HomeMy WebLinkAbout1421ORDINANCE NO. ! I'S/
1 AN ORDINANCE granting to Rayonier Incorporated, its
2 successors and assigns, the right to maintain, operate and
3 construct electric power lines by means of poles and wires or
4 other means of conducting electrical energy as the same is now
5 constructed and erected on certain streets and public places in
6 the City of Port Angeles.
7 WHEREAS, there has been heretofore constructed, and is
8 now being maintained and operated, power lines over, along and
9 upon the following hereinafter described streets in the City of
10 Port Angeles by Rayonier Incorporated; and,
11 WHEREAS, said poles were constructed under a former
12 franchise but it is found that by reason of omission Rayonier
13 Incorporated did not have a franchise covering the hereinafter
14 described streets and the said operation is necessary for the
15 benefit of Rayonier Incorporated and the City of Port Angeles
16 and that a franchise should now be granted.
17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of
18 the City of Port Angeles as follows:
19 Section 1: That there be, and is hereby granted unto
20 Rayonier Incorporated, hereinafter called the Company, its
21 successors and assigns, the right, privilege, license, authority
22 and franchise to erect, maintain and use poles, wires, cables or
23 other suitable devices for the transmission of electrical energy
24 over, along and across the following described streets, alleys
25 and other public places in the City of Port Angeles, to -wit:
26 Commencing at the boundaries of the Rayonier plant in
27 Port Angeles, Washington thence continuing southerly to the
28 East parking strip at the corner of Jones and Water Streets;
29 thence continuing along the easterly parking strip of Jones Street
30 to the Northeast corner of East First and Jones Streets; thence
31 continuing at right angles along the northerly parking strip of
32 First Street to the Northeast corner of Chambers and First Streets;
1 ;thence continuing southerly along the easterly parking strip to
2 '!;the intersection of Chambers Street and a point 12 1/2 feet South
3 ii of the northerly margin of the Boulevard; thence continuing easterl
4 Yalong said Boulevard 12 1/2 feet South of the northerly margin
5 {thereto to the point at right angles to the Rayonier bus position
6 j on the Bonneville Sub- station; thence continuing southerly at
7 fright angles across said Boulevard to the Bonneville Substation
8 ;;together with all necessary guy stubs, guy poles, overhead guys,
9 '.anchors and appurtenances.
10 Section 2: This franchise is granted for the purpose of
11 jextending to the Company for a period of twenty -five (25) years
12 !!from and after the �dr day of ,0T, /A/r, the right of
13 ilmaintaining its electrical transmission system together with the
14 !; right to install such other means, equipment or devices as shall
15 ;11 be necessary to maintain and operate the Company equipment for the
16 Jpurpose of transmitting electric current to Rayonier Incorporated
17 as the same is now established, constructed and in operation and
18 the successors and assigns of the licensee corporation.
19 Section 3: The Company, its successors and assigns, sha
20 remove, relocate or cause to be relocated any of its poles, lines,
21 conduits or other services from the streets and alleys covered by
22 this franchise as may be required by the City for the purpose of
23 i regrading, relocating or repairing any such street or alley within
24 1 thirty (30) days on written notice frpm the City. •!'he City shall
25 '!bear the cost of moving its own equipment installed upon the
26 a Companies poles in case of'such replacement.
27 Section 4: The City shall at all times have the right
2$ i1 to make contact with and fasten to the poles of the Company, all
29 i +circuits belonging to or used by the. City for the purpose of
30 supplying heat, light and /or power to the consumers of such
31 licurrent served by the City, such use to be limited to the lower
32 thirty -five (35) feet, measured from the ground. All such
1 i4construction to comply with the laws of the State of Washington.
2 Section 5: The Company shall, and does hereby agree, to
3 save the City harmless by reason of any damage or claim for
4 damages to persons or property or to the City of Port Angeles
arising from or in any way growing out of the erection, install-
6 ation or other maintenance of the poles, wires and other equipment
7 of the Company herein provided for, but the Company shall not be
.8 Viable for any damages arising out of the use of such poles or
g 'other equipment installed thereon by the City.
10 Section 6: That all equipment installed by the Company
11 1within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles under
12 this franchise shall in every respect conform to the requirements
13 'set forth, and .prescribed by the statutes of the State of Washingto
14 ,land the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, which are now or
15 may hereafter be in effect. The Company shall further at such
16 ;times as the City shall direct, wash the insulators and other
17 'installations carried upon its pole lines, and shall also at such
18 (times tighten all loose hardware upon its said pole lines, or
19 ,take such measures as may be necessary to eliminate unnecessary
20 radio or television interference. The City of Port Angeles shall
21 have full right and authority by and through its light superinten-
(dent to inspect the construction, equipment or material of the
23 'Company for the purpose of determining, that the requirements of
24 this ordinance have been fully complied with.
25 Section 7: That in the event it is necessary to reinstal
26 hor replace any of the poles herein provided. for and licensed, the
27 Company shall, whenever possible, set its poles to correspond
28 { to the present location of said poles or the light poles of the
29 ICity of Port Angeles, to the end that the least possible duplicatiol
30 of existing poles shall result from the installation herein
31 ,permitted on the streets and alleys above named. Whenever poles
32 of the Company shall be installed to take the place of existing
poles of the City, as hereby provided, the cost of transferring
2 ,'the City's wires and equipment from its own poles to those
3 installed by the Company shall bp-borne entirely by the Company.
4 1! Section 8: That all lines or replacements hereafter
5 constructed by the Company under authority of this Ordinance
6 shall be installed upon insulators of sufficient type and weight
7 4 in capacity to^ carry, a voltage„ acid current equal to twenty per
8 cent excess over the voltage and current actually carried upon
9 such lines.
10 Section 9: The Company shall pay for the rights and
11 privileges herein granted the, sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per
12 .,annum for the term hereof, payable in advance on the first day
13 ! of c�r9.li�atey_ of each year.
14 ! Section 10: That the Company shall within fifteen (15)
15 days from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance
16 file its acceptance in writing hereof with the Clerk of the City.
17 Section 11: This ordinance shall take effect and be in
18 force five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication
19 �' as required by law.
20 '' INTRODUCED: August 7 , 1958
21 !' PASSED: Selik e m b e r / S , 1958
22 APPROVED AND SIGNED By the Mayor: Se , e m D 8 r / g' , 195 •
24 !1 4.
25 '�:44 6
26 Ij
27 ! - w City Clerk
28 lApproved as to form:
31 !,
32 PUBLISHED: Au f,Sept 21, Se 25 , 1958.
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