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hirly,,e v. :file:. nild drive
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lhr CPI b, clear-
Mg. cirsminz, gradilg, b111-
'h all note.,sary appurte-
nances thereto and by do-
ing all Work 110(IrISsnry Lfl
ecormetion therewith, levy
ing t h e
5100111115 thereof against the
v 5:5 1 lots tracts. parcels
of land, and other property
as shossn on said assess-
ment roll ptoviding for
the payment ot such assess-
ment, 11110 1`35. Local
prOVrilIPIII District No. 167
Fund created I.0.• Ordinance
No. 1338 oi the city, and de..
clarmg an emergency.
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 3G-
56 of the City Council, passed and
opproved September 6, 1556. the
ittme. date and place of the hear-
Hog, en the assessment roll for Lo-
;cal Improvement District No. 167
were fixed .at 7;33 P.M. OD Oslo-
be' 4, 1953 at Elie Council Cham-
1beis, 120 North Oak S.treek Port
Angehs, Wad-dm:ton; and
1 WHEREAS. notice of said hear-
t tug was duly and 1 egularly given
publication in tne Port Ange-
les Evening News on September 7
laml September 14. 1956 and by
;marlin a notice thereof at least
!fifteen days prior to said date of
;hearing to the owner or reputed
1 owner of each lot, tract. parcel of
iland or other property whose name
appears on such assessment roll at
the address of such owner as shown
,on the tax rolls of the County ;
;Treasurer for the property describ-
on the roll: and
WHEREAS, at the time ind place'
;of said hearing the Council met and
'duly considered said assessment
;roil and all pretests filed thereto,
land after consideration end discus-
nion of such molests denied the
and then ordered said as-
sesstnent roll as presented to be
'confirmed in the manor required
!by law; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed 'neeee:
isary because of the large princi-i
Ipal. amount of warrants of this lo-
cal improvement district outstand-
ing and the large amount of inter-
41115 accruing thereon each day that I
,•this ordinance he made efiective
timmediately upon its passage, a1)-1
proval and publication, to permit
the bonds of this district to be Is-
sued immediately and the earliest
!possible redemption of such war-
rains accomplished: .1
DAINED by the Council of the City'
of Port Angeles, -Washington, as
Section 1. That the assessinerA
and assessinen1 roll of Local Ern-,
provanint Di:data!, No. 167 for the
imprcvortiert of a highway a.ley'
and Otto and certain streets vith-
in .the eit !. by filling, clearing,
draining, grading, ballasting s n 111
paving, 15511(11-25 with all necestaryl
aopurtenances thereto and by do-.
ing an work necessary in cerunic-4
Von therewith as authorized a n d;
ordered by Ordinance NO-.- 1338,;
passed and approved October 21,1
1954, as such assessments noWj
stand tenon such aisesSment. roll,
he and the same are hereby in all;
things approved and confirmed.
:'iretien 2. That each of the lots.:
itocts. poicels of land and other
property shown upon said roil Ls1
hereby declared to be specially
benefited by 1-14 X: improvement 01
at least the amount charged against
the ittaine, 1111(5 the assessment ap-
pearing go :List each such lot, I
trace, palcel of land and o 1 lsrs r
properEy 111 proportion lo the sev-
eral t-sse,,Inents appearing !iron
said roll, There is hereby ier.'ed
and titire,--cd against each such 123,
trae:.!)orcel of land and oth.4r prop.
p::r,a:7p 111)011 said roll tee
eationnt 1, lly charged against he.
Nertion 3. Said amount or any !
rxtroott thereof may be paid at any
wolan thirty days from t h e
, • et it, iirst publication of the.'
t ,
-cror's notice that the
50!1 ILLS placed in
•• !or collection, -without
it :1 or coets, and
551 remairunz
-!n.paid :ANTI
' 0..10 room,
, 1511 cr 55151,'
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1.1'11,PV,•1-1■11i. .1) A 141 5./
1,-1]'' (IIC.--0,11 Orao.inice.
No. 133s. , rid .11,11 iv 1, ,,e1 .olely
for thi porpo'a• pI•y'll,'; 00, prin.
clp,d 01 ond in1011,1 Uri
SOO bonds drawn 011011 Or iti.sued
against Fund.
I••■•••1■•,0 r, This Ordinanci is de.;
dared to be ono necessar ;. for me,
innnediale preservation of the lis peace, property, 3)551 1' 1 n
safety of nip people of tho City of
Pori Angeles, Washimt ton. An
emercency is hereby di, dared to.
exist. and this ordirotnee Is herebY.,
declared to be in full force and ef-
feet from and atter its passaged
n1191:07:11 and publication as provid-
-ed by:
PASSED by the Council of the
city of Pori Angeles, Washiegton,
and approved by its Mayor at a
regular meeting of said Council;
held this 4111 day of October. 1956.1
BV Paul M. Neer •
J. E, Law
City Clerk
, Special Bond Counsel for the city
Pub: Oct. 5, 1956T,
C-e-12-247.-4,' let f-Lel «a IJL
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