HomeMy WebLinkAbout1538ORDINANCE NO. //5-342- 5 3(
AN ORDINANCE amending Sec. 17.12 of the City Code with
reference to speed limits.
ANGELES, as follows:
That Section 17.12 of the City Code of the City of Port
Angeles is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 17.12. Speed limits generally.
It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle within
the city at speeds in excess of those set forth in this section
under circumstances and at the locations designated.
(a) Fifteen miles per hour in any alley in the city.
(b) Twenty miles per hour when passing schools on
school days between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
(c) Twenty miles per hour when passing a municipal or
school 13ayground between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., or when travers-
ing a grade crossing or any railroad.
(d) Twenty miles per hour in the following described
area: That area bounded by Front Street on the North margin and
First Street on the South margin between Lincoln Street on the
East margin and Cherry Street on the West margin.
(f) Thirty miles per hour in the following areas:
Front Street from the West margin of Ennis Street to the East mar-
]gin of Lincoln Street; Race Street from the South margin of Fourth
Street to the South City limits, except where posted; Eighth
Street from West margin of Chambers Street to East margin of "I"
Street, except where posted; Lincoln Street from-Best margin of
First Street East to the thirty -five mile zone as marked by the
State Highway Department, except as posted; Marine Drive from
intersection of First Street and Valley Street to "A" Street, ex-
cept as posted; West Fifth Street from "A" Street to "I" Street;
Peabody Street from First Street to Lauridsen Boulevard; West
Tenth Street from Tenth Street Westerly to end of Street; and "I"
Street in its entirety.
(g) Thirty -five miles per hour in the following areas:
Lauridsen Boulevard from West margin of Laurel Street West to City
Limits; Tumwater Truck Route from Marine Drive to Lauridsen Boule-
ward; First Street from Peabody Street Easterly to the City limits,
except where posted; "C" Street from South margin of Ninth Street
to Lauridsen Boulevard and thence Westerly to West margin of Euclid'
Avenue; Park Avenue from East margin of Grace Street to West margin
of Race Street; and Marine Drive from "A" Street to Coast Guard
fence on Ediz Hook, except as posted.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
this j 4,L) day of September, 1964.
City Clerk
,Approved as to form: