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AN ORDINANCE relating to the sale of electrical
energy by the Municipal Light and Power System
of the City of Port Angeles, prescribing monthly
rates, terms and conditions of the sale of such
energy and the furnishing of electrical service,
amending Ordinance No 890 of the City of Port
Angeles and repealing Ordinances Numbered 1342
and 1407 and all other ordinances in conflict
SECTION 1. That Section seventeen of Ordinance Number 890 as
amended by Ordinance Number 1342 and 1407 of the City of Port
Angeles be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
SCHEDULE 1. Availability. All Commercial and Residen8
tial accounts: Type of Service - Commercial and Residential
Water Heating. This service shall be single phase at nominal
potential of 240 Volts.
Installations over 4800 Watts shall be equipped with
suitable relay furnished and installed by the customer for
operation by the control device to be furnished by the City.
No water heaters used for space heating permitted under this
This service shall be separately metered on a circuit
which shall include only the heater for one or more storage
tanks but exclusive of other utilization equipment.
Service under this schedule may be limited to 6,000 Watt
capacity at the City's option.
The following are the maximum allowable capacity for
tank heaters:
30 Gallon tank or smaller 75 Watts per gallon
40 Gallon tank 62.5 Watts per gallon
Over 40 gallon tank 60.0 Watts per gallon
Heating elements shall be non - inductive and installation
in excess of 1250 'Watts shall consist of two elements, each to
be protected by a thermostat, the base thermostat shall be
set to maintain water not hotter than 150 degrees Farenheit.
One element shall be placed to heat the whole tank and the
other to heat the upper part of the tank. The capacity of
the upper element shall not exceed twice that of the lower
To provide adequate and economical hot water service for
the customer, the tank and heater, if external, shall be cov-
ered with sufficient heat insulation as approved by the City.
Each installation installed on a closed water system or
on City service where water meters are installed, shall be
provided with a pressure relief valve that will properly pro-
tect the tank and pipe from excessive pressure, and a check
valve to prevent back pressure into the cold water supply.
Other methods of heating the water shall not be directly
connected to the insulated storage tank to which electric
service is rendered.
RATE: 8 Mills per Kilowatt Hour.
Minimum Charge of $1.00 per month.
SCHEDULE II. Residential Service. Availability. To
individually metered residential accounts in residences,
duplexes, apartments and multiple dwellings. This schedule
covers general residential lighting, heating, cooking and un-
controlled water heating.
Minimum Charge: $1.00 per month where no electric space
heating is installed.
First 100 KWH: .02 per KWH.
All over 100 KWH: .01 per KWH except that the minimum
monthly charge where space heating is installed shall be $7.00
per month.
SCHEDULE III. Availability. Optional all electric res-
idential lighting, water heating and cooking rate available
only to single family residences, and individual residential
accounts in apartments, duplexes and multiple family dwell -
ings f iabtmemummicsasxa: uaxv: icxadxfaxxvcxtuxxb usakfagxgcacakxi:icaai ticxa
qt-thlxVt: 'Dater heating equipment shall meet the specifica-
tions of schedule one herein, but limited to a minimum size
of forty gallon per residence.
"Minimum Charge: $5.00 per month.
First 500 KWH: $5,00
Next 500 KWH: .007 per KWH
Excess: .01 per KWH
Any electric space heating equipment used or installed
under this schedule shall be of 220 Volt and individual ther-
mostatic control of any heater, or combination of heaters, of
a capacity of 3000 Watts, except that single thermostatic con-
trol for each room may be authorized where floor or baseboard'
heating is installed. The minimum charge where space heating
is installed under this schedule shall be $7.00 per month.
SCHEDULE IV. Commercial and Industrial. Availability.
This rate is available to non - residential accounts and for
non - residential lighting and industrial power including
baking and water heating.
First 100 KWH- $ 03 per KWH
Next 100 KUH: 02 per KWH
Next 500 KWH. • 015 per KWH
All over 700 KWH • 01 per KWH
In no case is the minimum charge to be less than $1.00
per month or fraction thereof, or $.50 per horsepower of con-
nected motor load up to twenty- horsepower, whichever is
greater. For connected motor loads in excess of twenty horse-
power, the City may determine the diversity factor for billing
purposes. No individual motor welder or X -ray type of equip-
ment having a single phase rating of more than two horse-
power or three phase rating of more than five horse power,
may be installed, re- located or re- arranged under this sched-
ule except with prior written approval from the Light Depart-
ment. The City reserves the right to meter at primary voltage
any loads in excess of fifty Kilowatts.
SCHEDULE V. Availability. Industrial Power Rate: All
Industrial Manufacturing and Processing Plants and other
commercial load approved by the Light Department in excess of
fifty KW demand, where lighting load does not exceed fifteen
percent of total connected load, and optional to governmen-
tal and municipal accounts.
Rate per Month:
Demand Charge: $.75 per KW of billing demand.
First 200 KWH per KW of billing demand: .006 Mills
per KWH
Next 100 KWH per KW of billing demand: .005 Mills
per KWH
Excess KUH's: .004 Mills per KWH.
Billing demand shall be the highest of the following:
1. Highest actual measured fifteen minute demand for
the month.
2. Seventy (70%) per cent of the highest demand estab-
lished for the eleven preceding months.
City reserves the right to meter at primary voltage any
consumer served under this schedule. A discount of five (5H)
per cent from gross billing will be granted to any consumer
owning and maintaining its own substation and associated
equipment for their exclusive use and taking energy at primary
distribution voltage.
Consumers are required to maintain a power factor at
ninety -five (95 %) per cent or better. If the average power
factor is below ninety -five (95%) per cent then the regis-
tered Kilowatt demand shall be adjusted by multiplying by
ninety -five (95%) per cent and dividing the result by the
average power factor. The City shall not be obligated to
deliver electrical energy to consumers whose power factor is
below seventy -five (75;') per cent lagging.
Method of adjusting power factor shall be in conformity
with accepted standards of the industry.
City shall have the right to install such metering equip-
ment as it desires to determine any and all operating condi-
tions. In the event of fault with metering equipment the City
shall have the right to estimate both demand and kilowatt
hours on the basis of hours operated and previous experience
of the consumer. The monthly demand may be determined by
test or inspection of the premises served. The customer shall
be entitled to the installation of recording demand meters
when so desiring. This schedule is based on a single deliv-
ery voltage of either single or three phase at either primary
or secondary distribution voltages commonly used for industrial
Minimum Charge: The minimum charge under this schedule
is not less than $1.00 per Kilowatt of billing demand per
month or fraction thereof.
Service at 69,000 volts or covering special conditions
shall be covered by contract.
SCHEDULE VI. Character of Service. Industrial rate 500
kilowatts of demand and over. Energy delivered under this
schedule shall be unregulated three phas; 60 cycle, A.C.
supplied from the sub - transmission system. The nominal poten-
tial shall be 13,800 Volts. The metering shall be at or
corrected to the transmission voltage level.
Availability. This schedule shall cover energy supplied
for industrial purposes where the demand is 500 kilowatts and
over and the customer is supplied by the unregulated sub -
transmission system.
Rate. The rate or charge for such service shall be the
energy charge plus the demand charge and shall be no less
than the minimum charge, computed as follows:
Energy Charge:
First 200 KWH per KW billing demand per month
C $0.0055 per KWH.
Second 200 KWH per KW of billing demand per month
C $0.003 per KWH
All over 400 KWH per KW of billing demand per month
C $0.002 per KWH.
Demand Charge:
$0.75 per Kt' of billing demand per month.
Billing demand shall be no less than 75% of the high-
est billing demand occurring during the preceding
eleven months, or 500 Ka, whichever is greater.
Minimum Charge:
$1.75 per KW of billing demand per month, and not less
than $500.00 per month.
Demand. The demand shall be the maximum fifteen minute
demand of the month, to the nearest whole number, measured
by a demand meter. Customers operating welders, X -ray
machines, log dumps, elevators, etc., whose intermittent
operation does not permit demand metering, shall be billed
an additional charge of $0.50 per KW of nameplate rating or
$0.50 per KY of demand as determined by test.
A ten (10%) per cent discount shall be allowed customers
who supply their own substation.
Power Factor. When the customer's average power factor '.
falls below 95>% as measured by a reactive meter, the billing
demand will be increased 1% for each percentage point below
the 95% required. Minimum billing and demand charges will be
applied after the correction for low power factor.
It is specifically ordained that this schedule and
service shall be subject to the general rules and regulations'
of Ordinance No. 890.
SCHEDULE VII. Municipal Service. The rate for Municipal
Street Lighting shall be lz cents per K1H. All other munic-
ipal service 1 cent per KIH.
Contract Sales: Nothing in this ordinance shall prohib-
it the City from entering into special contracts covering
electrical power service at rates other than herein specified
to meet specific operating conditions. The City may also
enter into guaranteed revenue contracts which are designed to
repay capital outlay and service cost, provided such contracts
do not exceed the term of five years.
SECTION II. That Ordinances numbered 1342 adopted January 20,
1955, and Ordinance Number 1407, adopted December 5, 1957,
and all other ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re -.
SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect on the first day of April, 1958, after its passage
and lawful publication.
INTRODUCED this 20th day of March, 1958.
Passed this 20th day of March, 1958.
Approved and signed by the Mayor this 20th day of March, 1958'.
Approved a(-to form
City Att cney
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