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AN ORDINANCE providing for the licensing and regulating
of ambulances in the City of Port Angeles and providing
penalties for the violation thereof.
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. Definitions:
(a) As stated herein, the term "ambulance" shall mean
and include any motor .vehicle acting as a common carrier for hire
for the transportation or conveyance of the sick or injured.
(b) As used herein, the phrase "operating an ambulance"
'(shall apply to the operation of any ambulance which (1) is sta-
tioned within the City of Port Angeles, or (2) is dispatched from
within or without the corporate limits of Port Angeles and repeat-
edly or customarily makes trips for hire within the City to pick
up injured or sick fares, or (3) which makes any trips into Port
Angeles for that purpose after occasional or repeated advertising
within Port Angeles of such service, provided that the provisions
of this ordinance shall not apply to any ambulance which shall pass
through the City of Port Angeles in the delivery of fares picked
up at points beyond the limits of the City of Port Angeles.
(c) As used herein, the term "ambulance licensee" shall
mean and include any person, firm or corporation engaged in the
business of carrying or transporting any sick or injured person,
for hire, by the use of any automobile or vehicle designed or ad-
apted for such purpose.
Section 2. Permits and License Required: No person, firm
or corporation shall operate, or cause to be operated, any ambu-
lance in the City of Port Angeles without first securing from the
Clerk and having a valid Ambulance Licensee's Permit and obtaining
an Ambulance License for each ambulance so operated; provided, how-
ever, that the number of persons, firms or corporations licensed
„shall be limited to not more than one (1) person, firm or. corpora -
ition for each seven thousand (7,000) or fraction thereof of popu-
lation within the limits of the City of Port Angeles; provided
.,further, that any hospital or nursing home may, under the terms of
gthis ordinance, provide ambulance service. for its patients only.
Section 3. Exhibition of License: Each licensee shall
'cause the City's Ambulance License to be prominently displayed in
the interior of said ambulance in a position where the same may be
seen and read by any person.
Section 4. Color Identification: Each ambulance licensed
under the provisions of this ordinance shall contain the name of
the licensee, be painted in the colors and in the manner set forth
in the license application, and no ambulance shall be painted a
11color deceptively similar to any. color scheme being used by any
previous licensee.
Section 5. Ambulance Crew: No person, firm or corporation
shall operate any ambulance in the City of Port Angeles without the
(same being attended by a crew of two (2) able- bodied persons, at
,I least one of whom shall be over the age of twenty -one years and
(shall hold a valid State vehicle operator's license and shall hold
an advanced First Aid Certificate issued by the American Red Cro9,
"State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, or other
comparable instructional group or organization.
Section 6. First Aid Equipment: Each such ambulance shall
at all times be equipped as follows:
(a) First aid equipment consisting of leg and arm
splints and standard twenty -four unit first aid kits as prescribed
by the American Red Cross or the State of Washington Department of
Labor & Industries;
(b) Invalid couch -type bed on wheels;
(c) Stretcher for a second patient on floor or hanger;
(d) Bandages, tourniquets and splints;
(e) Oxygen tank equipped with hose .and -face piece and
reserve type Of equipment for administering;
(f) Fresh clean linen and blankets sufficient for two
(g) Towels, male and female urinals, restraints, fire
extinguisher, basin, fan and heater.
Section 7. Mechanical Equipment and Conditions: Each such
I ,
'ambulance shall be equipped as required by Chapters ..36 and
'46.49 of Title 46, Revised Code of Washington, and maintained
'without known mechanical defects.
Section 8. Inspection of. Ambulances: That the Chief of
Police shall inspect all ambulances prior to issuance of any li-
cense as herein provided to insure compliance with the provisions
of this ordinance and at .least once per year thereafter, or at any
I'time as he shall deem necessary and proper.
Section 9.. Public Liability. Insurance: No license shall
be issued hereunder for any ambulance until the same be. .covered
with public liability insurance in the amount of $100,000.00 for
personal injuries to one .person or $200,000.00 for more than one
person arising out of. each .accident or occurrence, and property
damage insurance in the amount of $10A00.00 'for each accident or
Section 10. Service:
A licensee may publicly list or advertise telephone num-
bers only of telephones located. at his headquarters or stations
'where the licensee has an ambulance stationed on twenty -four (24)
• I
hour availability.
A licensee or his telephone operator shall advise every
person calling for ambulance service whether or not the licensee
.has an ambulance available to immediately respond to the call, and
if not, the approximate time delay before an ambulance will be
a Section 11. Application: Application for an ambulance li-
'cense permit and ambulance license shall be made upon such form as
the Clerk shall prescribe which application shall be accompanied
with the annual license fee and with a .certificate of the Chief of
Police that the ambulance or ambulances for the licensing of which
application is made is equipped and maintained in compliance with
the minimum standards required by this ordinance and the State law
ras to first aid equipment and accessories and by the State law re-
ilating to vehicle lighting and other mechanical equipment.
Section 12. ' Required Information: In addition to such
'other information as the Clerk shall require, the applicant for an
'ambulance license shall provide:
(a) By sworn statement the following information:
(1) Name and address of person, firm or corpora-
. tion.desiring such ambulance permit or license.)
(2) The number and description of ambulance owned
by and operated by the applicant and the loca-
tion of each.
.(3) The distinguishing color scheme, design or
dress, including any monogram or insignia to
be used on such ambulance.
(b) The following documents:
(1) A certificate from the Chief of Police that the
applicant has the minimum first aid equipment
and that the ambulance complies in other re-
gards with this ordinance and the State law.
(2) A policy of insurance as required by this ordi-
nance, which policy shall contain an endorsement
providing that ten (].4) days notice to the City
of Port Angeles will be given by the insurance
. company in the event of any material change or
Section 13. Annual License Fee: Such ambulance license
shall expire on the last day of December next following the issu-
ance thereof and may be renewed from year to year by the City
Clerk upon such evidence as shall be required by him that:
OI (a) The holder. thereof is complying with the minimum re-
quirements of the ordinance as to equipment and accessories.
(b). That the operator or. crews of the 'ambulance have
not during the past'year violated provisions of this or other ordi-
nances of this City in the operation of such ambulance so as to un -1
reasonably endanger the lives or property of passengers or other
,members of the .public. The annual license fee shall be Twenty -five
'Dollars ($25.00).
'ing to the same licensee upon filing with the City Clerk an appli-
cation therefor, duly verified and showing that the vehicle previ-
lously licensed has become obsolete or has been destroyed, and that
Section 14. 'Transfer of License to. New. Vehicle: Licenses ;
for any vehicle may be transferred to another vehicle belong -
°such vehicle is no longer to be 'used for the purpose herein contem-
pplated. The vehicle to which the license is transferred shall con- f
iform with all the requirements of this ordinance as upon original
licensing. If satisfied that the transfer is in .good faith and
not the purpose of evasion, the City Clerk shall require a surrender
of the former. certificate and issue a new .one, charging therefor a
(transfer fee of Ten Dollars ($10..00).
411 Section 15. Revocation: Any such license shall be subject
to revocation by the Mayor, subject to approval by the City Council:
4111 1
(a) Upon conviction of the operator for failure to com-
ply with the provisions of this ordinance, or
(b) Upon being found guilty of failure to comply with
the provisions hereof after notice and opportunity
to be heard as hereinafter provided.
The following acts shall be deemed sufficient reason for
cancelling an existing permit or declining to issue a new annual
permit, to wit:
(1) Tuning in. on police radio calls;
1111 (2) Poor condition of ambulance equipment or supplies;
^� and failure to comply with 'notice of Chief of Police
• ii and to correct defective equipment or supplies;
(3) Failtire to have a properly qualified crew;
(4) Unnecessary delay in answering. calls;
(5) Failure to acquire and keep in force the required
amount of public liability. insurance.
No such license shall be revoked or suspended unless charges
in writing shall first be filed with the City Clerk setting forth
'with reasonable certainty the nature of such charges against said
illicensee. Upon the filing of charges as aforesaid, the Mayor
shall fix a time and place for the hearing of said charges before I
the Mayor and City Council and a. copy of the charges as filed, to-
Igether with the notice of time and place of hearing, shall be
Iserved upon the licensee or ambulance owner at .least five (5) days
I'prior to the date fixed by the Mayor for the hearing.
Any notice provided in this ordinance shall be served either
,(1) day delivery or a copy personally to the licensee or ambulance
owner affected, or (2) by leaving a copy with some person of suit-
able age and discretion at the place of business, or if no such
'person be found at such place of business,, then by leaving such no-
tice in a conspicuous place on the premises, and mailing a copy of
the notice to the licensee or ambulance owner as set forth in his
application for license. At the hearing on said charges, the li-
Icensee or ambulance owner shall have the right to appear and defend
the charges, and if he so desires, to be represented by counsel.
1 Section 16. Penalties: That it shall be a misdemeanor for
any person to. violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions
fof this ordinance.
PASSED by. the City Council and approved by its Mayor at a
!regular meeting of the Council held on the /4- day of
• [ 1968.
d (72„„„)
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
,.1 cam. tA)rle•—_,