HomeMy WebLinkAbout1596ORDINANCE NO. J596
AN ORDINANCE authorizing a settlement agreement of the
antitrust suit of the City against Schwager -Wood
ANGELES that Joseph L. Alioto, the Special Counsel engaged by
'the Counsel of the City as special counsel to prosecute the City's
'antitrust claims growing out of purchases of electrical apparatus,
be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to do the following:
1. To execute and deliver an Agreement on behalf of
"this Plaintiff between Norman A. Stoll as agent for Schwager -Wood
'Corporation and Schwager -Wood Company, Inc. (together hereinafter
'referred to as "company "), and Joseph L. Alioto as agent for the
2. To execute and deliver, as agent for the City, a
'Covenant Not to Sue in the form set forth as an attachment hereto.
3. To receive on behalf of the City the total sum pay
able by Schwager -Wood Corporation and Schwager -Wood Company, Inc.
(together hereinafter referred to as "company "), pursuant to the
agreement with Mr. Norman A. Stoll, it being understood that the
total sum received by Mr. Alioto from said Company will be distri-
buted among the various parties mentioned in that agreement in
accordance with the City's understanding with Mr. Alioto and that
said company will not be responsible for the distribution thereof.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that execution and delivery by
{ Joseph L. Alioto of the Covenant Not to Sue referred to above and
any other action pursuant to the authority of this ordinance and
'prior to the effective date hereof is hereby approved, ratified
land confirmed.
PASSED by the City Council and approved b its Mayor at a
regular meeting of the Council held on the day of =
� 529.1.4J2/
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City At , ney
PUBLISHED: .i ja /r“
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L. Alicto, Acant