for hire and every person granted a license under the providions
of this ordinance for the driving or operating of any vehicle used
in carrying passengers for hire, shall give all information with
reference to the address of the house or place to or from which he
has driven or caused to be driven any passenger or passengers with
description, names and addressor of such passenger or passengers, if
known to him, to any police officer on being requested so to do.
SECTION 22. All fees collected by the Chief of Police shall
be paid over to the City Treasurer.
Every vehicle operated as a taxicab shall be equiped with
approved fire extinguisher, first aid kit and illuminated taxi sign
or roof light of approved design which roof light shall be illumin-
ated at all times while said taxi is in operation as such.
SECTION 24. The violation of any provision of this ordinance
by any person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting or carry-
ing on the business of transporting passengers for hire, or by any
person driving, operating or in charge of such vehicle, shall be
sufficient cause for the revoking,, forfeiting or shortening of the
lunexpired term of the license granted under the provisions of any
ordinance of the City of Port Angeles to operate such vehicle.
SECTION 25. Any license renewal or extension thereof issued
pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be automatically
revoked and terminated upon the conviction of the holder thereof of
the violation of any law involving the manufacturing, sale, trans-
portation, or use of intoxicating liquor or of narcotics or the vi-
olation of any law having to do with prostitution or other lewd
act, or upon conviction of reckless driving.
SECTION 26. In addition to the other penalties provided in
this ordinance, any person violating or failing to comply with
any of the provisions of this ordinance will be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and every person convicted thereof shall be punished by
a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (4100.00), or by imprison-
ment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding thirty(30) days, or by
"both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 27. That any license issued pursuant to the provisions
of • this ordinance, may be revoked or suspended by the Chief of Police
for good cause shown, or whenever he shall find that the licensee
has violated any of the provisions of this ordinance, or in the case
of taxicab owners permitting any of his agents, servants or employees
to violate the provisions of this ordinance; provided that no such
'license shall be revoked or suspended unless charges in writing
shall first be filed with the City Clerk setting forth with
reasonable certainty the nature of said charge against said
licensee and notice thereof served on licensee.
After applicant for a taxicab or for -hire drivers license is
refused a permit or license by the Chief of Police, he may appeal
to the City Commission within the time and within the manner here -
inabove provided.
Any licensee whose license has been revoked or suspended, or
applicant whose application has been rejected by the Ohief of Police,
]may appeal to the City Commission within the time and in the manner.
] hereinafter provided.
Such appeal shall be taken by filing a written notice of
appeal fully setting forth the grounds thereof with the City Clerk
and serving a copy thereof on the Chief of Police within fifteen
(15) days of the effective date of such rejection, suspension or
Upon the filing of an appeal as aforesaid, the Commission
shall fix a time and place for the hearing of said charges, which
hearing shall be held within fifteen (15) days after an appeal
is filed, and a copy of the charges as filed, together with notice
of the time and place of hearing shall be served upon the licensee
at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed by the City Commiss-
ion for the hearing. The findings and actions of the City
Commission shall be conclusive.
Any notice p:, ovided for in this ordinance shall be served
either (1) by delivery of a copy personally to the licensee, or
(2) by leaving a copy with some person of suitable age and dis-
cretion at the place of business or at the place of residence, or
If no such person be found at such place of residence then by leav-
ing such notice in a conspicuous place on the business premises
and mailing a copy of the notice to the licensee at the address
set forth in his application for license. At the hearing on said
charges the licensee shall have the right to appear and defend
the charges and if he so desires to be represented by counsel.
SECTION 29. That if any section or provision or part
thereof in this ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or un-
constitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity
of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision, or part
thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional.
SECTION 30. That the second paragraph of Section 41. of
Ordinance No. 971 of the City of Port Angeles, passed April 6th,
1932 and reading as follows: "For each 'rent car' one dollar per
annum for each passenger seating capacity" and Ordinance No. 1156
of the City of Port Angeles passed February 20th, 1946, and all
other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be
and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed first reading by the City Commission 2/� /ja57
Passed second reading by the City Commission Zr 2/F /1s/
Passed third reading and finally passed and adopted by the
City Commission
Approved and signed by the Mayor iie ?! /9..C7
.yam :ir
City "C
ty Attorney
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