HomeMy WebLinkAbout1275ORDIDAiICE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, ti ashin::ton, provid-
ing for the submission to the qualified electors of said City at a
special election of the proposition authorizing the construction
and installation of certain storm sewers and the paving of certain
streets, all within said City, and providing further th't the City
issue general obligation bonds to be paid by annual tax levies in
the principal amount of not to exceed ti ?400,000.00 for the purpose
1 : of provides funds to pay part of the cost of said improvements.
WHEREAS, many of the main traveled arterial streets in the
City of Port Angeles are greatly in need of paving in order to
properly handle the traffic using the same, and in order to reroute
!heavy truck traffic away from the business section of the City; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide storm or surface water
drainage for said streets before the same are paved; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a concrete culvert and fill be
constructed and made on Eighth Street between Eunice and Zrancis
Streets in order to properly take care of the traffic on said
Eighth Street; and
'r'iHEREAS, in order to pay part of the cost of the construction
and installation of said improvements, it is deemed necessary that
the City issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds, payable by
tax levies, in the principal sum of not to exceed :,?400.000.00; and
WHEREAS, the constitution and statutes of the State of ..ash -
ington require that the question of whether or not such bonds shall
be issued to provide funds for such purposes must be submitted to
the qualified electors of the City for their ratification or rejec-
tion; now, therefore,
;ANG(LES, WASHINJTON, as follows:
Section 1. That the following described streets within the
.City of Port Angeles shall be improved as follows:
(a) C Street from Eighth Street North to Fifth
Street, Fifth Street from C Street East to Tumwater Street, Tum-
water Street from Fifth Street North to Third Street, by the in--
lstallation of 24 feet wide cement concrete pavement in the center
of each.of said streets and the installation of 7 feet wide strips
of asphalt concrete pavement on each side of said cement concrete
pavement on said streets, except that said 7 foot strips of as-
phalt concrete pavement shall not be laid on Tumwater Street, and
by the installation of storm sewers on all of said streets.
(b) Cedar Street from the North margin of Eighth
,Street to Second Street, by the installation of 24 feet wide ce-
ment concrete pavement in the center thereof, by the installation
Iof 7 feet wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on each side of
said cement concrete pavement from the North margin of Eighth
(Street to Sixth Street, and by the installation of storm sewers on
Cedar Street from Eighth Street to Second Street.
(c) Cherry Street from Eighth Street North to
Second Street, thence 'vest on Second Street to Marine Drive, also
!Valley Street from Second to First Streets, by the installation of
24 feet wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof and the
installation of 7 feet wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on
each side of said cement concrete pavement on Cherry Street from
(!Eighth Street to Third Street and Valley Street from Second to
First Streets.
(d) Peabody Street from the .forth margin of Eighth
Street to the South margin of Front Street, by the installation of
24 feet wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof, by the
installation of 7 feet wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on
each side of said cement concrete pavement, and by the installation
lof storm sewers on said Peabody Street from Eighth to Front Streets.
(e) Race Street from the South margin of First
Street South to the City limits, by the installation of 24 feet
wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof, by the in-
stallation of 12 feet wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement on
each side of said cement concrete pavement from First Street South
+to Eighth Street, and by the installation of storm sewers on Race
Street fr aii First Street to Eighth Street.
(f) Eighth Street from the East margin of Lincoln
Street to the West margin of Race Street, by the installation of
24 feet wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof, by the
installation of 12 feet wide strips of asphalt concrete pavement
on each side of said cement concrete pavement, and by the installa-
tion of storm sewers on Eighth Street from Peabody Street to
Eunice Street.
(g) The existing bridge on Eighth Street between
Eunice and Francis Streets shall be replaced with a concrete cul-
I`vert and fill to the heighth of Eighth Street on each side of said
(h) Race Street from First Street to Caroline Street,
thence East on Caroline Street to ::ashington Street, by the in-
Ilstallation of 38 feet wide asphalt concrete pavement and storm
(i) Georgiana Street from Race Street to Francis
Street, by the installation of a storm sewer outfall.
(j) Ennis Street from First Street North to the
i1Rayonier mill, by the installation of a 24 feet wide strip of cement
concrete pavement and storm sewers.
1 (k) Front Street from the West margin of Ennis
Street to the East margin of Lincoln Street by the installation of
24 feet wide cement concrete pavement in the center thereof and by
the installation of stub storm sewers in the intersections of
Front Street with Liberty, Jones, Chambers, Washington, Race,
I1Francis, Eunice, Albert, Vine and Peabody Streets.
All of the above described storm sewers shall be
constructed and installed with all man holes, catch basins and
other appurtenances necessary to properly drain all surface water
from said streets, and shall be connected with other trunk, main
and lateral sewers of the City wherever necessary or advisable.
Said plan of improvements is all as more particu-
larly set forth in maps, plans and specifications therefore now on
file in the office of the City Clerk, and shall be subject to such
changes as to details, either prior to or in the course of actual
construction, as shall not affect the main general portions of
said plan and as authorized by the government of the City of Port
Angeles. •
Section 2. That in order to pay part of the cost of the
above described plan of improvements constituting capital improve-
ments, the City shall issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds
in the principal sum not to exceed 000,000.00. The balance of
said cost shall be paid by assessments to be levied in a Local Im-
provement District or Districts to be created and out of such other
(funds as the City may have on hand and available for such purpose.
Said Bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 62;
per annum payable semi - annually, and shall mature in from two to
twenty years from date in such amounts as will, as nearly as practi-
cable, together with the interest on said bonds, be met by equal
annual tax levies for the payment of the principal and interest
thereon. Said Bonds shall be payable, both principal and interest,
HH by annual tax levies to /made upon all the taxable property within
the City. The exact date, form, terms and maturities of said Bonds
'shall be as hereafter fixed by ordinance.
Section 3. The foregoing plan for the issuance of said
General Obligation Bonds for the foregoing purposes shall be sub -
witted to the qualified electors of the City for their ratifica-
tion or rejection at a special election to be held therein on
(March 11, 1952.
It is hereby found and declared that an emergency exists
requiring the calling and holding of said special election on said
i date.
The precincts and polling places for each precinct for such
Ispecial election shall be the same as and identical with the pre-
cincts and polling places for the general election for the City of
,Port Angeles to be held on the same date as and coincident with
such special election pursuant to the general election laws of the
State of '.ashington.
The election officials to serve at each precinct shall be as
later fixed by resolution of the City Commission of the City of Part
The polling places for such special election shall be open
from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.
Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the manner
II provided by law.
Passed first reading February 4, 1952.
Passed second reading February 4, 1952.
Passed third and final reading and adopted and approved by
the Mayor February 4/ , 1952.
City Clerk
ved_ as to form:
qblished: 25,, j City Attorney
1 / 5