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AN ORDINANCE creating a City Park and Beautification
Commission for the City of Port angeles, providing
for the appointment of the members of such a Commis-
sion, and prescribing the powers and duties thereof
under Council - Manager form of government and re-
pealing Ordinance No. 1413.
ANGELES as follows:
Section I. Definition. The word "PARK" when used in this ordi-
nance means an area of land, with or without water, developed and used
for public recreational purposes, including landscaped tracts, picnic
grounds, playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation centers, camps, foot,
bicycle and bridle paths, motor vehicle drive, wild life sanctuaries, mus-
eums, zoological and botanical gardens, bathing, boating, fishing as well
as other recreational facilities for the use and benefit of the public.
Section 2. Creation of a Board of Commissioners: There is hereby
created a City Park and Beautification Commission consisting of five (5)
members to be appointed by the City•Manager with the consent of the City
Council. No person shall be ineligible as a commissioner by reason of sex
and no commissioner shall receive any compensation. The present three
.(3) members of the City Park Commission now serving under City Ordinance
No. 1413, shall be transferred to this newly created City Park and Beauti-
fication Commission, and serve out their unexpired terms. New members
shall be appointed so that five (5) commissioners shall be available to
'serve at all times and terms shall expire in order that not more than two
(2) terms will expire in any one year. Such board of park commissioners
shall have only such powers and authority with respect to the management,
„supervision, and contro.l'of parks and recreational facilities and programs
,as are granted to it by the City Council. Members may be removed after
'puiilis ing by the appointing authority with the approval of the City
'Council. Members may be reappointed for a second term only. The Park
and Beautification Commission shall elect its own Chairman from its mem-
bership and such other officers as it may require.
Section 3. Board Selection: The members of the Park and Beauti-
fication Commission shall be residents of the City and will be selected
without respect to political affiliation and they will serve without
icompensation. It is desirable that one member of the Park and Beautifi-
cation Commission have a background in architecture and /or engineering.
!The primary rule in selecting members however, shall be contingent on the
prospective members ability, interest and desire to beautify the City.
Members of the Park and Beautification Commission will take the Oath of
Office prescribed by the Council.
Section 4. Expenditures: The Park and Beautification Commission
�Ilshall be limited in expenditures to that recommended by the City Manager
and authorized by the City Council. They will have access to city inform-
ation available in the City Manager's office and the Park and Beautifi-
cation Commission may request technical and administrative information
and assistance available in the City Departments.
Section 5. Meetings and Records: Three members of the five member
commission shall constitute a quorum. Meetings shall be held at the call
of the Chairman and there will be at least one regular meeting in each
month for not less than nine months in each year. It shall adopt rules
ifor the transaction of the business and shall keep written records of its
meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which
record shall be a public record.
Section 6. Powers and Duties. Said Park and Beautification Com-
mission shall advise the City Manager and the City Council regarding the
general appearance and beautification of the City and make specific plans
and recommendations for the expansion of these programs for the City of
„Port Angeles. They will advise the City Manager regarding the landscaping
of parks and areas such as off - street parking, playgrounds and other city
owned recreational area. The Commission will make their recommendations
on new buildings and renovation projects for the architecture and land-
Soaping to conform with the history and culture of the Peninsula. Com-
mission members shall participate in beautification programs and enlist
'the help and interest of organizations in the city business community to
take part in making these programs successful. The Commission shall have
the power to accept for the City of Port Angeles donations for park and
,I recreational purposes and also with the consent of the City Council to
:accept real property for park and recreational city projects.
Section 7. The Commission shall submit to the City Manager each
"year at the time of the submission of the budget and for the information
and guidance of the City Manager in preparing the budget for the ensuing
year an estimate of the amount of money required for the expansion of
sparks and recreational programs and necessary facilities thereof and
ishall further recommend budget estimates for long range beautification
1 '
Section 8. That Ordinance No. 1413 passed February 13, 1958, be,
Viand the same is, hereby repealed.
Section 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after
its passage, approval and lawfu publication.
PASSED by the City Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular
meeting of the Council held on the 19th day of June, 1969.
City Clerk 1(9_4,
Approved as to form:
ty Attorney
LISHED: ,� UL,/ /7, /7 67