HomeMy WebLinkAbout1500ORDINANCE NO. 1500
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, pro-
viding for the improvement of a certain area within the
City by the construction and installation of sanitary
trunk sewers, sanitary lateral sewers and sanitary sub -
sewers therein, including manholes, lamp holes and
Wyes where needed, and by doing all other work necessary
in connection with such improvement, all pursuant to
Improvement Resolution No. 185 of the City passed and
approved December 6, 1962, creating a local improve-
ment district therefor, providing for the payment for
said improvements by special assessments upon the prop-
erty in said district, providing for the creation of
certain funds and for the issuance and sale of local
improvement district warrants.
WHEREAS, on December 6, 1962, the Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, adopted its Improvement Resolution No.
185, declaring its intention to improve a certain area within the
City by the construction and installation of sanitary trunk sewers,
sanitary lateral sewers and sanitary sub- sewers therein, including
,manholes, lamp holes and Wyes where needed, and to do all work
.necessary in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said resolution was duly published in the manner
required by law, and notice of said hearing was also duly given
as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said hearing was held on January 3, 1963, as pro-
vided in said notice, any protests against the creation of said
proposed local improvement district were considered, and after
discussion of said improvements and due consideration thereof the
Council determined that all of the area described in Section 2 of
Improvement Resolution No. 185 would be benefited by the construc-
tion of such trunk sewers, sanitary lateral sewers and sanitary
sub - sewers therein, including manholes, lamp holes and Wyes where
needed; and
WHEREAS, the Council has determined to order the construc-
tion and installation of the improvements described in said reso-
lution and to create a local improvement district therefor, as
hereinafter more particularly described; now, therefore,
WASHINGTON as follows:
Section 1. The following described trunk and lateral
sanitary sewers for the improvement of the area described in Sec-
tion 2 hereof, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto
and work necessary in connection therewith, shall be constructed
and installed:
Trunk Sewers
An 8" trunk sanitary sewer in "H" Street from the exist -
ing manhole on "H" Street at the alley between Eighth
and Ninth Streets to Ninth Street.
An 8" trunk sewer in Ninth Street from "H" Street to
"I" Street.
An 8" trunk sanitary sewer in "I" Street from Ninth
to the alley between Ninth and Tenth Streets.
Lateral Sewers
An 8" lateral sanitary sewer in "I" Street from the
alley between Ninth and Tenth Streets to Twelfth Street.
An 8" lateral sanitary sewer in the alley between Tenth
and Eleventh Streets from "I" Street to "G" Street.
A 6" lateral sanitary sewer in Eleventh Street between
"I" and "H" Streets.
A 6" lateral sanitary sewer in the alley between
Eleventh and Twelfth Streets from "I" Street to "H"
A 6" lateral sanitary sewer on Twelfth Street East a
distance of 283 feet.
Section 2. The property to be specially benefited by the
foregoing sanitary sewer improvements shall include all the prop-
erty within the City lying within the following described area:
Beginning at a point which is on the Northerly
margin of the alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets
and the Westerly margin of "I" Street; thence Southerly
along the Westerly margin of "I" Street to the Northerly
margin of the alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth
Streets; thence Easterly along the Northerly margin of
said alley to the line between Lots 4 and 5, Block 365,
Townsite; thence Northerly along said line between Lots
4 and 5 to the Northerly margin of Twelfth Street;
thence Easterly along the Northerly margin of Twelfth
Street to the Westerly margin of "H" Street; thence
Northerly along the Westerly margin of "H" Street to the
Northerly margin of Eleventh Street; thence Easterly
along the Northerly margin of Eleventh Street to the
Westerly margin of "G" Street; thence Northerly along
the Westerly margin of "G" Street to the Southerly
margin of Ninth Street; thence Westerly along the
Southerly margin of Ninth Street to the Easterly
margin of "H" Street; thence Northerly along the
Easterly margin of "H" Street to the Northerly margin
of the alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets; thence
Westerly along said Northerly alley margin to the
Westerly margin of "I" Street, the point of beginning.
Section 3. The plans and specifications for the improve-
ments described in Section 1 above as prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file, are hereby adopted and approved.
Section 4. There is hereby established a local improvement
district of the City, to be known as "Local Improvement District
No. 185 ", which said district shall include all the property des-
cribed in Section 2 above.
Section 5. The entire cost of the improvements described
in Section 1 above shall be borne by and assessed against the
property within the enlarged area described in Section 2 above.
The nature of the improvements to be constructed and in-
stalled pursuant to this ordinance is such that the special bene-
fits conferred on the property within this local improvement dis-
trict are not in all cases fairly reflected by the use of the
zone and termini method of computing assessments, and assessments
shall in such cases be made against such property in accordance
with the special benefits it will derive from the improvement,
without regard to the zone and termini method.
Approximately 90% of such cost shall be charged to the
property lying between the termini of the proposed improvements
and extending back from the marginal lines thereof to the middle
of the block, or at least 90 feet back, which shall represent the
cost of such lateral. sewers and necessary appurtenances and that
portion of the cost of such trunk sewers that would represent the
reasonable cost of local sewers and necessary appurtenances suited
to the requirements of the property lying between the termini and
abutting upon such trunk sewers. Approximately 10% of such cost,
representing the remainder of the cost and expense of such im-
provements and necessary appurtenances shall be distributed over
and against all the rest of the property within the boundaries of
the district.
The City of Port Angeles will not be liable in any manner
for any portion of the cost and expense of the improvements to be
I constructed in this local improvement district.
Section 6. There is hereby created a fund of the City to
be known as "Local Improvement District No. 185 Fund" into which
fund there shall be paid all of the assessments collected in said
district as and when directed by the ordinance confirming said
assessments and the assessment roll therefor. Said Fund shall
be used solely for the purpose of payment of warrants to be issued
in payment of the cost and expense of said improvements as herein-
after provided. Interim warrants bearing interest at a rate of
not to exceed 4 3/4% per annum shall be drawn on said Fund based
upon estimates of the City Engineer and sold by the City to pro-
vide funds for the payment of the costs of construction and in-
stallation of said improvements and costs incidental thereto as
same shall be incurred. Warrants of said local improvement dis-
1trict in denominations of $100.00 each, except for Warrant No. 1
the denomination of which shall be hereafter provided by resolu-
tion of the City Council, bearing interest at a rate of not to ex-
ceed 4 3/4% per annum and payable on or before twelve years from
date of issue shall be issued to obtain funds for the redemption
of said interim warrants and shall be payable both principal and
interest by the collection of special assessments to be levied and
i1assessed upon the property within the district, payable in ten
equal annual installments with interest at a rate of not to ex-
ceed 4 3/4% per annum, all as provided
by law and ordinances of the City.
Section 7. There is hereby also created a fund of the
City to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 185 Construc-
tion Fund ". All monies received from the sale of warrants drawn
on the Local Improvement District No. 185 Fund shall be placed in
said Local Improvement District No. 185 Construction Fund and
' shall be used solely for the purpose of paying all of the costs
of construction and installation of the improvements authorized
in said local improvement district, including all costs and ex-
penses incidental thereto. Any monies remaining in said Construc-
tion Fund after payment of all costs of said distric t shall be
transferred and paid into the Local Improvement District No. 185
1 Fund.
Section 8. This ordinance shall become effective five
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washing-
ton, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council .
held this 3rd day of January, 1963.
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
Published: JAA/1.)4 /y /o. /96 -3
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Article Section
Title Page
Purpose and Scope 1
Rules and Definitions 3
Establishing Mapped Zones & Regulations 12
1 RS -9 Residential Single Family District 13
2 RS -7 Residential Single Family District 16
3 RMF Residential Multi-Family District 17
4 RTP Residential Trailer Park District 18
5 RB Residential Buffer District 23
6 CSD -N Neighborhood Shopping District 25
7 CSD -C Community Shopping Districts 27
CSD -C1 & CSD -C2
8 CAD Commercial Arterial District 29
9 CBD Central Business District 31
10 PSC Planned Shopping Center District 33
11 M -1 Industrial Park District 40
12 M -2 Industrial District 42
13 PBP Public Buildings - Park District 44
V Parking Space Regulations 45
VI Homes for the Elderly, Nursing Homes 46
VII Wrecking Yards, Junk Yards 48
VIII Signs, Billboards 49
IX General Provisions, Conditions and
Exceptions 50
X Special Provisions 54
XI Administration and Enforcement 58
XII Separability 65
XIII Violations and Penalties 65
XIV Effective Date 66
This comprehensive Ordinance is adopted for the following
1. To divide the city into zones and districts restricting
and regulating therein the location, construction, recon-
struction, alteration and use of buildings, structures
and land for residential, business, commercial,manufac-
turing, public and other specified uses.
2. To protect the character and maintain the stability of
residential, commercial and manufacturing areas within
the city, and to promote the orderly development of
such areas.
3. To regulate the intensity of use of lots and parcels of
land, and to determine the area of open spaces surround-
ing buildings necessary to provide adequate light, air,
privacy and access to property.
4. To limit congestion in the public streets and to protect
the public health, safety, convenience and general
welfare by providing for offstreet parking of motor
vehicles and for the loading and unloading of commercial
5. To establish building lines and the location of buildings
designed for residential, commercial, manufacturing or
other uses within such lines.
6. To prevent the overcrowding of land and undue concentra-
tion of structures so far as is possible and is appro-
priate in each district, by regulating the use and the
bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding
7. To provide protection from fire, explosion, noxious fumes
and other hazards in the interest of public health,
safety, comfort and general welfare.
8. To prevent such additions to, and alteration or remodeling
of, existing buildings or structures as would not comply
with the restrictions and limitations imposed hereunder.
9. To prohibit uses, buildings or structures which are in-
compatible with the character of development or the per-
mitted uses within specified zoning districts,
10. To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings
throughout the city.
11. To define and to limit the powers and duties of the
administrative officers and bodies as provided herein.
Words and terms in this Article are included because of special
or particular meanings as they are used in these Regulations.
In the construction of these Zoning Regulations the rules and
definitions contained in this Section shall be observed and
applied, except when the context clearly indicates otherwise.
Words used in the present tense shall include the
future; words used in the singular shall include
the plural, and the plural shall include the
The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary.
The word "may" is permissive.
The word "lot" shall include the words "piece" and
"parcel "; the word "building" includes all other
structures of every kind regardless of similarity
to buildings; and the phrase "used for" shall in-
clude the phrases "arranged for ", "designed for ",
"intended for ", "maintained for" and "occupied
for ".
Accessory Building or Use - one which:
a. is subordinate to, and serves a principal building
or principal use, and
b. is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the
principal building or principal use served, and
c. is located on the same zoning lot as the principal
building or principal use served.
An accessory building or use includes, but is not limited
to the following:
a. a children's playhouse, garden house or private
b. a garage, carport or a building for storage incidental
to a permitted use
c. incinerators incidental to a permitted use.
d. storage of goods used in or produced by manufacturing
activities, on the same zoning lot with such activi-
ties, unless such storage is excluded by the district
e. offstreet motor vehicle parking areas and loading
f. signs as permitted and regulated in each district in
these Regulations.
Alley - a public right of way which provides service access to
abutting property.
Apartment - a room, or a suite of two or more rooms in a multi-
ple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling
unit for one family.
Billboard - (See definition of Outdoor Advertising Display,
Sign or Billboard)
Building, Accessory -- see "Accessory Building or User.
Building, Detached - a building surrounded by an open space
on the same lot as the principal building.
Building Line - front, side and rear building lines are the
lines on each zoning lot that delineate the area within which
construction of principal buildings is confined.
Building, Principal - the major building on a lot, the build-
ing which houses the major use of the land and the structures
on a zoning lot.
Building, Residential - a building arranged, designed, used
or intended to be used for residential occupancy by one or
more families or lodgers.
Business Parking Lot and /or Structure - a commercial offstreet
parking lot or structure used exclusively for parking and /or
storage of vehicles.
Carport - an accessory building or an accessory portion of the
main building designed and used primarily for the shelter or
storage of vehicles. It is not an enclosed structure and it
does not contain a door which would allow vehicles to pass in-
to the structure: it is open on two or more sides.
Commission - the appointed Planning Commission.
Conditional Use Permit - a limited permission to locate a
particular use at a particular location, and which limited
permission is required to modify the controls stipulated by
these Regulations in such degree as to assure that the partic-
ular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding proper-
ties, shall not be in conflict with the comprehensive plan
and shall not be contrary to the public interest.
Conditional Use - a use permitted in a zoning district but
which requires a special degree of control to make such use
consistent and compatible with other existing or permissible
uses in the same zone.
Conforming Building or Structure - a building that complies
with all sections of these Zoning Regulations or any amendment
thereto governing size, height, area, location on the lot, for
the zoning district in which such building or structure is
Conforming Lot - a lot that contains the required width, depth
and square footage as specified in the zoning district in which
the lot is situated.
Conforming Use - a use that is listed as Permitted or Condition-
al Use in the zoning district in which the use is situated.
Council - the City Council.
Club or Lodge, Private - a non - profit association of persons
who are bonafide members paying annual dues, which owns, hires
or leases a building, or portion thereof, the use of such
premises being restricted to members and their guests.
Dormitory - a residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with or
without eating facilities.
Dump - an area devoted to the disposal of refuse, including
incineration, reduction or dumping of ashes, garbage, combusti-
ble or non - combustible refuse.
Duplex - a residential building containing two one- family
dwelling units within the four walls of the building.
Dwelling -- a building, or portion thereof, but not an auto-
mobile house trailer, designed or used exclusively for resident-
ial occupancy, including one - family dwellings, two - family
dwellings and multi- family dwellings, but not including hotels,
motels or lodging houses.
Dwelling Unit -- one or more rooms which are arranged, designed
or used as living quarters for one family only. Individual
bathrooms are not necessarily provided, but complete single
kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall always be in-
cluded for each dwelling unit.
Dwelling, One- family - a building containing one dwelling unit
Dwelling, Two- family a building containing two dwelling units
Dwelling, Multi- family - a building or a portion thereof
containing three or more dwelling units.
Erected - construction of any building or structure or the
structural alteration of a building or structure, the result
of which would be to change the exterior walls or roof or to
increase the floor area of the interior of the building or
Establishment, Business or Commercial - a place of business
carrying on an operation, the ownership and management of
which are separate and distinct from those of any other place
of business located on the same zoning lot.
Existing (pre- existing) - a use, lot or building that existed
at the time of the passage of these regulations.
Fence - that which is built, constructed or grown, or composed
of parts joined together of material in some definite manner
in which the prime purpose is to separate and divide, parti-
tion, enclose or screen a parcel or parcels of land.
Garage, Private - a building or structure other than a portion
of the main building, enclosed on not less than three sides
and designed or used only for the shelter or storage of
vehicles, primarily only those vehicles belonging to the
occupants of the main building.
Garage, Public - a building or structure other than a private
garage, used for the care, repair or storage of automobiles,
or where motor vehicles are kept for remuneration, hire or
Height - total distance in feet from average ground elevation
at perimeter walls to top of sign or structure.
Home Occupation - the use of a dwelling unit in which the
occupant lives and is engaged in his profession or trade en-
tirely within the confines of said dwelling unit.
Hospital - an institution specializing in giving clinical,
temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical
nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State Law.
Hospital, Mental - (Including treatment of alcoholics) - an
institution licensed by Washington State Agencies under pro-
visions of law to offer facilities, care and treatment for
cases of mental and nervous disorders and alcoholics.
Junk Yard - an open area where waste or scrap materials are
bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled
or handled, including but not limited to scrap iron and other
metals, paper, rags, rubber tires and bottles. A junk yard
includes an auto wrecking yard but does not include uses
established within enclosed buildings.
Kennel - a place where three (3) or more dogs or cats, four
months old or older, or any combination of dogs and cats, are
kept, whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by persons
providing facilities and care, whether for compensation or
not. Provided that this shall not include house pets.
Legal Building, Structure, Land Use - any building, structure
or use of the land that complies with all zoning requirements.
Lot - a lot is a zoning lot, except as the context shall
indicate a lot of record, in which case a lot is a "lot, of
Lot, of Record - a parcel of land that is registered as a
lot or parcel of land in the records of the County Auditor.
Lot, Zoning - a single tract of land located within a single
block, which at the time of filing for a building permit, is
designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used,
developed or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or
control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of
Lot, Corner - a lot situated at the intersection of two or
more streets.
Lot, Reverse Corner - a corner lot in which the rear property
line coincides with the side property line of an abutting lot.
Lot, Through - a lot having two opposite lot lines abutting
public streets which are usually more or less parallel to
each other; not a corner lot. Both lot lines abutting streets
shall be deemed front lot lines.
Lot Line, Front - that boundary of a lot which abuts a street.
Lot Line, Rear - that boundary of a lot which is most distant
from and is most nearly parallel to the front lot line.
Lot Line, Side - any boundary of a lot which is not front nor
a rear lot line.
Medical - Dental Building - a building or group of buildings
designed for the use of physicians and dentists and others
engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as are
recognized by the laws of the State of Washington.
Motel - an establishment consisting of a group of living or
sleeping accomodations with bathroom, with or without kitchen
facilities, located on a single zoning lot and designed for
use by transient tourists.
Motor Freight Terminal - a building or area in which freight
brought by motor truck is assembled and /or stored for routing
intrastate and interstate shipment by motor truck.
Nonconforming Building or Structure - any building or structure
which does not conform with the lot area, yard, height or lot
coverage restrictions in these regulations, or is designed or
intended for a use that does not conform to the use regulations
for the district in which it is located, either at the effective
date of these regulations or as the result of subsequent amend-
ments to these regulations.
Nonconforming Use - any use of land, building or structure
which does not comply with all of these zoning regulations or
of any amendment hereto governing use for the zoning district
in which such use is situated.
Noxious Matter - material capable of causing injury to living
organisms by chemical reaction, or is capable of causing
detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well -being
of individuals.
Offstreet Parking Space - an area of at least 10 feet in width
and 20 feet in length situated on territoy other than a public
or private street, alley, highway or trafficway, and used
only for the storage of vehicles.
Outdoor Advertising Display, Sign or Billboard - any material
of any kind placed, painted or printed for outdoor advertising
purposes on or in the ground, or on any tree, wall, rock,
fence, building or structure.
Outdoor Advertising Structure - a structure of any kind erect-
ed or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which
any outdoor advertising display, sign or billboard is or may
be placed.
Person -- includes an individual, firm, partnership, association
or corporation.
Professional Offices - offices used as a place of business
conducted by persons engaged in recognized professions, and
others whose business activities consist chiefly of services
to the person as distinguished from the handling of commodities.
Public Open Space - any public owned open area; parks, play-
grounds, playfields, beaches, waterways, parkways, boulevards,
streets, greenbelts.
Reclassification - a change in zoning boundaries upon the
zoning map which is an official part of these zoning regulations.
Recreation Facility or Area - Non - Commercial -- a facility or
area for recreation purposes, such as a swimming pool, park,
tennis court, playground or other similar use operated and
maintained by a non - profit club or organization.
Residence - a building or structure, or portion thereof, which
is designed for and used to provide a place of abode for human
beings. The term "residence" includes the term "residential"
as referring to the type, or inteded use, of a building.
Rest Home, Nursing Home, Home for the Elderly - a private home
or institution for the care of the aged or the infirm; a place
of rest and care for those suffering bodily disorders.
Roof - a structure covering any portion of a building or
structure, including the projections beyond the walls or
Service Station - an establishment which provides for the
servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto,
limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automobile
accessories; automobile washing (not including auto laundry);
waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repair
(not including recapping); battery service, charging and replace-
ment (not including repair and rebuilding); radiator cleaning
and flushing (not including steam cleaning and repair); instal-
lation of accessories; and the following operations if conduct-
ed wholly within a building; lubrication of motor vehicles,
brake servicing, wheel balancing, the testing and replacement
of carburetors, coils, condensers, fan belts, wiring, water
hoses and similar parts.
Stable, Private - a detached accessory building in which only
the horsesow 'd by the �,o occupants of the premises are kept,
and in which no horses are kept for hire, remuneration or sale.
Stand - a structure for the display and sale of products, with
no space for customers within the structure itself.
Story - the space between the floor and the ceiling above said
floor. A basement shall be considered a story when more than
half of the basement height is above the finished lot grade.
Street - a public right -of -way which affords a primary means
of access to abutting property.
Street Right-of-Way Line - the boundary line between a street
and abutting property.
Structure - anything constructed in the ground., or anything
erected which requires location on the ground or water, or is
attached to something having location on or in the ground or
water, but not including fences or walls used as fences six
feet or less in height.
Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental
repairs, which would prolong the life of the supporting members
of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders.
Through Lot - see "Lot,Through ".
Trailer, Automobile (Mobile Home, Vacation Trailer) - a vehicle
without motor power, designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle
and to be used for human habitation; including a trailer coach
and any self - propelled vehicle having a body designed for, or
converted to the same uses as an autombile trailer without
motor power.
Trailer Park, Trailer Court, Mobile Home Park - any premises
on which are parked one or more vehicles designed, intended,
arranged or used for living or sleeping purposes, or any
premises used or held out for the purpose of supplying to
the public a parking space for one or more such vehicles,
whether such vehicles stand on wheels or on rigid supports..
Use - the purpose or activity for which the land, or building
thereon, is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is
occupied or maintained and shall include any manner of per-
formance of such activity with respect to the performance
standards of these zoning regulations.
Use., Principal - the main use of land or buildings as distin-
guished from a subordinate or accessory use.
Utility Building or Structure - an installation to provide
utility service.
Variance - an adjustment in the application of the specific
regulations to a particular parcel of property which property,
because of special circumstances, applicable to it, is depriv-
ed of privileges conmonly enjoyed by other properties in the
same vicinity and zone.
Yard - an open space on a zoning lot which is unoccupied and
unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky, except as other-
wise permitted in the Permitted Intrusions in Required Yards
in these regulations. A yard extends along and at right
angles to a lot line to a depth or width specified in the
yard regulations for the zoning district in which such zoning
lot is located.
Yard, Front - extends along the full length of the front lot
line, between the two side lot lines and to the closest build-
ing on the same lot, or to a distance designated in zoning
Yard) Rear - extends along the full length of the rear lot
line, between the two side lot lines and to the closest
principal building on the same lot, or to a distance designat-
ed in zoning regulations.
Yard, Side - extends along a side lot line from the front yard
to the rear yard, between the side lot line and to the closest
building on the same lot, or to a distance designated in
zoning regulations.
Zone - an area defined as to boundaries and location, and
classified by the zoning regulations as available for certain
types of uses, and within which other types of uses are
Zoning Lot - a single tract of land located within a single
block, which at the time of filing for a building permit, is
designated by its owner or developer as a tract to be used,
developed or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or
control. A zoning lot may or may not coincide with a lot of
For the purpose of these Regulations the City of Port Angeles
is divided into thirteen zoning classifications as follows:
1 RS -9 Residential Single Family District
2 RS -7 Residential Single Family District
3 RMF Residential Multi- Family District
4 RTP Residential Trailer Park District
5 RB Residential Buffer District
6 CSD -N Neighborhood Shopping District
7 CSD-Cl Community Shopping District
CSD -C2 Community Shopping District
8 CAD Commercial Arterial District
9 CBD Central Business District
10 PSC Planned Shopping Center District
11 M -1 Industrial Park District
12 M -2 Industrial District
13 PBP Public Buildings - Park District
Zoning Map
A zoning map, showing the location and the boundaries of the
various zoning districts in the city, shall be established as
the Official Zoning Map, and shall be an integral part of
these Zoning Regulations.
Permitted Uses
Single family dwellings
Non- commercial gardens and greenhouses, orchards
Private garages, carports, swimmiing pools & cabanas, a
Conditional Uses
Duplexes, subject to the following conditions:
a. Minimum site area: 14,000 sq.ft.
b. Minimum lot width : 100 ft.
c. Yard requirements, lot coverage, building height,
offstreet parking and signs: same as for single
family dwellings.
Public parks, subject to the following conditions:
a. No permanent bleachers or stadiums are permitted if
the site is less than 10 acres, and no commercial
amusement device is permitted.
b. Lights provided to illuminate any recreation area
shall be so arranged as to reflect light away from
abutting private property.
c. Every building or structure shall maintain a dis-
tance of not less than forty -five feet from any
park property line.
d. Offstreet parking shall be provided as required by
the Commission and shall be adequately screened to
prevent lights from shining into residential
Golf Courses
a. Every building or structure shall maintain a dis-
tance of not less than forty -five feet from any
property line.
b. Offstreet parking shall be provided for a minimum
of 40 cars, and shall be adequately screened to
prevent lights from shining into residential
Public Schools, subject to the following standards and
a. Minimum site areas:
elementary schools 10 acres
junior high schools 20 "
senior high schools 35 "
junior colleges 40 "
b. No building or structure shall be built closer than
40 feet to any property line.
c. All buildings, including accessory buildings and
structures, shall cover not more than 25% of the
total site area.
d. All offstreet parking requirements shall be complied
Churches, subject to the following confitions:
a. All buildings on the site shall cover not more than
35% of the total site area
b. No building or structure shall be built closer than
35 feet to any property line
c. Where areas devoted to offstreet parking abut any
"R" zoned property, a solid wall or view- obscuring
fence or hedge not less than 54 inches nor more
than 6 feet in height shall be maintained on the
common property line abutting such "R" zoned pro-
perty. There shall be one car space for each six
Libraries, subject to the following conditions:
a. Minimum site area: one acre
b. Offstreet parking shall be provided for a minimum of
10 cars, and shall be adequately screened to prevent
lights from shining into residential property.
c. Minimum building line setback: 35 feet
Utility Buildings & Structures, subject to approval of the
Planning Commission.
Hospitals (not to include hospitals for the treatment of
mental disorders or alcoholism) on tracts 5 acres or larger,
subject to approval of the Planning Commission.
Private Schools with an enrollment under 100 pupils to be
granted a conditional permit, with specific provisions by
the Planning Commission. Schools with an enrollment over
100 pupils are to be considered the same as public schools.
Rest Homes, or Nursing Homes on tracts 2 acres or larger,
subject to approval of the Planning Commission.
reehir5e,5 Or- cow'3
ekv&4.1 Stables,n subject to the following conditions:
a. gtables constructed no closer than 100 feet to any
property line.
b. Minimum lot area: 1 acre per horse? b"' Cc&
(' , ivit�i`ir�. ►n dr •S 11. ,711 PrcfY i 1.'ti�
Home Occupations as are ordinarily or conveniently carried
on in the home may be permitted subject to the requirements
of the Planning Commission.
Accessory Uses
Private garages, carports, sheds, swimming pools & cabanas.
Minimum Lot Area
9,000 sq.ft., if connected to public sewer system, if not,
lot area as required by the Olympic Health District.
Minimum Lot Width
75 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front lot line except w'en abutting an
arterial street, then 35 feet.
Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 8 feet
to any side lot line on the front two thirds of the
lot. Detached accessory buildings only, on the
rear one third of the lot may be permitted to with-
in 1 foot of the side line. On corner lots, the
side yard abutting a street shall have the same re-
quirements as the front yard.
Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within
25 feet of the rear property line. Accessory
buildings shall be permitted not closer than ten
feet to rear property line or alley.
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% of total area (not to apply to unenclosed swimming pools)
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs no larger than 1 square foot, unlighted, showing only
name of occupant. One sign per building.
Permitted Uses
Same as RS -9
Conditional Uses
Same as RS -9, except stables.
Minimum Lot Area
Single- family dwellings
Two - family dwellings
7,000 sq.ft.
10,500 sq.ft.
Minimum Lot Width
75 feet duplexes, 50 feet single family
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front lot line except when abutting an
arterial street, then 35 feet.
Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 7 feet
to any side lot line on the front two thirds of the
lot. Detached accessory buildings only, on the
rear one third of the lot may be permitted to with-
in 1 foot of the side line. On corner lots, the
side yard abutting a street shall have the same
requirements as the front yard.
Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within
25 feet of the rear property line. Accessory
buildings are permitted not closer than 10 feet to
the rear property line or alley.
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% of total area (not to apply to unenclosed swimming pools)
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Permitted Uses: Signs no larger than 1 square foot, unlight-
ed. One per building.
Conditional Uses: As determined by Planning Commission.
Permitted Uses
Same as RS-7
Multi- family dwellings, apartments
Duplexes, /Dormitories
Mc I✓AN:dS 9 {e'ctliMi ?Pelf v'-5
Conditional Uses
Same as RS -7
Boarding S rooming houses
Business parking
t 5
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 sq.ft. plus 1,000 sq.ft. for each additional dwell-
ing unit.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Same as RS -7
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% total site area (not to apply to unenclosed swimming
Maximum Height
35 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588.
Signs Permitted // L / 41
7 c 1^
Permitted Uses: Signs not larger than sq.ft., e►lighted4 '����
one per building.
Conditional Uses: Size and type as determined by Planning
Permitted Uses
Mobile homes
Accessory Uses & Buildings
Propane fuel storage tanks
Shower and laundry rooms
Lights (overhead, outdoor)
Community recreation rooms
Playground equipment
Swimming pools, patios
Office (manager, owner)
Conditional Uses
Trailer supplies office
Minimum Lot Area
4 acres for trailer park; 3,500 sq.ft. individual site
Minimum Lot Width
400 feet for trailer park; 40 feet per individual site
Minimum Yard Requirements
Trailer Park No building, trailer, structure, cabana, car-
port shall be permitted closer than 30 feet to the nearest
public right -of -way, and no closer than 10 feet to any pro-
perty line of a trailer park.
Individual Trailer Sites
Front: 14 feet to front property line of individual site
Rear: 10 feet to rear " It " it
Sides: 7 feet to side " " " " 11
Offstreet Parking Required
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs no larger than 12 sq.ft., unlighted, one per trailer
Signs no larger than 1 sq.ft.,unlighted, per individual site.
Trailers, mobile homes, vacation trailers and campers shall
not be permitted for occupancy in the City of Port Angeles
except in approved Trailer Parks.
No person, company or corporation shall establish a new trailer
park or mobile home park or enlarge an existing trailer or
mobile home park within the city limits of Port Angeles without
first obtaining a permit for a trailer park from the Port
Angeles Planning Commission.
Permit Required
Fee for each Trailer Park permit shall be $50.
Fee for each individual trailer site shall be $1.00, issued to
occupant of site.
Said Permit shall require the following:
1. A plot plan showing the location of the proposed trailer
park and all buildings, sanitary facilities, playground -
recreation area, utility buildings, driveways and indi-
dual trailer sites, including all dimensions of the
trailer park tract, each individual trailer site, park-
ing facilities and patio, and including plans and
specification of all buildings shall be submitted to
the Planning Commission.
2.. Approval of the Building Inspector, Fire Chief and City
Manager and Health Officer, regarding city codes,
ordinances and standards.,
Minimum total land area required for a trailer park shall be
4 acres.
There shall be a ratio of 6000 sq.ft. total land area per
trailer. Said total land area ratio to include driveways,
toilet and laundry buildings, playground - recreation areas,
individual trailer sites and caretaker's quarters.
Each individual trailer site shall have a minimum lot area of
3500 sq.ft. and a minimum lot width of 40 feet..
A minimum of 10% of the total area of a trailer park shall be
reserved and shall be used solely and exclusively for a play-
ground-recreation area.
No building, trailer, structure, cabana, carport or solid fence
shall be permitted closer than 30 feet to any property line
that abuts a street or public right-of-way, and no closer than
10 feet to any other property line.
In the interests of fire prevention there shall be a minimum
space of 14 feet between trailers, including cabanas.
Trailer parks may be located upon approval of the Planning
Commission and by Conditional Permit from said Commission, in
any district in which multiple dwellings are permitted. Each
boundary of the park must be at least 200 feet from any per-
manent residential building located outside the park, unless
separated therefrom by a natural or artificial barrier, or
unless a majority of the property owners according to area
within said 200 feet, consent in writing to the establishment
of the park.
Driveways, Walkways
All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a driveway of not less
than 25 feet in width, which shall have unobstructed access to
a public street or highway.
Walkways not less than two feet wide shall be provided from
the mobile home spaces to the service buildings.
All driveways and walkways within the park shall be lighted
at night with electric lamps of not less than 50 watts each,
spaced at intervals of not more than 100 feet.
Excepting the entrance - driveway, a screening of evergreen
trees or shrubs shall be maintained at a planting height of
5 feet and at a height of 12 feet at full growth, in the front,
side and rear yards of every trailer park.
Signs not to exceed 12 square feet shall be permitted. No
lighted signs of any kind shall be permitted. One sign per
trailer park.
Sanitation Facilities
Each trailer park shall be provided with toilets, baths, or
showers, slop sinks and other sanitation facilities which shall
conform to all City and State health rules and codes.
Water Supply
An adequate supply of pure water for drinking and domestic
purposes shall be supplied by pipes to all buildings and mobile
home spaces within the park to meet the requirements of the
park. Each mobile home space shall be provided with a cold
water tap at least four inches above the ground. An adequate
supply of hot water shall be provided at all times in the
service buildings for all bathing, washing, cleansing and
laundry facilities.
Laundry Facilities
Laundry facilities shall be provided with one single laundry
tray and one automatic or semi- automatic type washing machine
for each 10 mobile home spaces or any less number thereof.
Service Buildings
Service buildings housing sanitation and laundry facilities
shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable
ordinances and statutes regulating buildings, electrical in-
stallations and plumbing systems..
Service buildings housing sanitation facilities shall be
located not closer than 20 feet nor farther than 200 feet
from any mobile home space.
Sewage and Refuse Disposal
Waste from showers, bath tubs, flush toilets, urinals, lava-
tories, slop sinks and laundries in service and other buildings
and from each trailer within the park shall be discharged into
a public sewer system in compliance with applicable ordinances
or into a private sewer and disposal plant or septic tank
system of such construction and in such manner as will present
no health hazard.
Garbage Receptables
Regulation garbage cans with tight- fitting covers shall be
provided in quantities to permit disposal of all garbage and
rubbish. Garbage cans may be located in groups not farther
than 100 feet from any mobile home space. The cans shall be
kept in sanitary condition at all times. Garbage and rubbish
shall be collected and disposed of as frequently as may be
necessary to insure that individual garbage cans shall not
Fire Protection
Every park shall be equipped at all times with fire extinguish-
ing equipment in good working order, of such type, size and
number and so located within the park as to satisfy applicable
reasonable regulations of the fire department. No open fires
shall be permitted at any place which may endanger life or
Purpose and Intent
It is the intent in this District to minimize conflicts and
friction between zoning districts. The objective is to achieve
stability of land use and land values by minimizing adverse
influences of land use patterns at the edges of two dissimilar
districts. It is for this reason that this District will
permit office and institutional land uses having only a
limited contact with the general public, not involving the
sale of merchandise at retail except incidentally, and which
may be carried on with no noise, smoke, odors, fumes or other
objectionable conditions, and in structures that will be
surrounded with ample open space for yards and with adequate
offstreet parking and loading areas.
Permitted Uses
One, two and three family dwellings within one building,
garages, carports
Apartments, motels hAds
Offstreet parking Jfacilities, accessory buildings
Boarding or rooming houses
Medical- dental clinics including a medical pharmacy as an
accessory use of the clinic.
Professional offices offering recognized professional
services such as : dentists, doctors, lawyers, architects,
engineers, etc.
Business parkin
0,w &, V 1- .'slone.'al 54,414,W15
Conditional Uses
Same as RMF
Lodges, clubs
Business colleges, trade schools, music conservatories
and similar organizations offering vocational training
in a specified field.
Government office buildings, post offices, telephone
exchanges and other administrative functions.
Minimum Lot Area
72 000 sq.ft. basic for one and two family dwellings plus
f'000 sq.ft.of lot area for each additional dwelling unit.
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet for one and two - family dwellings
100 feet all other uses
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front lot line except when abutting an
arterial street, then 35 feet.
Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer than 7 feet
to any side lot line on the front two thirds of the
lots Detached accessory buildings only, on the
rear one third of the lot may be permitted to with-
in 1 foot of the side line. On corner lots, the
side yard abutting a street shall have a building
line setback of 20 feet; if abutting an arterial
street the setback shall be 30 feet.
Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within
25 feet of the rear lot line. Accessory buildings
are permitted not closer than 10 feet to the rear
property line or alley.
Maximum Lot Coverage
45% of total area (not to include unenclosed swimming pools)
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking Regulations
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588.
Signs Permitted c / // J1
66(-661-11 LY/7 !161( 4N- 14:!6,-/23:7`! ,3
Signs not larger than tohome. square feet in area, walighted,) ,,,4,
One sign per structure.
Permitted Uses
Bakery shops
Barber & beauty shops
Delicatessens, grocery stores, supermarkets
Drug stores, pharmacies
Self- service laundries
Conditional Uses
Offstreet Parking lots, signs
Apartments above commercial buildings
Utility buildings and structures
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet
Side: 25 feet from front lot line when abutting a street;
35 feet when abutting an arterial street; 15 feet
abutting residential zoned lot; no side yards re-
quired when abutting another commercial zoned lot.
Rear: 15 feet when abutting an alley or a residential
zoned lot.
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% for utility buildings and structures
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking Requirements
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not
exceeding 100 square feet total area. All signs over 10
square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no
closer than 200 feet to all property in a Residential
District. No billboards shall be permitted within a
Neighborhood Shopping District. One sign is allowed per
lot. Maximum height 30 feet.
Permitted Uses Permitted Uses
bakery shops
barber shops, beauty shops
delicatessens, grocery stores,
drug stores, pharmacies
frozen food or cold storage
hardware stores, shoe repair shops
medical, dental offices & clinics
professional offices
restaurants, cafeterias
self - service laundries
apartments above commercial
specialty shops: gift, florist,
ho by, antique
$4.. lc; df 44‘.4 ;MI5 41-141-1"71
Sames as CSD -C1 plus
taverns & cocktail lounges
service stations
CSD -C1 & C2
Conditional Uses
Same as CSD -N
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or
any property that has a residential zoning classification.
Maximum Lot Coverage
50% of the total site area
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
• Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not
exceeding 100 square feet total area. All signs over 10
square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no
closer than 100 feet to all property in a Residential
District. No billboards shall be permitted within a
Community Shopping District. One sign per structure,
maximum height 30 feet.
Permitted Uses
Same as CSD -C2 plus
automobile,truck, trailer, motorcycle, tractor sales and
repair (including automobile laundries) ambulance service
boat sales and repair
Cabinet shops, specialty shops: gift, hobby, pet, antique
churches, clubs, lodges
commercial recreation, pool halls
delicatessens, grocery stores, supermarkets, drug stores,
drive -in restaurants, restaurants
florists shops, nurseries, garden supplies
frozen food and cold storage lockers
furniture sales, repair, upholstering
glass edging, bevling, silvering
hardware, plumbing supply stores
motels, apartments, Hde.ls
printing, blueprinting, photostating
self- service laundries
service stations, automobile maintenance and repair shops,
tire shops
wholesale business and storage buildings and yards
barber and beauty shops, bakery shops
Conditional Uses
Same as CSD -C2 plus
automobile body and fender repair shops, paint shops
bowling alleys
lumber yards, building supplies
public utility structures
signs and billboards, sign shop
salvage stores, licensed wrecking yards
storage yard and /or buildings
veterinary clinics, offices, kennels, provided: (1) build-
ings and structures are soundproof (2) all run areas are
surrounded by an 8 foot solid wall or fence (3) animal
runs are to be constructed in such a manner that no
animal can see another (4) that an incinerator of a
type approved by the City Health Department is installed.
Offstreet parking buildings & lots
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet
A site - obscuring fence, 6 feet in height, is required for
the following land uses: lumber yards, building supplies,
salvage stores, licensed wrecking yards, material and equip-
ment storage yards.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Side: No structure shall be built within 15 feet of any
property that has a residential zoning classification.
Rear: No structure shall be built within the rear 15 feet
of a zoning lot that abuts an alley or a Residential
Maximum Lot Coverage
60% total site area
Maximum Height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not
exceeding 8 "square feet total area. All signs and bill-
boards over 10 square feet in area shall be restricted to
territory no closer than 100 feet to all property in a
Residential District. One sign per structure, maximum
height 35 feet.
Permitted Uses
barber shops, beauty shops
bus & ferry offices & terminals
business schools, travel agencies
clothes cleaning agency or pressing shop (excluding clean-
ing and /or dyeing on the premises, other than spot
clubs & lodges
finance offices, pawn shops
furniture & appliance stores
government buildings & offices
hotels, motels, apartment buildings
medical, dental offices & clinics
offices, hanks, savings & loan associations
radio & television studios
offstreet pari:ing buildings & lots
retail stores, drug stores, pharmacies, liquor► stores
shoe repair shops
shops: gift, florist, hobby, pet
signs, billboards
specialty shops, food stores, supermarkets
studios: music, art, voice, dance
restaurants, cafeterias, taverns, cocktail lounges
commercial recreation, pool halls
Conditional Uses
utility buildings and structures
wholesale establishments
Minimum Lot Area
3,500 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
25 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
Side: No structure shall be built within 10 feet of any
property that has a residential zoning classification.
Offstreet Parking Requirements
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs and billboards as permitted by ordinance and codes
of the City of Port Angeles. No restriction as to height
or size.
A. Intent
The intent of a planned shopping center is to permit the estab-
lishment of retail shopping facilities that will provide goods
and services for the people to be served, minimize traffic
congestion on streets in its vicinity and which will fit the
general land -use pattern of the area to be served. The pro-
tective standards contained in this section are intended to
provide for safe and efficient use of the shopping center and
to minimize any adverse effect of the shopping center on near-
by residential property values. Submittal of a market analysis
is required in order to establish evidence of a need for a
change in the comprehensive plan and the official zoning of
Port Angeles, and to substantiate a finding that such change
will promote the general welfare of Port Angeles. It is further
intended that any financial responsibility of the developer for
work to be done on city streets bounding or giving access to
the shopping center, which responsibility arises out of pro-
visions of this ordinance, be made the subject of a contractual
agreement between the developer and the City of Port Angeles,
and that such contractual agreement may contain provisions to
effectuate any other section of this ordinance.
The type of shopping centers provided for in this
ordinance may be described as follows:
PSC -1 Neighborhood Shopping Center - provides for the sale
of daily living needs, 'convenience goods" such as foods,
drugs, hardware and personal services. It may contain 5 to
15 stores generally oriented around a supermarket on a site
of from 3 to 10 acres in size. It will usually require
approximately 5,000 to 20,000 persons living close to the
shopping center to support it.
PSC -2 Community Shopping Center - provides in addition to
nconvenience goods" a wider range of facilities for the
sale of "shopping goods" such as apparel and furniture, as
well as banking and professional services and recreation.
It may contain 20 to 40 stores generally oriented around a
junior department or variety store on a site of from 10 to
30 acres in size. It requires approximately 20,000 to
100,000 persons located within a short driving time from
the shopping center to support it.
B. General Regulations
1. There shall be two types of PSC Districts:
PSC -1 Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center District
PSC -2 Planned Community Shopping Center District
PSC -1 and PSC -2 Districts may be established only upon land
held in single ownership or unified control, and which land
contains no dedication of public streets or alleys, except
streets which may be deemed necessary by the City for the
movement of vehicular traffic which has both its origin and
destination outside the PSC Districts, and except any right -
of -way for public utility purpose. In the event that a
vacation of streets, alleys or plats is necessary in order
to meet the requirements of this section, a proper petition
for such vacation shall be filed with the City on or before
the date of filing of the request for PSC District zoning.
In the event that such vacation be approved by the City vaca-
tion ordinance shall be passed on the same date as the ordi-
nance establishing the PSC District zoning. Rededication of
such vacated streets or alleys and replatting of property to
be done in the event that the proposed shopping center is not
constructed, may be provided for in a contractual agreement
between the developer and the City.
2. Area requirements for PSC Districts are as follows:
PSC -1
PSC -2
Minimum Maximum
3 acres
10 acres
10 acres
30 acres
No offstreet parking areas may extend into an adjoining District.
3. Offstreet parking shall be provided as required in Article
V and Ordinance No. 1588
4. A PSC -1 District shall not be established upon a tract of
land which would contain a nonconforming use after the passage
of such amendment to the Zoning Resolution unless the develop-
ment plan for the tract includes the elimination of the non-
conforming use.
5. The location of a PSC- -1 District shall have an acceptable
relationship to the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. A recom-
mendation to the City Council shall be made by the Planning
Commission after receiving a report and recommendations from the
City Engineer. For this purpose the petitioner shall submit to
the Planning Commission a traffic circulation plan showing the
adequacy of the streets providing access to the shopping center
to carry the traffic generated by the shopping center, proper
methods of ingress and egress to and from the center, necessary
acceleration and decleration lanes and necessary traffic control
devices, including channelization.
6. The petitioner or developer shall be required to pay the
cost of the construction and /or installation of the following
facilities on the streets providing access to the shopping
center which may be necessary to control traffic generated by
the shopping center: (a) street widening; (b) ingress and
egress driveways; (c) acceleration and deceleration lanes;
(d) traffic control devices and signs, including channeliza-
tion. The standard for determining the extent of the developer's
financial responsibility for traffic control construction shall
be the predictable increment of traffic on the streets providing
access to the center caused by the shopping center over the
normal peak load under the existing zoning, estimated for the
time of completion and maximum use of the shopping center. To
the extent that the developer is found to be responsible for
traffic control construction, such responsibility shall be made
the subject of a contractual agreement between the developer
and the City. In all PSC Districts the developer shall be re-
quired to construct proper ingress and egress driveways to the
shopping center and street curbing as recommended by the City
Engineer. The length of time the developer may be held respon-
sible for further traffic control construction shall be speci-
fied in such contractual agreements, and such contract, or a
separate contract, may contain provision for other street con-
struction to be done by the developer as may be agreed between
the developer and the City.
7. The petitioner shall submit to the Planning Commission a
preliminary develpment plan for the shopping center showing a
unified and organized arrangement of buildings, offstreet
parking, internal traffic circulation and service facilities
which will be feasible for the property on which the center is
proposed and which planned development shall minimize any ad-
verse effect of the center on the properties surrounding the
proposed development, and must contain information showing
compliance with the requirements of this ordinance and all
other applicable city ordinances.
8. The applicant shall submit a market analysis, acceptable
to the City Council and the Planning Commission, which shall
serve as a guide to the City Council and the Planning Com-
mission for the evaluation of the application in terms of (1)
the need or desirability in the public interest, to change
the comprehensive zoning plan; (2) the amount of land included
in the rezoning application which can be realistically support-
ed and needed in commercial use; (3) a finding that the pro-
posed development will promote the general welfare of the City.
For these purposes, the market analysis shall contain the
following elements:
a. The trade area of the proposed shopping center;
b. Trade area population, present and future;
c. Effective buying power in the trade area;
d. Net potential customer buying power for stores in the
proposed shopping center;
e. Residue of buying power to be expended in existing shop-
ping centers or commercial areas serving the trade area.
Prior to the submittal of the proposed rezoning to a PSC District,
the developer shall submit all evidence deemed necessary by the
Planning Commission regarding the ability of the developer to
undertake the proposed project.
9. No building permit shall be issued for any structure in a
PSC District until the final site development plan for the
entire District has been approved by the Planning Commission
and the City Attorney, as complying with the regulations and
requirements of this ordinance and all other applicable City
ordinances; nor until the developer and the City have enter-
ed into a contractual agreement as stated in subsections here-
of, concerning the rededication of such vacated streets and /or
alleys, the replatting of property in the event the proposed
shopping center is not constructed, and the proposed traffic
control construction and, further, said agreement may contain
a provision requiring the developer to post a good and suffi-
cient bond running to the City with two or more sureties or
with a surety company licensed to do business in the State
of Washington as security in an amount agtal to the estimated
cost of the street and utility development in the project,
conditioned that the developer shall faithfully perform all
the provisions of said contract concerning the development
of the streets and utilities in the project and shall save
the City free and harmless from all loss and damage occasioned
to any person or property as a result of the developer per-
forming said provisions of said contract.
No change shall be made in the final site development plan
during the course of construction pursuant thereto, without
first obtaining the prior approval of the Planning Commission
and the City Attorney. Copies of the approved final site
development plan shall be kept on file in the City Engineer's
office, and any changes which may be approved shall be noted
thereon. Procedures for filing and approval of construction
plans for buildings, structures and other improvements
shall be as now required under the City ordinance and pro-
cedure requirements.
10. Within 18 months from the effective date of the ordinance
establishing a PSC District a building pf:rmit shall be secured
and construction shall begin in accordance with the approved
final site development plan. Application may be made to the
Planning Commission for not more than one (1) year extension
of the time limit for commencement of construction. In the
event that construction is not started within the specified
time limits, the Planning Commission shall review the zoning
of the district and the progress which has taken place, and,
if deemed necessary, initiate proceedings to restore the
district to its prior classification.
11. Construction begun in accordance with the approved final
site development plan for a PSC District must be completed
within two years of the date construction is commenced.
Application may be made to the Planning Commission for not
more than one extension of the time limit for completion of
construction. A plan for staged development which will re-
quire more time than the limits contained herein may be approved
by the Planning Commission at the time the PSC District zoning
is recommended or may be approved by the Planning Commission
prior to, or during the course of, construction of the shopping
center. In the event that construction is not completed with-
in the time limits specified by the Planning Commission or by
this resolution, the Planning Commission shall review the zon-
ing of the district and the development which has taken place
and, if deemed necessary, initiate proceedings to reclassify
the district in a manner consistent with the comprehensive
zoning plan of this City.
C. Use Regulations
A building, structure or land shall be used and a building or
structure hereafter built, altered or enlarged, shall be used
for only the following permitted uses:
1. PSC -1 Neighborhood Shopping Center
bakery, retail only, the products of which are sold only
on the premises
bank, savings & loan association
barber shops, beauty shops
clinics, medical and dental
clothes cleaning agency or pressing shop (excluding clean -
ing and dyeing on the premises, other than spot cleaning)
confectionery or candy store
drug store
dairy products store
dry goods store
grocery, fruit or vegetable store, meat market, supermarket
hardware or appliance store
hobby shop, fixit shop
laundry agency or self- service laundry (excluding laundry)
shoe store or shoe repair shop
soda fountain, lunch counter, restaurant, cafeteria (exclud-
ing cabaret, cocktail lounge, bar or tavern, and exclud-
ing restaurant where food is served or consumed in auto -
utility buildings and structures
variety store, 5 and 10 cent store
Signs Permitted
Signs, excluding billboard, are permitted on buildings & marquees
and must meet standards specified in the Sign Codes. One
additional free - standing sign or structure to identify the
shopping center shall be permitted; 100 square feet in area
and not over 35 feet in height. Such identifying sign or
structure shall be of permanent type construction and shall
conform to construction standards contained in the Sign Codes
and Building Code of the City of Port Angeles. Plans for
such sign or structure shall be submitted as a part of the
shopping center development plan. Flashing, beacon -type
lights shall be prohibited. This section shall not be con-
strued to prohibit the erection of signs necessary to control
vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the center.
2. PSC -2 Community Shopping Center
All uses permitted in the PSC -1 Neighborhood Shopping
Centers, except that 2 free - standing signs or struc-
tures identifying the shopping center shall be
antique shop
art supply store, art shop
auto accessory store
auto, boat and motorcycle sales, conducted entirely within
a building
bicycle shop
blueprinting, photostating, engineering & office supply
branch post office
book or stationery store
bowling alley, gymnasium, skating rink, auditorium, ballroom
business school
clothing store, tailor shop
cocktail lounge, tavern, restaurant, drive -in restaurant,
dry goods store, millinery, dress shop
finance company
florist shop
furniture, appliance store
gift shop, antique shop
offices (business, professional)
pet shop, not including veterinary hospital or keeping or
boarding animals not for sale on the premises
photographers shop or studio, camera shop
radio, television, tape recorder sales & repair
retail stores
studios (music, art, voice, dance)
service station
travel agency
accessory uses incidental to the above permitted uses
D. Minimum Area Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Height 30 feet 35 feet
Building Line Setbacks from:
Residential District 60 feet 80 feet
Public street 60 „ 80 "
Commercial or Industrial District 20 " 20 "
PSC -1 PSC -2
Parking Areas
Area to be permanently reserved & 5 5
used for customer and employee
vehicle parking. Parking spaces
per 1000 sq,ft. of total floor
areas in PSC buildings
Loading Area 6 10
E. Screening
All PSC Districts shall be permanently screened from public
streets and from adjoining or contiguous residential districts
by an evergreen hedge having a minimum height of 4* feet and
a maximum height of 7 feet, to be installed and maintained
within 10 feet of the PSC District property line. Said screen-
ing shall consist of three rows of evergreen trees or shrubs
installed at 5 foot centers, staggered.
Purpose and Intent
It is the intent in establishing an Industrial Park District
to permit selected types of industries to situate on property
on which industrial land use is not now permitted, providing
that said industrial land use will not have any undue adverse
or detrimental effects upon existing or potential land use in
surrounding territory, nor upon neighborhood traffic patterns.
Applicant for Industrial Park Classification shall submit to
the Planning Commission a petition in which the applicant
specifies the type of operation or manufacturing process to be
used in his proposed establishment, along with site plans
showing location of buildings, parking areas, yards, signs and
The Planning Commission shall consider the application, and
where necessary, shall have qualified industrial experts
analyze and make recommendations in regard to proposed methods
of processing and manufacturing. Recommendations of the
Commission to the City Council shall be based upon (1) site
plans submitted, (2) potential effects of the proposed
industrial land use upon neighboring land use and upon traffic
All costs involved regarding investigations and analyses shall
be paid by the applicant.
Permitted Uses
Basic criteria to be used in determining the type of industry
to be permitted is (1) method of manufacture, rather than type
of products produced, (2) location of the proposed industrial
development in relation to trafficways and land use.
Conditional Uses
Specific conditions and provisions to be determined in
Minimum Lot Area
5 acres
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 50*, 200**
Sides: 50 *, 200**
Corner: 50*, 200**
Rear: 50*, 200;',
* When abutting a commercial or
industrial use.
_... When abutting a non - commercial
or non - industrial District,
Maximum Lot Coverage
As determined in application
Maximum Height
As determined in application
Offstreet Parking & Loading
As determined in application
Signs Permitted
As determined in application ,00
One per site, 35 feet in height, MEL sq.ft. in area, lighted
but not intermittent or flashing type.
Permitted Uses
Automobile body, fender, laundry, paint shops and wrecking
Bakeries, wholesale
Battery rebuild, tire repair and recapping
Boiler works
Book, newspaper & magazine printing & publishing
Bottling plants, creameries
Cabinet and carpenter shops
City Pound
Distillation of wood, coal or bones or manufacture of any of
their by- products
Draying, freight & trucking yards, terminals
Dry cleaning: clothes, carpets, rugs. Laundries
Fuel yards,
Gas (illuminating or heating) manufacture or storage
Manufacture, processing, packing, storage of
brick, tile or terre -cotta
brooms, brushes
celluloid or similar cellulose materials
cloth, cord or rope
drugs, pharmaceuticals
electrical products and appliances
food and food products
kelp reduction
paint, lampblack, varnish, oil and turpentine
paper and pulp
prefabricated buildings
signs, all types
salt works
soap and soap products, toiletries
tar roofing or waterproofing
vegetable oil or other oil
Power,light or steam plant
Railroad yard or roundhouse
Ship building, storage, repair, Lod lia✓EUS, rnaY +'►,as
Skating rink, dance hall, boxing arena, penny arcade, shoot-
ing gallery or similar amusement enterprise
Storage yards: building materials, tractors, trucks, boats,
Transportation or freight terminal
Truck, trailer, motorcycle, repairing, overhauling, rental,
Veterinary or pet shop hospital, kennel and hatchery
Warehousing, distributing plants
Wood products manufacture
Utility buildings and structures
Restaurants, cafeterias
Any manufacturing, processing, commercial or industrial use
not heretofore listed which may be classified M -2 because
of possible obnoxious odors, noises, smoke or unsightliness.
Residential uses are prohibited in this District.
Minimum Yard Requirements
No buildings shall be constructed closer than 30 feet to any
public right -of -way line.
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs and billboards as permitted by City of Port Angeles
sign codes.
Maximum height: 35 feet, 400 sq.ft. in area.
Permitted Uses
Bleachers, grandstands (subject to review by Planning
Bridle trails
City Hall
Civic buildings & governmental offices
Fire station
Marinas, boat storage
Municipal pool
Parks, greenbelts
Offstreet parking areas
Picnic areas and facilities
Recreation structures and facilities
Reservoir, utilities (underground & overhead)
Streets, paths and roads as required.
Minimum Yard Requirements
No buildings constructed subsequent to adoption of these
regulations shall be constructed closer than 35 feet to a
public right -of -way line.
Lighting Facilities
Overhead lights, floodlights, etc., shall be constructed so
as to shine away from neighboring property as far as is
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No. 1588
Signs Permitted
Signs no larger than 10 sq.ft., unlighted. One per struc-
ture, maximum height ten feet.
. 0
See Ordinance No. 1588 for parking spaces required.
All space used for the sale, display or parking of any merchan-
dise or vehicles shall be confined to the property lines; no
space for the sale, display or parking of any merchandise or
vehicles shall be permitted on the right -of -way of any public
All offstreet parking installations shall have screening,
lighting, entrances and exits as required by the Planning
In order to provide adequate facilities and environment for
elderly persons in the City of Port Angeles special provisions
are needed and shall be established and maintained.
Homes for the elderly, nursing homes, etc., shall be permit-
ted in zoning districts specified in this Ordinance, and by
Conditional Permit from the Planning Commission.
To obtain a Conditional Permit each developer of proposed
Elderly Housing shall meet the following requirements:
Market Analysis
Each developer shall submit a housing market analysis which
will accurately reveal the need, the supply and the demand
in the City and its environs for the type of housing which
said developer proposes.
Site Plan
A site plan showing location of buildings, offstreet,parking
areas, recreation area, screening, driveways, fire exits and
building line setbacks shall be submitted.
Lot Areas
Minimum site area - 2 acres plus 500 sq.ft. for every bed
over 20.
Minimum Yard Requirements
30 feet
20 feet
40 feet
One (1) space per three (3) beds.
Recreation Area
Landscaped recreation area shall be reserved for recreation
Permanent solid fence or evergreen screening four (4) feet in
height shall be established and maintained within three feet
of the property line as required by the Planning Commission.
Junk yards, salvage yards, automobile storage or wrecking
yards may be permitted only in an Industrial District.
Permit Required
A permit licensing a wrecking yard in a specified location
shall be obtained from the Washington State Patrol and
the City Zoning Administrator, Fee for said permit shall
be $50.00.
Unless otherwise specified by the Planning Commission, a
solid, site - obscuring fence seven (7) feet or more in
height shall be constructed on or within five (5) feet of
the rear and side property lines and the front yard set-
back line, which shall be a distance of fifty (50) feet
from all street right -of -ways. No storage or display of
any junk, appliance, article, merchandise or vehicle shall
be permitted outside of said required fence.
Area Requirements
There shall be a minimum lot area of three (3) acres for
each junk or salvage yard and each automobile storage and
wrecking yard.
Offstreet Parking Requirements
A minimum of ten (10) offstreet parking spaces shall be
required for each junk, salvage or wrecking yard.
An advertising sign is a sign which directs attention to a
business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold
or offered elsewhere than upon the premises where such sign
is located, or to which it is affixed.
A business sign is a sign which directs attention to a business
or profession conducted or to a commodity, service or entertain-
ment sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is
located, or to which it is affixed.
A flashing sign is any sign which is illuminated by artificial
light which is not maintained stationary or constant in injen-
sity.and color at.all times when such sign'is in use. For the
purpose of this zoning ordinance any revolving illuminated
sign shall also be considered a flashing sign.
A billboard is an outdoor advertising display, structure or
sign, _ _. - -- - - - - h, we►- 25-r ;.,
attached or detached, lighted or unlighted. tz'" °t-
An attached sign is any sign or billboard, lighted or unlight-
ed, directly attached to, supported by and no more than 2 feet
distance from a building.
A detached sign is any sign or billboard, lighted or unlighted,
which is separated from and not a part of a building. A sign
or billboard on the top of and more than two feet in distance
from a building shall be considered a detached sign. A detach-
ed sign shall not be constructed closer than 20 feet to any
property line in any detached sign zoning district.
For the purpose of interpretation and enforcement of these
zoning regulations billboards shall be considered a commercial
structure and shall be permitted in, and shall be limited to
only commercial, industrial or manufacturing zoning districts.
• • •
Billboards shall be prohibited in all other zoning districts.
Foregoing Regulations Subject to this Article
The foregoing regulations pertaining to the several zones shall
be subject to the general provisions, conditions and exceptions
contained in this Article.
Yard and Open Space Regulations
Except as provided in this Article, every required yard and
open space shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to
the sky. No yard or open space provided around any building
for the purpose of complying with the provisions of these
Regulations shall be considered as providing a yard or open
space on an adjoining lot or parcel whereon a building is
to be erected.
Yard Requirements for Property Abutting Half - Streets or Streets
Desi'nated By an Official Control
A building or structure shall not be erected on a lot which
abuts a street having only a portion of its required width
dedicated and where no part of such dedication would normal-
ly revert to said lot if the street were vacated, unless the
yards provided and maintained in connection with such build-
ing or structure have a width or depth of that portion of
the lot needed to complete the road width plus the width or
depth of the yards required on the lot by these regulations.
This section applies to all zones.
Where an official control adopted pursuant to law includes
plans for widening of existing streets, the connecting of
existing streets, or the establishment of new streets, the
placement of buildings and the maintenance of yards, where
required by these regulations, shall relate to the future
street boundaries as determined by said official control.
Measurement of Front and Side Yards
Front yard requirements shall be measured from the front pro-
perty line. Side yards abutting a street or alley shall be
measured from the property line that abuts the right -of -way line.
Irregular Shaped Lots
The distance across the front building line of an irregular
shaped lot shall be considered to be the lot width of said lot.
Permitted Intrusions into Required Yards
The following intrusions may project into any required yards:
1. Fireplace structures not wider than eight (8) feet measured
in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part:
thirty (30) inches.
2. Unenclosed, uncovered porches, terraces or landings, when
not extending above the first floor of the buildings, may
extend not more than six (6) feet in the front, eight (B)'
feet in the rear and three (3) feet in the side into any
required yard, provided, however, an open railing or grill-
work not exceeding thirty (30) inches in height may be
constructed around any such porch, terrace or landing.
3. Planting boxes or masonry planters not exceeding thirty
(30) inches in height may extend a maximum of three (3)
feet into any required front yard.
4. Eaves with a maximum overhang of thirty (30) inches.
5. Detached accessory buildings on rear one third of lot only
are permitted not closer than one foot to side nor ten feet
to rear property lines or alleys.
Storage of Merchandise, Vehicles in Yards & Rights -of -Way
In Residential and Commercial District the storage of merchandise,
appliances or vehicles in front or side yards shall be prohibited.
In no zoning district shall the storage of any articles or
vehicles be permitted to extend into public rights -of -way.
Vision Clearance
In all Residential and Residential Buffer Districts all corner
and reverse corner lots shall maintain, for safety vision
purposes, a triangular area within which no tree, fence, shrub,
wall or other physical obstruction shall be permitted higher
than thirty (30) inches above the established grade. Said
triangular area shall be measured as follows:
Street Intersections At any intersection of two street
rights -of -way two sides of said triangular area shall ex-
tend twenty (20) feet along both right -of -way lines,
measured from their point of intersection.
Street and Alley Intersections At any intersection of
street and alley rights -of --way two sides of said triangular
area shall extend ten (10) feet alone both rights -of -way,
measured from their point of intersection.
Street and Driveway Intersections At any intersection of a
street right -of -way and a driveway, the sides of each re-
quired triangular area shall extend ten (10) feet along the
street right -of -way line and twenty (20) feet along the edge
of the driveway, measured from the point of intersection of
each side of the driveway and the street right -of -way line.
Walls, Fences, Shrubs, Hedges
In all Residential and Resdential Buffer Districts a wall,
fence, shrub or hedge may be maintained to a maximum height of
+ six (6) feet on property not otherwise restricted,4
-e Yr -q ' row-- d •
All vision clearance requirements shall be maintained.
Through -Lots May Be Divided in Certain Instances
Through -lots 160 feet or more in depth may be improved as two
seperate lots, with the dividing line midway between the street
frontages, and each resulting half shall be subject to the con-
trols applying to the street upon which such half faces. If
each resulting half be below the minimum lot area as determined
by these regulations, then no division may be made. If the
whole of any through -lot is improved as one building site, the
main building shall conform to the requirements of the zone of
the frontage occupied by such main building, and no accessory
building shall be located closer to either street than the
distance constituting the required front yard on such street.
Lot Area Not to be Reduced, Exceptions
No lot area shall be so reduced or diminished that the lot area,
lot width, yards or other open spaces shall be less than pre-
scribed by these regulations for the zone in which it is
located, nor shall the density of population be increased in
any manner except in conformity with the regulations.
However, for the purpose of encouraging the construction of off -
street parking space under or within buildings rather than in
rear, side or front yards, the following exceptions to minimum
lot areas shall be permitted.
For each 10 foot by 20 foot area to be permanently reserved
and used for a parking space under or within a building, a
lot area credit of 300 square feet shall be permitted.
Said lot area credit can be deducted from the required
minimum lot area, or can be used to increase a proportional
number of permitted dwelling units in motels and multi-
family structures. Said lot area credit, however, shall
not apply to the reduction of any building line setbacks.
Use of Lots or Parcels Containing More than Minimum Required
Lot Area
When a lot contains substantially two or more times the minimum
lot area required for the zone in which it is located, and the
owner desires to use each unit of area equivalent to the minimum
lot area as a separate building site, provided not more than
four(4) such units result, and no dedication of streets, alleys,
or other public ways, public easements or public utility ease-
ments are involved, such area units may be so utilized by re-
sorting to the split lot procedures as prescribed in the sub-
division code. When such units are thus defined, then all of
the provisions of these regulations governing the use of a lot
in the zone in which such property is located shall apply
thereto. Each resulting unit shall be required to have front-
age upon a dedicated public street or road.
Exception to Yard Requirements
When the side lot line of a lot in any zone adjoins the side
lot line of a lot in a more restrictive zone, then the adjoin-
ing side yard for such lot shall not be less than the minimum
side yard required in the more restrictive zone.
Substandard Lot
A legal building or structure may be permitted on a lot of
record providing it meets all front, side and rear yard
Width, location and number of curb -cuts for driveways per lot
shall be determined by standards designed by the city engineer-
ing department.
Accessory Buildings
Detached accessory buildings on the rear one third of the lot
only ere permitted not closer than 10 feet ton property or
alley and one foot to the side property lines, except abutting
a street.
Corner Lots
No principal building or accessory building shall be construct-
ed closer than twenty feet to a street right -of -way.
Section 1 Vacated Streets
Vacated streets, alleys places and cul-de-sacs shall assume the
zone classifications of the property which adjoined such street,
alley, place or cul -de -sac prior to vacation, and where zone
classification differs from one side to the other, then the
boundary line shall be at the former center line of such vacated
street, alley, place of cul -de -sac.
Section 2 Nonconforming Uses
Existing Land Use Continuance of Nonconforming Use
Any legal use of the land, existing or established at the time
of the adoption of these regulations shall be permitted to
onforming use shall be permitted to contin - .d
s fro .- aid use becomes a non -
all then be discontinu-
o the adoption of these zoning re.. _ shall
e date of a nonconforming use.
of twenty- ive
confroming use.
ed. T
Enlargement, Alteration, Reconstruction
A legal, conforming building or structure housing a nonconform-
ing use shall be permitted to be repaired, altered, remodeled
or reconstructed providing said repairs, alteration or recon-
struction meet all zoning and building code requirements.
If any nonconforming use of land and /or building or structure
is abandoned and /or ceases for any reason whatsoever for a
period of one (1) year or more, any future use of such land
and /or building or structure shall be in conformity to the
zone in which it is located as specified by these Regulations.
Change in Use
A nonconforming use shall not hereafter be changed to any other
nonconforming use, regardless of the conforming or nonconforming
status of the building in which it is housed.
Nonconformance as a Result of Annexation
All above regulations shall apply to each nonconforming use which
comes within the City by means of annexation, from date of annex -
Section 3 Nonconforming Building or Structure
Enlargement, Alteration, Remodeling
An existing legal building or structure that does not comply
with zoning and building code requirements shall not be enlarged
altered or extended. Structural repairs needed to maintain
the building in a safe structural condition may be permitted.
When a legal building or structure that does not comply with
the provisions of these regulations is damaged to an extent
that does not exceed 75% of the existing assessed value of the
building or structure for tax purposes, said building or
structure may be restored, providing:
1. Reconstruction is started within nine (9) months and is
completed within 18 months of date of damage.
2. After such repair has been completed, the building can
be repaired or altered only if its use and the damaged
portions conform to the regulations of the district in
which the building or structure is located.
When a legal building or structure that does not comply with
the provisions of these regulations is damaged to an extent that
exceeds 75% of the existing assessed value of the building or
structure for tax purposes, said building or structure may be
repaired or reconstructed providing it conforms to all the
building code and zoning regulations of the aning district in
which it is situated, and further providing:
1. Reconstruction is started within nine (9) months and is
completed within eighteen months of date of damage.
2.After such repair has been completed, the building can be
repaired or altered only if its use and the damaged
portions conform to the regulations of the district in
which the building or structure is located.
The extent of damage to a nonconforming building or structure
shall be determined by the findings of three appraisers, one to
be chosen by the City, one by the building owner and the third
by the first two appraisers. All costs incurred in obtaining
the estimates are to be paid by the building owner.
Final decisions in regard to the extent and cost of damage are
to be made by the Building Inspection Department.
, ..
• .
le.al building or structure th. _ �r•�
s a nonconforming or noncomplying buil
all zoning and b
and shall be
date said
Nonconformance as a Result of Annexation
All above regulations shall apply to each nonconforming struc-
ture or building which comes with the City by means of annexa-
Section 4 Yards to be Ebclosed Within a Solid Fence
Every wrecking, salvage, junk and used lumber yard, equipment
and material storage yards, auction house or second -hand store
which, after the effective date of these regulations, exists
as a nonconforming use shall in the interest of public safety,
within six (6) months after the same becomes a nonconforming
use, be completely enclosed within a building or within a
continous solid fence no less than seven (7) feet in height
or to a greater height if such height is needed to screen
completely all the operations of such e
yard,, The plans of said building or fence shall have first
been approved by the Planning Commission, and said building
or fence shall be maintained in full conformity with any con-
ditions attached to such approval.
New uses shall be subject to site approval of the Planning
Commission and shall be subject to any restrictions and modi-
fications said Commission may stipulate.
Noise abatement is to be enforced from 6:00 PM to 7;00 AM.
Burning of items on the premises is prohibited.
Auction houses, second -hand barns, salvage lumber and used
parts establishments shall contain all items for display or
sale within a structure or behind a sight - obscuring fence not
less than six (6) feet in height. No part of any required
front, side or rear yard shall be used for the sale or display
of any said items.
Section 5 Moving of Buildings
No building preconstructed either partly or completely shall
be moved onto any site until such site and such building have
been approved by the Planning Commission and the Building
Section 6 Temporary Buildings
Temporary buildings used in conjunction with construction
projects, or buildings used as real estate tract offices, may
be located in any zone for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
Buildings intended for a longer period of use shall conform in
every respect to all provisions of these regulations.
Section 7 Dwelling Units in Commercial Areas
Dwelling units that are permitted in Commercial Districts shall
be situated in apartment buildings and motels. No one - family
or two - family buildings shall be permitted in any Commercial
District. Dwelling units situated above commercial structures
shall meet yard and height requirements of said commercial
structures. Offstreet parking spaces to be provided shall be
the total commercial and residential requirements for said
zoning lot.
Section 8 Breezeway
If an accessory building is connected to a principal building
by a breezeway the accessory building shall not be considered
an extension of and a part of the principal building.
Section 9 Exception to Area Requirements
For the purpose of encouraging the construction of offstreet
parking space under or within building rather than in rear,
side or front yards, the following exceptions to minimum lot
areas shall be permitted.
For each 10 foot by 20 foot area to be permanently reserved
and used for a parking space under or within a building, a
lot area credit of 300 square feet shall be permitted.
Said lot area credit can be deducted from the required
minimum lot area, or can be used to increase a proportional
number of permitted dwelling units in motels and multi-
family structures.
Section 10 Uses
Any uses not expressly permitted are prohibited.
Section 11 Non -zoned Annexation Areas
If any area not previously zoned is annexed to the City it
shall automatically on annexation be classified and subject
to the provisions, restrictions and requirements of the RS -9
Residential Single Family District.
Section 1 Scope of Regulations
All buildings erected hereafter, all uses of land or buildings
established hereafter, all structural alteration or relocation
of existing buildings occurring hereafter, all enlargements of
or additions to existing uses occurring hereafter shall be
subject to these Zoning Regulations which are applicable to
the zoning districts in which such buildings, uses or land
shall be located.
However, where a building permit for a building or structure
has been issued in accordance with law prior to the effective
date of these Zoning Regulations, and provided that construc-
tion has begun by said date, said building or structure may
be completed in accordance with the approved plans on the
basis of which the building permit has been issued, and upon
completion may be occupied under a certificate of occupancy
by the use for which originally designated, -- subject there-
after to the provisions in regard to nonconforming buildings,
uses and structures.
Section 2 Interpretation
In the interpretation and application of these Zoning Regula-
tions the provisions of these Regulations shall be held to be
the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health,
safety and welfare.
Where the conditions imposed by any provision of these Zoning
Regulations upon the use of land or buildings or upon the
bulk of buildings are either more restrictive or less restric-
tive than comparable conditions imposed by any other provision
of these Toning Regulations or of any other law, ordinance,
resolution, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations
which are most restrictive (or which impose higher standards or
requirements) shall govern.
These Zoning Regulations are not intended to abrogate any ease-
ment, covenant, or any other private agreement, provided that
where these regulations are more restrictive (or impose higher
standards or requirements) than such easements, covenants, or
other private agreements, the requirements in these Zoning
Regulations shall govern.
No building, structure or use which was not lawfully existing
at the time of the adoption of these Zoning Regulations shall
become or be made lawful solely by reason of the adoption of
these Zoning Regulations, and to the extent and in any manner
that said unlawful building, structure or use conflicts with
the requirements of these Zoning Regulations said building,
structure or use remains unlawful.
Section 3 Rules for Interpreting Zoning Boundaries
When uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zones as in-
dicated on the official zoning map, the following rules shall
a. Boundaries shown on the zoning map as approximately
following the center line of streets, alleys, highways
or site limits shall be construed as following such
center lines and city limits.
b. Distances not specifically indicated on the Zoning Map
shall be determined by applying the scale of the map.
c. Where a zone boundary line parallel, or approximately
parallel, to a street divides a lot or property in single
ownership having street frontage in a less restrictive
zone, the provisions applicable to the less restrictive
may be extended to the entire lot, but in no case for a
distance of more than twenty -five (25) feet. Where such
zone boundary line divides a lot having street frontage
only in a more restrictive zone, the provisions of these
Regulations covering the more restrictive portion of such
lot shall extend to the entire lot.
d. Where a zone boundary line divides a lot of single owner-
ship and such line is a right angles or approximately at
right angles to the street, highway or place upon which
said lot fronts, the provisions of these Regulations
applicable in the less restrictively zoned portion of
the lot may be extended to the entire lot or for a dis-
tance of twenty -five (25) feet from such zone boundary
line, whichever is the lesser distance.
e. Where a zone boundary line, as indicated on the zoning
map, follows the top or bottom of a bluff or bank, such
line shall be at the point which is the average grade
of the slope for the bank and top, or bottom, as determin-
ed by the City Engineer.
Section 4 Sub - Standard Lots, Recorded Lots
When a lot has less than the minimum required area, width or
depth in any zoning district, and said lot was of record on
the effective date of these Zoning Regulations, such lot shall
be deemed to have complied with the minimum required lot area,
width or depth in such zoning district.
A legal building, structure may be permitted on said lot of
record providing it meets all front, side and rear yard
Section 5 Conditional Use Permit
The Planning Commission shall consider all applications for
Conditional Use Permits and may grant said permits for such
uses as by these regulations are required to be reviewed and
which can be permitted only upon the granting of a Conditional
Use Permit. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a
Conditional Use Permit if the characteristics of the intended
use as related to the specific proposed site are such as
would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by intro-
ducing incompatible, detrimental or hazardous conditions.
In each application the Planning Commission may impose what-
ever restrictions or conditions it considers essential to
protect the public health, safety and welfare, and to pre-
vent depreciation of neighboring property.
Purpose of a Conditional Use Permit
The purpose of a Conditional Use Permit shall be to assure
that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall
be attained. The purpose of these regulations shall be main-
tained with respect to the particular use of the particular
site and in consideration of other existing and potential
uses within the general area in which such use is to be
Section 6 Variance & Decisions of Building Inspector
The Planning Commission shall consider written petitions for
temporary uses, variances from area, height and space require-
ments in zoning regulations, to consider appeals from decisions
of the Building Inspector and to grant or deny said petitions.
Requests for decisions by the Planning Commission shall follow
this procedure:
1. Application shall be in writing on forms provided by
the Building Inspector.
2. Applications shall be submitted to the chairman of the
Planning Commission.
3. The Planning Commission shall fix a date of hearing on
each application and shall at least ten (10) days prior
to such date of hearing cause to be posted in conspicuous
places within 400 feet of the proposed conditional use
or variance a minimum of two (2) placards containing a
notice advising the public of the proposed conditional
use or variance and the time and place of the hearing.
4. The owners of property within 400 feet of the property
on which it is proposed to establish the conditional use
or variance may, not later than the day prior to the
hearing, file with the City Clerk a written protest
which must contain the legal description of the property
owned by each protestant, and the City Clerk shall on
the same day advise the Chairman of the Planning Commis-
sion of the protests so filed.
In considering any petition for variances and temporary uses,
the members of the Planning Commission shall consider and
shall base their decisions upon the following standards:
1. That the granting of this request will not cause deprecia-
tion of surrounding property.
2. That the denial of this request will not cause an unneces-
sary hardship that is beyond the control of the petitioner.
3. That this request, if granted, will be in conformance with
the Comprehensive Plan.
The purpose of a variance shall be to prevent discrimination.
No variance shall be granted which would have the effect of
granting a special privilege not shared by other property in
the same vicinity and zoning district.
Required Showing for a Variance
The City Council may not approve a request for variance unless
three or more of the following criteria can be shown to exist:
1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the
subject property, including size, shape, topography,
location or surroundings,the strict application of these
regulations is found to deprive the subject property of
rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the
same vicinity and zoning district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be materially
detrimental to the public health, safety or general wel-
fare or injurious to the property or improvements in the
vicinity and the zoning district which subject property
is situated.
3. That the denial of the variance will cause an unnecessary
hardship that is beyond the control of the petitioner.
4. That the granting of the variance will not adversely
affect the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan.
Section 7 Hearing & Appeal of Conditional Use & Variance
Applicati ons
Notice & Hearing for Variance & Conditional Use Permits
Upon filing an application for a Variance or a Conditional
Use Permit in which the application sets forth fully the grounds
for, and the facts deemed to justify, the granting of the
Variance or the Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission
shall give public notice, as provided in the Laws of the State
of Washington and articles in these Regulations which are
applicable hereto, of the intention to consider at a public
hearing the granting of the Variance or Conditional Use Permit.
The Planning Commission shall after said hearing refer it's
recommendation to the City Council for final action.
Notice of Action on Application
When the action of the Council is to approve or deny an applica-
tion, the Building Inspector, within fourteen (14) days from
the date of such action, shall notify the applicant by forward-
ing a copy of the action.
Decision of the Council Shall be Final
Action of the City Council on applications in regard to Vari-
ances and Conditional Use Permits shall be held at public hear-
ings and shall be final and conclusive.
Requests for Exceptions
All applications for exceptions from this Zoning Regulations
shall contain all basic information, along with other pertinent
facts, maps and data required by the Planning Commission.
Permits Void After Six Months
All Variance and Conditional Use Permits shall become void six
months from the date of granting such permits if use of the
land or buildings has not taken place in accordance with the
provisions in granting said requests.
Section 8 Filing Fees
The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an applica-
tion to cover the expense of processing and advertising:
Conditional Use, Variance, Special Permit- $ 15.00
Zoning..Rezoning $ 50.00
All applications shall be processed by the Building Inspector
prior to tiling.
Section 9 Zoning Initiation by the Planning Commission
On its own action, or if requested by the Council, the Planning
Commission shall cause to be prepared official controls which,
when adopted by ordinance by the Council, will further the
objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan. The Planning
Commission may also draft such regulations, programs and
legislation which, in its judgment, are required to preserve
the integrity of the comprehensive plan and assure its system-
atic execution, and the Planning Commission may recommend
such plans, regulations, programs and legislation to the
Council for adoption.
Section 10 Amendments
In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed
the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper
relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and
the entire zoning regulations; it being the intent to retain
the integrity and validity of the zoning districts herein
described, and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in
the zoning map.
Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the
form in which they were advertised within the limits necessary
to relate properly such amendment or amendments to the Zoning
Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject
to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final
passage by the City Council.
No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or
portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one
year of the final action of the Council upon a prior applica-
tion covering any of the same described land. This provision,
however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose
any amendment or change in the boundaries of any of the
districts in these regulations, on its own action.
Section 11 Subdividing and Platting
The City Council shall review all proposed land plats and sub-
divisions and shall have the power to approve or deny said
plats and to require any modifications necessary to assure
conformance to the general purposes of the comprehensive
plan, and to standards, specifications and regulations
established by State Law, by City of Port Angeles Subdivision
Regulations and by these Zoning Regulations.
Section 12 Enforcement
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to enforce all
provisions of this Ordinance. No oversight or dereliction on
the part of the Building Inspector or any official or employee
of the City of Port Angeles vested with the duty or authority
to issue permits or licenses shall legalize, authorize, waive
or excuse the violation of any of the provisions of this
No Permit or license for any use, buildin.j or purpose shall be
issuted by any official or employee of the City of Port Angeles
if the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this
Ordinance or any other Ordinance now in force referring to
this Ordinance. Any permit or license so issued shall be null
and void.
In the event any person, firm or corporation should use, erect,
construct, move or alter or attempt to use, erect, construct,
move or alter any property, building or structure in violation
of the provisions of this Ordinance, the same is hereby declar-
ed a public nuisance and it shall be the duty of the City
Attorney to bring and to prosecute an action in any court of
competent jurisdiction to enjoin such person, firm or corpora-
tion from continuing such use, erection, construction, moving
or alterating. If such use, erection, construction, moving or
alteration is being or has been accomplished, the City Attorney
shall enjoin such person, firm or corporation from maintaining
Section 13 Entry Upon Private Property
The Building Inspector, members of the Commission and the Plan-
ning or Engineext staff, in the erformance of their functions
and duties,omay rater upon any tan._ a��`d�'sa - examinations and
surveys. Provided, that such entries and examinations do not
damage or interfere with the use of the land by those persons
lawfully entitled to the possession thereof.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council
that the several provisions of this Zoning Ordinance are
separable, in accordance with the following:
1. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge
any provision of this Zoning Ordinance to be invalid,
such judgment shall not affect any other provision of
this Zoning Ordinance not specifically included in
said judgment.
2. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge
invalid the application of any provision of this
Zoning Ordinance to a particular property, building
or other structure, such judgment shall not affect
the application of said provision to any other
property, building or structure not specifically
included in said judgment.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of
this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more
than $500 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six
months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Such person, firm
or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense
for each and every day during any portion of which any
violation of this Ordinance is committed, continued or per-
mitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be
punishable as herein provided.
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