HomeMy WebLinkAbout1382n Nu-A tri 6; -- ....A....4;i -,r...;z.,,, . ,,,, ,'''±:..,-.. ';;-;""'.+F ;,,,,,- ,•Liiza,ii shall 1
6v. own7-6,-,s,,...;if.1 tatar .tho atas cc pt.., ht. tiventri•-four tanstall-
aid ruents, Such tt:-..,be as nearly er ea -
r -stmps.e-eiar A.,.0, I I' .•
1.1!yin ,,,,, ,ota,..ite„:„. as, the estsbIisned-a.eo:Atesting Pr '
i--.0 i la...40-beinpensation :
..-.,....i,e7ri, ,,,ont. ,,t,toioobt,„. to I cecitire of the ;Sty or Pc(4 AngeleQs.;
_tar, 0 i „ ‘,., ,a, on tf,., 1.s ..,, a 1.o„,.., lir t-,1 hhtall fiprosrtmlatiiiielfsteheanlithbet.p4.d e,•ii
.Aiumi . :Ind d(mtetnifitn7. '-'''" "10 • dr seen thareatter as the titab.. - (../.-.6?,1 C t .1-I. a : L c ( , ?///e- , I ::;) ()
. Ithd ,,,,.1);.cyc,-.. ot the (Aft, et .. or. 1 each month tiering tee year 1957, i •
„f 1.,1, EIWIlt thereof and fiA/11.4 ' fished nccotriting- procedure cf die
lailtriv rate for certain classifies- City of Pori An 'Cies shad permit.' •
ti en 1.1 employment and preemies,
Section 3. Extra Labor and.
nesd s for iiiiiitiOritry eillqtayCeS. Overtime shall be . at the rates
'1 ifE C1TY COUNCIL OP THE intitoated
for monthly salaried: ,
CITY 01' PORT ANGELES DO divided into hourly pay with one•
ONDAIN as follows; . • and one-half times • the hours
&Rime it That on and af.t,e_r allowed for the hours actually•
and as of J3,11-igrY l'st. 1957 the worked- in al! departments exs
annual s a!a ries, compensation and cepting the Light Department, -
■ wage:. or the different officers. which department :shall receive
lotitstdets and employees of the .„ rate of pay
set forth herein'
City of Port Angeles as deter ,
. for double time actually worked.
e• to their respec-
tive classifteations of employment
mined uccordin,„
pa'Srectsti°onf 4..raitlaInceerd.iniannceesonfriedt i..
and prey iding a salary range in herewith are hereby repeated. vdil eateries as determined i Section- 5. This ordinanceshafl .
accordine to years of service, and be in full force and effect.. five.
sa'd salaries shall not exceed the days af :en its passage, signing
,arnoteits hereinafter set forth as and lawful publicaton. ' - ,•
1 fetloves: • • .t - Introduced December 20, 1.056:....'
Afuyor and Council: . ' _PASSED December 20, 1956.. -i'•
7 Councilmen, each$ - 120.00 APPROVED AND SIGNED 735r'
.Trvastiry: ' THE 3.AYOR December 20, MT
5,220.00. . ,
Treasurer PAUL M. NEER,
Assistant Treasurer 1,200.00 • . _ Mayor.
Clty Clerk's Office: - ' Attest: .
.1. Clerk
• 5,472.00 J. E. L . • ..,--.-
••• Deputy Clerk City Clerk 't. ....,....3 1 ',
City Attorney .... ..... . ..... 3,840.00 Approved as to form:
• .
Attorney' Department- ' - Andrew Severyns, •.
Clerical Help • . 300.00 . •
City Attorney
Police Judge 3,360.00 - pub : Dec 28 1956T ''' -''''''' '-
. Judicial-Clerical Help 300.00 Is„..„,;,,.....-•".-rt --,,,,1 ',;,
Substitute Judge . . 125.00 . .
Planning Comers isston:
Clerical and Tech. • .i . : ,
Service ' ' ' i . 100.00.: i.
City Ent,ineer's 0511.00:
City Engineer _-_,,. "• 6,600.0V
Aeststant Engineer ' ..... 5,340.00 i
m -• . . t•-•
instruent Man (per ,.
- 5,340,00,
Rodman (per hour) -, 2.12
• -..2.24: '
e,...L.1.(.62.• /11„, /
Chainman (per 'hour)._ i •••-' 2.12 eft i''47.1-j,
.,• i
Police Department: ' ' •t. -
Chief of Pollee . 5,928.00.f
Captain •5,473.9.0"
Lieutenant ' 5,244.001 . s
Identification Clerk 4,008.00 •'1), ..-t !It at• 4 etC/z....),e1-14/..d.
3 Sergeants,. each _. .. _ 5,016.00 ...2_/.'
t, 8 Patrolmen ....$3,960.911 4,740.00
3,360.00 . f et- - ' ' p ...- ,- 7---. ,„..
, Janitor • ' - ' . 1 200 00. t rf",.„,.- CI, i 6 I.1--- a t.c..),_ -Aka' ..,,,( ci •,,.."' co_i, ....iii
Fire • Department: - .... '.'.-, . ' . / / . ../
. Office Cleric
Assistant Chief ...... ...... :. 5,472.09
el t:Lt:61., ,./;,_,11-it--4,;:.--. rt 0. c err, Lp-et '1)=-4 . ,'t q 0 , 2 eZ. _.(.g 1, cc
••■• Fire Chle
... Captains, each i5,016.00 ,/ A, .„, ,,,,,,,, / ( ,0
' 3 Firemen, each 3,960.00 4,740.00 ' '7/C t / ..../1 A' 7 - . : --- ieXr•-ttl, ,,sc.ert.L. C I - -1 t. rtt.t..4.1-1,-; . . . . 1 . - - ‘ 1 1 - 4 . . t 3 . - Z . c C •t- et , I ('i
' Volunteer Firemen 3,600.00 . f ) .. •
.0eneral Administrative: ‘ - ' ' • , -.4-..„-Le.. j_. 1...... ..,, /Lc .2.71 it telt. „L, c.,C et 4,_LL /...i. c_c-01 1 ent ,L.
. State Auditor -4,250..00
See-etary, 3 months .1,095.00 (..7 , '7, • .,
Super intendennt - 5,400.00'.
Street. Department: • t .'" • ....-4-: 'V 1t/( LL' 41...E_ C7-0,2-(2! C et -E;4 ,z,....-: cq..6..., CI: 'i J.", A *1 4- ' ‘)
:, 5.Equipment operatQrs,- - • •• . 0_1 el. .- .fr_i...te,-. i
.5 Truck Operators, each ' 4,o00.09-
4:680.0a. .1.
. ' ..„,_ i
-eu e r el .1) c >L1 (2 ; I , L. ' .1 ,
. Shop Mechanic , , 5,100.00, _.„--
4,500.00' a 1-t Ci. <1: , 1.. n LI_ Lc- ) L , .---t,---371-t_ ri, - .• e'ty EcZ 15 t 1 .-1,‘1- •1
Flusherman ' .. .
City Library: '•,.' • • - • "-- " „.,.,
Librarian - ' ' .4;680.00-- --•(-11- I'LL cl'i-c-tti: E-ec-'1.• • c.. ts-ce ... - _ . ,P ' - ce ii C._ , .i 0•1 I :‘ 42 "*".4"
k Leave, ficCit..H.dii,
I Clerk Typist mom a _14_4. d _.‘..11,_ ....--1,/ie t y ce-.1.7 I it e i t. e% •
2 Clerk 'Typists,. each__ 3,300.00 t ,•, .
J'sfintor and Grounds ,' - •' :
7 Keeper
', • -Additional Help . .• .. .:._1,500.00 C.iti.•,/, /., P it It' a 15 9: 6.1. - / ',.,..45'_C O.0 1a t is. ( i'' -2, e:
2,400.00. i 1 A ,..1_,..„ eti t....12 , z 1 _6_4_ 411d• 1 .11,,, .2--&x...„.., (1......._ (.,:•( 44, i.,t. .t.t"
Partc."'•Department; , .' .
Caretaker Civic Meld3,609.00
Foreman 4,920.00 r.„-.7 , / .
t• . . t..
,... ; .
: , Caretaker Lincoln Park 2,230.00 .3/ -`1--4--"C"'" t-C-"" -;trtt ('26t- L-k7 1 a"-- '''a e- L. t "'LP- elt. e --/ ''' 1
............ IStiVo..° :Erie CI:NI c>-k. 'IQ G-' t+ 0 - ',- ,,_.-(t.- a-- - e--1 I -ji:
Sanitation Department: - . ' * .., 0 'LA' 1."
4 Drivers, each
3 Ft( ipers, each ,...._• . . : 4,320.00,
' ."-C. 0 -;--='-' .1...e-•Z‘1,- ex. J-J,t,..- »,___ke...L., /9 5T6
/ , .•
. Pure.man -
Porktr.g Meter and Main. - - . • -/ .
• .•
,. .
trnance Man ■ 9;100-10,
Ceiseiory Department: • . - '' ' • • .
Caretaker and , Sexton:.
t W irser u d Dfetplga, rtimnsepn•t•-:' . ' - . .404• 22.06-.,.00-0' 0
r- ; -
ted ..717 i,tf . a ( 11 . ,
seperintendera;'•• Bldg. - ••-' •
1 • / !0 1 FItuermeirnniaa n n '' .. ' ' . 7'. . ''''''.. ..- ...... .00 0''
C.,J.i 0,e--e-ei .p'
1 / 2
3 Pnernen 1st Class . ' : -
erth " 4,656.00 - -"
' r,ci-ionic and Operator 4,036.00
Ctretsker . . .
at Dam 3,9E0.00 .
r.001;unent Operator 4,656.00
,ts.rvtcemen, each , 4,530.00:
7.,e1" Clerk -._ ..... 4,74000 4980.00 at -, ..L
. . • '
'.••-•pty Tr eurtir 4,140.00
k •.!II g rvi..7.etune doer-
•)•- . ........ ..... 3„120.00 5,720.00-
..r..!..try, 13 months 2:010.00
to Auditor 500.00
Manager's Depart-
" rierer pnd Light . • -;
Stiperintendent 12,000.00;
..'ecretory, 3 months 1,005.00-t
'F.; Piareman 6,872.161
rict. Engineer -
i ftsman ....5,400.00 6,600.00
2 1 inemen-Leacnnen,
2 ec eh 60,135.96 6,461.16
Ltnenien, each .. 6,135.99
-3 Linemen Helpers.
v1111-1 .............. 4,808.16
i t his meitek Drivers.
L 0.tt 11 51,604.20
ra0)--.., 8.016.10
'-f••!n. ' , 8.702.00
1 /.