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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to park-
ing, and amending an existing section of the Code of the
City of Port Angeles, and adding thereto a new section.
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1.
Section 17.37 is hereby amended to read as follows:
is hereby authorized and directed to install or place parking
meters in the Parking Meter Zones. Such parking meters shall be
placed upon the curb alongside of, or next to, individual parking
places to be designated as hereinafter provided. Each parking
meter shall be placed or set in such manner as to show or display
11 by a signal that the parking meter space adjacent to such meter
is, or is not, legally in use. Each parking meter shall be in-
stalled and so adjusted and set to display a signal showing legal
parking during a period of twelve (12) minutes upon and after the
deposit therein of a one cent coin of the United States, and show-
I ing legal parking during a period of sixty (60) minutes upon and
after the deposit therein of a five cent coin of the United States.
(Provided that rates for the City Parking Lot shall be set by Sec-
tion 17.36(c). Each said meter shall be so set, adjusted and
arranged, that at the expiration of said legal parking time it will
indicate by a mechanical operation that the lawful parking period
has expired."
Section 17.38 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Police shall place lines or marks on the curb or on the street
about or alongside of each parking meter to designate the parking
(space for which said meter is to be used, and each vehicle parked
alongside of any parking meter shall park within the lines or
markings so established. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle
across any such line or mark or to park said vehicle in such a way
that the same shall not be within the area so designated by such
lines or markings."
Section 17.39 is hereby amended to read as follows:
I Between the hours of 9 :00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on all days, except
Sundays, New Year's Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday,
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans
Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, when any vehicle shall be
parked in any space alongside of or next to which a parking meter
is located, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter,
said vehicle shall, upon entering said space, immediately deposit
in said meter a five cent coin of the United States for the maxi-
mum legal parking time of sixty (60) minutes, or a one cent coin
of the United States for a legal parking time of twelve (12)
minutes, and put the meter in operation. Provided that: rates
1 for parking in the City Parking Lot shall be as designated by
Section 17.36(c). If said vehicle shall remain parked in said
parking space beyond the legal parking time, which shall be desig-
nated by a sign or signal of said parking meter showing illegal
sparking, such vehicle shall be considered as parked overtime, and
the parking of a vehicle overtime, or failure to put said meter in
operation, shall be a violation of this ordinance and be punished
as hereinafter set forth."
Section 17.42 is hereby amended to read as follows:
,I the duty of the Chief of Police to keep account of all violations
of this ordinance:
"(a) The number of each parking meter which indicates that the
vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter
is or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions of this
"(b) The State license number of such vehicle.
II "(c) Any other fact, a knowledge of which is necessary to a
thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such viola-
"(d) To attach to such vehicle a notice that it has been parked
in violation of this ordinance and instruct the owner or operator
to report at the Police Station of the City of Port Angeles in
regard to such violation."
Section 17.31(d) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.31(d) ADJACENT THEATRES. Beginning at a point on the South
curb line of First Street fifty (50) feet Westerly of the South-
west corner of First and Lincoln and thence running Westerly along
said curb line a distance of thirty - seven (37) feet. No cars or
vehicles of any kind shall be parked in this zone."
Section 17.31(f) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Beginning at a point on the West curb line of Lincoln Street
and a point one hundred and fifty (150) feet North of the North
margin of Front Street and running thence Northerly a distance of
fifty (50) feet.
"Beginning at a point on the South curb line of Front Street and
a point two hundred (200) feet East of the East margin of Laurel
!Street and thence running Easterly a distance of forty -four (44)
feet along said curb line.
"No cars or other vehicles of any kind shall be parked at any
time in said zones, except for loading and unloading."
Section 17.32 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Beginning on the South side of the alley between Front Street
and First Street and on the West margin of Lincoln Street for a
II distance of twenty -four (24) feet.
"Beginning at a point on the South curb line of First Street
and a point two hundred (200) feet West of the West margin of Oak
Street and thence running Westerly a distance of fifty (50) feet
along said curb line.
"Beginning at a point on the South curb line of First Street
and a point one hundred fifty (15) feet East of the East margin
of Oak Street and thence running Easterly a distance of twenty
i(20) feet along said curb line.
"Beginning at a point on the South curb line of First Street
one hundred twenty -five (125) feet West of the West margin of
Lincoln Street and thence running Westerly a distance of thirty
(30) feet."
Section 17.30 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.30 PROHIBITED PARKING. No person shall stop, stand or park
a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other
traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer
or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
1. On a sidewalk or parking strip.
2. Within an intersection.
3. Within fifteen (15) feet of an intersection.
4. On a crosswalk.
5. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
6. In front of a public or private driveway or within five (5)
feet of the end of the curb radius leading thereto.
7. Upon any bridge.
8. At any place official signs prohibit stopping.
9. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the
edge or curb of a street.
10. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction
when such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct
Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 17.36 are hereby
amended to read as follows:
"(a) The following described portions of the following named
streets are hereby designated and established as one hour parking
meter zones:
First Street from Lincoln Street West to Cherry Street.
Front Street from a point 200 feet East of Lincoln Street
West to 50 feet West of Oak Street; thence West on
Front Street on the South side only to Cherry Street.
Lincoln Street from Railroad Avenue South to Sixth Street.
Laurel Street from Railroad Avenue South to First Street.
Oak Street from Front Street South to the alley between
First and Second Streets, except the East margin of Oak
Street between First and Second Streets.
"(b) The following described portions of the following named
streets are designated and established as two hour parking meter
I zones:
First Street from Peabody Street West to Lincoln Street.
Oak Street from Railroad Avenue South to Front Street."
Section 17.31(b) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.31(b) TWO HOUR ZONE.
First Street from Peabody Street East to Ennis Street
day or night shall be two (2) hour parking.
Sixth Street 150 feet East of Lincoln Street.
Sixth Street 150 feet West of Lincoln Street."
Section 17.26 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.26 MANNER OF PARKING GENERALLY. Parking on the various
streets of the City of Port Angeles shall be designated as
"Within the City of Port Angeles all cars left on the street
;shall be either angle parked or parallel parked as provided in
this and other ordinances of the City of Port Angeles.
"Parallel parking shall be with the car parked or placed paral-
lel with the curb and not to exceed fifteen (15) inches therefrom.
"Angle parking shall be with the right front wheel of the car
resting against the curb and with the car at an angle of thirty
(30) degrees from the curb."
Section 17.31(g) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.31(g) NIGHT PARKING LIMITS. Night parking - 2:00 A.M. to
5:00 A.M.
On Lincoln Street between Railroad Avenue and 8th Street,
on Laurel Street between Railroad Avenue and First Street,
on Oak Street between Railroad Avenue and alley between
First and Second Streets,
on First Street between Peabody Street and Cherry Street,
on Front Street between Lincoln Street and Cherry Street.
"Between 2:00 A.M. and 5 :00 A.M. NO CARS or vehicles shall be
left standing or parked. Includes all zone parking. All cars
parked in violation of the provisions of this chapter may be im-
Section 17.30(e) is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.30(c) On a railroad crossing or immediately adjacent to a
railroad track so as to obstruct a train from passing."
Section 17.18 is hereby amended to read as follows:
"17.18 DUTIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The Police Department
of the City shall perform the following duties with regard to per-
sons violating the provisions of this chapter:
"(1) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts
to such violators as are permitted and desire to forfeit bail.
"(2) It shall accept designated bail from and issue receipts
to all persons who must, or wish to be, heard in Court, enter the
time of their appearance on the Court docket, and notify the
arresting officer and witnesses, if any, to be present.
"(3) It shall keep an easily accessible record of all bail for-
feitures and violations of the parking ordinances of this City of
which any person has been charged, together with a record of the
final disposition of all such alleged offenses. Such record shall
be so maintained as to show all violations and the total. Said
record shall accumulate during at least a one year period and from
that time on the record shall be maintained complete for at least
the most recent one year period.
"(4) If a violator of the parking restrictions of this ordi-
nance does not appear as provided herein, the Police Department
(shall send to the owner of the motor vehicle to which the notice
was affixed, a notice informing him of the violation, and warning
him that he will be held responsible for the appearance of the
"(5) If any person who has received a notice or summons as
(provided herein, fails to appear within seven (7) days after the
receipt of such notice or summons, or if any person refuses to de-
posit bail, as provided herein, or if any person who has received
(notice of one (1) violation of the parking provisions of this
ordinance fails to appear within seven (7) days after the last of
said notices has been given him or affixed to his vehicle, as pre -
(scribed herein, the Police Department shall forthwith have a com-
plaint filed against him and secure and issue a warrant for his
Section 2. There is hereby added to Section 17.29 a new
:subdivision to read as follows:
SCHOOL ZONES: On the North side of 4th Street immediately
in front of the Roosevelt Junior High School and between the two
driveways entering from 4th Street to the school grounds.
"c" Street South from 8th Street for a distance of three
hundred (300) feet on the East curb line.
Chase Street South from 12th Street to 13th Street on the
West c urb line.
From the alley between 10th and llth Streets North on Oak
for a distance of seventy -five (75) feet on the East curb line.
Section 3. COLORS TO INDICATE ZONES. Red paint on curb
shall indicate no parking at any time. White paint on curb line
shall indicate hotel zone. Yellow paint on curb line shall indi-
cate loading and unloading areas and commercial zones. Green
paint on curb line shall indicate fifteen (15) minute zones.
Police shall set aside a zone for loading and unloading in front
of or adjacent to a church. Such zones to be created upon the re-
quest of the church.
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons,
firms or corporation to erect, paint or provide any parking sign or,
markings unless authorized by City Manager and /or Chief of Police.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to stop,
'park or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended,
upon the paved, improved or main traveled portion of any City
Section 7. No person shall move a vehicle not owned by
such person into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such
a distance as is unlawful.
Section 8. It shall be unlawful to permit a motor vehicle
Ito stand unattended with the ignition keys in the vehicle or the
ignition switch left in the starting position.
Section 9. The operator of any parked vehicle shall look
(lout for and yield to oncoming vehicles the right of way before
opening the vehicle doors on the main traveled roadway side of
'the vehicle.
Section 10. All motor vehicles parked on the streets of
the City of Port Angeles and in City Parking Lots shall be in
operating condition, excepting vehicles that may have broken down
while in normal use.
Section 11. All motor vehicles parked on the streets of
II the City of Port Angeles shall be parked on the right hand side
of the street facing the direction of travel and within fifteen
(15) inches of the curb line.
Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand
Hor.park any vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle or load
thereon projects into a street for a distance of more than eight
(8) feet from the curb.
Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand
or park any vehicle in any alley of the City, except for loading
or unloading, which must be done without delay.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
this 3rd day of January, 1963.
1 /9• VA..
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
PUBLISHED: J /4A/VA ') /G /91- -3