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AN ORDINANCE. of the City of Port Angeles amending the
electric rate and Section 11.45 of the Code of the
City of Port Angeles.
"Section 11.45. Schedules of rates and use regulations
for such schedules.
Section 1. The monthly rate for electricity consumed
shall be in accordance with the following 'schedules:
SCHEDULE I. Water Heating
AVAILABILITY: Existing Schedule I accounts only. Not,
available for new accounts.
RATE: Minimum charge
All Kilowatt hours
SCHEDULE IA. Yard Lighting
$0.008 per KWH
Upon request. After approval by the
Light Department, yard lights will be
installed and energy furnished on pri- 1
vate or public property for the use and
convenience of customers. The customer
will be responsible for installation of
any new poles required. A one year
contract for service will be required
before the light will be installed.
SCHEDULE 'II. Residential Services
This schedule covers general residential
lighting, '. cooking and water heating.
This schedule is .available to customers
for single phase electric services in
residences, apartments, duplex houses,
and multiple family dwellings.
Minimum charge $1.00
First 100 KWH .02 per KWH
Next 200 KWH .01 per KWH
Excess .007 per KWH
SCHEDULE IIA. Residential Service with Electric Heat
This schedule is available to customers
• for single phase electric services in
residences, apartments, duplex houses,
and multiple family dwellings. This
schedule. covers general .residential
lighting, cooking, water heating, and
electric space heating.
Minimum .charge '$5.00
First 100 KWH .02 per KWH
Next 200. KWH Al per KWH
Excess • .007 per KWH
SCHEDULE III. Optional Residential Service
Optional all electric schedule available
only to single family residences, and
individual residential accounts in
apartments, duplexes, and multiple
family dwellings individually metered
and using. electric energy exclusively,
including water heating and cooking.
Non - approved space heating is eligible
for this rate.
' RATE: Minimum charge $5.00
First. 500 KWH $5.00
Next 1000 KWH .0055 per KWH
Excess .007 per KWH
Water heaters shall be' of insulated tanki
storage type of not less than 40 gallons
capacity, heated by at least two. nonin-
ductive. elements, each individually con
trolled by its associated thermostat.
The upper element wattage is not to ex-
ceed.3.5 times the lower element watt-
age and the maximum total wattage shall
not be more than 100 watts per gallon
of tank capacity.
Clothes dryers shall not exceed 6',500
;SCHEDULE IIIA: Preferred Residential. Service
AVAILABILITY: Optional all electric schedule available
only to single family residences, and
individual residential accounts in
apartments, duplexes and multiple family!
. dwellings, individually metered using
electric energy. exclusively. Only
approved electric space heating is
qualified for this rate.
IRATE: Minimum charge $5.00
11/1 First 500 KWH $5.00
Next 1000 KWH .0055 per KWH
Excess .006
Electric space heating to qualify for
this schedule shall be 220 volt units
and have individual thermostatic control
for any heater or combination of heaters,
of a capacity of 4,000 watts, except that
single thermostats for. each room may be
approved where floor, ceiling or base-
board heating. equipment is installed.
Water heaters shall be of insulated tank
storage type of not less than 40 gallons
capacity, heated by at least two nonin -1
. ducti.ve elements, each individually con -I
trolled by its associated thermostat. i
The upper element wattage is not to ex -i
ceed..3.'5 times the lower element wattage
and the maximum total wattage shall not
be more than 100 watts per, gallon of
tank capacity.
Clothes. dryers .shall not exceed 6',500
I SCHEDULE IV. Commercial Service
Available to Governmental Agencies,
'Schools, Churches, business and commer-
cial accounts and multiple dwellings
with a single meter. An establishment
having a commercial and residential load
on a single meter shall be billed under
. this schedule.
Minimum charge $1.00 for single
$3.00 for three
but not less than $0:.50 per kilowatt of
connected load in excess of 10 kilo -
watts, or the full kilowatt demand as
determined by metering. at. the discretion
of the Light Department. 1
First 100 KWH
Next 400 KWH
Next 2500 KWH
Over. 3000. KWH
' $0.0250
.0125 per KWH ,
.0075 per KWH 1
.007 per KWH
Governmental and educational organiza-
tions where the connected load is in ex
cess of. 200. kilowatts and owning their
primary distribution facilities shall
be allowed a 10% discount except that
no discount shall be allowed on a mini-
mum charge billing.
Not more than a total of 20 horsepower
of small motors allowable under the
.General Provisions shall he permitted
on a service, unless prior approval from
the Department is granted.
The City reserves the right to meter at
primary. voltage any loads in excess of
50 kilowatts.
The City shall have the right to install
such metering equipment as it desires to
determine any and all operating condi-
SCHEDULE V. Industrial in excess of 50 KW.
Service pursuant to this subsection
shall be available to all industrial,
manufacturing, and processing plants and
other commercial load approved by the
Light Department where the connected
load is in excess of fifty KW, where
lighting load does not exceed fifteen
percent of total connected load,. and
optional to governmental and municipal
The rate or charge for such service
shall be the energy charge plus the .de-
mand charge and shall be no less than
the minimum charge, computed as follows:
Energy charge:
First 200 KWH of billing demand
$0.0.055 per KWH
Next 100 KWH of billing demand
$0.0045 per KWH
Excess KWH's
$0.0035 per KWH
Demand charge:
$0.75 per KW of billing. demand
Billing demand as used in this subsec-
. tion shall be the highest of the
1. Highest actual measured fifteen
minute .demand for the month.
2. Seventy per cent of the highest de-
mand established. for the eleven pre-
ceding months.
City .reserves. the right to meter at pri-
mary voltage any consumer served under
this schedule. A discount of 5% from
gross billing will be granted to any
consumer owning and maintaining his own
substation and associated equipment for
exclusive use only and taking energy at I
primary distribution. voltage.
Consumers are required to maintain a
power factor of 95% or better. If the
average power factor is below 95 %, then
the registered kilowatt demand shall be
adjusted by multiplying by 95% and di-
viding the result by the average power
factor. The City shall not be obligated
to deliver electrical energy to con-
sumers whose power factor is below 75%
Method of adjusting power factor shall
be in conformity with accepted stand-
ards of the industry.
City shall have the right to install
such metering equipment as it. .desires
to .determine any and all operating con-
ditions. In the event of fault with
metering equipment the City shall have
the right to estimate both demand and
kilowatt hours on the basis of hours
operated and previous experience of the
consumer. The monthly. demand may be
determined by test or inspection of the
premises served. This schedule is based
on a single delivery. voltage of. either
single or three phase at primary or
secondary distribution voltages commonly!
used for industrial loads.
The minimum charge .under .this schedule
is not less than $1.00 per kilowatt of
.billing demand per month, or fraction
SCHEDULE VI. Industrial 500. kilowatts and over.
Industrial rate'500 kilowatts of demand
and over. Energy delivered under this
schedule shall be unregulated three
phase, 60:cycle, A. C. The metering
shall be provided for as specified by
. the Light Department.
This schedule shall cover energy sup-
plied for industrial purposes where the
connected load is'500 kilowatts and
The rate or charge for Such service shah
be the .energy charge plus the demand
charge and shall be no less than the
minimum charge, computed as follows:
Energy charge:
First 200 KWH per KW billing demand per
month at $0.0055 per KWH.
Second 200 KWH per KW of billing demand
per month at $0.0025 per KWH.
All over 400 KWH per KW of billing de-
mand per month at $0.002 per KWH.
Demand charge:
$0:75 per KW of billing demand per
month. Billing demand shall be no less
than 75% of the highest billing demand
•occurring during the preceding eleven
months, or 500 KW, whichever is greater.
Minimum charge:
$1.75 per KW of billing. demand per
month, and not less than $500.40 per `
The demand shall be the maximum fifteeni
minute demand of the month,: to the
nearest whole number, measured by a de -!
mand meter.
A 14 % discount shall be allowed custo- I
mers who supply their own substation. I
The City shall have the right to in-
stall such metering. equipment as it de-
sires to determine any and all operating
conditions. When the customer's .average)
power factor falls below 95% as measured
by a reactive meter, the billing demand
will be increased one .percent for. each
percentage point below the 95% required.'
Minimum billing and .demand charges will
be applied after the correction for low
power factor.
This schedule and service shall be sub -
'.ject to the general rules and regula-
tions of this chapter.
`SCHEDULE VII. Municipal Service
AVAILABILITY: Available to. Municipal services of the
City of Port Angeles only.
I RATE: Energy charge:
All kilowatt hours $0.005 per KWH.
I Section 2. CONTRACT SALES: The City reserves the right to
enter into special contracts covering electric power service at
1 rates other: than herein specified to meet .specific operating. con-
ditions. The City may also enter into guaranteed revenue. contracts
Idesigned to repay capital outlay and .service: costs, provided such
contracts do not exceed a term of five .years.
A. Any single motor of over three horsepower, single
;I phase; any single motor of over five horsepower, polyphase;
Iwelders and X -ray equipment shall not be placed in service without
Iprior approval from the Light Department.
S. Extensions: When a request for service requires an
extension of distribution facilities to serve new loads or. custo-
4 mers, the Light Department will: determine the amount of. construc-
tion costs, if any, that is to be paid by the customer prior to
actual construction. It shall be the: customer's- responsibility to
prol£i.de and clear at least a 20 foot .access to within 150 feet of 1
the metering point. All required rights of way and /or easements
properly executed must be in the City's possession before construc-I
tion is started. The City may require the customer to install and
maintain poles, wires and/or other equipment on his property neces-
sary to serve at a greater distance than 150 feet from the City's
supply facilities to the customer's metering point.
C.' Re- arrangement of electric facilities: Any changes or
' re- arrangements of.the Light Department's facilities at the re-
quest of the customer will be accomplih d only if that customer
pays for the entire cost of the job, including overhead.
D. The following service charges shall apply:
Temporary service
Turn -ons during regular working
Turn -ons after regular working
Service call for trouble on
customer's. equipment
• $10.00
10 00
PASSED by. the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
the day of ... ; ai.. , 1967.
Approved as to form:
City Atto,