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AN ORDINANCE providing for the creation of a Human rela-
tions Commission.
WHEREAS, the policy of this government body is:
1. To assure the equal protection of the law and the full
rights and privileges of citizenship to all people.
2. To promote full equality of opportunity in the total
economic, political and cultural life of the community
3. To promote improved communication, understanding and
cooperation between all racial, ethnic, economic, and
religious groups.
4. To ensure equal employment opportunities in all depart
ments and levels of government and equal service to al
citizens, and
WHEREAS, the creation of a Human Relations Commission is
deemed advisable to implement this policy; now therefore,
as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby established a Port Angeles
Human Relations Commission Board, herein after referred to as the
"Commission ". This commission shall be composed of eleven mem-
bers who shall serve staggered two year terms; no one serving
more than three consecutive terms. The City Council shall
appoint the commissioners as follows:
Six members shall be appointed to serve a two -year term.
Five members shall be appointed to serve a one -year term.
Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a two -year term.
Members of the commission may be removed for a just cause
by majority vote of the City Council.
The commission shall elect a chairman from among its
members who shall serve for a one-year term.
Members of the commission shall serve without compensation.
Section 2. Duties. The duties of such commission shall
(L) To collect and interpret pertinent information and
statistics relating to racial attitudes and discriminatory prac-
tices in labor unions, employment, churches, welfare, housing,
health, law enforcement, education and news media.
(2.) Hold public hearings when deemed necessary to ascer-
tain the status and treatment of national, religious, ethnic,
racial and economic groups within the city.
(3.) Identify and study existing and potential areas of
interracial friction and tension which are detrimental to the
general welfare of the community.
(4.) To make this information available for the use of
officials, departments, citizens and all other organizations and
entities in the city.
(5.) To report after each formal meeting to the City
Council and make recommendations for appropriate remedial action
when indicated.
(6.) Investigate complaints relating to interracial ten-
sions or discriminations and practices based on and resulting from
race, religion, economic class, and national origin.
(7.) To encourage and offer conferences and
among groups and elements of the community who are s
arrive at voluntary solutions to such problems.
(8.) To carry on a public education program
the cooperation of individuals and organizations in
equality and understanding among all citizens.
(9.) Institute and conduct educational prog
mote equal treatment, opportunity and understanding
eeking to
and solicit
rams to pro -
and sponsor
meetings, institutes, forums, and courses of instructions leading
to a clearer understanding and solution of the City's problems.
(10.) Perform such other functions and duties as may be
directed by the City Council or prescribed or authorized by any
resolution or ordinance of the city.
Section 3. Interdepartment cooperation.
1. The commission in the performance of its functions,
may, through the City Manager, enlist the aid of all the depart-
ments of the City of Port Angeles.
2. The commission, in carrying out the specific duties
imposed by this ordinance, may request the aid of the City Coun-
cil in the conduct of any further investigation.
3. The City Council may make arrangements for staffing
of the commission as is needed to carry out its work.
Section 4. Rules.
The commission may adopt such rules, regulations, consti-
tution and by -laws as it deems necessary which are not inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this ordinance.
PASSED by the City Council and approved by its Mayor at a
regular meeting of said City Council held on the /41day of
.' 4Nu i y , 1969.
City Clerk
Approved as to form: