HomeMy WebLinkAbout1405ORDINANCE NO. / 17/AS-
AN ORDINANCE providing for fees for connection, inspec-
tion of public sewers, septic tanks and other plumbing
installations and amending Section 7 of Ordinance No.
930 of the City of Port Angeles passed on the 4th day
of March, 1931.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles did on the 4th day of
March, 1931 pass Ordinance No. 930, which was an ordinance
.. entitled AN ORDINANCE regulating the installation, extension
and repair of plumbing and plumbing connections, steam fitting
and connections, gas mains, gas conduits and gas service pipes,
and gas burning fixtures and appliances in the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, regulating the use thereof; providing for
the licensing of qualified persons, firms and corporations to
perform the work thereon; providing for the issuance of permits
for the performance of such work; creating the office of Inspector
and designating his duties; providing for the inspection of all
such installations and fees therefor; providing penalties for
violation of or failure to observe this ordinance, and repealing
Ordinance No. 680 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict herewith; and declaring an emergency; and,
WHEREAS, it has been found that it is urgent and
necessary for the peace, safety and welfare of the people and
citizens of Port Angeles that Section 7 of said Ordinance No.
930 be amended.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of
the City of Port Angeles as follows:
Section 1: That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 930 be
amended as follows:
Section 7. No Plumbing Permits shall be issued by the
inspector until the following connection fees and inspection fees
have been paid to the City Treasurer under the terms and
conditions herein contained.
Sewer Connections:
A. Fees for Permits:
1. For each connection to public sewer $5.00
2. For each connection to septic tank installed
3. Provided, however, in the event of the instal -
ation of a sewer system under a new local improve-
ment district that no connection fee will be
required, if said connection is made within 30
days after the acceptance and approval of the,
work and system under said local improvement
district by the City Council.
B. Inspection Fees:
1. Inspection fees for a building containing from
one to five plumbing fixtures shall be $2.50.
2. For each additional plumbing fixture or for one
waste or vent fitting or in the event gas outlets'
are installed an additional fee of $.50 for
each such plumbing outlet or additional fixture.
3. For inspection of gas fitting only $1.00.
4. For inspection of sewer connections only $1.00.
5. Gas outlets shall be considered the same as
water outlets or fixtures.
C. Pm nerty being so situated as to enable the owner ,
to connect into an existing sewer previously con-
structed under a local improvement district but
lying outside of the boundary of such district and
not having previously contributed its proportionate
share of construction costs for the sewer mains and
laterals of said district may be connected to such
mains or laterals upon the payment of a special
connection charge equal to the amount origtally
assessed to abutting property already within such
district, which charge may be paid either in cash
or in four quarterly payments over a period of
twelve months after the date of such connection.
Such connection charge shall be in addition to other
connection charges herein provided.
If the property owner elects to make payments
on the quarterly bads, he shall execute a contract
in such form as may be prescribed by the City
through its proper officers to pay such charge;
provided, that said contract have the provision that
any unpaid balance nay be paid in full on the date
of any quarterly payment. Such contract shall be
signed by the owner of the property served and
shall be a covenant running with the land and shall
provide that the unpaid balance of the connection
charge shall be a lien upon the property to which
such connection is made, superior to all other
liens and encumbrances except those for general
taxes and special assessments, and that the same
may be forelosed in the same manner provided by law
for the foreclosure of local improvement district
assessment liens.
Such contract shall be signed and acknowledged
by the owner of said property and shall be recorded
at the office of the Auditor of Clallsm County at
the expense of the property owner and upon payment
in full a release of said lien shall be executed
by the City of Port Angeles by the Mayor and attested
by the City Clerk and such cost shall be certified
to the County Treasurer as an assessment against
said property. Said contract shall further provide
that in the event of delinquencies in the payment
of such connection charge the water superintendent
may disconnect the City's water service from and
refuse further services to the premises in default
until such delinquent payments are paid in full,
which rights shall be concurrent with and in add -
ition to the City's right to foreclose said lien
as is herein provided.
Section 2: This ordinance is declared to be urgent and
(necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health
and safety of the inhabitants and citizens of the City of Port
Angeles and shall take effect and be in full force and effect
immediately from and after its passage, approval and lawful
INTRODUCED: 1. Z,- 2,11( 2 7 , 1957.
PASSED: �Lr/ ��14� ?a/ , 1957.
APPROVED and SIGNED by the Mayor: al ti. 2/ , 1957.
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
ity 'ttorney
PUBLISHED: 241!,:t2/11.&,- rg 1957.