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An ordinance establishing general rules
and regulations over the water system of the
City of Port Angeles, prescribing methods
of extending service; prescribing manner of
adoption of and rates for service; and
repealing ordinances numbered 1256, 778,
1076 and all other ordinances in conflict
as follows;
Section 1. That whenever the word "superintendent" is used
in this ordinance it shall mean the superintendent of the water
department, his agents or employees authorized or instructed to
carry out his orders. Whenever the word "management" appears
ain this ordinance it shall mean the City Manager or such employees
of the City acting under his direction. Whenever reference is
:made to the "City Council" it shall mean the elected official
governing body of the City. Whenever reference is made to the
"customer" of the City it shall mean any person, firm, corporation,
partnership or other individual or group of people now receiving
or intending to avail themselves of water service from the City's
water system.
Section 2. All customers desirous of obtaining water ser-
vice from the City shall make application therefore in writing on
forms furnished by the City's water superintendent, stating in
full all particulars required by said application and making the
payments therein provided for, and agreeing at the time of applica-
tion to adhere to and observe all rules and regulations now in
effect or hereafter adopted by the City Council.
Section 3. No applications shall be accepted and no appli-
cation for water service shall be approved for locations outside
of the City water service area. The City's water service area is
described as follows; All of the corporate limits of the City
of Port Angeles and that area commencing on the south margin of
the Boulevard at the east brink of the Valley Creek Gulch; thence
continuing southerly along said brink to a point One Hundred
Fifty (150) Feet south of its intersection with Viewcrest Avenue;
Thence continuing Easterly parallel to said Viewcrest Avenue to the
'Westerly boundary of Block Twelve (12) in Grant's Addition to the
Townsite of Port Angeles, thence Southerly along the West Line of
Block Twelve (12) to the Southwest corner of saJd Block Twelve (12),
,thence at right angles Easterly along the Southerly boundary of
Blocks Twelve (12) and Eleven (11) of said Grant's Addition and
continuing Easterly in a straight line along the South Line of
block Ten (10) of Grant's Addition and continuing along Whitting-
ton's Subdivision to a point at right angles to the Westerly line of
the City of Port Angeles main reservoir property extended Sou therly;
Thence Northerly along said extended line to the reservoir; Thence
continuing Northerly along the City's main line from said reservoir
Thence a point One Hundred Fifty (150) Feet southerly of Park Avenue;
Thence easterly at right angles and parallel to Park Avenue to its
intersection with the west property line of the Bonneville Power
Administration; thence northerly at right angles to the Boulevard,
and the following area; Commencing at C Street and the Boulevard,
'Continuing on C Street extending southerly to Glennwood Street in
Pennsylvania Park Addition; thence westerly along Glennwood Street
to a point One Hundred Fifty (150) Feet west of Fairmont Avenue;
thence northerly parallel to Fairmont Avenue to a point Two Hundred
(200) Feet south of the south margin of Lauridsen Boulevard; thence
*,esterly, parallel to Lauridsen Boulevard, to its intersection of N
‘treet extended to the Boulevard.
No water service will be rendered from within the City's Service
area as described herein for use outside of this service area.
Section 4. The City reserves the right to discontinue or in-
terrupt water service to all customers and premises served for
,necessary changes in its distribution facilities, for non - payment of
tills or other charges due the City or for failure to comply with
the probisions of this ordinance or rate schedules adopted hereafter,
without prior notice of any kind.
Section 5. The City shall not be held liable for the dis-
continuance or interruption of service, damage to pulumbing or other
facilities dependent on water service for its or their operation,
ileakage of water either or both upon private or public property,
or for any damages directly or indirectly resulting therefrom or
the failure to connect or disconnect service at any designated time
for otherwise, including conditions incidental to construction,
operation and maintenance of said water system or the product de-
livered by its water system.
Section 6. Use of water service supplied by the City shall
be confined to the purpose or purposes designated on the customer's
application required in Section Two (2) hereof.
Section 7. Conditions of connection or the extension of
'the City's service facilities shall be as follows:
A charge of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) shall be made and
,deposited with the City at the time of making of an application for
a new service connection to cover the cost of tapping of the City's
water main where such water main exists in the street abutting the
property to be served. The amount of this charge set forth herein
may be changed by resolution of the Council from time to time.
Under these conditions the City shall tap its water main for a
13/4 inch service, provide and install a 3/4 inch curb stop and
install such length of 3/4 inch galvanized pipe not exceeding
forty (40) feet, necessary to extend its service from existing main
to the curb stop in the parking strip abutting the sidewalk
I area of said property to be served. For larger than 3/4 inch
service, customer shall deposit and pay the cost of installation
plus ten per cent. The customer shall be required, at his own
expense, to provide a stop and waste valve upon his own premises,
so installed as to enable the customer to drain the plumbing upon
his premises. The customer will then cause to be connected at
his own expense such service pipe of 3/4 inch galvanized pipe or
larger to the City's curb stop installation. All plumbing is to
be installed by competent plumbers not less than two (2) feet
below street grade or finish grade upon that portion of private
property. Before backfilling the customer shall notify the City
to turn on the water for the City's determination of the work's
lcompliance with the provisions of this ordinance. No water pipe
shall be laid within three (3) feet of any sewer line, nor in any
sewer line ditch.
Where service is requested requiring the extension of water
service pipes or mains where mains do not exist in the street
abutting the property to which service is desired, the City may
extend its service pipes a distance of forty (40) feet for and in
consideration of the charges for a tap of its mains as set forth
in this section, covering service where water mains exist
abutting property to be served, excepting that the customer shall
pay for and furnish and install at his own expense all facilities
needed beyond said forty foot distance from the City's water mains
excepting as follows: That the customer or customers may take
advantage of the laws of the State of Washington in the creation
of "Local Improvement Districts" for the extension of water mains,
and further, that the City may enter into guaranteed revenue
contracts, subject to approval of the City Council, wherein the
revenue is guaranteed sufficient to cover operation, maintenance,
amortization, interest and all other charges incident thereto,
said contracts to apply to customers within and without the cor-
porate limits of the City but limited to the Citys service area
as defined in Section Three (3). Said guaranteed revenue agree-
ments may provide for cash payments in various amounts in addition
to the guaranteed monthly service charges contained therein and
may be satisfied in full by the provisions of such agreements. No
such agreement shall endure over a period in excess of ten (10)
years and may be written for terms of five years or lesser time.
Where customer requests change in size of service, such new service
shall be treated as an original installation.
Section 8. The extension of or furnishing of water to
families, dwellings, or property other than to the applicant is
hereby prohibited. The customer shall not extend service, permit
use of water in any manner by other families, dwellings, property
or individuals not clearly set forth in application as approved by
the superintendent. Applications must be made at the water office
for all such additional service.
No service will be rendered by the City to more than one
customer or house through a single service connection, and separate
service applications are required for each dwelling.
Section 9. Applications must be made and approved by the
water superintendent for the addition or alteration of plumbing
Section 10. Where old buildings are replaced with new
buildings, the old water service shall be abandoned and the City
will not make its water service available or permit connection
thereto excepting to newly installed, approved plumbing and service
pipes. All such connections shall be treated as new services and
new applications and fees are required.
Section 11. Wasting of water, through fixtures, pipes or
excessive irrigation is hereby declared unlawful and the superin-
tendent may cause to be installed water meters to all premises
where such wasting of water has become apparent. Service thereafter
will be billed for at applicable meter rates now in effect or here-
after adopted by the City.
Section 12. Irrigation regulations confining hours of use,
days of use, areas in which it may be permitted at certain times,
days or hours may be instituted by the water superintendent, sub-
ject to approval of the City Manager, to protect the adequacy of
service to other customers of the City, or to limit peak demands
or to insure adequate reserves in reservoirs. Irrigation under
,these conditions may be entirely prohibited. All power and authori-
ty granted herein to all personnel of the City shall be subject to
review and determination by the City Council.
Section 13. Bills covering water service or extensions shall
be payable within five days after rendering of said bilis to the
customer. Failure of the customer to pay bills as set forth herein
shall be sufficient reason to discontinue service without notice to
the premises served and all such delinquent bills shall be a lien
against the property served. Water will not be turned on or
service resumed until such bills shall have been paid in full by
Ithe property owner regardless of who or what occupant assumed the
obligation to pay.
Section 14. Customers are required to notify the Water
Department at the City Building in writing of their desire to dis-
continue service.
Customers and owners of premises served will be liable for
all service charges up to date of discontinuance of service as
herein provided.
Service will not be turned on to any premise until all bills
incurred for water service to the premises have been paid in full.
Section 15. No cross connections shall be permitted between
the City's or customer's water system in cases where service is
supplied by the City. Cross connections shall mean physical connec-
tions in any manner made between said water system and any other
water system having a water source or supply not under direct con-
trol of the City. All plumbing shall be subject to inspection by
the City at any reasonable time and the City may order alterations
or disconnection of any facilities or apparatus deemed in violation
of this ordinance or state or county health regulations, or other-
wise deemed unsatisfactory or adversely affecting or endangering
the City's water supply.
Section 16. Tampering with or unauthorized operation of
'any part of the City's water system is prohibited and in violation
of this ordinance.
Section 17. All persons, contractors, corporations and city
departments, before doing any work upon, over, under and across a
'City street or alley shall notify the Water Department of such work
and shall be liable for any damage suffered by the City on account
of such work.
Section 18. Plumbers or customers violating this ordinance
may be barred from plumbing within the City as a result of viola-
of any provisions of this ordinance.
Section 19. RATES:
A. Residential Monthly Service Rates: The following
rates are applicable to service rendered within
the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles
and the following monthly or fixed rates shall be
intended for single family resident services. The
monthly rates for use of water other than measured
by meter shall be known as "Fixed Rates" and shall
be as follows:
Base Rate $1.60
For this Base Rate customer shall be entitled to
yard faucets and to one cold and one hot water tap,
in connection with one sink and one lavatory. For
each connection to City Service, not less than the
Base Rate shall be charged and in addition thereto,
the following rates shall be charged and imposed:
For each bath (tub, shower or
combination) $ .25
For each toilet .30
For each public urinal .55
For each extra lavatory or
sink with faucet .15
For each set of laundry fixtures
with faucet .15
The minimum monthly charge for water supplied at
Fixed Rates shall be as follows:
For 3/4" or smaller service
connection $ 1.60
For 1" Service Connection 3.25
For la" Service Connection 4.50
For 2" Service Connection 7.00
For 3" Service Connection 13.50
For 4" Service Connection 18.75
B. City Service: The City Current Expense Fund shall
pay for water service as follows:
For each fire hydrant, per
month $ 1.25
For each flush tank for sewer
flushing, per month 1.00
For all other purposes the charges per month shall
be the same as those charged priyate customers.
C. Metered and Commercial or Industrial Service:
All residents may at their option receive metered
service and all service to other than single family
dwellings shall be considered commercial or industri -•
al service and shall be served through meters only
at the following rates: (Minimum monthly charge)
For a 3/4" or smaller meter $ 2.00
For a 1" Meter 3.00
For a 2" Meter $ 6.25
For a 12" Meter 3.75
For a 3" Meter 12.50
For a 4" Meter 18.75
For a 6" Meter 37.50
The rates for water supplied through a meter shall
be as follows per month or fractional part thereof:
Per 100 Cu. Ft.
First 1000 Cu. Ft. $ 2.00 Min.
Next 2000 Cu. Ft. .20
Next 2000 Cu. Ft. .13
Next 20,000 Cu. Ft. .10
Next 50,000 Cu. Ft. .08,
Next 50,000 Cu. Ft. .06
All over 125,000 Cu. Ft. .05
D. Rural Rate: Rural Rate shall apply to all service
outside the corporate limits of the City of Port
Angeles. All such service shall be at the following
metered rate per month:
Per 100 Cu. Ft.
First 700 Cu. Ft. or less $ 2.75 Min.
Next 2300 Cu. Ft. .20
Next 2000 Cu. Ft. .13
Next 20,000 Cu. Ft. .10
Next 50,000 Cu. Ft. .08
Next 50,000 Cu. Ft. .06
All over 125,000 Cu. Ft. .05
The following minimum charges shall apply for:
A 3/4" or smaller meter $ 2.75
For 1" Meter 3.75
For 12" Meter 4.50
For 2" Meter 8.75
For 3" Meter 15.00
For 4'! Meter 21.50
For 6" Meter 25.00
Where a six inch (6 ") service is requested with a
four inch (4 ") meter installation, the six inch (6 ")
meter charge shall apply.
Section 20. In addition to penalties contitned herein, viola-
, tions of the provisions of this ordinance may be enforced in the
Police Court of the City with penalties up to 0100.00 assessable
for each violation of the separate sections of this ordinance.
Section 21. Ordinances numbered 778, 1076 and 1256 and all
other ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby
INTRODUCED May 20 , 1954.
I PASSED June 4 , 1954.
Approved as to form:
ity Attorne
PUBLISHED: Ju Pt e JG 17 51/