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An Ordinance vacating certain Streets in the United
States Sovernment Townsite of Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Commission
of.' the City of Port Angeles, showing; that certain Streets in the
Jn.ited States Government Townsite of Port Angeles, to-wit: "`t"
Street, from Eighteenth Street to the Southwest corner of Mock
o. 171; "Q" Street, from Eighteenth Street to the Railroad Rig_ht-
Of- :.'ay; and 'Twenty- second Street, from the railroad Right- Of -..ay
Lest to the 'nest City limits; lie wholly within and abut entirely
upon property owned by the petitioner, K. 0. ERIOKSO', and that said
streets are not now improved or open to public travel and will not
be so in the forseeable future, and that it is in the public interest
that such Streets be vacated; and
WHEREAS, a Resolution fixing time for hearing on said
petition has been passed by the City Commission and notice of such
!hearing has been given in the manner provided by law, and such hear-
ing has been held and no objections or protests to such vacation have
been filed or received; now, therefore
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
SECTION 1. The following Streets in the United States aov-
rnment Townsite of the City of Port Angeles, be, and are hereby
vacated, to -wit: "R" Street, from Eighteenth Street to the Southwest
corner of Block No. 171; "•.6" Street from Eighteenth Street to the
Right- Of -;:ay; and Twenty- second Street, from the Railroad
light -0f -ay est to the "lest City limits.
'That the City of Port Angeles specifically reserves the right
to enter upon the Streets and Alleys hereby vacated for the purpose
of constructing, erectint or laying sewers, water mains, utility poles
r any and all other public utilities and services which it may
:!determine necessary or proper to lay, construct, erect or place in,
over or upon said Streets and portions of Streets so vacated, to-
'ether with the right of ingress and egress purpose and for the pur-
pose of ra intaining, servicing or reconstructing any such utilities
and services, together with an,; easements that may be necessary,
proper or convenient for the purposes expressed in this Section.
Sn,ClIOI. 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
ithirty (30) days from and after its final passage, approval and
publication as provided by law.
Passed first reading by the City Commission, September ,Z46476---
Passed second reading by the City Commission, September .eYV
Passed third reading and finally adopted, October / , 1951.
Approved and signed by the Mayor, October l , 1951.
City lerk
y Attorney
City Engineer
(Published 12.r .