HomeMy WebLinkAbout1352ORDINANCE NO. f 0sit,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
providing for the improvement of certain streets
and alleys in the cityty the construction and
laying therein of certain trunk and lateral sanitary
sewers andfby doing all work necessary in connection
therewith, all pursuant to Resolution No. 169, passed
and approved May 19, 1955, creating a local improve-
ment district therefor and providing that the payment
for said improvements be made by special assessments
on the property in said district specially benefited
thereby payable by the mode of npayment by bonds,`
all in accordance with maps, plans and specifications
prepared by the city engineer and herein adopted.
WHEREAS, Improvement Resolution No. 169 was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Port Angeles on the 19th day of May,
1955, declaring the intention of the Council to order the improvement
of certain streets and alleys within the city and finding a condition
of emergency requiring the construction of trunk and lateral sewers
for the protection of the health and safety of the residents within
the area to be improved by such sewers; and
WHEREAS, after said resolution was duly published and due
notice of the hearing thereon was given as required by law theihearing
on said resolution was held as provided in said resolution and notice,
and written and oral protests were filed and made prior to and at the
time of said hearing; and
WHEREAS, after consideration of said resolution of intention
and all matters set forth therein and of all said protests, both
written and oral, the Council found that the construction and laying
of said sewers was necessary for the preservation of the public health
and safety of the inhabitants of the city, and particularly necessary
for the preservation of the public health and safety of the residents
in the area to be improved, and did order the construction and in-
stallation of said improvements;
Section 1. It is hereby found and declared that the con-
struction and installation of the following described improvements
is necessary for the preservation of the public health and safety of
the people of the City of Port Angeles, and particularly of those
inhabitants of the area within the boundaries hereinafter set forth.
The improvement of the hereinafter described property by the
construction and installation of the following described trunk and
lateral sewers and by doing all other work necessy in connection
therewith is hereby ordered:
A. A trunk sewer shall be constructed extending from Francis
Street easterly along Georgiana Street to a point approximately
310 feet easterly of the easterly margin of Alder Street; thence
southerly to the center line of Front Street; thence easterly to
vacated Evelyn Avenue to Virginia Park and Terrace, subdivision
of suburban Block No. 12, Townsite of Port Angeles; thence south-
erly along said vacated Evelyn Avenue to Second Street; thence
westerly along Second Street to Wolcott Street; thence southerly
along said Wolcott Street to the alley between Fourth and Fifth
Street; thence southerly and diagonally across the southwest corner
of Lot 10, Block 183, Townsite to Fifth Street; thence easterly
along said Fifth Street to Penn Street; thence southerly along
Penn Street to Sixth Street, including the construction of a
trestle for said trunk sewer across Whites Creek Gulch.
B. The construction of lateral sewers to connect with the
above described trunk sewer throughout the following described
The lots and Blocks included in this district are as follows:
Lots 11 to 15, Block 7, P.S.C.C.; Lots 4 to 8 and 12 to 15, Block
16, P.S.C.C.; that portion of suburban Lot No. 27E lying easterly
of Lot 4, Block 16, P.S.C.C. comprising approximately 10,600 square
feet, also a strip 140 feet in width across the south 5.17 acres
of said Lot 27E, being that portion between the south line of the
alley through Block 16, P.S.C.C. produced easterly to the city
limits and Front Street; all of vacated Virginia Park and Terrace
subdivision of suburban Lot 12 lying easterly of the easterly
brink of Whites Creek Gulch; Lots 1 to 11 in Block 1, Home Addition
subdivision of suburban Lot No. 13 of the Government Townsite of
Port Angeles; that portion of suburban Lot No. 13 of the Government
Townsite lying south and north of said Home Addition and exclusive
of the State of Washington Highway No. 101 R /W; Lots 9 to 17,
Blook 117 and Lots 1 to 21, Block 100 in F. G. Richards subdivision
of suburban Lot No. 14; Lots 7 to 18 in Block "A ", Lot 18 in Block
"B ", Lots 1, 2, 17 and 18 in Block "C ", Lots 1 to 18 in Block "D"
Glover's subdivision of suburban Lot 15 Government Townsite of
Port Angeles; Lot 1, Block 182, Townsite; Lots 1 to 18, Block 183
Townsite; Lots 1 to 27, Block 184 Townsite; Lots 1 to 33, Block
185 Townsite; Lots 1 to 8 and Lot 18, Block 186 Townsite; Lots 1
to 16 and 20 to 21, Block 216 Townsite; Lots 1 to 17, Block 1;
Lots 1 to 7, Block 2 Christman's Belleview Hills Addition to Port
Angeles, all in Clallam County, Washington.
The maps, plans and specifications for the above described
improvements prepared by Herman Ahlvers, city engineer, and now on
file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby adopted as the maps,
plans and specifications for said improvements.
Section 2. That there be and is hereby established an
enlarged local improvement district of the city, to be known as
".Local Improvement District No. 169," which said district shall
include all the property within the following boundaries:
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the original
Townsite of Port Angeles; thence northeasterly along the
easterly boundary of said Townsite and including Christman's
Belleview Hills Addition to Port Angeles; thence continuing
along the easterly boundary of the original townsite of Port
Angeles to a point which is the intersection of the south
margin of the alley between Georgian Street and Front Street
extending easterly across the southerly 5.17 acres of Block
27E to said point; thence westerly along southerly boundary
of the said alley between Georgiana Street and Front Street
extended, to a point approximately 144 feet distance easterly
from the northeast corner of Lot 15, Block 6 Puget Sound Co-
operative Colony; thence northeasterly along the easterly
line of said Lot 15 to the southerly line of the alley
between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street; thence
westerly along the said alley line to the easterly brink
of Whites Creek Gulch; thence southerly along the easterly
brink of said Whites Creek Gulch to Lauridsen Boulevard;
thence southeasterly along said Lauridsen Boulevard to the
point of beginning.
Section 3. That the entire cost and expense of said improve-
ments, including all necessary and incidental expenses, shall be borne
by and assessed against the property included in the enlarged local
improvement district hereinbefore created. The City of Port Angeles
shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of the cost and ex-
pense of said improvements except in so far as the city is made liable
by virtue of the law of the State of Washington and particularly those
statutes providing for a local improvement guaranty fund of the city.
Approximately 44% of such cost shall be charged to the
property specially benefited by said improvements lying between the
termini of the proposed improvements and abutting upon, adjacent,
vicinal or proximate to the streets and alleys proposed to be im-
proved to a distance of ninety feet back from the marginal lines
thereof or to the center line of the blocks facing or abutting thereon,
whichever is greater. Such assessments shall be computed by the zone
and termini method of compilation of local improvement district assess-
ments. Approximately 56% of the cost of such improvements shall be
distributed over and assessed against all of the properties within
the district in accordance with special benefits derived from the
trunk sewer improvement without regard to the zone and termini method
of computing assessments.
Section 4. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of g/5,46
per annum payable on or before twelve years from date of issuance
shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvements
provided for herein, which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection
of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property
within the district payable in ten equal installments with interest
y-E,X,at the rate of ,S--% per annum under the mode of !'payment by bonds"
as defined by law and ordinances of the city.
That there be and is hereby created in the office of the City
,Treasurer a fund of the city to be known as "Local Improvement District
No. 169 Fund." Interest- bearing warrants shall be drawn on said fund
based on estimates of the city's engineers in payment of the cost of
construction and installation of said improvements. The hereinbefore
authorized bonds may be delivered to the contractor or contractors or
the owner and holder of said warrants in redemption of the same, or the
city may at its election sell said bonds and make such redemplion in cash.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as re-
quired by law.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held this
7th day of July, 1955. r�
INTRODUCED: 7, 1 9 p
PASSED by vote of . iZ , Aye; ND , Nay.
By W7- - -�-f�
City Clerk
City Aktorney
Published July 15, 1955