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AN ORDINANCE fixing rates and charges for sewer service,
providing for penalties and liens and creating a Sewer
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. Definitions.
(a) The term "single residential dwelling unit" shall
be deemed to mean a separate dwelling house occupied by one family
or person.
(b) The term "living unit" shall be deemed to mean a
dwelling unit having separate kitchen facilities which includes,
but is not limited to, apartments in homes, units in apartment
houses, mobile homes, and mobile homes located on a lot with a
single residential dwelling unit.
(c) The term "commercial" and industrial shall include
all users defined as such by the ordinance setting City water rates.
Section 2. Rates and Charges.
The rates and charges for sewerage disposal service shall
be as follows:
(a) The charge for each single residential unit and each
living unit shall be the sum of $2.25 per month, or the sum of
$4.50 if charged on a bi- monthly basis.
(b) Each commercial and industrial user connected with
othe City water system shall be charged monthly a rate to be based
upon the amount of metered water consumed by the user in the
billing month at the following rates:
0 - 1,999 cubic feet
2,000 - 3,999 "
4,000 - 5,999 "
6,000 -- 7,999 "
8,000 - 9,999 cubic feet
10,000 - 11,999 "
12,000 - 13,999 "
14,000 - 15,999 "
16,000 - 17,999 "
18,000 - 19,999 "
20,000 - 24,999 "
Next 50,000 "
Next 50,000 "
Next 125,000 "
Over ,000 "
at $.50 per 1,000 cu. ft. $44.40
" .35 " " 11
.27 IS
.20 " �I
" 61.90
(c) An additional charge to be established by resolution
of the Council or by contract may be made for sewage or wastes of
an unusual quality or composition which require special treatment
or the City may require pretreatment of such sewage or waste by
the user.
(d) All sanitary sewage disposal service furnished to a
user outside the City limits shall be charged at the rate of 150%
of the schedule for rates and charges as set forth herein or as
(e) Special provision as to rates of charge for commer-
cial and industrial users.
Where a commercial or industrial user has an average
monthly billing in excess of $30.00 a month and the use of water is
such that a portion of all of the water used does not flow into a
City sewer but is lost, by evaporation, irrigation, sprinkling or
any other c ause, or is used in manufactured products such as ice,
canned goods, beverages and the like, and the person in control
provides proof of this fact and installs a meter or other measuring
device approved by the Director of Public Works to measure the
amount of water so used or lost, no charge shall be made for sewage
because of water so used or lost. In cases where the agerage
monthly billing of commercial or industrial users is in excess of
$30.00 per month because of productional use of water, an indivi-
dual rate may be fixed on a reasonable basis by resolution or by
contract as determined by the Council.
Section 3. Hook -up.
The owner or owners of each lot or parcel of real property
within the area served or to be served by the sanitary sewage dis-
posal system of the City of Port Angeles as it now exists or as it
may be extended, upon which such lot or parcel there is or shall
be, situated any building or structures for human occupation or
for any purpose requiring the use of water which will produce
waste shall forthwith cause a connection to be made between said
sanitary sewage disposal system and each such building or structure.
All premises within 300 feet of a sanitary sewer or lateral thereof
upon which any portion of such building or structure is situated
shall be deemed to be within the area served by such sewerage
Section 4. No person shall discharge or cause to be dis-
charged any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff,
cooling water or unpolluted industrial water into any sanitary
sewer when the property from which said discharge comes is within
300 feet of any storm sewer or lateral thereof which is sufficient
to handle said discharge as determined by the City Engineer.
Section 5. Billings, collections and liens.
All billings for sewage disposal service shall be com-
bined with the billings for domestic water, light and garbage
collection charges and said charges for sewage disposal service
shall become delinquent at the same time and under the same circum-
stances as said water charges. In the event any of said sewage
disposal service billings are not paid when due, and the same become
delinquent, the City shall shut off the water furnished to the
premises to which said sewage disposal service is rendered and
said water shall not be again turned on until said bill be paid
in full, together with the charge for shutting off and turning on
the water. Any charge for sewage disposal service which becomes
delinquent as provided herein shall immediately become a lien upon
the property to which such sewage service is rendered superior to
all other liens and encumbrances, except those for general taxes
and special assessments. Such liens may be foreclosed by the City
in the same manner provided by law for the foreclosure of delin-
quent L.I.D. assessments, and the right of foreclosure is to be con-
current with and in addition to the right of the City to shut off
the water service to the said premises as provided above.
Section 6. Sewer Fund.
There is hereby created a special fund of the City to be
known as the "Sewer Fund ". Any and all revenues received for the
use of sewers as set forth herein for sewage disposal service,
from the sale of by- products from a sewage treatment plant or from
any other source of rental, use or services rendered by such utility
,shall be credited to and paid into such fund. All engineering ex-
penses incurred in planning, designing, supervising and administer-
ing work on the Port Angeles Sewer System, and all expenses of
maintenance and operation of the sewer system and sewer department,
including, but not limited to, all improvements, additions, better-
ments, extensions, repairs, replacements and revenue bond debt ser-
vice, shall be paid out of said fund.
Section 7. Penalties.
Any person, firm, association, or corporation wilfully
'violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
this /7299day of
- €- (1- 41,vaPh)► 1964.
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
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City ' I•rney