HomeMy WebLinkAbout1510ORDINANCE NO. /570
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles relating to dances and dance halls and amend-
ing Chapter 9 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles.
ANGELES, as follows:
Section 1. That Chapter 9 of the City Code of the City of
Port Angeles is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 9.1. 'Public dance' defined.
The term 'public dance', as used in this chapter, shall mean
:any dance or ball to which admission can be had by payment of a
fee or by the purchase, possession or presentation of any ticket
For token, or at which a charge is made for caring for clothing or
other property, or any dance to which the public generally may
[gain admission with or without the payment of a fee or other
charge; provided, that this chapter shall not apply to incorporated
clubs, fraternal orders or other societies occupying their own
premises and who limit their dances to members of their own
organization. --c; +Fo. -680,, S 1. )
"Sec. 9.2. 'Dance hall' defined.
The term 'dance hall', as used in this chapter, shall mean any
room, place or space in which a public dance shall be held. (Ord.
"Sec. 9.3. Right of entry to public dances by certain city
All police officers and probation officers of the city shall
at all times have free access to all places in the city where any
public dance is being conducted, for the purpose of preserving
order and enforcing the provisions of this chapter or any other
ordinance of the city and the laws of the state. ( -Ord.
"Sec. 9.4. Condition of premises — Lighting.
Every public dance hall shall at all times be kept in a clean,
]healthful, sanitary condition, and all stairways, halls, pass-
ages and rooms connected with such dance hall shall be kept open
and well lighted. During hours of darkness every dance hall
shall be lighted in such a manner and to such an extent as is
usual or customary for lighting of halls or rooms of like dimen-
sions during the hours of darkness for public assemblies before
any person is admitted thereto and before any dancing is commenced
therein; such lighting or illumination shall be maintained there-
after throughout the entire time while such dance hall is open or
dancing is in progress therein and during any recess or other
intermission, without diminution and without interruption until
ii such activity is concluded and until such hall is cleared or
"Sec. 9.5. Hours.
That all public dances shall be discontinued and all public
dance halls shall be closed before 1:00 o'clock A.M. and said
dance hall shall remain closed until 8 :00 o'clock on the follow-
ing day; provided that upon the application of a bona fide and
reputable organization or society and for good cause shown the
City Manager may grant permission to such organization or society
to hold or continue a dance after 1:00 o'clock A.M. if he shall
jfind that the same may be conducted without undue annoyance to
any considerable number of people; and provided further that, ex-
cept where permission has been granted as aforesaid, all public
dance halls shall be closed on Sunday after the hour of 1:00 A.M.
"Sec. 9.6. Employees, attendants and patrons.
No person of immoral character or person afflicted with any in-
fectious disease shall be employed in or knowingly be permitted to
take part in any place where public dancing is carried on, and no
person under the age of eighteen years shall be employed in such
an establishment or allowed on the premises unless accompanied by
his or her parent or legal guardian, except that such age prohibi-
tion shall not apply to any person employed as an entertainer or a
musician at such dance.
"Sec. 9.7. Conduct and inspection.
No person,firm or corporation maintaining, conducting or carry-
ing on any public dance hall or having charge or control thereof
nor any person employed in and about such a place, shall allow or
permit any person under the influence of intoxicating liquor, or
any prostitutes or disorderly person, to enter, be or remain in or
to dance in any such public dance hall. No dance of a gross or
vulgar character shall be permitted in any dance hall, and no per-
of the dance hall that improper conduct is being indulged, such
person shall at once cause such improper conduct to cease.
"Sec. 9.8. Supervisors — Attendants.
No person, firm, corporation, group or society shall hold any
public dance without having in attendance at all times during the
course of said dance a woman hall manager of good moral character
who has been approved by the Chief of Police, and without further
having present during the course of such dance other regular
attendants sufficient to at all times properly supervise and keep
son shall be permitted to conduct himself or herself in a gross or
vulgar manner in such a place. No undue familiarity between part-
ners shall be permitted. Inspectors detailed by the Chief of
Police shall have full power to decide what is proper or permiss-
ible in this connection, and on his notifying the person in charge
law and order, including a Reserve of the Police or Sheriff's De-
"Sec. 9.9. Pass -out checks prohibited.
No person shall give to any person leaving such a dance hall a
return or pass -out check or other token whereby re- admission can
be obtained without the payment of a fee in an amount equal to
that of an original admission, and no person leaving such dance
hall shall receive any such return check or pass -out check or
token or gain re- admission without paying the same fee as charged
for an original admission. No owner, proprietor, operator or
manager, or any servant or agent of any owner, proprietor or man-
, ager of any dance, ball or dance hall shall charge any fee for
I! participation in any dance or ball other than an entrance or ad-
mission fee to such dance hall. Females shall not be admitted
free to any dance hall, but shall be charged at least one -half the
amount that is charged the males.
"Sec. 9.10, Use of intoxicants.
No person, firm, society, association or corporation conducting
i a public dance hall, nor any person having charge or control
thereof at any time when dancing is being carried on or conducted
therein, shall permit any person to bring in to said dance hall
II or in to any room or rooms in connection therewith or upon the
premises upon which such dance hall is situated, any intoxicating
liquor, nor permit intoxicating liquor to be drunk in said dance
hall or in any of the said rooms or upon said premises. No person
during any time any public dance hall is open and being operated
shall take or carry into said room or rooms or upon said premises
or drink therein, or thereon, any intoxicating liquor.
"Sec. 9.11. Permit for teen -age dance required.
It shall be unlawful to conduct or sponsor any teen -age dance in
the City of Port Angeles without first having obtained a written
I. permit from the Chief of Police and except in full compliance with
all of the conditions and provisions herein provided for. Pro -
vided that: this section shall not apply to Christian Youth Or-
ganizations and public schools conducting dances on their own
"Sec. 9.12. Permit applications — Requirements.
A, The application for a permit shall be accompanied by ade-
quate proof that the place or premises where the dance is
to be held has a valid public dance hall license, or is
not required to have such license but conforms with all
safety regulations established by law, and must be filed
with the Chief of Police at least ten days prior to any
B. The application for permit shall set forth therein the
following minimum information:
(1) The name and address of the applicant and applicant's
(2) The date upon which the dance is to be held.
(3) The address of the place where the dance is to be held.
(4) The approximate attendance expected.
(5) The minimum number of adult supervisors who will be in
attendance at all times during the holding of said
dance, and the names and addresses of such adults.
C. Upon the filing of each application for a teen -age dance,
the Chief of Police shall cause to be made such investiga-
tion as he deems proper, and shall either deny or approve
the same. If the application is approved, the permit for
such dance shall then be issued by the Chief of Police.
If the application for such permit is denied by the Chief
of Police, the applicant shall have and is hereby given a
right of appeal from said denial to the City Council.
, "Sec. 9.13. Revocation or suspension — Grounds and procedure.
Any permit issued hereunder may be revoked or suspended by the
Chief of Police if any of the following conditions exist or occur:
A. The applicant for the permit or the holder of any permit, as
the case may be, has knowingly made any material misstatement in
the application for the permit.
B. The holder of the permit has violated any of the provisions
of this section.
C. The holding of such teen -age dance pursuant to the permit
issued will not comport with the public peace or welfare.
II In the event such permit is revoked or suspended as above pro -
vided, the holder of such permit shall be and is hereby given
the same right of appeal from such revocation or suspension to
the City Council.
"Sec. 9.14. Regulations.
A. No minor admitted to a teen -age dance shall be permitted to
leave and thereafter re -enter the dancing premises during the
course of the event, and no pass -out checks shall be issued
save and except in emergencies and when authorized specifi-
cally by the person in charge of said dance.
B. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed, or available
on the premises in or about which any teen -age dance is held.
Admission to a teen -age dance shall be denied to any person
showing evidence of drinking any alcoholic beverage or who
has any alcoholic beverage on his person.
C. Sufficient adult supervision shall be provided by the sponsor
at all teen -age dances to insure that accepted standards of
social conduct are followed.
D. No dancing at any teen -age dance shall be permitted after the
hour of 12 o'clock midnight.
No person of the age of 21 years or more and no person under
the age of 16 years shall attend any teen -age dance as a parti-
cipant. This does not prohibit the attendance of chaperons
and parents or other sponsors who do not participate in the
dancing, nor does it prohibit persons employed as entertainers
or musicians at such dances.
F. It shall be unlawful and constitute a violation of this
chapter for any person who is not eligible for admittance to
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a teen -age dance to around or about the premises at
which such dance is being held.
G. The provisions and conditions contained in Sections 9.4., 9.6.,'
and 9.7. to 9.10., both inclusive, and as they may be amended,
shall likewise apply to teen -age dances when such provisions
are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions herein
contained. Teen -age dances shall in no way be construed as
public dances."
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
this ,� � 4day of /l/ji97 , 1963.
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;Approved as to form:
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