HomeMy WebLinkAbout1406ORDINANCE NO. 1106
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
approving and confirming the assessments and assess-
ment roll of Local Improvement District No. 175 for
the improvement of the alleys in Blocks 33 and 3L.
by the construction of sanitary and storm sewers in
said alleys and with 3" Type F asphaltic pavement
and by doing all work necessary in connection there-
with, levying and assessing the amounts thereof
against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and
other property as shcwn on said assessment roll,
providing for the payment of such asse sments into
Local Improvement District No. 175 Fund created by
Ordinance No. 1386 of the City of Port Angeles sassed
and approved March 7, 1957.
WHEREAS, the time and place of hearing on the assessment
roll of Local Improvement District No. 175 of the City of Port
Angeles was fixed at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, November 21, 1957
at the Council Chamber at 120 North Oak Street, Pmt Angeles,
Washington; and,
WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly and regularly
given by publication and by mailing to all owners or reputed
owners of properties whose names appear on such assessment roll
at the address shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer in
the manner required b y law; and,
2HEREAS, at said time and place the Council met and duly
considered said assessment roll and after consideration and
discussion thereof and no protests having been filed against the
assessments arpearing thereon, the Council determied to order
the roll confirmed as presented;
NO ?7, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington as follows:
Section 1: That the assessments and assessment roll of
Local Improvement District No. 175 for the improvement of the
area described in Ordinance No. 1386 and the alleys also described
in said ordinance as the same now stand upon the assessmea t roll
be, and the same are, hereby in all things approved and confirmed.
Section 2: That each of the lots, tracts, parcels of
land and otherproperty described upon said roll is hereby
declared to be specially benefitted by said improvement in at
least the amount charged against the same; that the assessment
q appearing against the same is in proportion to the several assess-
ments appearing on said roll. There is hereby levied and assessed
against each such lot, tract, parcel of land and other property
appearing on said roll the amount finally charged against the
same thereon.
Said amount or any portion thereof may be paid to the
City Treasurer at any time within thirty days from the date of the
first publication of such Treasurer's notice that the assessment
roll has been placed in her hands for collection without penalty,
interest or costs and thereafter the sum remaining unpaid, if any,
may be paid in ten equal annual installments with interest on the
whole unpaid sum at the rate of 4 3/4% per annum commencing
with the first year after a date thirty days after the first
publication of said Treasurer's notice, and each year thereafter
one of said installments, together with the interest due thereon
and all installments thereafter to become due, shall be collected
as provided by law and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles.
Section 3: All monies collected by the City Treasurer
upon any of the assessments herein shall be paid into the "Local
Improvement District No. 175 Fund" created by Ordinance No. 1386
and shall be used solely for the purpose of redeeming warrants
and bonds drawn upon or issued out of such fund.
Section 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect five dais from and after its passage, approval and publica-
tion as required by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
1111 I Washington and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of
aid City Council held on,the 21st day of November, 1957.
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