HomeMy WebLinkAbout1269ORDINANCE NO. /,o 6?
li AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting
the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port
Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing
for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency.
as follows:
Section 1. That by reason of unexpected, unforeseen and un-
usually severe winter weather and storm conditions during the winter
of 1950 and 1951, unusual flood conditions occurred which caused
flooding of certain areas of the City of Port Angeles, caused
breaks in the main water supply line of the City of Port Angeles,
caused unusual,excessive and unexpected accumulations of dirt in
the main reservoir of the City of Port Angeles water system, and
caused overloading and plugging of sewers in the City of Port
Angeles, it became necessary to make unusual and unexpected and un-
foreseen use of the pumper trucks and other pumping equipment of
the Port Angeles Fire Department for the aid and assistance of the
i�Water Department and the Department of Streets and Sewers of said
City in controlling and repairing the conditions and damage afore-
said, and by reason of an unexpected and unforeseen increase in
Ithe number of fire calls answered by the Port Angeles Fire Depart-
ment, said increase being twenty -five per cent over and above any
previous year, it was necessary to operate the trucks, pumper
trucks and other pumping equipment of the Fire Department of the
City of Port Angeles to an extent wholly unanticipated and unfore-
Iseen, and that such operation was under severe and unfavorable
conditions, causing unusual and unanticipated wear and damage to
such equipment. That during the year 1951 there occurred an un-
foreseen and unanticipated increase in the rates for telephone ser-
hvice supplied to the Fire Department of the City of Port Angeles.
That the cost of operating the equipment of the Port Angeles
Fire Department in such unusual amounts and under such unusual mid
unanticipated and severe conditions in aid and assistance of other
I�Idepartments of the City of Port Angeles, and the cost of repairing
the damage to such equipment thereby sustained and the excessive
wear thereon, and the cost of paying the unanticipated increased
telephone charges are in excess of the funds budgeted for such
purposes by the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951 in the amount
of $1,000.00.
Section 2. That the cost of such excessive and unusual
operation of the trucks, pumper trucks and pumping equipment of the
Fire Department of the City of Port Angeles, and the cost of re-
(pairing the damage and unanticipated wear on such equipment there-
by sustained and incurred, and the coat of paying the unanticipated
and unexpected raise in telephone rates to the said Fire Department,
is in the total sum of 11,000.00, all of which is in excess of any
funds now available in the budget of the City of Port Angeles.
That there are no funds provided and available in such budget for
the payment of such expenses, and the necessity therefore could not
reasonably have been foreseen and anticipated at the time of the
•making of the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 1951.
Section 3. That the expenditures to be made in excess of the
funds provided in the budget of the City of Port Angeles for the
year 1951, for the above purposes, are for the protection and pre-
servation of the public welfare, health, safety and convenience of
the inhabitants of the City of Port Angeles. That by reason of
Ii the facts above stated an emergency exists, which requires the is-
'suance of emergency warrants to provide for the expenses of so
operating the equipment of the Fire Department of the City of Port
Angeles, repairing the damage sustained thereto and the wear in-
curred thereby, and paying the increase in telephone charges in-
curred by reason of the unanticipated increase in rates in the
amount of $1,000.00.
Section 4. That such emergency warrants shall be paid from
any monies on hand in the treasury of the City of Port Angeles in
funds properly chargeable with such expenditures, and the Mayor
I and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, sign and deliver,
and the City Treasurer to pay, such emergency warrants on and from
such funds. That the amount of such emergency warrants shall be
included and provided for in the annual budget of the City of Port
Angeles for the year 1953, and such budget shall include tax
levies sufficient to reimburse the fund or funds out of which such
emergency warrants are paid.
Section 5. That this ordinance is necessary and urgent for
the preservation and protection of the public health, safety, wel-
fare and convenience of the people of the City of Port Angeles.
That an emergency exists, and this ordinance shall take effect and
be inforce immediately upon its passage, approval and publication
in the manner provided by law.
Passed first reading by the City Commission December
Passed second reading by the City Commission December .11,7,Y-0
i 1951.
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission
December / , 1951.
Approved and signed by the Mayor December , 1951.
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City Clerk
City Attorney