HomeMy WebLinkAbout1380ORDINANCE N. 8380 -
AN O1I,DINANCE of the City'
of Port Angeles, Washington.
repealing Ordinance No. 1373 o':
r the city. passed and approved
!. Juiy le, 1356; providing for the
" improvement of a certain areal
within Inc city by the construc-
t lion and installation of sanitary
I • sewers and doing all work neces-
• sary in connection therewith and
t incidental thereto. pursuant to
l - Resolution No. 113 of the city;
creating a local improvement
district therefor, and providing
that the payment of the cost of
aid improvements 'be made by
special nasesments upon t h e
property in said district payable
by the mode of "payment by
I WHEREAS, on ,Itine 7, 1956, the
Council of the City of Port Ange-
les, Washington, adopted its Reso-
lution No. 173, declaring its inten-
tion to order the improvement of
a certain area within the city by
the construction end installation of
sanitary sewers and by doing all
work necessary, in connection
therewith and incidental thereto,
and fixing a titne for a hearing
on said resolution: and
WHEREAS, such resolution was
duly published in the manner re•
quned by taw and notice of said
hearing was duly given to the own-
ers or reputed - owners of all lots,
tracts. parcels of land or o t h e r
property to be specially benefited,
by the proposed improvement as
shown on the rolls of the County.]
Treasurer, directed to the address
shown thereon; and
. WHEREAS,' said hearing w a s
held on June 28, as provided in
said resolution and notice. and aft-
er hearing all protests against and'
•statements m favor of said im-
provement the hearing was closed
pendine a report on said improve -i
anent from the Olympic H e a lth.
I1Jat:'ict: and
WHEREAS. after receiving said
,report the Council adopted Ordl-
nnnee No. 1373, wherein the bcun-
'darles of the proposed local im•
pr- n'ement district were changed
and the plan of improvements as
tset forth in said resolution of in-
•lentlon were also changed; a n d
WHEREAS. after long and ere -
t IA ii c : cdcond sitdheart a tohn e tih p rCoovuenmceil n hato s.
be constructed should •be for the a
atra and as provided in said rt:o-
fu :ton of intention, No 173, rat! :r
then as provided in said - Ordinan e ,
No. 1373 and, therefore, that sa
in-dam-nee should be repealed; are,
1'l11EREAS, it is the opinion an t
do esion of the Council that t h c
eras, ruction and installation of the
sa::iary sewage improvements de- f
rud e and provided for in said
7:r solution No. 173 and this ordi-
h.lrce are necessary for the public
l,ra;th, welfare and safety of the
residents and property owners
w.!1 :n said proposed local Im-
provement district:
ORDAINED by the City Council of
the City of Port Angeles, Wash -
incton, as follows:
Section I. That Ordinance No.
1373 of the city, passed and ap-
p:e ed July 19, 1956, and entitled
"AN ORDINANCE of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington provid-
lac for the improvement of a cer-
tn:n area within the City of Port
], :roles by the construction and
• Installation of lateral and sani-
tary sewers therein. including
%net', to serve each lot, and by
dot: a all work necessary in 0011-
ucc'tnn therewith and incidental
'herds pursuant to Resolution
No. 173 of the City of Port An-
Fetes pas: ed and approved on ttte
' rah day June, 1956, and prodiding
therewith payment of said im•
proventcl:t• be made by special
assns nrnts on the nroperty in
rate] diairict, payable by the
Inoric cf payment by bonds. and
•"I'ttnie turf]. tl.c property in said
IN hereby In all respects repealed.
-eetteu 2. It Is hereby found and
declared that the construction and
I.a:Mition of the hereinafter de-
aeribed sanitary sewers is neces-
tary for the public health, welfare
and safely of the residents a n d
11ing'rty owners within salt pro -
€ mini Ideal improvement district
anelion 3. The city shnil con•
•tnlet end instill' the following
diner:tied .tianhnry sowers, togeth-
r aid' the necessary ]nai.ltnles,
lele'eennl'ctinn °ewers and all ap-
.1,letf'1,5It'" lea�n11'ed therefor. and
wait ,t,: on work necessary in cen-
t'' " ' :1 no- rev:mi. in, nn. alnug
I I 'I : :r'r tiff, l■11nw•I■l• ryece•rth,•(i
t, '-li''ri', earl 1llcy :. tr'lihtn
1: r,[ fart ATi.,1!. :r,
, 7 1 • 1 ' L114,•1' 111 IV:,, r11-
F %C'ti'8 "' :5eii•e� ]lire In the alle y
thrnttgn Blocks 315 end 315 f r otn
"F " °`teat to '•G" Street.
An A" sewer line on 10th Street
from "E ' Street to "G" Street.
An a" ;elver line in the !ley
through Stooks_ 303 and 304 from
"°" Street 10 "G" Street,
An 8" sewer line on 9th 'Street
from "F" Strut 10 '•G" Street.
An 6" sewer line in the alley
through Blocks 356 and 255 from
'rE" Street to •'G" Street.
8 An 8" sewer line on 8th Street
from "5" Street to "G" Street..
An 8" sewer 'line through the al-
,. in Block 243 from "E" Street
to "F" Street.
1 An 8" sewer line on "F" Street
Twat there "'tie' add"ir"liereby
created a fund of the city to bel ne% as "Local Improvement
District No. 173 Fund." Warrants
bc,u•iitg interest at a rate of not
to exceed 6 per cent Per annum
shall be drawn on said Fund based
on estimates of the eity's engineer,
in payment of the Cost of construc-
don of said improvements and all
Costs incidental t h e r e t o. The
money received from the sate of
said warrants shall be placed in
Local improvement District 173 Construction Fund of
city to be hereafter created, and:
!shrill be used to pay all of such
Said bonds shall be delivered to
the earner and holder of said 'Local
'imjrovement District No. 173
FLUnri warrants hi redemption of
the game. The rate of interest to
he borne by said warrants, •bonds
and installments of said assess-
from the alley running t-h r o ugh
Blocks 244 and 243 Northerly to the
1 alley running through Blocks 153
and 154.
An 8'' sewer line on 7th Street
from "F"' Street 'o "E" Street and
a 6" sewer line from '•E" Street •
to Lot- 6 In Block 242 of the Town- meats shall be as hereafter fixed
site of Port Angeles. • by resolution of or upon motion'
A 6" sewer 'line in the alley in duly ]°oriels seronfed and gassed
Block 155 from the Easterly • end by' the City' Connell.
of said Block 135 to the East line 6. This oayinanoe sand be of Lots 5 and 16 in said Block 155, of effective five days from and
An 8" sewer line from ate fast- after its passage, approval and`
publication as required -bv ]aw
erly line of said Lots 5 and 16 in
' Block 155: thence through Blocks
-155 and 154 to "F" Street.
A i0" sewer line •in the alley
through Block 153 from "F" Street
to •'G" Street.
An 8" sewer line on "E" Street
from the alley in Blocks 155 end
154 to the Northerly side of 6th
A 6" to 8" seater line along the
Northerly side of 6th Street from
"E" Street
A 6" to 8" server line along the
PASSED .by the Council of the
City of Port Angeles. Washington,]
and approved by its Mayor at a i
regular meeting of said Council'
held This :15th day of November,t
'Mayor .
A'1'1'EST: •
J. E Law
City Clerk
Northerly redo of said 6th Street APPROVED AS. TO FORM:
f;onr "E" Street to "D" Street, arther
An 8" server line on "G" Street IPFRE3TON TFIORGRIMSON &
from the southerly side of • 13th HOROWITZ l
Street to the alley running through Special Bond Counsel for the City, 1
Block 255, bairns the alley, between ,Pub: Nov: 23, 1956T. y, -!
8th and 9.1e Streets: and thence 11 r -- �_� ,- J
10'' sewer line from this point to
the alley -between Ott. and 7thi f'
(Streets; and an 8" sewer line on f elf i'
the Ncrtlterly side of 8th Street in t' tilt• r' C i 9 /a'- "V1'1'i(.i { ;:it,
Trent of Lot 11 to 20 in Block 295, G o�
all within the Townsite of Port An- � �et.telt�i t�- ��ar/ a r1c-
eles, Clallam County, rVxSh' n/
]°pion. •
The above described improve -1
ments shall he constructed and In =' /
stalled in accordance with maps,' , /i2i t L' '
plans and- specifications prepared II rt L -1-.1t.4)-ha 611 ' f e• r
by the city's engineer and now on %! /� ///
file with the City Clerk, which ,j. !Zf�C2 Cl �� , t�_ t c� C �t' •y ((P t7 1.1 tell. S "
maps, plans and specifications are 1L/ / {{ `(/
hereby adopted .as those necessary _�.0 i /1K" ^. L ctLl• )T) `'ifL. c!e'e[ by, •,.i.
and required for • said improve J ,I P. / // •
meets. (C.,bCt-�,i..,1L.cn, %L1 -, /l(ci int Jar; 1 f an' i I .
Section 4. That there -be and is i
hereby established a 1 o c a l im- ;lit( 75 / I
Arovement district of the city to /t l • f " y/ �l(<<! /J l i 2'LGii> ( -, ".I1'
be known as "Local Improvement ---�- + / et,..c• , / •-
District No. 173." The entire cost C �, ,t2> 621 Lr. 1 -j.{ :iaJ 4: •25`e f 1 -iJ 1t . I e'.:
and expense of said improvements, --�� on— Including all expenses incidental Ct`9 :.t><Yt.LC.LC.`�t f ( .t tr-.1.1-Z7 cI
thereto, shall be borne by and t'1 t L 07; ,`'• ■ -
esse: :sed against the property in-
cluded in the local improvement .J,.tf, 417;1 , , •a2C s .'- t'1.).. t t.•t; a tit .1 )1, .1, -1, '•
district heretofore created. The
' tj i N
City of Port Angeles shall not be /%IJ /7 ' 2, .,./ ate` el -i.e.( e e e t e f C.. ,
liable hi any manner for any por-
tion of the cost and expense of
said improvements. (tat,- ' y:
The improvement district shall Ic "L Ic�``t @f. t` `L ��•k �� <<
include all the property between' F,( j�- yy
the termini of the hcrelnbefore de- .''��� £C•tt `ttCteetC 7/,: (7: ti, '
scribed improvements abutting r, UJ p/ ,I
upon, adjacent, viclral or proxi- �'e-� f'�."-'''L�f-1 - Ott ? -t "IG`t e 1•::„, I�
mate to the street. avenue, alley 1j -, f
or easement proposed to be im- �// I ,,,./ /
proved to a distance of at least l •1tt'f/ , j7-tt-D 1..11 GC , i -rt 7 -t•" -. • '•
ninety feet back from the mar - // I -/- �
ginal lines thereof, or to the pen- 21 O -ic ICf' /CC. L`r /L o‘ ,t.(. yfill' / •
ter line of the blocks facing or L 1 (4'
abutting thereon, whichever is 7{� ,,cc ������------- 1
g Suter, �et-L- i�%�C' l-t (L' Vii 1 ( [ ' '
Such assessments shall be corn- � `— •'��.,
puted by the zone and termini te.li . ----IL_ 2 r(. 1•[!l j- e/ ';.L
method unless the Special benefits , 1
conferred on any of such prop- fa .5-6.. ,
ernes are not fairly reflected byi � r
the use of such method, and in
such case the nsseSSment shall
then be computed in a manner
that will fairly reflect the special
benefits derived from such im-
provements_ '
Section 5. Bonds of said local
improvement district bearing in-
terest at a rate of not to exceed
6 per cent per annum, payable on
or before twelve years front date,
if issue, sha11 be issued to pay -'
niein. e. 1.,,: ...oat gain °x1)51150 of
tite improvements provided for
herein, which bonds shall be re-
deemed by the colleetlon of special
assessments to be levied and as-
sessed upon the property within
the nistrict payable in ten equal
hlstalilnents and with Interest at
a rale of not to exceed 6 per cent
per annum under the anode of
bzw}i ,1 1 ordinances as defined IC t}' of
I'e,11 I, 11 ^;(•11'..5: •
( f /[i(`f t1L11'Z 1 )c7 :5 '.
�, ea
e ley r. t 1.