HomeMy WebLinkAbout1381LEGAL ;Tn.: tc.11°N :
Blinnr-T "• .L., -
anpropria'iiumi wlthlO
wilch items
are nut within the same bUtl-
get clamh:cations as .provited
by thc laws of the State of
Washington, iind making an
emergency appropriation of
• 0125,00 to cover Social Scour
• Ity expense in the Judicial De-,
partment or the City- ot Pr't
Anaslea, The City it r. v 1 n g1
adopted by resolution Social.
Security tor its ynmloyees,
which Social Security became
retroactive. to January 1;)
1950, and the amount Of liabi-1
• lily nor having been establish4
• et/ prior t.o the adoption of the
budget anti,
ness -held ey.
•-the.:17electrie Utility,' •
was far in mxt,,./:•_gt,the amount
4that could love been reasonably,
:.oreseen at the tme of adopting
the budget requiring greater ex-1 within this department
tu construction as Ni,ell•as cost of.
•.,inergy and other necessary .
creooed exuci:ditures anzi,
, • WHEREAS., funds are available.,
wititin the over.all. budget of the'
Va.lous departments • 'tor it e'
,..amounts herein transferred .as;
provided by the laws—of the Strtte*
of Washington.
WHERF.AS, tho ,Vallitne of buSi-
OF PORT ANGELES do ordain,
as follows: •
• That there is hereby transfer-4
red within the Light Department.
016 1,1110T:11g: •
Lik ht. Department
Prom Unappropriated ReserVes;
to Purchased Energy ....01,000.00'
From Unappropriated • Reservesi
to Office Supplies 2,000.001
From Unappropriated Reserves
'to State Utility Tax ....10,000.00
',From Unappropriated Reservesi
to C.E.R. 8.: Prior Sen1.000.001
From Unappropriated Reserves
to Line Material and
Transformers , 25,000.00
From Unappropriated Reservogi,
• to Moving Garage Bldg. - ROA,
Water Department - •
From Unappropriated Reservea.4
.7.• to Auxiliary Purnping
Police Department
From Extra Labor - . -
,• to Car Expense • 403.00
Frorn Prisoners Meals •. • „i -
to -Car Expense
From Prisoners Medical,
to Car Expense - 225:001
From Patrolmen Salary
to C. E. R:•-
From Office 'Equipment -'.143.1
C. . P.
From Department' Supplies •
to C. E. R. ' 50.00i
Judicial Department - •• A
An emergency appropriation Is.
• hereby made to cover Social Se.;
curtly exuenclittires within the Ju-
dicial Denartment to be paid from
available eash balance in the Cur-
t rent Expense Department in Abe;
amount of $105.00.
It is forint 0 ordered that the,
original apt) opriation .withi 11-
;the Water Dcpartment. Budge ti
for New Reservoir for Connecting
Mains and C.ver-flow of the 1900-
budget in the amount of 010.000.00
be held • over until the completion
of the work on which contracts
have been 'let and that .sald ex-i
amount shalt again apocar
pendable during the .fiscal year of
Fire Department •
. A tin:islet' totaling 0600.00 from
.Salaries and Wage Classification
of four firemen ists follulva; .
0130 to Radio and fire .Alarm
• Yi
0200 to Truck Operation ancH
0200.00 to Building Depart-
mein rind SIpplinl - •
There is hereby heid over; f o r
continued expenditures rur 011 e
3957 fiscal year any ,milmees-re-.
maintr.‘,2: to be paid in the con-
,struction of a substation 113, t h e
'Light Department. until this. Cap-
itol Item has been completed and
fully pant fill'. •
Passid First Reading this 61.0
'day or December, 1050.
' _Passed second Reading the 20th
day or December,
13111 lir apprO1ee psed by
the City .Council the 20th day. of
!Decn ber, 1946.
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