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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles adopting zoning
regulations and a zoning map.
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. The attached Zoning Regulations marked Exhibit
"A" are hereby adopted as the Zoning Regulations for the City of
Port Angeles.
Section 2. The attached Zoning Map marked Exhibit "B" is
hereby adopted as the Zoning Map of the City of Port Angeles.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
the a/a' day of � , 1967.
///- P_P.(+x
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
THE PENINSULA H E 1 A L A Thurs., Oct. 12, 1967 C
antique shop drugs, pharmaceuticals
Power for stores in the pro- art supply more, art shop elec�rical products aura appliances
posed shopping Centel; food and food flI 1UCts
Hato accessory -tare may be permitted only in an Indus- tear one third of lot only are per -
e. 1.e.xp ue of buying power to be auto, boat and motorc}•cle sales, kelp reductiotf trial District.
milted not Moser than one too[ L
expended in existing shopping cW3ucterl entirely tirety within :x lumber permit Required side nor ten Poet to rear property
centers or commercial areas bmrdrtrg urar.hulery A Permit licensing a wrecking yard lines or alleys.
set-cheer the trade area. bicycle shop perfumes in a specified location shall be oh- Storage of Merchandise, Vehicles in
- frig• to the submittal of the pro- blueprinting, pee seating, engin- Paint, lampblack, varnish, tell and rained from the Washington State Yards & Rights -of -Way
Posed rezoning to a PSC District• eeriug & office supply store ])&-r entine Patrol and the City Zoning .Advniu- In Residential and Commercial DIS-
the developer shall submit all evi- branch post office: paper and pulp istrrttnr. tree for said Permit shall trier the storage of merchandise,
deuce deemed necessary by the Flan- book or stationary store Plastics be $50.00. apPli :[aces or vehicles in front or
ning Commission regarding the abil- howling alley, rum ballroom skating preys, all tell buildings aide yards ;hall be Prohibited.
]ty of the developer to undertake rink, auditorium, ballroom 51gus, al! t}'pBa Screening l„ m, zoning district shall the
the proposed project. business school salt works unless otherwise Specified by the storage of any articles or vehicles
J, No building Permit shall be is- clothing store, tailor shop soap and soap products, toiletries Planning Commission, a solid, site- he permitted - extend into vehicles
sued for any structure to a Pb(' cocktail lounge, tavern, rc:;L•un•ant, tar coo ring or waterproofing nbeeuring fence seven (S) feet or rights -of -troy.
District until the final site develop- drive-in restaurant, cafeteria vegetable vi] or viler oil more in height shall be constl'ueted
moot plan for the entire District has dry goods store, millinery, t1t•ess Power, light or steam plant macror r d within property iv 5)Ii feet and the Vision tl clearance amt Residential
been approved the the A tiring Corn- shop Sawmill front yard setback line, which shall Buffer Districts till corner and re-
mission and the l :ifr slttions as finance company
complying with rho regulations and florist shop Ship building, storage, repair, boat be a distance of fifty (50) feet from verse corner lots :hall maintain, for
requirements of this ordinance and furni(utc, appliance store havens, marinas. all •rtreet right -uf -ways. No storage safely vision purposes, a triangular
I I+h ale rink, dance hall, hexing er display of any junk, appliance, area within which no tree, fence,
all Uthtr applicable City ordinances; gift shop, antique slap g
n the developer and the City vffiCC5 (business. professional) lit•ena, penny arcade, shunting article, merchandise or vehicle shall shrub, wall or other physical oh-
har until gallery Or similar amusement era- be Permitted outside of said required struetinn shalt be permitted Id glier
agreement entered Into a subse ti n pat. shot, not meting veterinary 1 ri)i Ise fence- than thirty (:10) inches above the
:tgrecment as stated in subseucions hospital or keeping or hoarding I building Axea Requirements established grade. Sand triangular
hereof, concerning the red]catiun of animals not for sale on the pre- �'ttractor', trucks, equipment n area shall be measured as follows:
such t'aeated streets and /or alleys, raises There shall be a. minimum lot
the rePiatting of property in the photographers shop or studio, cam- 1 ri n, eve l u or freight terminal
of three (Z) acres for each junk or Street' Intersections. At any inter-
salvage yard and each automobile Section of two street rights -of-way
is not constructed, and the proposed radio, television, tape recorder ing, ov rh r pet rental, Cal• Ssiit storage and wrecking yard.
two sides of said trial nguler area
Voterin :u•v or Pet shop hospital, 6 shall extent! twenty (20) feeta.lung�
Iratt :ic. control construction uuii, fur- sales R•. espair kennel and hatchery Off street Parking Requirements both right -of -tray lines, measured
Cher, said agreement may contain a retail stores A reetParn of ten (JO) off street from their taint of intersection.
provision requiring the developer to studios (music, art, voice, ei•�nee) 'w•arehous]ng, distributing Plants parking spaces shall he required for )
past a3tood &sufticientbond running service station 1Cuod ;) buildings manufacture each junk, salvage or wreckingyard. Street, and Alley Intersections. At
to the City with ttfo ur more surer- travel agency
['tlliTy buildings and structures any intersection of street and al-
to or with a surety company ]ices s- accessory uses incidental to the Restaurants, cafeterias ARTICLE VIII lay rintersectway two sides o said
rrl to do business in the State of above permitted uses Any manufacturing, i)rocessing, SIGNS, BILLBOARDS triangular area shall extend ten
\ \"ash]ngton as security In an amount D. Minimum Area Requirements commercial or industrial use not triangular
feet slang Moth lit;extenf ten
3+eretnfere listed which may l,c Definitions measured from [heir point of in-
equal a the estimated cost of the
Minimum Requirements FSC -1 PSC -3 ciae:;ified D7 -2 been use of pos- An advertising sign is a sign which meal lien,
street and utility d th t the in the Height 30 ft 35 ft. stile obnoxious r dors, anises,
1 pct C1 was tionecl that the dove_ puudti An attention to a business, cum- street and Driveway Intersections.
toper shall faithfully perform all the Building Line Setbacks from: smolt. M• unsightliness, modify, service or entertainment. eon- _ \t .,,n intersection of ;t street
Provisions of said contract concern- Residential District 00 ff. bO ft. Residential uses are prohibited is duate�, °old or offered eisewhea•e right- Cf -way and a driveway, the
ing the development of the streets Public str•ee[ I',0 ft. S❑ fi.. this District than upon the premises where such sides of each required triangular
and utilities ill the project and shall Commercial or Minimum Yard Requirements sign is located, e[` to which it ns area shall extend ten ( feet
save the Cite- free and harmless from industrial District 20 ft. 2Oft. No building shall be cons tructerl of fixed. along the street right-of-way en (10 lint
all less and damage occasioned to Parking Areas closer than 30 feet to any Public :\ business sign is a. sign which and twenty (701 feet song the
acv Person or property as a. result Area. to he permanently
right-of-way line. directs attention to a business or edge \f the. 70iceteet measured
of the developer performing said reserved S- used for cos- OffSt1"eet Parking profession condur:Led or to a cunt'- from the Point of intersection of
provisions rtf said contract. Loner and employee ve- See Article ti and Ordinance \o, modify, service or entertainment sold each 11 f of the driveway and the
No change shall be made in the hide Parking. Parking 1555. or offered upon the premises where each right-of-way line.
final site development plan during , cpa••es per 1.000 sq. ft, of Sims Permitted such sign is located, or to which Walls, I'encus, Shrubs, Hedges
the course of construction pursuant total fluor areas in PS(1 bieens and billboards as permitted if is affixed, In all Residential and Residential.
thereto, witi un( first obtaining he g 5 A flasiring Sign is any skgn which fence, shrub
g build logs by C3tY of Port A.nge]cs sign is illuminated by artificial light In Dk eshl s a wall,
P1101. approval of the Planning Cann- Loading Area fi 10 coder:. which le not maintained stationary' or hedge may be aall,f]nce to a
mission and the City Attorney. ;Ilasimuni height: 3S feet, 400 sit. ,tt. constant t in intensity and color at maximum height of six (0) feet on
[:evils of the npPr 11 final etc() E. Screening ft. in area. all tunes tt•hee such sign is in use. property not otherwise restricted.
the l try Et Plea shall be kept in All Pi`r Ui 1 fro shall be P street- Al] vision clearance requirements
the C +ty Engineer's office. and any put }y screened front public streets PM' the purputie of this zoning o'd -.
Section 1S PBP PUBLIC BUILD- i11f CC any revolving illuminated shall be maintained.
changes bin may be approved and from adjoining or contiguous INOS —PARE DISTRICT Through-Lots May Be D1Videfl in
shall be noted Lhereou. Procedures residential districts by an ever-green teen sign : +ha11 also be uonsidercd a flash- Throng
Permitted Urges
Certain Instances
for filing and approval of construe,- hedge having :t minimum height of Bleachers, grandstands (subject to in 1 billboard is an outdoor adycr tis- Through -lots 160 feet or more in
t]on plans for buildings, structures 4tee feet ad n tea xi Mum height of 1'CV1CR• by Planning Commission) Inc. display, structure o' sign over depth may be improved as two sap -
11nd other improvements under e r the °hall he as 7 feet, t1 b1 hts of t and mai Bridle trails 210 s+tuare feet in area, a Ltached or ara to lots. with the dividing line
now required unrlei• the City orc]in- within 10 tcCt of the 3'SC District hal City flail
ance and procedure requirements. property line. Said screening shat] detaeheri, lighted or unlighted. midway between the street ,frontages,
Civic buildings & governmental An attached sign is any sign or and carp resulting half shall be sub -
I,p, Within 18 months from the consist Of rubs rows of evergreen fo t offices billboard, lighted or unlighted, rlir- jest to the controls upPlYiug to the
ee- hei]ve date of the ordinance
iet a building testing creel , shrubs installed at v foot Courthouse cctly attached to, supported by and street. upon which such half faces.
p r mg a 1 be 1]]stid a ntr centers, staSgered. Firo Stat ion no more than 2 feet distance from a If each resulting half be below the
permit shall be secured and construe- Library • Uuilding, rninimm�t lot area as determined by
lion shall begin in accordance with Section 11 M -1 INDUSTRIAL Marinas, boat storage A detached sign 1s any Sign m- these regulations, then no division
tee approved final site (0 elcpnne to PARK Dand Intent Municipal Poo! blilbrla rd, lighted or unlighted, which may be made. If the whole of any
the Plan. Application may be mode 1t Purpose and Intent k171.t0eum is septo-atecl from and not a part. of through -lot is improved as onebuild-
mo Planning Commission for not It t al intent i establishing lisping it Parks, greeueelts a. building. A sign or billboard on Ing site, the main building shall con-
the than one (1) year ex[ensiwn of Industrial Park District to permit Off street Parking areas the top of and more than two feet form to the requirements of the zone
the thne limit for commencement of sclect.ed types of industries to situ- Picnic areas and facilities in divtsluce from a building shall he of the frontage 000UPiC11 by such
construction. In the event that con- ate on property on which industrial Playf i e7 ds in iiide0011 a detached sign. A de- main hu3]ding, and no accessory
atructiun is not started within the land use is not now Permitted, pro- Playgrounds considered
teethed sign shall not he constructed 1) 1,6106 011011 be located el,00r to
C0rifled time shall the planning tiding that said industrial land use Recreation structures and 1.,,u t]as closer than 20 feet to any property either street than the 01Ft11lted con-
Commission slon shall review the zoning will not have any undue adverse or R0101110 ir, utilities (urind facilities k lino in arty detached sign zoning st ituting the required front yard on
of the district and the Progress detrimental effects upon existing or overlcatk) lino district. such street.
which has taken place, and, 11 potential land u`) in surrounding
Schools 7: or the Pm'pose of lnterpretalion Lot Area Not be to Reduced,
deemed necessary, firitioie Proceed- territory, nor upon neighborhood Strrets. Paths and roads as retluir- and rnfo•remeut 1,11.1f.
f thew+ zoning Exceptions
ings to restore the district to its traffic patterns. ed. regulations bill�oard :ch shall be eon-
on- No Int area shall he so reduced or
prior classification. Procedure Minimum Yard Requirements sidered a commercial structure and diminshed ,that the lot area, lot
11. Construction begun in Accord- Applicant tor 11 Industrial Par): Cka11 �,) buildings constructed su1se- 16111,11 he permitted ]n, and shall he width, yards Or other open spaces
ance with the approved final site sif]oa.tien shall submit to the Pl,•rn- quenl' to adoption of these regula- limited to only commercial, Indus- 011011 he less than prescribed by these
development plan fur a PSC District ning Commission a petition in which tlens shall he constructed closer than trial or manufacturing •noting list- regulations for the zone in which it
must be completed within Inc years rite applicant specifies the type of 35 feet to a- Public right - of -tvay - line. ride_ is located, nor shall the density of
of the dale construction is cons- operation or manufacturing process Li Lighting Facilltiea
Billboards shalt be prohibited in population be I3icrea sod in any man -
eietaoed. Application may tic made to to be used ]n With propo�ed estalblslr g ting.ad lights, flpod]il;htc, etc., aril other zoning districts. Her except ]n confo nn]ty with the
the Planning Comnt]ssioo for Hoe meet. along wind site parks .crowing shall be constructed So as to shine ARTICLE IS tier at]nns.
more that one extension of the time location of buildings, parking areas, nt.,} from neighboring property as However, for the purpose of en-
limit for completion of. construction. yards, signs and screening. sou far as 4s m' :r eicaI. GENERAL PROVISIONS, GONDI-
..., -...,. cm;ragin • the. construction of n
at eiMen. Ammt..roun may ra' mane
the Planning Cunnnissiou for tiet
more than one extenelotl of the time
limit for completion of construction.
A plan for staged development which
will require more time than the
limits contained herein may he ap-
proved by the Planning Commission
at the time the PSC District zoning
is recommended or may be approved
by the Planning Commission prior
to, or during the course of construc-
tion of the Shopping center. In the
event that construction is not com-
pleted within the tune limits speci-
fied 1,y the Planning Commission or
by this resolution, the Planning Com-
mission shell review the zoning of
the district and the development
which has taken place and, if deem-
ed necessary, initiate proceedings to
reclassify the district in a manner
consistent with the comprehensive
zoning plan of this City.
C. Use Ranlations
A building, structure- or land shall
be used and a building or structure
hereafter built, altered or enlarged,
shall be used for only the following
permitted uses:
1. PSC-1 Neighborhood Shopping
bakery, retail only, the products of
which are sold only on the pre -
hank, savings & loan association
barber shops, beauty shops
clinics, medical and dental
clothes cleaning agency or press-
ing shop (excluding cleaning and
dyeing on the premises, other
than spot cleaning)
confectionery or candy store
drug store
dairy products store
dry goods store
grocery, fruit or vegetable store,
meat market, supermarket
hardware or appliance store
hobby shop, fixit shup
laundry agency- or self - service
laundry (excluding laundry)
shoe store or shoe repair shop
soda fountain, lunch counter, res-
taurant, cafeteria (excluding ca-
baret, cocktail lounge, bar or
tavern, and excluding restaurant
where fond is served or consum-
ers in automobiles)
utility buildings and structures;
variety store, 5 and 10 cent store
Signs Permitted
Signs, excluding billboard, are per-
-knitted on buildings & marquees and
must meet standards specified in the
•Sign Codes. One additional free-
standing sign or structure to identify
the slimming center shall be permit-
ted: 100 square feet in area and not
over 35 feet in height. Such identify -
Ing sign or structure shall be of
permanent type coestreetion and
shall conform to construction stand-
ards contained in the Sign Codes and
Building Code of the City of Port
Angeles. Plans for so eh sign or
eerncture shall be submitted as a
part of the shonping center develop-
ment plan. Flashing, beacon -type
lights shall be prohibited. This sec-
t inn shrill not be construed to pro-
hibit the erection of signs necessary
in enntrol vehicular and pedestrlae
traffic within the center.
- 2. PSC -2 Community Shopping
All uses permitted in the PSC -1
Neighborhood Shopping Centers,
except that 2 free - standing signs
or structures identifying the
shopping center shall be permit-
to be used in his propose(' esutunsn-
ment, along with site plans showing
location of buildings, parking areas,
yards, signs and screcuing.
The Planning (.'.onu n I ion shall
consider the application, and where
necessary, shall have qualified 111-
dustrial experts analyze and slake
recommendations in regard to pro-
posed methods of processing and
manufacturing. Recommendations of
the Commission to the City Council
shall be based upon (1) site plans
submitted, (2) potential effects of
the proposed Industrial land use upon
neighboring land use and upon traf-
fics patterns.
All costs involved regarding in-
vestigations and analyses shall be
paid by the applicant.
Permitted Uses
Basic criteria to be used €n deter-
mining the type of Industry to be
permitted is (1) method of menu-
facture, rather than type of pro
(rock produced, (2) location of the,
proposed industrial development In
relation to tratficways and land use.
Conditional Uses
Specific conditions and provisions
to be determined in application.
Minimum Lot Area
5 acres
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 50•, 200••
Sides: 500 200••
Corner: 50• 200••
Rear: 50. 220••
"When abutting a commercial or
industrial use.
...When abutting a non-commer-
cial or non - industrial District.
Maximum Lot Coverage
As determined in application
Maximum Height
As i n 'aon
OfrtreetParking g Loadg
As determined in application
Signs Permitted
As determined in application
One per site, 35 feet in height, 500
sq. ft in area, lighted but not
intermittent ur flashing type.
Section 12 I1-2 INDUSTRIAL
Permitted Uses
Automobile body, fender, laundry,
paint s }tops and wrecking yards
'Bakeries, wholesale
Lottery rebuild, tire repair and
Boiler works
Beak, newspaper & magazine pr €nt-
irrg F pnhlishini;
Bottling plants, creameries
Cabinet aril carpenter shops
City Pound
Distillation of wood, coal or hones
or Manufacture of any of their
by- products
Draylrtg, freight Si. trucking yards,
lJry c1eanlieg: clothes, carpets, rugs.
T sundries
fuel yards
Guts (illuminating or heating) man -
ufacture or storage
Manufacture, processing, packag-
ing. stnrnge Of
al Cobol
hriek, tile or terre -cotta
brooms, brushes
celhtleid or similar cellulose
matcrin is
etoth, Cord or rope
a. wsrvil31..or•
Overhead lights. floodlights, etc.,
shall be, constructed 0n a:; to Shiite
tt•n y font) neighboring property as
fir as is practical,
Offstreet Parking -
1530. Artfcic V and Ordinunce No.
Signs Permitted
S igns no larger then 10 se ft., un-
lighted, One per structure, maximum
height ten feet.
S ite Ordinance No. 15)3 for park-
ing spaces required.
All space used for the sale, dis-
play or parking of any merehandtse
or vehicles shall be confined to the
property lines; no space for the sale,
display or parking of any merchan-
dise or vehicles shall be permitted
on the right -of -way of any public
All offstreet parking Installations
shall have screening, lighting, en-
trances rind exits as required by the
Planning Commission.
In order to provide adequate facil-
ities and environment for elderly
persons in the, City of Port Angeles
special provisions are needed and
shall be established and maintained.
Homes for the elderly, nursing
homes, etc., shall be permitted in
zoning districts specified in this
Ordinance, and by Conditional Per-
mit -from the Planning Commission.
To obtain a Conditional Permit
each developer of proposed 1;lderly
housing shall meet the following
Market Analysis
Each developer shall submit -t
housing market analysis which will
accurately reveal the need. the sup-
ply and the demand in the City and
its, environs for the type of housing
which said developer proposes.
Site Plan
A site plan showing location of
buildings, ofi'strcet parking areas,
recreation urea, screening, trveways,
fire exits and building line setbacks
shall be submitted.
Lot Areas
Minimum sate are ;t -2 acres plus
500 sq. ft. for every, bed over 311.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 30 feet
Sides: 20 feet
Rear: 40 feet
One (1) space per three (S) beds.
Recreation Area
Landscaped recreation tu•ca shall
be reserved for recreation purposes.
Permanent solid fence or evergreen
screening four (4) feet in height
shell be established itnd maintained
within three feet of the property
line as required by the Planning
L ocation
.funk yards. salvage yards., auto -
mobile storage or wrecking yards
all other zoning districts.
Foregoing Regulations Subject to
Thin Article
The loregoing regulations per-
taining to the several zones shall be
subject to the general provisions,
conditions and exceptions contained
in this Article.
Yard and Open Space Regulations
Except as provided in this Article
every required yard and open space
shell be open and unobstructed front
the ground to the sky. No yard or
open space provided around any
building for the puropse of comply-
ing with the provisions of these
Regulations shall be considered as
providing a yard or open Space on
an adjoining lot or parcel whereon
a building Is to be erected.
Tara Requirements for Property
Abutting Half - Streets or Streets De-
signated By em Official Control
A. building or structure shall not
be erected on a lot which abuts a
street having only a portion of its
required width dedicated and where
no part of stick dedication would
normally revert to said lot if the
street were vacated, unless the yards
provided and maintained in connec-
tion with such building or structure
have a. width or depth of that nor.
tion of the lot needed to complete
the road width plus the width or
depth of the yards required on the
lot by these regulations. This sec-
tion applies to all zones.
Where an official control adopted
pursuant to law Includes plans fur
widening of existing streets. the con -
necting of existing streets, or the
establishment of new streets, the
placement of buildings and the main-
tenance of yards, where required by
these regulations, shall relate to the
future street bomdaries as deter-
mined by said official control.
Measurement of Front and Side Yards
Front yard requirements shall be
measured from the frot property line.
Side yards abutting a street or alley
shall be measured from the property
line that abuts the right -of -way line.
Irregular Shaped Lots
The distance across the frontbuild-
ing line of an irregular sh aped lot
shall be runs €dered to be the lot
width of said lot.
Permitted Intrusions into Required
The following intrusions may pro-
lect into any required yards:
1. Fireplace structures not wider
than eight (8) feet measured in the
general directlon of the wall of
which it is a pert: thirty (30) inches.
2. ltnenclosed, uncovered porches,
terraces or landings, when not ex-
tending above the first floor of the
buildings, may extend not more than
six (t) feet in the front, eight (8)
feet in the rear i rid three (3) feet
in the side into any required yard,
provided, however, an open railing or
grillwork not exceeding thirty (50)
inches in height may he constructed
around any such porch, terrace or
5. Planting boxes or mate -min- plant -
ers not exceeding thirty (30) inches
in height inay extend a ntax €mum of
three (3) feet into any required
front yard.
4. Eteyes with •a maximum over-
hang of thirty (50) inches.
5. Detached accessory buildings on
per except in conformity with the
1lowever, for the purpose oC en-
couraging the construction of off -
street parkin): epaeo under Ur within
buildings rather than In rear, side
or front yards, the following excep-
tions to minimum lot areas shall be
10 or each 10 foot. by 20 foot. area
to he permanently reserved and
used for a perking space under or
within a building, a lot area credit
of 300 sreare feet shall be permit-
ted. Said lot area credit can be
deducted from the required mini-
mum lot area, .or can be used to
increase a prnnortlonal number of
pndm tmulti fa.rnilvgstructures. Said
lot area credit, however. shall not
•apply to the reduction of any
building line setbacks.
Use of Lots or Parcels Containing
adore than Minimum. Required Lot
When a lot contains substantially
two or more times the minimum lot
area required for the zone in which
it is located, and the owner desires
to use each unit of area equivalent
to the minimum lot area as a separ-
ate building :site, provided not more
than four (4) such units result, and
no dedleittlon of streets, alleys or
other public ways, public casements
or public utility easements are in-
volved, such area units may be so
utilized by resorting to the split lot
procedures as prescribed In the sub-
division code. When such units are
thus defined, then all of the pro-
visions of these regulations govern-
ing the use of a lot In the zone in
which such property is located shall
anply thereto. Eaten resulting unit
shall be required to save frontage -
upon a dedicated public street or
Exception to Yard Requirements
11-hen the side lot line of a lot 1n
any zone adjoins the side lot tine
of a lot In a more restrictive zone,
then the adjoining side yard for such
bit shall not be less than the mini-
mum side yard required in the more
restrictive zone.
Substandard Lot
A. legal building or structure may
be permitted on a lot of record pro-
viding it meets all front side, and
rear yard requirements.
Width, location and number of
curb -cuts for driveways per lot shall
be determined by standards design-
ed by the city engineering depart -
Accessory Buildings
Detached accessory buildings on
the rear one third of the lot only
are permitted not closer than 10 feet
to rear property or alley line and
one foot to the side property lines,
except abutting a street.
Corner Lots
No principal building or acCesteory
building shall be constructed closer
than twenty feet to a street right -
of -way.
Section 1. Vacated streets
Vacated streets, alleys places and
ctrl -de -sacs shall assume the zone
ci•rssifications of the property which
adjoined such street, alley, place or
cul -de -sac prior to vacation, and
where none c)aislficatloa differs
from one side to the other, then the
Thurs.. Oct. 12, Mtss� B
Conditional Utica
Same as RS-S, except stables.
Minimum Lot Area
Single- family dwellings 7,000s9. ft.
Two- family dwellings 10,500 sq. ft.
Minimum Lot Width
75 feet duplexes, 50 feet single
tami ly.
Minimum Yard Requirements
-'runt: 25 ft -et from front lot line
except when abuIdng an arter-
ial street, then 35 feet.
Sides: No structure shall be per-
mitted closer than 7 feet to
any side lot line on the front
two thirds of the lot. Detach-
ed accessory buildings only, 00
the rear one third of the lot
t nay be permitted to within 1
foot of the side line. On corner
lots, the ride yard abutting a
street shall have the same re-
quirements as the front' yard,
(tear: No residential structure shall
he permitted within 25 feet
of the rear property line. Ac-
cessary buildings are permit-
ted not closer that 10 feet to
the rear property line or alley.
IKaxhnum Lot Coverage
305 of total area (not to apply to
unenclosed swimming pools:),
Maxima= Height
30 feet.
Mistreat Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No,
Signs Permitted
Permitted Uses: Signs no larger
than 1 square foot, unlighted.
One per building.
Conditional Uses: As determined by
Planning Commission.
Section 3 RM I' RESIDENTL'1L
Permitted Uses
Same. as RS -7
Multi- family dwellings, apartments
Duplexes, Dormitories
Mortuaries, Funeral Parlors
Conditional Uses
Same as RS -7
Boarding & rooming ]rouses
Business parking
Minimum Lot area
7,000 sq. ft. plus 1,000 sq. ft. for
each additional dwelling unit.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Same as MRS -7
71.a>simum Lot Coverage
30g3 total site area (not to apply
10 ununcl0. 0 swilnming pools).
Maximum Height
31 feet.
Gffstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Permitted lees: Signs not larger
than 10 sq. ft., lighted, but not
flashing or intermittent, one per
Conditional Uses: Size and type as
determined by Planning Cunl-
Permitted Uses
Mobile homes.
Accessory IIses & Huildlags
rropane loci stori.ge, tank's
Shower and laundry rooms
Lights (overhead, outdoor)
A minimum of 1056 of the total
area of a trailer park shall he re-
served and shall be used solely and
exclusively for a playground-recrea-
tion area.
No budding, trailer, nt ructure, ca-
bana, carport or solid fence :hall be
permitted closer than 30 feet to any
property tine that abuts it street or
pal Inc sight -ef -way, and no closer
than 10 feet to any outer property
In the interests of fire prevention
there shall be a minimum space of
14 feet between trailers, Including
Trailer parks may be located upon
approval of the Planning Commission
and by Conditional Permit from said
Commission, in any district in which
multiple dwellings are permitted.
Each boundary of the park must be
at least 200 feet from any perman-
ent residential buildings located out-
side the pant, unless, separated there-
from by a natural or artificial bar-
rier, or unless a, mat rity of the
property owners according to 1100
within said 200 feet, consent in writ-
ing to the establishment of the park.
Driveway¢, Walkways
All mobile home spaces shall abut
a driveway of not less than 25 feet
in width, which shall have unob-
structed 5ceeSS to a. public street or
-Walkways not less tha.n two feet
wide shall be provided from the
mobile. home spaces to the service
A11 driveways and \valkwaystvith-
in the park shall be lighted at night
with electric lamps of not less titan
GO watts each, spaced at intervals of
not more than 100 feet.
Excepting the entrance- driveway, a
screening 00 evergreen trees or
shrubs shall be maintained at it
planting height of 5 feet and at. a
height of 12 feet at full growth, in
the front, side and rear yards of
ev "ry trailer perk.
Signs not in exceed 12 square feet
shall he permitted. No lighted signs
of any kind shall be permitted. One
sign per trailer park.
Sanitation Facilities
Each trailer pant shall be provid-
ed with toilets. baths. or FilOWCrs,
slop sinks and other sanitation facil-
ities which shalt conform to all City
and State health rules and codes.
Water Supply
An adequate supply of pure water
for drinking and domestic Purposes
shall he supplied by pipes to all
buildings and mobile hone spaces
within the park to meet the require-
ments of the park. Each mobile
home space shall be provided With a
cold water tap at least four inches
above the ground. An adequate sup-
ply of hot water shall he provided
'tt all times in the service buildings
for all bathing, washing, cleansing
and lot undry facilities,
Laundry Facilities
Laundry facilities shall be provid-
ed with one single* laundry tray and
one automatic or semi - automatic
type leashing machine for each 10
inobile home spaces or any less „um-
ber thereof.
&trete. Buildings
Service buildings housing sanita-
tion and laundry- facilities shall he
permanent structures complying with
a a. 1110101- nrd lmmcos and slatu-
lar organizations offering voca-
tional training in a specified
Government office buildings, post
e :ffiCes, telephone exchanges and
other administrative functions.
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 sq. ft. basic for one and two
family dwellings plus 1,11011 sq-
ft. lot area for each additional
dwelling unit.
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet for one and two-family
dwell togs
100 feet all other uses.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front: 25 feet from front Sot line
except when abutting an arter-
ial street, then 35 feet.
Sides: No structure shall be per-
mitted closer than 7 feet to
any side 1st lino on the front
two thirds of the lot. Detached
:tccessony buildings, only, on
the rear 011(3 third of the lot
may be permitted to within 1
foot of the side Tine. On cor-
ner lots, the side yards abutt-
ing a street shall have a build-
ing line setback of 20 feet: if
abutting an arterial street the
setback shall be 30 feet.
Rear: No residential structuro shall
he permitted within 25 feet of
the rear lot line, Accebsory
buildings are permitted not
closer than 10 feet to the rear
property line or alley.
Maximum Lot Coverage
43% of total area (not to include
unencl0S1d swimming pools)
Maxfnttun Height
30 feet.
Offatr'eet Parking Regulations
See Article V and, Ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Signs not larger than 10 squire
feet in area, Flghted, but not flash-
ing or intermittent_
Permitted `Uses
Bakery .:hops
Barber and beauty shops
Delicatessens, grocery stores, sup-
Drug stores, llharanlcies
Self - service laundries
Conditional Uses
(tffstreet Parking lots, signs
Apartments above commercial
Utility buildings and structures.
Mininittm Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
30 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
Front.: 25 feet
Side: 25 feet from franc yard lot
line when abuttl ins 0 street;
33 feet when abutting an arter-
ial street: 13 feet when abut -
ting residOrtlaI zoned lot: no
side yards required when abut-
ting another commercial zoned
Bear: 15 feet when abutting an
alley or a residential zoned
Maximum Lot Coverage
30% for utility buildings and
Maximum Height
30 feet.
offstreet Parking Requirements,
See, Article a and Ordinance No.
delicatessens, grocery stores, sup-
ermarkets, drug 010res, pharnea-
drwc -in restaurants, restaurants
florists shops, nurseries, garden
frozen food and cold storage lockers
turn ltur'e sales, repair, tphclster-
glass edging, beveling, silvering
hardware, plumbing supply stoles
motels, apartments. hotels
Printing, bi ueprin ting, phutostating
self-service laundries
service stations, automobile main-
tenance and repair slops, lire
%%Moles:e.le business and storage
buildings and yards
barber and beauty shops, bakery
Conditional Cites
Same as CSD -C2 plus
automobile body and fender repair
shops paint shops
bowling alleys
lumber yards, building supplies
public utility- structures
signs and billboards. sign shop
salvage yards and /or buildings
veterinary clinles, office., kennel e,
provided: (1) buildings and struc-
tures are soundproof (2) all run
areas are surrounded by an 8
font wall or fence (3) animal
runs are 10 be constructed In
such a manner that no animal
can see another (4) that an in-
cinerator of type approved by
the City Health Department 111
Offslrcet parking buildings & lots
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet
A site - obscuring fence, 6 feet in
height, is required for the follow-
ing land uses: hnnber yards,build-
ing supplies, salvage stores, licens-
ed wrecking, yards, material and
equipment storage yards.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Side: No structure shall be built
within 15 feet of any property
that has a residential zunilng
• chtsslficatlen.
Rear: No structure shall be built
within the rear 15 feet of a zon-
ing lot that abuts an alley or
a Residential District.
siakiutum Lot Coverage
00% total rite area
Maximum Height
:i0 feet
Ofistreet Parking
see Article V and, Ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Signs;, lighted but not Intermittent
111' flashing type, not exceeding 300
spun re feet. total area. All signs
and billboards over 10 square fret
in area shall be restricted to terri-
tory no closet' than 100 feet to all
property 111 a Residential District.
One sign per structure, maximum
height 35 feat.
Permitted Uses
harbor shops, beauty shops
bus 99 ferry offices & terminals
in:Mess sellouts, travel agencies
clothes cleaning agency 01 press-
ing shop (excluding cleaning
and /or dyeing on the premises,
other than spot cleaning)
clubs & lodges
finance offices, pawn shops
furniture & appliance stores
- government buildings & offices
a supermarket on a site of from 3
to 10 acres 111 size. IL will natality
require approximately 5,000 to 20,0110
Persons living close to the shopping
center to support. it.
PSC-2 Community Shopping Cen-
ter-- provides in addition t0 "con-
venience goods' a wider range of
facilities for the sale of "shopping
goods" such eta apparel and furni-
ture, as well as bantling and pro-
fessional services and recreations.
It may contain 20 to 90 stores gen-
erally oriented around a Junior de-
partmen1 or Variety store on a .site
from 10 to 30 acres In site. It're-
qulres approximately 20,000 to 100,-
000 persons located within a short
driving time from the shopping cen-
ter to support it.
B, General Regulations
1. There shall be two types of
PSC Districts:
PSC -1 Planned Neighborhood Shop-
ping Center District.
PSC -2 Planned Community Shop-
ping Center District
PSC-I. and PSC -2 Districts may be
established only upon land held in
5single ownership or unified control.
a.nd which land contains no dedica-
tion of public streets or alleys, ex-
cept streets Which may be deemed
necessary by the City for the move-
ment of vehicular traffic which has
both its origin and destination Out-
side the PSC Districts, and except
any right -of -way for public utllity
purposes. In the event that a vaca-
tion of streets, alleys or plats is
necessary in order to meet the re-
quirements of this section. a proper
petition for such vacation shall be
filed with the. City on or before the
date 00 filing of the request for PSC
District zoning. In the event that
such vacation be approved by the
City vacation ortllnan <'e shalt be
passed on the same date as the ord-
inance establishing the PSC District
zoning, Rededication of such vacated
streets or alleys and replatting of
property to he done in the event
that the proposer] shnnping renter is
not constructed, may he provided for
in a contractual agreement between
the developer and the 'City.
2. Area requirements for PSC Dist-
ricts are as follows:
District Minimum Max !mum
PSC-I 1 acres 10 acres
PSC -2 10 acres :10 acres
�o offstreet parking areas may
extend into an adjoining District.
Otfstreet parking shall be pro-
vided as required in Article V and
Urdtululce No. 1500.
4. A. PSC -1 District shah not be
established upon 't tract of land
which would contain a nonconforitl-
ing use after the passage of such
amendment to the Zoning Resolution
unless the development for the tract
includes the elimination of the non-
conforming use.
5. The location of a PSC -1 Dist-
rict shall have an acceptable rela-
tionship to the Port Angeles Com-
prehensive Plan. A recommendation
to the City Council shall be made by
the Planning Cornntission after re-
ceiving a report and recommenda-
tions from the City Engineer. For
this purpesti the petitioner shall
submit to the Planning Commission
a traffic circulation plan showing
the adequacy of the streets provid-
ing access to the shopping center to
carry the traffic generated by -stir
theyy,ping center, proper methods of
ingress and egress to and from the
center, necessary acceleration and
decelation lanes and necessary raf-
fle control devices, Including chan-
ropane tuei storL j tanks
Shower and laundry roums e-
Lights (overhead, outdoor)
community recreation rooms
Playground equipment
Swimming pools, patios
Office (manager, owner)
Conditional 'Saes
Trailer supplies offlite
]sin Tatum Lot Area
4 acres for trailer park; 3,600 sq.
ft individual site.
Minimum Lot Width
400 feet for trailer park; 40 feet
per individual site.
Minimum Yard Requirements
Trailer Park. No building, trailer,
structure, (ethane, carport shall be
Permitted closer than 30 feet to
the nearest. public right -of -way,
and no enwer than 10 feet 10 any
property line of a trailer park -
Ttdividual Trailer Sites
Front; 14 feet to front property
line of individual site..
Rear: 10 feet to rear property line
of individual site.
Sides: 7 feet to Fide property line
of individual site.
Offetreet Parking ReCinired
See Article V and Ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Signs no larger than 12 sq. ft., un-
lighted, one per trailer park.
Signs no larger than 1 s11. ft, un-
lighted, per Individual silo.
Trailers, mobile homes. vacation
trailers and campers shall not be
permitted for occupancy in the City
of Port Angeles except in approved
Trailer Parks.
No person, company ur corporation
shall establish a new trailer park or
mobile home park or enlarge an
existing trailer or mobile hone park
within the city limits of fort Ange
les without first obtaining a permit
for a 'trailer park from the Port
Angeles Planning Commission.
Permit Required
Fee for each Trailer Park permit
shall be $50.
Fee for each individual trailer site
shall be $1.00, issued to occupant of
Said Permit shall require the fol-
1. A. plot plan showing the location
of the proposed trailer park and all
buildings, sanitary facil it ies, play-
ground- recreation area, utility build-
ings, driveways and individual trail-
er sites. including all dimensions of
the trailer park tract, each individu-
al trailer site, parking facilities and
patio, and including plans and speci-
fications of all buildings shall be
submitted to the Planning Commis-
f. Approval of the Building Inspec-
tor, Fire Chief lend City .Manager
an health Officer. regarding city
codes. ordinances and standards.
Minimum total Iand area required
for a trailer nark shall be 4 acrete.
There shall be a ratio of 0000 sn.
ft. total land area per trailer. Said
total land area ratio to include drive-
ways. toilet and laundry buildings,
playground- recreation areas, Individ-
ual trailer sites and caretaker's quar-
Each individual trailer site shall
have a minimum lot area of 2500 1^
ft, and a minimum lot width of 40
berries stautungo -
Service buildings housing sanita-
tion and laundry facilities shall be
permanent structures complying with
all applicable ordinances and statu-
tes regulating buildings, electrical in-
stallations and plumbing systems.
Service buildings housing sanita-
11011 facilities shall he located not
closer than 20 feet not farther than
000 feet from any mobile home space-
Sewage and Refuse Disposal
Waste froth. showers, bath tubs,
flush toilets, urinals, lavatories, slop
sinks and laundries In service and
other buildings a ltd from each trailer
within the park shall be discharged
into a public sewer system in com-
pliance with applicable ordinances or
into a private sewer and disposal
plant or septic tank system of such
construction and in such manner as
will present no health hazard.
Maximum height
30 feet. •
Offatreet Parking Requirements
See Article V and ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Signs, lighted but not intermittent
or flashing type, not exceeding 100
square feet Luta] area. All signs
over 10 suture feet in area. shall
be restricted to territory no closer
than 200 feet to all property in a
Residential District. No billboards
shall be permitted within a Neigh-
borhood Shopping District. One
sign is allowed per lot. Maximum
height 20 feet.
Onrbage Receptables
Regulation garbage cans with
tight- fitting covers shall be provided
In quantities to pern)it disposal of
all garbage and rubbish. Garbage
sans may lin located in groups not
farther than 100 feet from •thy
mobile home apace- The cans shall
be kept in sanitary conditions and
disposed of its frequently as may
he accessary to insure that indivi-
dual garbage cans shut] not over-
Fire Protection
Every park shall be equipped at
all times with fire extinguishing
equipment in good working order, of
such type. size and number and so
located within the park as r0 satisfy
applicable reasonable regulations of
the fire department. No open fires
shall be permitted at any place
which may endanger life or property.
Purpose and Intent
it is the intent in this District to
minimize conflicts and friction be-
tween zoning districts. The objective
is to achieve stability of land use
and land values by minimizing ad-
verse influences of land use patterns
at the edges of two dissimilar dist-
ricts_ It is for this reason that this
Dlstrlet will permlt•uf flee and insti-
tutional land uses having only a
limited contact with the general Pub-
lic, not involving the sale of mer-
chandise at retail except incidentally,
and which may be carried on with
no noise, smoke., odors, fumes or
other objectionable conditions, and
in structures that will he surrounded
with ample open space for yards and
with adequate offstreet parking and
loading areas.
Permitted Uses
One, ten and three family dwell-
ings within one bulldi ng, gar-
ages. carports
Apartments- motels. hotels
Offetreet parking facilities, acces-
sory buildings
Boarding or rooming houses.
Medical-dental climes Including a
medical pharmacy as an acces-
sory use of the clinic.
Professional offices offering re-
cognized Mofe0glonal eerviees
such as: dentlste, doctors, law-
yers, architects, engineers, etc.
Ilusinese parking
Ranks, financial institutions
Conditional Uses
Same as R11F
Lodges. clots
Rusineas colleges, trade schools.
.music conservatories, and eimi-
Permitted uses
bakery chops
barber shops, beauty shops
1e1 lcat essens, grocery stores, sup-
drug stores, Pharmacies
frozen food or cold storage lockers
hardware stores, shoe repair shops
medical, dental offices & clinics
Professional offices
restaurant[+, eafeteriak
self- service laundries
apartments above commercial
specialty shops: gift, florists, hob-
by, nntlque .
banks and financial institutions
Permitted Uses
Same as CSD -Cl plus taverns &
cocktail lounges
service statioIns
CSD -C1 & C2
Conditional Uses
Sarno as CSD -N
Minimum Lot Area
7,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
50 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements
No structure shall be built
15 feet of an alley or luny
tv that has a residential
classification. '
Msaituum Lot Coverage
5053 of the total site area
Ma=imtm. height
30 feet
Offstreet Parking
See Article V and Ordinance No.
Signs Permitted
Signs. lighted but not intermittent
or flashing type. not exceeding 100
r_yuaur feet total area. All :digits
over 10 square feet in area shall
be restricted to territory no close[
than 100 feet to all property in a
Residential District. No billboards
shall be permitted within a Com-
munity Shopping District. One
Agri per structure, maximum height
30 fact,
Permitted Uses
Fame as CSD -C2 plus
automobile, truck, trailer, motor-
cycle, tractor sales and repair
(including automobile laundries)
ambulance service
.boat sales and rePair
cabinet shops, specialty shops: gift,
hobby, pet, antmue
churches. clubs, Iodges
commercial recreation, pool halls
proper -
other than Strut c r shryyrpune center, proper met0onr
& lodges in'i�ess and egress w and
from clubs & g 4. the
finance offices, pawn shells center necessary acceleration and
furar11ure & -appliance. stores
government buildings 4l'•. offices
hotels, motels, apartment building.
medical, dental offices & clinics
offices, banks, savings ti loan as-
radio & television studios
offstreet parking buildings & lots
retail stores, drug stores, pharma-
cies, liquor stores
shoe repair =hops
shops: gift, florist, hobby, pet
signs, billboards
specialty shops, food stores, sup-
studios; music, art, voice, dance
restli 1lants, cafeterias, taverns,
cocktail lounges
commercial recreation, pool hales
Conditional Uses
utility buildings and structures
wholesale establishments
Minimum Lot Area
3.100 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
^5 feet
decelation lanes and necessary traf-
fic control devices, Including Chan-
G. The petitioner or developer shall
he required to pay the rust oil the
construction and /or installation of
the *following facilities on the streets
providing access to the shopping
renter wheal[ may be necessary to
control traffic generatdd by the shop-
ping center; (a) street widening:
(b) ingress and egress driveways;
(c) acceleration and deceleration
lanes; (d) traffic control devices and
signs, including channelizatioa. The
Standard for determining the extent
of the developer's financial respon-
sibility for traffic control construc-
tion shall be the predictable incre-
ment of traffic on the street provid-
ing access to the center caused by
the shopping center over the normal
peak load under the existing zoning,
estimated for the time of completion
and maximum use of the shopping
center. To the extent that the deve-
loper is found to be responsible fur
traffic control construction, such
responsibility shall be made the sub-
ject of a. contractual agreement be-
tween the developer and the City. in
•all. PSC District the developer Shall
be required to construct proper in-
gress and egress driveways to the
chopping center and street curbing
as recommended by the City Engin-
eer, The length of time the developer
may be held responsible for further
traffic control construction shall be
specified in such contractual agree-
ment=, and such contract, or a sep-
arate contract, may contain hrovi-
eion for other street construction to
be done by the developer as may be
agreed between the developer as
may be ti reed between the developer
and the City'_
Minimum Yard Requirements
Side: No structure shall be built
within 10 feet of any property
that has a residential zoning
Offstraet Perking Requirements
See Article V and Ordinances No.
Signs Permitted
Signs and billboards as permitted
by ordinance and codes of the City
of Port Angeles. No restriction as
to height or size,
A. Intent
The intent of a planned shopping
center is to permit the establishment
of retail shopping facilities that will
provide goods and services for the
congestionbon served, vicinity
and which will fit the general land -
use pattern of the area to be served.
The protective standards cuntahicd
in this 50011011 are intended to pro-
vide for safe and efficient use of the
shopping center and to minimize any
adverse effect of the shopping cen-
ter on nearby residentiul property,
values. Submittal of a market analy-
sis Is required in order to establish
evidence of a treed for a change in
the compreitenslvc plan and the of-
f icial zoning of fort Angeles, and
to substantiate it finding that such
change will promote the general wel-
fare of Port Angeles. It is further
Intended that any financial responsi-
bility of the developer for work to
be done on city streets bounding or
giving access to the shopping ven-
ter, which responsibility arises out
of provisions of this ordinance, he
made the subject of a contractual
agreement between the developer and
the City of Poi Angeles, and that
such contractual agreement may Con-
tain provisions to effectuate any
other section of this ordinance.
The type of chopping canters pro-
✓ ided for in this ordinance may be
described as follows:
PSC-1 Neighborhaad Shopping Cea-
t er— providPS for the sale of daily
living needs. "convenience goods"
such as foods, drugs, hardware and
personal services. It may contain 5
to 15 stores generally oriented around
7. The petitioner shall submit to
the Planning Commission a prelim-
inary development plan for the shop-
ping center showing a unified and
organized arrangement of buildings,
offstreet parking, internal traffic
circulation and service facilities
which will be feasible for the prop-
erty on which the center is proposed
and which planned development shall
minimize any adverse effect of the
center on the properties surrounding
the proposed development, and must
contain information showing com-
pliance with the requirements of this
ordinance and all other applicable
oily ordinances.
8, The applicant shall submit a
market analysis. acceptable to the
City Council and the Planning Com-
mission, which shall serve as a guide
to the City Council and the Plan-
ning Commission for the evaluation
of the application in terms of (1)
the need or desirability in the public
interest, to change the comprehensive
zoning plan; (2) the amount of -land
included in the rezoning application
which can be realistically supported
and needed in commercial use; (3) a
finding that the proposed develop-
ment will promote the general wel-
fare of the City. For these purposes.
the market analysis shall contain
the following elements:
a. ti'he trade area of the proposed
shopping center:
b. Trade area poPulatol
i, Present
and future:
c. Effective buying power In the
trade area;
d. Net potential customer buying,
Thurs., Oct. 12, 1867 / A
AN ORDXNANCE of the City of Port
Angeles adopting - zoning regula-
tions and a zoning map.
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. The attached Zoning
l:egelations marked 1 khihit. `A" are
hereby- adopted as the Zoning Regu-
lations for the City of Port Angeles.
Section 2. The attached Zoning
5fop marked Exhibit "B" is hereby
adopted as the Zoning Map of the
City of Port Angeles.
PASSED by the City -Council of
the City of Port Angeles and ap-
proved by it's Mayor at rt regular
0 ecti ng of the Council held on the
21st day of September, 1967.
11. 13. 111eNi6I6CE, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
TYLER C. AMOFF1ETT, City Attorney
Published: Octdber 12, 1967
This comprehensive :Ordilltinee is
adopted for the following pm'lipses:
1. To divide the •city into zones
and districts restricting. and regulat-
ing therein the ioeatlon,':eonstruction,
reconstruction. alteration and',ueq of
buildings, structures and land for
residential, business, • commercial,
manufacturing, public and,• other
specified uses.
2. To protect the chargeter-arid main-
Min the stability of residential,'cour-
mercial and manufacturing areas
within the city, and to promote the
- orderly development of such areas.
3. To regulate the intensity of use
of lots and parcels of 'land, and to
determine the area of open spacee
surrounding buildings itceos =:try to
provide adequate light, air, privacy
and scows to property.
4. To limit congestion' iii the pub-
lic streets and to protect the public
health, safety, eouvenien ce, and gen-
eral welfare by providing for off-
street parking of motor vehicles and
for the loading and unloading of
eommercia1 vehicles.
5. To establish building lines and
the location of buildings designed
for residential, eomnloreiil, manu-
facturing or other uses within such
6. To prevent the overcrowding of
land and undue conee vrtition of
structures so far as: is.ptlss70le ands
is appropriate in each district, by
regulating the use and the bulk of.
buildings in relation -to the ]and sur-
rounding them.
7. To provide protection from fire,
explosion. noxious fumes and °they
hazards in the interest of public
health, safety, comfort and general
A_ 'Po prevent such additions to,
ant/ alteration or remodeling of,
existing buildings or structures as
vottld not tom plv 'with the restric-
tions and limitations zmpo -tied here -
9. To prohibit use,. buildings or
structures which arc incompatible
with the character of development
or the permitted uses within speci-
fied zoning districts.
14 le, conserve the taxable value
el land and buildings throughout the
zoning lot that delineate the area
within which construction of princi-
pal buildings is confined.
Building, Principal — the major
building on a lot, the building which
houses the major use of the land
and the structures on a zoning lot.
Building, Residential —a building
arranged, designed, used or intended
to be used for residential occupancy
By one or more families or lodgers.
Business Parking Lot and /Or Struc-
ture —a. commercial offstreet park-
ing lot or structure used exclusively
for parking and/or storage_ of ve-
Carport 2n accessory building or
an t coessory portion of the main
building designed and used prinlal'-
iyl for the shelter or storage of
vehicles. It is not an colored struc-
ture and it does not contain a door
Witch would allow vehicles t.o pass
into the structure: it is open 011 two
or more sides.
Commission—the appointed Plan.
Wing ConunilS1m1.
Conditional Use Permit—a limited
permission m Locate a particular use
at a particular location, and which
limited permission is required to
modify the' controls stipulated by
these Regulations in such degree as
to assure that the particular use
shall not prove detrimental to sur-
rounding properties, shall not be in
conflict with the comprehensive plan
and shall not be contrary to the
public interest.
Conditional Use ---it use permitted
in a zoning district but which re-
quires a special degree of Control to
stake such use consistent and com-
patible with other existing or pe1'-
niiSsible uses in the same zone.
Conforming Building or Structure
a building that complies with all
!sections of these Zoning Regulations
'or any amendment thereto governing
'size, height, area, location on the
.lot, for the zoning district in which
1 such building or et ructure is located.
Conforming Lot—a lot that con-
the required width, depth and
Square footage as 0pecif]ed in the
zoning district in which the lot is
Conforming Use—a. use that 18
listed as Permitted or Conditional
l.Tse in the zoning district in wiriel,
the use 1s situated.
Council —the City Council.
Club or Lodge, Private —a n0n-
1211111 asenciation of persons who
are bonafide members paying annual
dues, which owns, hires or leases :r
building, or portion thereof, the use
of such premises tieing restricted to
members and their guests.
Dormitory —a residence hall pro-
viding sleeping 101)1)15, with or with-
out eating facilities.
Dump —alt area devoted to the
disposal of refuse, including inc iner-
ation, reduction or dumping of :ashen,
garbage, combustible or non- combus-
(ible refuse.
Duplex —a residential buildingcon-
talning two one - fancily dwelling
units within the four wails of 1110
Dwcllirg —a building, or portion
thereof, but not an autoinoldle house
trailer, designed or used eticluniVely
for residential occupancy-, In eluding
one -faith iiy dwwellingn, tsar- family
Kennel —a place where three (2)
or more dogs nr eats, four 012111hs
old or older, or any 'combination of
dogs nod cats, are kept, whether by-
owners of the dogs and cats or by
persons providing facilities and care,
whether for compensation or not.
Provided that this shall not include
house pets.
Mega] Building, Structure, Land
Use —any building, structure or use
of the land that complies with all
zoning requirements.
Lot --a lot is a zoning lot, except
as the context shall indicate a lot
of record, in which case a lot is a
"lot, of record ".
Lot, of Record—a, price] of land
that is registered as a lot or parcel
of land in the records of the County
Lot, Zoning —a single tract of land
!orated within a single block, which
at the time of filing fur a building
Permit, is designated by its owner
or developer as a tract to be used,
developed or built. upon as a unit,
under single ownership er control. A
zoning lot may or may not coincide
with a lot of record,
Lot, Corner—n, lot situated at the
intersection of two or more streets.
Lot, Reverse Corner —a corner 101
in 'which the rear property line co-
incides with the side property line
of an abutting lot.
Lot, Through —a lot haying two
opposite lot, lines abutting public
streets which are usually more or
less parallel to each other; not a
corner lot. 130111 lot lines abutting
streets Shall be deemed front' lot
t'Line, .boundary of
a li Sot which -abuts a street.
Front —that
Lot Line, Rear —that boundary of
a lot which is most distant from
and is most nearly parallel to the
front' lot line.
Lot Line, side---any boundary of a
lot which Is not front 1101' a real- lot
Medieal- Dental Building —a. build-
ing or group of buildings designed
for the use of physicians and don -
tists and others engaged profession-
ally in such healing arts for humans
as are recognized by the laws of the
State of Washington.
Motel —an establishment consist-
ing of It group of living or sleeping
nccomodatlons with bathroom, with
m• without kitchen facilities, locat-
ed on '1 single zoning lot and de-
signed for use by- transient tourists.
Motor Freight Terivinal —a build-
ing oe area in which freight brought
by motr truck is assembled and/roi-
stered for routing intrastate and
interstate shipment by nurlor truck.
Nonconforming Building or Struc-
ture—any building or structure which
does not conform with the lot area,
ward, height or lot coverage r'CStric-
1ion.s in these regulations, or is de-
signed or intended for a use that
dots not conform to the use regula-
tions for the district in which it is
lusted, either at the effective date
of these regulations or as the result
of subsequent amendments to tl.osc
Nonconforming Use —airy use of
laud, building to- structure. which
does not comply with all of these
zoning regulations or of any amend-
ment hereto governing use for the
zoning district in which such use ie
Stable, Private —a detached accee-
sery building in which only the
horses and cows owned by the occu-
pants of the premises are kept, and
in ]which ne horses 01' cows are kept
for hire, remuneration or sale.
stand —a Structure for the display
Lind sale of products. with no space
for eustonlers within the Strueture
Story —the slraee between the floor
And the coiling above said floor. A
basement shall he considered a story
when more than half of the base-
ment height is above the finished
lot grade.
Street —a public right -of -way which
affords a. primary cleans of access
to abutting property.
Street Right-of-Way Line— 1110
boundary line between a 011'000 and
abutting property.
Structure—anything constructed in
the ground, or anything erected
which requires location on the ground
or water, or is attached to something
having location on or in the ground
or water, but not. including fences
or walls used as fences six feet or
less in height..
Structural Alteration —any change,
other than in0id2n121 repairs, which
would prolong the life of the sup-
porting members of a building, such
as bearing malls, columns, beams or
Through Lot-500 - "Lot, Through ".
Trailer, Automobile (Mobile Some,
'Vacation Traller) —'a vehicle 'without
motor 'power, designed to be drawn
by a motor vehicle and to be used
for 110111an habitation; including a.
trailer coach and any self - propelled
vehicle having a body designed for,
or converted to the same uses as an
automobile trailer without motor
Trailer Parh, Trailer Court, Mo-
bile Home Park —any premises on
which are parked one Or more ve-
hicles designed, intended, arranged
or used for living or sleeping pur-
poses, or any premises used or held
out for the purpose of supplying to
the public n parking, space for one
or more such vehicles, 'whether such
vehicles stand on wheels or on rigid
Us —the purpose or activity for
which the land, or building thereon,
is designed, arranged or intended, or
for which it is occupied or maintain-
ed and shall include any manner of
performance of such activity with
reepect to the performance standards
of these zoning regulations.
Use, Principal —the plain use of
land or buildings as distinguished
from a subordinate or accessory use,
Utility Building or Structure —an
installation to provide utility service.
Variance—an adjustment 111 the ap-
plication of the specific regulations
to a particular parcel of properq'
which property, because of special
en—en—instances, applicable to It, 12
deprived of privileges commonly en-
2072(1 by other properties in the same
Vicinity and zone.
Yard —an open space on a Zoning
lot which is unoccupied and un-
obstructed from Its lowest level to
the sky, except as otherwise permit-
ted in the Permitted intrusions In
Required Yards in these regulations.
A. yard extends along and at right
tingles to a lot line to a depth or
,width specified in the yard regula-
tions for the zoning district in which
Non-commercial gardens and green-
houses, orchards
Private garages, carports, swim.
ming pools & cabanas.
Conditional Uses
Duplexes, subject to the following
a. Minimum aide area: 14,000
sq. ft.
h. Minimum lot width; 100 £t.
c. Yard requirements, lot cover-
age, building height, offstreet
parking and signs! same as
for single family dwellings.
Public parks, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
a. No permanent bleachers or
stadiums are permitted ff the
nice is less than 10 acres, and
wi commercial amusement de-
vice is permitted.
b. Lights provided to illuminate
any recreation area shall be
so arranged as to reflect light
away from abutting private
c. llcery building or structure
shall maintain a distance of
not less than forty -five feet
from any park property lino.
d. Offstreet parking shalt be
provided an required by the
Commission and shall be ado -
ouatcly screened to prevent
lights from shining into resi-
dential property.
Oolf Courses
a, ]:very building or structure
shall maintain a distance of
not 1ess than forty-five feet
fl'oln any property line.
b. Offstrect 0115kiug shall be
provided for a minimuht of
40 cars, and shall be ade-
quately screened to prevent
lights from shining into re-
. sidential property.
Public Schools, subject to the fol-
lowing standards and provisions:
a. Minimum site areas:
elementary schools..1.1 acres
,Junior high schools -.20 acres
senior high schools.. 35 acres
junior colleges 40 acres
b. No building or structure shall
be built close' than 40 feet
to any property line.
c. All buildings, including ne-
- cessory buildings and struc-
tures, shall cover not more
than 25% of the total site
11. All offstreet parking rc9l11re-
111e11ts shall be complied with.
Churches, subject to the following
co110111 nv:
a. All Buildings .on the site shall
cover not more than 3o of
the total site iirea.
0, No building or structure shall
he built closer than 95 feet
to any property line.
c. Where areas devoted to off -
street parking abut any "1i"
zoned property, a solid wall
or View - obstructing fence or
hedge not less than 54 inches
nor more than 0 feet in height
shall be maintained on the
common property lino abut-
ting such "R" zoned properly.
There shall be one car apace
space for each six seats.
Libraries, subject to the following
•l, 1firimunl site are: one acre
b. Offstreet parking shall be
provided for a minimum of
]0 cep's, and shall he ado(uat-
] 1, 1•o dcline and to limit the
• powers and duti,s .of the administra-
tive officers and bodies as provided
Words and terms in this Article.
1:1',i Included because of special or
particular Meanings as they fro
used in these Regulations.
In the consiruotinn of these Zon-
ing Regulations the rules and defin-
itions contained in this Section shall
be observed and applied, except when
the context clearly indicates other -
a. 1Vords used in the present tense
.shalt include the future; words
used in the singular shall include
the plural, and the plural shall
include the singular.
b. The word -shalt" is man/121023'
and not discretionary,
c, The ward "may" is permissive.
d. The word "lot" she]! include
these words "piece" and "parcel ";
the word "building" includes all
other structure, of every kind
regardless of similarity to MO/d-
ings: and the phrase "used -for„
shall include the phrases ';1r-
• ranged for ", " designed for" "in-
tended for ", "maintained for" and
"occupied for ".
Accessary Building or Use. — one
a. is subordinate to, and serves a.
principal building or principal
use, and
b. is subordinate in arcs, extent or
Purpose to the principal build-
ing or principal use served, and
c. is located on the same 0011 ing
tot as the principal building or
principal use served.
An accessory building or use in-
cludes, but is not limited to the
a. a children's playhouse, garden
house or private greenhouse.
0. a garage, carport or a building
for storage incidental to a per-
mitted use.
n, incinerators incidental to a per-
mitted use.
d. storage of goods used in Or
produced by manufacturing acti-
vities, on the same zoning lot
with such activities unless 511211
storage is excluded by the dist-
rict regulations.
e. affstreet motor vehicle parking
areas and loading facilities,
1', signs Its permitted and regulat-
ed in each district in these Reg -=
u]ati 0114.
Alley —a public right of way which
provides Service access 10 abutting
Apartment —a room, or a. suite of
two or more rooms in a multiple
dwelling, occupied or suitable for
occupancy as a. dwelling unit for one
Ei11board —(flee definition of Out-
door Advertising Display,
Building, Accessory —see
silly Rol/ding or LT5e "
but lint including hotels, motels 01
lodging houses.
Awelling Unit —one or more rooms
1v ich :ae art ganged, designed or used
as living quarters for one family
only. 111(ii vfdual bathrooms are not
necessarily provided, but conlpaaie
single kitchen facilities, permanent Iv
illsta112(1, 211a11 a1 ways he included
for each dwelling unit,
Dwcnting, One - family —a building
containing 0112 dwelling unit only,
Dwelling, Two- fan1)n —a building
containing two dwelling units only.
Dwelling, Pfultl- family —a building
or a portion thereof Containing three
or more dwelling units.
Erected -- construction 111 any build-
ing or structure or the st ruetul'al
alteration of a building or structure,
the result of which would be to
change the uteri Or Wa 11s or roof or
to increase the floor areal Of 1.110
interior of the building or structure.
Establishment, Br.einess or Com-
mercial—a place of business carrying
on ail operation. 1110 ownership and
management of which are separate
and distinct horn those of any 01het-
01212 of business located on the same
zoning lot.
Existing (pre- er-isting) —a use, lnt
or building that existed at the time
of the passage of these regulations.
Fence—that which is built, con-
structed or grown, or composed of
Parts ,joined together of material in
some definite 1111111))('1' in which the
prince purpose is to separate and
tl iviri e, partition, enclose or screen
a parcel or parcels of land,
Garage, Private —a building or
structure other than a portion of the
main building, enclosed on not less
than three sides and designed or used
only for the shelter or storage of
vehicles, primarily only •those ve-
hicles belonging to the occupants of
the main building,
Garage, Publio.—a building or struc-
ture other than a private got'age,
used for the care, repair or storage
of automobiles, or where motor ve-
hicles are kept for remuneration,
hire or role,
Height —total distance In feet from I
average ground elevation at peJim,•
eter watts 10 top of sign or structure,
Hoate Occupation —the use of a
dwelling unit in whic], the mien-
pant lives and is e115231ed in It0F
profession or trade entirely within
the Confines of said dwelling unit.
Hospital —an institution specializ-
ing in giving el inn cal, temporary and
emergency services of a medical or
surgical nature to human patients
and licensed by Washington State
Hospital, Mental —(ln c]udin g treat-
ment of alcoholics)—R11 institution
licensed by Washington State Agen-
cies under provisions of law to
.offer facilities, care and treatment
for cases of mental and nervous dis-
orders and alcoholics.
Sign or Sunk Yard —an open area. whele
waste or scrap materials are bought,
sold, exchanged, stored, 3111211, pa011-
ed, disassembled or handled, lnelud-
Baildiug', Detached —a minding- stn r-
Mg but not limited to scrap iron
re.1lnded by an (Pe11 space 01) too and other metals paper, rags rub -
same lot as the principal building. II her tires and bottles. i junk yard
Building' Line — front, side and rear i does includes an auto wrecking yard hut.
building lines are the line on each iiii within enclosed encllosedrlbuildings established
"A cces-
onions Latter— s-lateria] capable
of causing injury to living" organ -
isms 1(y ehcnlicat reaction, or is
capable of 2(!115] ng detrimental ef-
fects upon the physical or economic
well -being of individuals,
Offstreet Parking Space —at, area
of at least 10 feet in width and 20
feet in length situated on territory
other than a noblle or private street.,
alley, highway or trafflcwa3', and
used only for the storage of vehicles.
Outdoor Advertising Display, Sign
or Billboard —any material 012 Any
kind pluoed, painted or' printed for
1111tdian' advertising purposes on or
in the ground, nr on any tree, wall,
rock, fence, building or structure.
Outdoor /Advertising Structure— a
structure of any kind erected or
maintained for outdoor advertising
Purpase.s, upon which any outdoor
advertising display, sign or billboard
is or may he Placed.
Person — includes an individual,
firm, partnership, association or cor-
Professional Offices— offices used
as a place of business conducted by
persons engaged in recognized pro-
fessions, and others whose business
activities consist chiefly of services
10 the person as distinguished from
the handling of commodities.
Public Open Space—any public
owned open area: plinks, playgrounds,
pl:ayfields, beaches, waterways, park-
ways, boulevards, streets, greenbelts.
Reclassification —;u change in zon-
ing bounds r]es u11011 the zoning map
which 15 an official part of these
Recreation Facility or Arear —Non-
Commercial —a facility or area for
recreation purposes, such as a swim-
ming ]S,01, park, tennis court, play -
g1•nund Or other similar use ape (110(1
anti maintained by a non - profit club
or organization.
Rssidence —a building or structure
or portion thereof, which is designed
for and used 10 provide a place of
abode for human beings. The term
"residence" includes the term -resi-
dential" as referring to the type, or
intended use, of a building.
Rest Home, Nursing Home, Home
for the Elderly —a private home or
institution for the care of the aged
or the infirm: is place of rest and
care for those suffering bodily dis-
Roof —a structure covering ally
portion of a. building or Structure,
including the projections beyond the
walls or supports,
Service Station —all establishment
which provides for the servicing of
motor vehicles and o]]el'atioll5 inci-
dental thereto, limited to the retail
sale of petroleum products and onto-
mobile accessories; automobile wash-
ing (not including auto laundry):
waxing and polishing of automobil-
es: tire changing and repair trot
including recapping); battery service,
charging and replacement (not in-
cluding repair and rebuilding): ra-
11 atot' cleaning and flushing (not in-
cluding steam cleaning and repair);
installation of accessories; and the
following operations if conducted
wholly within' a building: lubrica-
tion of motor vehicles, brake servic-
ing, wheel balancing, the testing and
replacement of carburetors, 1111312,
condensers, fan belts, wiring, water
hoses and similar parts.
Yard, Front— extends along the
full 100510 of the front lot line,
between the two side lot lines and
to the closest building on the some
lot, or to a distance designated in
zoning regulations.
Yard, Rear — extends along the full
tenth of the rear lot line., between
the two side lot lines and to the
closest principal building on the
same lot; or to a distance designated
in zon111g regulations.
Yard, Side— extends along a side
lot lino from the front yard to the
rear yard, between the side lot Tine
and to the closest building on the
same 101, or to a distance designated
in zoning regulations,
Zone —an area defined 20 to boun-
daries and location, and classified by
the zoning regulations as available
for certain types of uses, and with-
in which other types of uses are
Zoning Lot—a single tract of land
loeittcd within a .single block, which
at the time of filing for u. building
permit, is designated by its owner or
developer as a tract to be used,
developed or built upon as a unit,
under single ownership or centre].
A zoning lot rt11q' or only not coin-
cide with a lot of record.
For the purpose of these Regula-
tions the City of Port Angeles io
div;41ed into thirteen zoning c]assifi-
catio11s 112 follow -s:
viated Zone
See- Design- Classifi-
tlop anon cation
1 R5 -0. Residential Single
Family District
2 RS -7 Residential Single
Family District
3 11111•' residential Multi-
Faintly District
4 RTP Residential Trailer
Park District
5 RD Residential Puffer
6 CSD -N' Neighborhood Shop -
ping District
7 CSD -CI Community Shopping
CSDC -2 Community Shopping
6 CAD Commercial 'Arterial
9 0131) Central Ilusineios
10 PSC Planned Shopping
Center District
11 o1-1. ]ndusurial Park
12 if -2 1. 1,53211] District
13 1'3P Public Buildings —
Park District.
Zoning Map
A. zoning map, showing the loca-
tion and the boundaries of the var-
ious zoning districts in the` city,
shall be established as the Official
Zoning :clap, and shall he an integral
Part of these Zoning Regulations,
31eoti■n 1, RS -9 RESIDENTIAL
Permitted Uses
Single family dwellings
from shining into residential
c. 3tinimuw building' line set -
lhac]t: 35 feet.
Utilitq Buildings & Structures, sub-
ject to approval of the Planning
Hospitals (not to include hospi-
tals for the treatment of mental
disorders or alcoholism) on
harts 5 acres or larger, subject
to Removal of .the Planning Com-
Private Schools with an enrollment
under 1(10 pupils to be granted
a conditional permit, with 53ec]-
fic provisions by the Planning
Commission. School 13 wi1I) an
enrollment over 100 pupils are
to he considered the same as
public F0(10011,
Rest homes, or Nursing Homes on
tracts 2 acres or larger, subject
to approval of the Planning Con1-
Private Stables, for horses or cows
subject to the following conditions:
.a. Stables constructed no closer
than 100 feet to any property
h. Minimum int area 1 acre per
horse, or cow.
c. Minimum of 5' high fence on
property line.
Rome Occupations as are ordinar-
ily or conveniently carried on in
the home may be permitter) subject
to the requirements of the Plan-
ning Commission.
Accessory 'Uses
Private, garages, carports, sheds,
Swimming, pools & cabanas.
Minimum Lot Area
9,000 s1]. ft., if connected to public
1,0w01' system, if not, lot area as
required by the Olympic: 1401111(1
Din trict.
Minimum. Lot Width
75 feet.
Minimum Yard Requirements
1''rent: 25 feet from front lot line
except when abutting an arter-
ial street, then 35 feet,
Sides; No structure shall be per-
mitted closer than 0 feet to
any side lot line on the front
two thirds of. 1110 lot. Detached
accessory buildings only, on
the rear one third of the lot
may be permitted to within 1
foot of the side line, On cor-
ner lots, the side yard abutting
a street shall have the same
requirements ass the front yard.
11ea': No residential structure shall
be permitted within 25 feet of
the rear property line. Acces-
sory buildings shall bc per-
mitted not closer than ten feet
to rear property line or alley,
Maximum Lot Coverage
507 of total area, trot to apply 10
1111511(1501(1 swimming pools)
Maximum Height
30 feet.
Off street Parking
See Article V and Ordinance :co.
Signs Permitted
Signs no larger than 1 square foot.
unl lght2d, showing only name of
occupant. One sign per building.
Section 2, RS -7 RESIDENTIAL
Permitted Uses
San1c as RS -0.
'• tr
• t:
�.': _ ,
Thurs.. Oct. 12. 17� D
boundary line shall be at the former
center line of such vacated street,
allay, place or cul -de -sac.
Section 2. Nonconforming Uses
Existing Land Use-- Continuance of
Nonconforming- Use
Any legal Ilse of the land, existing
or established at the time of the
adoption of these regulations shall
be permitted to continue.
Enlargement, AIteration, Reconstruc-
A legal, conforming building or
et'ueture housing a nonconforming,
use shall be permitted to be repair-
ed, altered, remodeled or reconstruct-
ed, providing said repairs, alteration
ur reconstruction sleet all zoning and
building code requirements.
if any nonconforming Ilse of land
and /or building structure is aban-
d :med and /or (leases for any reason
whatsoever for a period of one i1)
year or more any future use of such
land and /or building or structure
shall he in conformity to the zone
in which it is located as specified
by these Regulations,
Change in Use
A nonconforming use shall not
hereafter be changed to any other
nonconforming use regardless of the
conforming or nonconforming status
of the building In which it is housed.
Nonconformance as a Result of
All above regulations shall apply
to each nonconforming use which
comes within the City by means of
annexation, from date of annexation.
Section 3 Nonconforming Building
Enlargement, Alteration, Remodeling
An existing legal building or struc-
ture that does not comply with zon-
ing and building codo requirements
shall not be enlarged altered or ex-
tended. Structural repairs needed to
maintain the hullding in a safe struc-
tural condition may be permitted.
When a legal building or structure
that does not comply with the pro-
visions of these regulations Is dam-
aged to an extent that does not ex-
ceed 75% of the existing assessed
value of the building or structure
for tax purposes, said building or
structure may be restored, providing:
J. P,eConstruetion is started with-
in nine (9) months and 1s com-
pleted within 18 months of date
of damage.
2. .after such repair has been com-
pleted, the building can be re-
paired 04 altered only if its use.
and the damaged portions con-
form to the regulations of the
district 10 which the building or
structure is located.
When a legal building or structure
that does not comply with the pro-
visions of these regulations is dam-
aged 10 an extent that exceeds 7 i
of the existing tieeeeCed value of the
building or structure for tax pur-
poses, said building or structure may
be retah'cd or reconstructed provid-
ing it conforms to all the building
rode and zoning regulations of the
zoning district in which it is situat-
ed, and further providing:
1. Reconstruction is started with-
in nine 19) months and is com-
plete within dighteen,months of
date or damage.
2. .After such repair has been coat-
dwellings shall he permitted in any
Cannnetanal District, Dwelling units
situated above commercial structures
shalI moot yard and height require -
ments of said commercial structures -
Offstroot parking spaces to be pro-
vided shall he the total commercial
and residential requirements for slid
zoning hit,
Section S Breezeway
It an aeeeelury building is 'con-
nected to a principal building fry a
breezeway the accessory building
shall not be considered an extension
of and a part of the principal build-
fiection 9 Exception to Area Re-
7-or the purpose of encouraging
the construction of offstreet parking
space under or within buildhtgrath-
er than in rear, side or front yards,
the following exceptions to minimum
lot areas shall be permitted.
For each 19 toot by 20 foot area
to he permanently reserved and
used for a parking space under or
within a building, a lot area credit
of 900 square feet shall be per-
mitted. Solid lot area Creclit can toe
deducted from the required mini-
mum lot area, or can be used to
increase a proportional number of
permitted dwelling units in motels
and multi - family structures.
Section 10 Uses
Any uses not expressly permitted
are prohibited.
Section 11 Non -Zoned Annexation
[f any area not previously zoned
is annexed to the City it shall auto-
matically on annexation he classified
and subject to the provisions, re-
strictions and requirements of the
RS -9 Residential Single Family Disi-
Section 1. Scope of Regulations
All buildings erected hereafter, all
uses of land or buildings establish-
ed hereafter, all structural altera-
tion or relocation of existing build-
ings occurring hereafter, all enlarge-
ments of or additions to existing
uses occurring hereafter snail be
subject to these Zoning Regulations
which are applicable to the zoning
districts in which such buildings,
uses or land shall be located.
However, where a building permit,
for a building or structure h11,5 been
issued in accordance with Icnv prior
to the effective date of these Zon-
ing Regulations, and provided that
construction has begun by said date,
said building or structure may be
completed in accordance with the
approved plans on the basis of which
the building permit has been issued,
and upon completion may be tweet-
elect under a certificate of occupancy
by the use fur which originally de-
signated— subject thereafter to the
provisions in regard to noncanforrn-
ing buildings, uses and structures.
Section 2. Interpretation
In the interpretation and applica-
tion of these Zoning Regulations the
provisions of these Regulation= shall
be held to the minimum reeuire-
ments for the promotion of public
health, safety and welfaree,
NV ore the conditions imposed by
Section 4 Sub - Standard Lots, Re-
corded Lots
When a lot has Tess than the
nitnpm+ml relurrcd area, width or
depth In any zoning district, and said
lot was of record on the effective
date of these 'Loring Regulations,
ruah Tut shall he deemed to have
complied with the minimum required
lot area, width or depth in such
zoning district.
.1 legal building, structure may be
permitted on said lot of record pro-
viding It meets all front, side and
!ear yard requirements.
Section 5 Conditional Use Permit
The Planning Commission shall
consider all applications for Condi-
tional (C(1e Permits and may grant
021(1 permits for such uses its by
these regulations are required to be
reviewed and which can be permitted
only upon the granting of a Condi-
tional Use Permit. The Planning
ConInission may refuse to Issue a
Conditional Use Permit If the char-
acteristics of the intended use as
related to the epeelfic proposed site
ere sunk as would defeat the pur-
iniee of those Zoning Regulations by
introducing incompatible, detrimen-
tal or hazardous conditions.
in each application the Planning
Commission may impose whatever
re.etrictien1 or Conditions it considers
essential to protect the public health,
safety and welfare, and to prevenr,
deprecation of neighboring property.
Purpose of a Conditional Use Permit
The purpose of a Conditional Use
Fertnit shall be to assure that the
maximum degree of comoatibllity be-
tween uses shall be attained. The
Purpose of these regulations shall
he maintained with respect to the
Particular use of the particular site
and in consideration of other exist-
ing and potential uses wit the
general area in which such use 15 to
be located.'.
Section rr Variance & Decisions of
Building Inspector
The Planning Commission shall
Consider written petitions for tem-
porary uses, variances from area,
height and space requirements in
zoning regulations, to consider ap-
peals from decisions of the Building
inspector and 10 grant or deny said
Requests for decisions by the Plan-
ning Commission shall follow this
1. application shall lie in writing
on forms provided by the Build-
ing Inspector.
2. Applications shall he submitted
to the chairman of the Planning
3. The Planning Commission shall
fix a date of hearing on each
application and shall at least
ten (10) days prior to such date
or he.u'ing cause to be posted
in conspicuous places within 400
tees of rile proposed conditional
use or Ca rhlnee a minimum of
two (2) placards containing a
notice advising the public (ABA:
proposed conditional use or var-
iance and the time and place of
the hearing.
4. The eweers of property witlaln
400 feet of the property on
which it is proposed to establish
the. conditional use or variance
may, not later than the day
prior 10 the hearing, file with
the City Clerk a written pro-
test w'ihich mitet contain the
legal description of the proper-
ty owned by each protestant,
Action of the City Council on ap-
'llicatibus in regard to variances and
Conditional Use Permits' shall be
held at public hearings and shall be
final and conclusive.
Requests for Exceptions
All applications for exceptions from
this Zoning Regulations shall con -
tain all basic information, along with
otter Pertinent facts, maps and data
required by Ile Planning Commis-
Permits Void After Six Months
All Variance and Conditional ((se
Permits shall become void six months
frw11 the date of granting such per-
mits if use of the land or buildings
has not lumen place in accordance
with the provisions in gran ti ug said
Section 0 Filing Fees
The following fees, shall be paid
apart the filing of an Application to
cover the expense of processing and
Conditional Iron, Variance,
Special Permit 015.00
Zoning 'Rezoning *50 00
All applications shall be processed
by the Building Inspector prior to
Sector 9 Zoning Initiation by the
Planning Commission
On its own action, or If requested
by the Co*.i 1 ell, the Planning Corn -
m: sslon shall cause to be prepared
official controls which, when adopt-
ed by ordinance by the Council, will
further the objectives and goals of
the comprehensive plan. The Plan-
ning Commission may also (draft
such regulations, programs and leg-
islation which, in its judgment, are
required to preserve the integrity of
the comprehensive plan and assure
its systematic execution, and Vie
Planning Commission may recom-
mend (11100 plans, regulations, pro-
grams and legislation to the Council
for adoption.
Section 10 Amendments
In determining if an amendment
to these r'egn lotions is needed the
City Council shall give due consid-
oratioet to the proper relationship of
such amendment to the Comprehen-
sive Flan and the entire zoning regu-
1-•uiur.s; it being the Mtult to retain
the integrity and validity of the
zoning districts herein desur'i bed, and
to avoid ilny isolated spot zoning
changes' in the 'oiling map.
Any amendments adopted by the
Council may he modified from the
form in which they were advertised
within the 1imlts necessary to relate
properly such amendment or unwed -
nlents to the Zoning Regulations.
Final aetien on such modifications
shall be subject to review and report
of the Planning CommissitJ p2.101' to
final passage by the City C01111ufl.
NO 11 (p1i cat tin for a. change of
zoning of any lot, parcel or portion
thereof shall he considered by the
Council within one year of the final
action of the Couecil upon a prior
appl100110n covering any 00 0110 51I1)10
described land. This provision, how-
ever, shall not impair the right of
the Council to propose any arnerid-
ment or change in the boundaries of
any of the districts in these regula-
tions, on its own act1011,
Scclion 11 Subdividing and Platting
T]he City Council shall review all
proposed land plots and subdivi sionq
and shail.have the power to approve
or deny said pints and 10 require
any modifications necessary to as-
sure conformance to the general pur-
Any person, firm 01" corporation
violating any provisions of this Ord-
inance shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punishable by a fine of nut
more than $5110 01' by imprisonment
for 't term not to exceed six months,
or by both fine and imprisonment.
Such person, firm or corporation
shall he deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day dur-
ing any portion of which any viola-
tion of this Ordinance is committed,
continued or permitted by such per-
son, firm or corporation, and shall
be pmt fshahlc as herein provided.
September 30
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazell,
Sequin, girl, 5 lbs 3 az, 12:27
October 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald James,
437 Lopez, girl, 6 lbs 31/2 oz, 1111
Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Hanson,
Rt. 3, Sequin, girl, 8 Its 101/2 oz,
9:51 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Bucknell,
320 E. 10th, girl, 7 lbs 4 oz, 12 :27
October 2
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Thorsen,
236 E. 6th, boy, 7 lbs 13 oz, 6:30
October 3
Mr, and Mrs. Willard Lausche,
Forks, boy, 5 lbs 31/2 oz, 12:11
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Morris, Rt.
3, girl, 6 lbs 41/2 oz, 9:04 a.m.
October 4
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Charles,
729 E. First, boy, 7 lbs, 11:24 a.m.
October 5
Mr, and Mrs. William Knap-
man, Sequim, girl, 7 lbs 41/2 oz,
11:55 a.m.
October 7
Mr. and Mrs. EIiot Clark, Rt. 1,
girl, 9 lbs, 3:23 a -m. -
William F. Carter and Alice
Della Santina, Forks
Bert C. Grall and Mildred R.
Miller, both Port Angeles
Leslie D. Love and Gwen R.
Swan, both Neah Bay
William R. Jones, Port Angeles
and Linda Gustafson, Sequim.
George Earley, Forks and
Cheryl Lofrenier, Orofino, Idaho.
Larry H. Christianson, Seattle
date of damage. 1ne1 _ _ -
_. After such repair has been corn- health. safety and wclfarc%
Meted, the building can be re- Where the conditions imposed by
Paired or altered only if Its use any provision of these Zoning Rego-
and the damaged portions con- Lotions upon the use of land or upon
form to the regulations of the the hulk of buildings are either more
district in ',Vick the: building 1'BSt1'ieti110 or less restrictive t 1011
or structure Is located. comparable conditions imposed by
The extent of damage to a non- any other prevision of these Zoning
conforming building or structure Regulations or of any other law,
shall be determined by the findings ordinance, resolution; rule or regal.
of three appraisers, one to be chosen lation of any kind, the regulations
by the City, one by the building lv'hie11 0 "0 most restrictive (pr which
owner and the third by the first two impose higher standards or reauire-
ap0100isers. All costs incurred in oh- ]pent=) 01)011 govern.
twining the estimates aro to be paid These. Zoning Regulations are not
by the building owner. intended to abrogate Ally easement,
Final decision0 to regard to the covenant, er any other private agree-
extent and cost of damage are to merit., provided that •w]]ere these re-
be made by the Building Inspection gulal.ion0 are 0101'00 restrictive (or
Department. impose higher standards or require-
Nonconformance as a Result of 1111011ts) than such onsemcuta, coven-
Annexation 1nits or outer private agreements,
All above regulations shall apply the requirements in these Zoning
to each nonconforming structure ur Regulations shall govern.
building which comes with the City No building, structure or use which
by means of annexation. was not lawfully existing at the
time of the adoption of these Zoning
Section 4. Yards to be Enclosed [i1 gulatinns shall become Or be made
Within a Solie Fence in wfuI solely by reason of the name
Every wrecking, salvage, junk and lion of these Zoo ing Reg o lati one, and
used lumber yard, equipment and to the extent and in any planner that
rnateri:al storage yards, auction house said unla w fu 1 building, structure or
or second-hand store which, after 11,e 1)1)1 diets with the requirements
the effective date of these regul >t- of these Zoning Regulations said
(ions, exists as a nonconforming 1,,o building, st ew1ur0 ur use remains
shall in the interest of public oafely, unlawful.
within six (11) months after the same Rules for Interpreting
becomes a nonconforming use, 11e Rr c.l.ion Eosin .t 2 R Rules p
eomplotely enclosed within a build- g
ing or within a continuous solid fence 01111011 uncertainty exists as to the
no less than seven (7) feet 111 1)011i]da Pies of zones as indicated on
height or to a greater height if such the official zoning neap, the follow -
height is needed to screen complete- 11110 rules shall apply:
ly all the operations of such yards. a. 'Boundaries shown on the zoning
The plants of said building or fence map 11s approximately following
:-hall have first been approved 110 the center line of streets alleys,
the Planning Commission, and said highways or situ limits 011011 be
building or fence shall be maintained construed an following such oen-
in full conformity with any 0011(11- tc.r lines and city limits.
Lions attached to such approval. h. P1sfance.s riot speci finally 11101 -
New uses shall he subject to site cited on the Zoning Map s11a11
approval of the Planning Commission be determined by applying the
anti x11111l he su Meet to any restrict- scale of file map,
lions and Modifications said Cons- r.. 11'11('1'0 a 0)11141 hounda rY 11ne par-
.mi0sion may stipulate. allcl, or approximately parallel,
Noise, abatement is to be enforced t)1 a street divides a. lot or pro-
from 6'00 0.11. to 7:00 A.M. Burning Deity in single ownership hay-
of items on the premises is prohibit- ing street frontage in a less
ed. restrictive zone, the provisions
Auction houses, second -hand barns, applicable to the less restrictive
salvage 1mn her and used parts estab- may he extended to the entire
1]shments shall contain all items for let, but in no case for a dist-
display or 101110 within a structure or
behind 1 sight- obsCu]'ing fence n•t
less than six (0) feet in height. No
Part of any requited front, side or
roar yard shall he used for the 11110
or display of any said items.
Section n Moving of Buildings
No building precoristructed either
partly or completely', ahil1! be moved
onto any site until such site and
such building have been approved
by the Planning Commission and the
Funding lnspector.
Section 6 Temporary Buildings
Temporary buildings used in con-
junction with construction projects,
or buildings used as real estate tr10il.
offices, May be located in any 'Lone
for a period not to exceed six (11)
months. Buildings intended for :r
longer period of 115 .shall conform in
every respect to all provisions of
these regulations. e.
Section 7 Dwelling '!nits in Com-
mercial Areas
Dwelling units that are permitted
in Commercial Districts shall lie sit-
uated 111 opal-inlet-It hlli1di11 gO and
motels. No one - farnily or two - family
anon of 1110re than twenty -five
(25) feet. Where such zone boun-
dary line divides a lot having
street frontage only in a more
restrictive zone. the provisions
of these Regulations covering
the more restrictive portion of
such lot shall extend to the
entire lot,
d. Where a zone houudary line di-
vides a. lot of single ownership
and such line is at right angles
er enprn xiplalely at right angles
to the street, highway or place
upon which 00(11 lot fronts, the
provisions of Ihcse Regulations
applicable in the less restric-
tively znne(1 portion of the lot
may he extended 10 the entire
lot or for n distia pre of twellty-
flve (2) feet from such zone
bountlamt lino, whichever Is the
lesser (distance,
111'et'„ 1` 00010 1'(1ur)111 I's' line. as
tn1trated on the zoning may,
er0ln,pG the top or bottom of 1
bluff nr hank. well line shrill he
+ for •'Hint v-n,irh i0 the av ^'--
^ 0 0 (1)0 of the 01011e for the
hank and fop, or l,nthinl, ae de-
iermin1d by the City Engine ^r.
legal description of the proper -
ty owned by aach protestant,
and 11) City tllerk shall on the
same day advise the Chairman
of the Planning Commission of
the protests so filed.
In considering any petition for
variances and temporary uses, the
members of the Planning Cwninli-,-
sinn sba11 consider and shall base
their decisions upon the following
1. That the granting of this re-
quest will not cause deprecia-
tion of :surrounding property.
2. That the denial of this request
wilt not cause 1111 unnecessary
hardship that is beyond the con-
trol of the petitioner.
3. That this request, if granted,.
will be in conformance with the
Comprehensive 01011_
The purpose of -a. variance stint]
be to Present discriminalion. No
0 a Hance shall be gr^ 11ted which
would have the effect of granting a
special privilege not shared by other
property 01 the same vicinity and
zoning district,
Required Showing for a Variance
The City Council 11111y not appr0102
a reynes.t
for vslri,tnce 1101010 three
nr 011,10 Of. the following criteria can
be shown to exist:
1.. That because of special circum-
stances applicable to the su hied
property. including size, shape,
topography, location or surrollo-
di11gs, the strict 7l])lllilati0Il of
these regulations is found to
den rive the. snb,ipet property of
101E -'ll tc and privileges enjoyed
1110 other properties in the sa1ne
vicinity and zoning district.
2. 'rllal the granting of the var-
iance will not be materially de-
trimental to the public health.
safety- or general welfare or
injurious to the nronerty or
i 1i1,'ovement1 in the v1 einity
and the gelling district` which
snl)iect prone is situated.
7. That the denial of the Variane.11
will oanSC an unnecos'al'Y hard-
ship that iv bovOnd the control
of the Petitioner.
d. That On granting of the va1-
lanrc will not adversely "effect
the intent. and 111111 0 5 8 of the
comprehensive plan.
Section 7 Hearing & Appeal of
Conditional Use & Variance Applica-
Notice & Rearing for Variance it
Conditional Use Permits
]'non filing an application for a
Variance Or A Conditional 'Use Per-
mit In which the nPpneution sell
forth fully the grounds for, and the
facts deemed to justify, the granting
of the Variance or the Conditional
t'se Permit, the Planning Commis-
sion eha11 give public 110tice. as
provided in the Laws of the State
of �i'a shington and articles in these
Rcgul10 Dons which are applicable
he1et0. of the intention to consider
at a public ]tearing the grnnt111)1 of
the Variance or Conditional (Ilse 0e'-
mit. The Planning ('on101100101 01111 11
after said hearing refer it's recom-
mendation to the City Council for
final wetted.
Notice of•,Action on Application
NV-hen the-action of the Council is
(0 approve or deny an 01,01 ieet inn,
Iluildinq lnspector. within four-
teen (14) drys from the date of such
action. shall notify the applicant by
forlvnrdfng a copy 01' the action.
Decision of the Council Shall be
or deny said plats and to require
any modifications necessary to as-
sure conformance to the general pur-
poseu0 0f tnC cum Drencntirvc 1000.
and (o standards; specifications a71(1
regulation, established by State Lan-,
by City of Port Angeles Subdiv'io-inl]
Regulations and by those Zo11in1!
Section 12 Enforcement
It shall be the duty of the Build -
int lnspector to enforce all provi-
sions of this Ordinance, No oversight
ur dereliction on the part of the
Building Inspector or any official ut
employee of the City of Port. Ange-
les vested with the duty ur authority
to issue pernlits or licenses :hall
legalize, authorize, 1Pa1Ve or excuse
the violation of any of the provi-
sions of this Ordinance.
No Permit_ or license for any use,
building or purpose 011011 be- issued
by tiny official or employee of the
City' of Fert Angeles if the same
would be in conflict with the provi-
sions of this Ordinance or any otter
Ordinance now' in force referring to.
this Ordinance. Any permit of license
so issued shall be dull and void.
In the event any person, firm ur
er11-llnr'il line should lase, erect. con-
struct, move or alter or attempt to
use, erect, construct, 111010 or alter
:Inv property, huildil:g or structure
in violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance, the ea[ne. is hereby de-
Clared a 1)0)4110 nuisance and it shall
be the duty of the City Attorney to
bring and to 11011ecute 00 action in
any court of enmpel.ent jurisdiction
to enjoin such person, firm of corp-
oration from continuing such use,
erection, construction, moving or al-
tering. 1f such use, erection, con-
struction, removing or alteration is
being or has been accomplished, the
City Attorney shall enj0hl such per-
son, firm or corporation from main-
taining same.
Section 17 Entry Upon Private
The Building Inspector, members
of the Commission and the Pia11-
0ing or Engineers staff in the per-
formance of their functions and du-
ties., on notification except in an
emergency, may enter upon any
land and lnplte examinations and
surveys. Provided, that such entries
and examinations do not damage or
interfere with the use of the land
by those persons ]awfully entitled
to the possession thereof,
It is hereby declared 10 be the
intention of the City Council that
the several provisions of this Zoning
Ordinance are separable, in accord-
ance with the following: -
1- Tf any e)urt of 'onlpetent juris-
diction shall adjudge any pro-
vision of this Zoning Ordinance
to he invalid, such judgment
shall not affect any 1)1.110r 1)r0-
iv-j1inn of this Zoning Ordinance
not .specifically included in said
2. It wry court of 100111petent juris-
diction shall adjudge Invalid the
apolieatinn of any ]lrovilion of
this Zoning Ordinance to A pur-
111111al' property, building ur
ether st 'meth re, such .0 udgmen1
shall not affect the application
of said provision 00 any other
properly. building or str(PLU, -,'
not specifically included in said
Cheryl Lofrenier, Orofino, Idaho.
Larry H. Christianson, Seattle
and Susan L. LazZar, Yort: 30n-
F.' Burke Webster and Jeanne
Dunlap, both Port Angeles.
Bert Adams, 77, 914 W. 14th,
born Dec. 10, 1889; died October
6, ].967.
Marjorie N. Sprague, 80, 828
E. 4th, born November 9, 1886;
died October 8, 1967.
Nina N. Sorgenfrei, 64, Rt. 1,
Box 900, Sequim, born November
7, 1902; died October 7, 1967.
Brown, Byrnadine vs David R.
Swagerty, Rose C. vs Burl J.
Friday evening, October 6, the
meeting of Veterans of Foreign
Wars Auxiliary 1024 marked the
official visit of District President
Louella Butts of Hadlock. Mrs.
Margaret Minty of Sequim and
Mrs, Sybil Merritt of Forks were
Mrs. Butts gave instructions on
changes that have made and sug-
gested some new projects for the
auxiliary.. She was presented a
corsage and a gift by president
Mrs. Fred Feakes.
The resignation of Mrs. Lloyd
O'Green as senior vice president
was accepted. Mrs. O'Green is
Ieaving to make her home in
West Lynn, Oregon. A surprise
farewell party was held by the
members for her last week. The
office will be filled by election
at the October 20 meeting.
Contributions were made to the
IJGN and Alaska Flood Relief
Fund. More than two thousand
Betty Crocker Coupons have been
sent to the Fircrest Bus project
fund towards the purchase of a
bus for the school.
Refreshments were served to
Post and Auxiliary members by
Mrs. James Deaton, Mrs. John
Woodcock, Mrs. Lewis Tucker and
Pearl Ronalds.