HomeMy WebLinkAbout1475ORDINANCE NO. /L 75
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, providing for the improvement
of a certain area within the city by the
construction and installation of trunk
and lateral storm sewers therein, the
improvement of certain streets by the
grading, ballasting and paving thereof
and the construction of curbs and gutters
where necessary, and the construction of
sidewalks and driveways where requested
by the owner, the improvement of certain
alleys by the grading, ballasting and paving
thereof and by doing all other work necessary
in connection with such improvements, all
pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 183
of the city passed and approved August 3, 1961,
creating a local improvement district there-
for, providing for the payment for said improve-
ments by special assessments upon the property
in said district, providing for the creation of
certain funds and for the issuance and sale of
local improvement district bonds and warrants.
WHEREAS, on August 3, 1961, the Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, adopted its Improvement Resolution
No. 183 declaring its intention to improve a certain area within
the city by the construction and installation of trunk and lateral
storm sewers therein, to improve certain streets by the grading,
ballasting and paving thereof, the construction of curbs and
gutters therefor where necessary, and the construction of
sidewalks and driveways where requested by the owners, to
improve certain alleys by the grading, ballasting and paving
thereof and to do all work necessary in connection therewith;
WHEREAS, said resolution was duly published in the
Peninsula Herald on August 10 and August 17 in the manner required
by law, and notice of said hearing was also duly given by
mailing as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said hearing was held on September 7, 1961,
as provided in said notice, various oral statements and
protests were made and certain written protests were filed
against the creation of said proposed local improvement district,
and after discussion of said improvements and due consideration
thereof, the Council determined to order the construction and
installation of the improvements hereinafter more particularly
described and to create a local improvement district therefor;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows:
Section 1. The following described trunk and lateral
storm sewers for the improvement of the area described in
Section 2 hereof, together With all necessary appurtenances
thereto and work necessary in connection therewith shall be
constructed and installed:
A. Trunk Storm Sewers
An 8" storm sewer on Fifth Street from Peabody Street
to Vine Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Vine Street from Fifth Street to
Sixth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Peabody Street from Eighth Street
to Eleventh Street
B. Lateral Storm Sewers
An 8" storm sewer on Vine Street from Sixth Street to
Seventh Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Sixth Street from Vine Street to
Albert Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Albert Street from Sixth Street to
Seventh Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Chase Street from Eighth Street to
Tenth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Eleventh Street from Peabody Street
to Chase Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Chase Street from Eleventh
Street to Thirteenth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Peabody Street from Eleventh Street
to Twelfth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Tenth Street from Peabody Street
to Vine Street, thence a 6" storm sewer to Albert Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Eleventh Street from Peabody
Street to Eunice Street, thence a 6" storm sewer to
Francis Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Vine Street from Eighth Street to
Ninth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Albert Street from Eighth Street to
Tenth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Tenth Street from Albert Street
to Francis Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Francis Street from Tenth Street
to Eleventh Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Eunice Street from Eighth Street
to Ninth Street.
An 8" storm sewer on Ninth Street from Eunice Street
to Francis Street.
A 6" storm sewer on Vine Street from the Alley between
Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street to Twelfth Street.
A 6" storm sewer on Twelfth Street from Vine Street to
Albert Street.
Section 2. The property to be specially benefited by
the foregoing storm sewer improvements shall include all the
property within the city lying within the following described
Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the
centerlines of Lincoln Street and Eighth Street;
thence Easterly along the centerline of Eighth Street
to the centerline of Peabody Street; thence Northerly
along the centerline of Peabody Street to the center-
line of Fourth Street; thence Easterly along the
centerline of Fourth Street to the Westerly brink of
Peabody Creek Gulch; thence Southerly along the
Westerly brink of Peabody Creek Gulch to the centerline
of Lauridsen Boulevard; thence Westerly along the
centerline of Lauridsen Boulevard to the centerline of
Lincoln Street; thence Northerly along the centerline
of Lincoln Street to the centerline of Eighth Street,
the point of beginning.
Section 3. A. The following described streets
shall be improved by grading, ballasting, constructing curbs
and gutters where necessary, and paving with two inch compacted
Bituminous Plant Mix:
Fifth Street from Peabody Street to Peabody Gulch.
Sixth Street from Peabody Street to Peabody Gulch.
Seventh Street from Peabody Street to Peabody Gulch.
Eighth Street from Lincoln Street to Peabody Gulch.
Ninth Street from Chase Street to Peabody Gulch.
Tenth Street from Lincoln Street to Peabody Gulch.
Eleventh Street from Lincoln Street to Lauridsen
Twelfth Street from Lincoln Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Thirteenth Street from Chase Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Chase Street from Eighth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Peabody Street from Fourth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Vine Street from Fifth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Albert Street from Sixth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Eunice Street from Eighth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Francis Street from Ninth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard.
Lauridsen Boulevard from Francis Street to Peabody Gulch.
B. The following described alleys shall be improved
by grading,ballasting where necessary, and paving with two inch
compacted Bituminous Plant Mix:
Between Fourth and Fifth Streets from Peabody Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Fifth and Sixth Streets from Peabody Street to
Peabody Gulch.
Between Sixth and Seventh Streets from Peabody Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Seventh and Eighth Streets from Peabody Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Eighth and Ninth Streets from Lincoln Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Ninth and Tenth Streets from Lincoln Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets from Lincoln Street
to Peabody Gulch.
Between Eleventh and Twelfth Streets from Lincoln Street
to Eunice Street.
Between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets from Chase Street
to Vine Street.
C. The foregoing streets and alleys shall be further
improved by the construction of individual sidewalk and driveway
paving and the cost thereof assessed against the property
benefited thereby wherever a written request for such construction
shall be timely filed with the city by the individual owner or
owners of all of the property to be benefited thereby and
provided that the unit contract bids for such items of work
are reasonable and not unbalanced in the determination of the
City Council.
Section 4. The plans and specifications for the
improvements described in Sections 1 and 3 above as prepared
by the city engineer and now on file, are hereby adopted and
Section 5. There is hereby established a local
improvement district of the city, to be known as '=Local
Improvement District No. 183," which said district shall
include all the property described in section 2 above and all
the property between the termini of the improvements
described in Section 3 above, abutting upon, adjacent, vicinal
or proximate to the streets and alleys to be improved to a
distance of ninety feet back from the marginal lines thereof,
or to the center line of the blocks facing or abutting thereon,
whichever is greater.,
The entire cost of the improvements described in
Section 1 above shall be borne by and assessed against the
property within the enlarged area described in Section 2 above.
The nature of the improvements to be constructed and
installed pursuant to this ordinance is such that the special
benefits conferred on the property within this local improve-
ment district are not in all cases fairly reflected by the use
of the zone and termini method of computing assessments, and
assessments shall in such cases be made
in accordance with the special benefits
improvement, without regard to the zone
against such property
it will derive from the
and termini method.
The City of Port Angeles will not be liable in any
manner for any portion of the cost and expense of the improve-
ments to be constructed in this local improvement district.
Section 7. There is hereby created a fund of the city
to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 183 Fund" into
which Fund there shall be paid all of the assessments collected
in said district as and when directed by the ordinance con-
firming said assessments and the assessment roll therefor.
Said Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of payment of
bonds and /or warrants to be issued in payment of the cost and
expense of said improvements
warrants bearing interest at
annum shall be drawn on said
as hereinafter provided. Interim
a rate of not to exceed 6% per
Fund based upon estimates of the
city engineer and sold by the city to provide funds for the
payment of the costs of construction and installation of
said improvements and costs incidental thereto as same shall
be incurred. Bonds of said local improvement district in
denominations of $1,000 each, except for Bond No. 1, the
denomination of which shall be hereafter provided by resolution
of the City Council, bearing interest at a rate of not to
exceed 6% per annum and payable on or before twelve years from
date of issue shall be issued for the redemption of said
warrants and shall be payable both principal and interest by
the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed
upon the property within the district, payable in ten equal annual
installments with interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per
annum, all as provided by law and ordinances of the city.
Section 8. There is hereby also created a fund of the
city to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 183
Construction Fund." All moneys received from the sale of
warrants drawn on the Local Improvement District No. 183 Fund
shall be placed in said Local Improvement District No. 183
Construction Fund and shall be used solely for the purpose of
paying all of the costs of construction and installation of the
improvements authorized in said local improvement district,
including all costs and expenses incidental thereto. Any moneys
remaining in said Construction Fund after payment of all
costs of said district shall be transferred and paid into
the Local Improvement District No. 183 Fund.
Section 9. This ordinance shall become effective
five days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of
said Council held this 7th day of September, 1961.