HomeMy WebLinkAbout1343ORDINANCE NO. /5Y1
AN ORDINANCE granting to Crown Zellerbach Corporation, its
successors and assigns the right to construct, maintain and operate
electric power lines by means of poles and wires or other means of
conducting electrical energy to be erected on certain streets,
alleys, and public places in the City of Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles by its Ordinance No. 900
heretofore granted to the Northwestern Power and Light Company, its
successors and assigns the right to construct, maintain and operate
certain electrical power lines and distribution systems in the City
of Port Angeles, and
WHEREAS, Crown Zellerbach Corporation, a corporation, has
acquired the properties of the Northwestern Power and Light Company
d heretofore operated under Ordinance No. 900 and,
WHEREAS, said Crown Zellerbach Corporation has at all time
since the acquisition maintained and operated said electrical dis-
tribution system for their own use, and
WHEREAS, said Ordinance No. 900 gave and granted unto the
lLperator of said electrical transmission system the right to main
ain auch power .ines for a period of twenty -five (25) years from
d after the first day of February, 1930, and the period prescribed
n said Ordinance has expired and it is necessary for the benefit of
rown Zellerbach Corporation and the City of Port Angeles that a new
franchise be now granted; now, therefore,
Section 1. That there be, and is hereby granted unto
rown Zellerbach Corporation, hereinafter called the Company, its
uccessors and assigns, the right, privilege, license, authority and
ranchise to erect, maintain and use poles, wires, cables or other
uitable devices for the transmission of electrical energy over,
long and across the following described street, alleys and other
laces in the City of Port Angeles, towit:
Beginning at a point twelve (12') feet Northerly of the South
Nest corner of Lincoln Park, towit:
Twelve (12') feet Northerly from the intersection of the Boule-
vard and "M" Street; Thence Easterly and parallel to the South
erly Margin of Lincoln Park, a distance of seven hundred fifty
(750') feet to a point twelve (12') feet Northerly from the
Southerly Margin of said Lincoln Park; Thence Northerly on a
line parallel to "M" Street and which intersects the Norherly
Margin of the Cemetery Road, a distance of seventeen hundred
fifty eight (1758') feet; Thence turning at an angle of ninety
degrees Westerly to "M" Street; Thence Northerly along the
Easterly side of "M" Street to vacated Third Street; Thence
along vacated Third Street to "K" Street; Thence Northerly
along the Easterly side of "K" Street from vacated Third Street
to Seaview Drive, also known as Marine Drive; Thence in a
Westerly direction along both sides of said Marine Drive to the
premises of Crown Zellerbach Corporation.
Also easterly from Marine Drive and "K" Street along the South-
erly side of Third Street North and Third Street to Valley
Street; Thence from the corner of Third Street and Valley
Street Southerly along the Easterly side of Valley Street to
the alley between eighth and ninth stteets; Thence Southerly
along the Westerly side of Valley Street to the Boulevard.
Also from the corner of "M" Street and the boulevard Easterly
along the Northerly side of the Boulevard to Cherry Street;
Thence Easterly along the Southerly side of Boulevard to a
point on the Boulevard at right angles to the Bonneville Admine
istration Substation; Thence at right angles across the Boule -;
yard to the City Limits.
Also a span across Third Street approximately three hundred
eighty nine (389') feet East of the East Margin of "H" Street.
Section 2.: This franchise is granted for the purpose of ex-
tending to the Company for a period of twenty -five (25) years from
and after the first day of February, 1955 the right of maintaining
its electrical transmission system together with the right to in-
Stall such other means, equipment or devices as shall be necessary
to maintain and operate the Company equipment for the purpose of
transmitting electric current to the Crown Zellerbach Corporation,
and any subsidiary company either now served or hereafter established
and the successors and assigns of the licensee corporation.
Section 3. The Company, its successors and assigns shall re-
Move and cause to remove any of its poles, lines, conduits or other
devices from the streets and alleys of said City as may be required
by the City for the purpose of regrading, relocating or repairing any
1f such streets and alleys within ten (10) days upon written notice
from the City. The City shall bear the cost of moving its own equip -
gpent installed upon the Companies poles in case of such replacement.
Section 4. The City shall at all times have the right to make
contact with and fasten to the poles of the Company, all circuits
belonging to or used by the City for the purpose of supplying heat,
light and /or power to the consumers of such current served by the
City, such use to be limited to the lower thirty -five (35) feet,
41/1 measured from the ground.
Section 5. That the Company shall and does hereby agree to
save the City harmless by reason of any damage or claim of damage to
persons or property or to the City.of Port Angeles arising from or
in any way growing out of the erection, installation or other main-
tenance of the poles, wires and other equipment of the Company herein
provided for, but the Company shall not be liable for any damage
rising out of the use of such poles or other equipment installed
hereon by the City.
Section 6. That all equipment installed by the Company within
the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles shall in every re-
pect conform to the requirements set forth and prescribed by the
Statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of
Port Angeles, which are now or may hereafter be in effect. The
(bompany shall further at such times as the City shall direct, wash
he insulators and other installations carried upon its pole lines,
and shall also at such times tighten all loose hardware upon its
!aid pole lines, or take such measures as may be necessary to elim-
nate unnecessary radio or television interference. The City of
Port Angeles shall have full right and authority by and through its
ilfight superintendent to inspect the construction, equipment or
Illiaterial of the Company for the purpose of determining that the re-
quirements of this ordinance have been fully complied with.
Section 7. That in installing the poles herein provided for
.ind licensed, the Company shall, whenever possible, set its poles to
gorrespond to the present location of the light poles of the City of
Port Angeles, to the end that the least possible duplication of
SECTION III. That section of twenty two (22) of ordinance
number 1310 be amended to read as follows: Section 22. It shall
i'be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle within the City of Port
Angeles at speeds in excess of those hereinafter set forth under
circumstances and at the locations designated.
(a) Twenty (20) miles per hour when passing achools on
school days between eight (8:00) A.M. and five (5:00)'
(b) Twenty (20) miles per hour when passing a municipal
or school play ground between seven (7 :00) A.M. and
eight (8:00) P.M., or when traversing a grade cross-
ing or any railroad.
(c) Twenty (20) miles per hour across any street inter-
section in the City.
(d) Twenty -five miles per hour on any street within the
limits of the City except as herein otherwise pro-
(e) Thirty -five (35) miles per hour on Lauridsen Boule-
vard from West margin of Laurel Street to West
boundary of city limits.
(f) Fifteen (15) miles per hour in any alley in the City.
(g) Thirty -five (35) miles per hour on First Street on
the east City limits to the east boundary of Race
Streets, and on "C" Street from the south margin of
Ninth Street t9 Lauridsen Boulevard, and thence West -,
erly to the west margin of the intersection of Euclid'
Avenue. Thirty -five (35) miles per hour on Marine
Drive from "A" Street to the Washington Pulp and
Paper Corporation and continuing to the Coast Guard
fence on Ediz Hook except as otherwise posted. Thirty
(30) miles per hour on Front Street from the 'lest
Margin of Ennis Street to the east margin of Lincoln
ii SECTION IV. That the title to and Section twenty eight
(28) of ordinance number 1310 be ammended to read as follows:
SCARS, PROVISIONS FOR RECOVERY. Whenever any motor vehicle without
an operator is found parked or angled parked in violation of any of
the parking restrictions of this ordinance, the officer finding it
shall take its registration number and other information desplayed
on the vehicle which may identify its user, and affix conspicuously
to such vehicle a notice in writing, on a form provided by the Chief
of Police, for the operator to answer to the charge against him
within seven (7) days, at a place specified in the notice.
Any person who wilfully neglects to answer to the charges
set forth in the notice so affixed shall be guilty of a violation
of this ordinance, regardless of the charges for which the notice
was originally issued.
The Police Department of the City of Port Abgeles is here-
by authorized to impound all cars parked in violation of the pro-
visions of this ordinance. Such impounded vehicles may be recovered
by payment of the penalties assessed for the violation of the ord-
inance plus all costs incurred in the impounding and returning of
said vehicle to the owner.
SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in full force and
:effect thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and lawful
INTRODUCED May 19, 1955
PASSED by unanimous vote/1955,
APPROVED and SIGNED by the Mayor
U City Clerk
PPROVED as to form:
Cit Attorney