HomeMy WebLinkAbout1366ORDINANCE NO. l oL6
AN ORDINANCE to control, license, end regulate the conduct
of Public Dance Halls and Public Dances operated or maintained in
connection with any business or at any place where intoxicating
liquor is sold or served, prescribing penalty for the violation
thereof and specifying minimum floor space.
WHEREAS, the State of Washington has made ]awful the sale
of intoxicating liquor in hotels, restaurants, cafes, taverns and
other public places and have permitted the consumption of such
intoxicating liquor in such places, and
WHEREAS, the conduct of public dances therein constitutes
a problem to the peace, health and safety of the people of Port
Angeles, and it is necessary that the same be regulated and not
permitted without control and with a minimum of specified floor
DO ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1: That the term intoxicating liquor shall include
wine, beer, whisky, gin, brandy and all other liquors or beverages
having an alcoholic content and which are fit for beverage purposes.
Section 2: The term public dance hall as used herein is
defined to be any room., place or space, excepting a private resi-
dence or home, where dancing is permitted or carried on, and the
term public dance as used herein is defined to be any dance not
held or given in a private home or residence.
Section 3: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation subsequent to "�" /� /Q S-6 to carry
on, maintain or conduct any public dance hall or public dance as
hereinbefore defined at any place or in connection with any business
wherein intoxicating liquor is sold or served, save in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this ordinance and after obtaining
a license therefor as provided in this ordinance.
Section: No license issued under this ordinance shall
authorize the conducting, operating or carrying on of the licensed
business save at a single location and upon single premises in
the license described, nor shall any license for dancing be granted
to any establishment where the sale of liquor exceeds the sale of
food unless a minimum of Four Hundred (1..00) square feet of floor
space be provided for dancing and unless seating capacity is provided
for patrons not dancing and said premises complies with the require-
ments of the State of Washington.
Section 5: No license issued under this ordinance shall
be assignable or transferable.
Section 6: It is specifically ordained that licenses shall
not be required and this ordinance shall not apply where dancing
is conducted in a bona fide club. The term club as used herein is
defined as meaning and including those which are the mrners,
lessees or occupants of premises occupied solely for objects of
social, national, fraternal, patriotic or athletic nature, member-
ship in which is by application and for which regular dues are
charged and the advantages of which said club belong to all members
and the operation of which is not primarily for pecuniary gain.
Section 7: No operator of any public dance shall knowingly
permit any patron, customer or visitor to bring, carry or transport
into any room, place or space where dancing is permitted under the
terms of this ordinance and during the hours when dancing is
actually conducted or carried on therein any bottle or other con-
tainer containing any intoxicating liquor, and it shall be unlawful
to sell, serve, give away or distribute in bottles any intoxicating
liquor other than beer and wine.
Section 8: There shall be issued by the City of Port Angeles
for the licensing purposes of this ordinance on premises or estab-
lishment whereon or wherein any public dance hall or public dance
is conducted crr maintained five (5) classes of licenses as follows:
(1) Class A License shall be required where there is daily
or nightly dancing and where the sale of intoxicating liquor exceeds
the sale of food.
(2) Class B License shall be required where there is a
daily or nightly dance and where the sale of food exceeds the sale
of intoxicating liquor.
(3) Class C License shall be required where there is
dancing not exceeding three days or nights in any calendar week and
the sale of liquor exceeds the sale of food.
(4) Class D License shall be required where there is
dancing not to exceed three days or nights in any calendar week
and the sale of food exceeds the sale of liquor.
(5) Class E License shall be required where dancing is not
regularly conducted but only occurs occasionally by special arrange-
Section 9: All applications for licenses to be issued
hereunder shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Port
Angeles and shall be accompanied by an investigation fee in the
sum of Five Dollars ($5.00). In the event the license be granted
this sum shall be applied on the first license fee payable. In
the event such license be denied said license fee shall become the
property of the City of Port Angeles.
Section 10: All applications for licenses to be issued
hereunder shall be in writing in duplicate and shall contain the
following information: Name of the applicant and whether the
applicant is a corporation, co- partnership, association or indivi-
dual, and if the applicant is a co- partnership, corporation or
association the name of all partners, directors or trustees. The
class of license desired. The address of the particular place for
which the license is desired. The name of the person to have direct
management of the premises. The post office address of all persons
interested in said application. Present business or occupation
of the applicant. Period of residence of the applicant in the City
of Port Angeles. The name of the owner of the premises upon which
business licensedis to be carried upon. Whether or not the appli-
cant or any person named therein has ever been convicted of any
violation of any of the laws relating to the sale or use of intox-
icating liquor or dance halls.
Section 11: Immediately upon the receipt of any application
for license under the terms of this ordinance, one copy of such
application shall be delivered to the Chief of Police, who shall
proceed to investigate the matters set forth in such application;
the character of the applicant; the character of the persons to have
direct management of the premises; the character of the premises
proposed to be licensed; the propriety of the use of such premises
for the conduct of the business proposed to be licensed, and any
other matters relative to the granting of an application at the
address of said premises.
Section 12: Within ten (10) days after the receipt of
such application the Chief of Police shall file with the Clerk or
City Manager a report concerning the results of such investigation,
and the City Manager shall transmit such report to the City Council
at the next regular meeting.
Section 13: The City Council shall thereupon consider the
same, and, if said premises have been approved by the State
authority, allow or disallow the license applied for. It being
specifically ordained that the City Council shall have the power
to deny any application, if it is determined that the applicant or
the person having the direct management of the premises is not a
suitable person to carry on the business for which the license is
sought, or if the premises proposed to be used in the conduct of
the business to be licensed shall be deemed not suitable or a
proper place therefor, or if the protests and objections of private
residents in the immediate vicinity of the premises to be licensed,
or if the health, welfare or public murals of the community warrants
such denial.
Section 11: If the Council shall allow the license applied
for, the City Clerk shall immediately notify the applicant and the
license on said premises shall forthwith be issued upon the payment
of the license fees herein provided.
Section 15: The fees for licenses issued pursuant to the
terms of this ordinance shall be payable in advance for the several
types or classes or licenses herein provided for.
Said fees to be as follows:
For'Class A License the sum of $240.00 per year.
For Class B License the sum of $ 60.00 per year.
For Class C License the sum of $120.00 per year.
For Class D License the sum of 60.00 per year.
For Class E License the sum of $ 10.00 per dance.
Section 16: The Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles
is hereby authorized to suspend temporarily any license issued under
the provisions of this ordinance in the event that any public
dance hall or public dance licensed thereby is being conducted in
violation of any laws of the State of Washington or ordinance, and
upon such suspension said Chief of Police shall file written
charges with the City Clerk, which shall be submitted to the City
Council at its next regular meeting first had after such suspension
and the City Council shall have the power, by resolution, to revoke
such suspension or to suspend said license for such further period
as they may deem proper or to revoke and annul such license.
Section 17: In the event that any licenseeshall desire to
change the individual designated in the license as the person to
have direct management of the licensed ggemises, he shall forth-
with notify the City Clerk and Chief of Police, proposing the name
of the person sought to be substituted in the management and
control of the licensed premises, and the person so proposed shall
be investigated in the same manner as applicants for licenses, and
in the event he is not of a satisfactory character the license may
be revoked or suspended pending the proposal of some other person
of satisfactory character.
Section 18: It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprieter,
manager, or person in charge of any place licensed under the provi-
sions of this ordinance, or for any employee of such place to
harbor, admit, receive or permit to be on, or remain in or about
such place during hours when dancing is actually being carried on,
conducted or permitted, any person under the age of twenty -one (21)
years, unless such person is accompanied by his or her parent,
spouse, or legal guardian; provided, however, that the foregoing
provisions shall not prohibit the entry of such persons into any
dining room located in or upon premises occupied by a hotel, motel
or inn and actually maintained and operated'as a bona fide part of
such hotel business.
It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty -
one (21) years falsely to represent himself or herself as being of
the age of twenty -one years or more for the purpose of obtaining
admission to any premises licensed under the provisions of this
It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprieter, manager
or person in charge of any place licensed under the provisions of
this ordinance, or for any enployee of such place to harbor, admit,
or permit to be on or remain in or about such place, any drunken
or boisterous person, or any person whose presence or conduct tends
to corrupt the morals of other persons present, or whose presence
or conduct tends to create a violation of any of the provisions of
this ordinance.
Section 19: All places licensed under the provisions of
this ordinance shall be adequately lighted during the hours such
places are open for business and entertaining patrons.
Section 20: It shall be unlawful for any licensee to
employ any female unless such female shall have a permit from the
Chief of Police of the City of Port Angeles authorizing such employ-
ment, and it shall be unlawful for any licensee to permit any
female employed in or about any premises licensed under this
ordinance to drink with any patrons or to compensate any female
employeed in or about the licensed premises at a rate determined
by a percentage of the sale made or to permit any female so
employed to be so compensated.
Section 21: It shall be unlawful to provide or permit any
music, dancing or entertainment in or about any premises licensed
under the provisions of this ordinance after the hour of 1 :00
o'clock A.M. and before 11 :00 o'clock A.M.
Section 22: Any person violating any provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of
or by imprisonment in the City Jail not to
days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 23: Every person shall be deemed guilty of a
separate offense for every day during any portion of which a
violation of or a failure, neglect or refusal to comply with any
of the provisions of this ordinance is committed, continued or
itit h 1, , 1956.
/06W/ , 1956.
ATTEST:- = - -
Cily Clerk
Approved as to form:
City Attorn
, 1956.