HomeMy WebLinkAbout1700ORDINANCE NO. l 749 0
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
providing for the improvement of a certain area
within the city by the construction and installa-
tion of sanitary sewers therein, and by doing all
other work required in connection with such im-
provements, all pursuant to Improvement Resolution
No. 192 of the City passed and approved October 6,
1970; creating a local improvement district there-
for, providing for the payment of the cost of said
improvements by special assessments upon the pro-
perty in said District, providing for the creation
of Local Improvement District No. 192 Fund and for
the issuance and sale of local improvement district
warrants and notes or bonds.
WHEREAS, on October 6, 1970, the Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, adopted its Improvement Resolution No.
192 declaring its intention to order the improvement of a certain
area within the city by the construction and installation of sani-
tary sewers therein and by doing all work required in connection
therewith, which resolution fixed the date of hearing thereon for
November 2, 1970 in the City Council Chambers in Port Angeles,
Washington; and
WHEREAS, said resolution was duly published in the manner
required by law and notice of said hearing was also duly given by
mailing as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said hearing was held on November 2, 1970, as
provided in said notice, various oral statements for and against
the improvements were made and certain written protests were filed
and after discussion of said improvements and due consideration
thereof the Council has determined to order the construction and
installation of the improvements hereinafter more particularly
described and to create a local improvement district therefore;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows:
Section 1. The following described property within the
city shall be improved by the construction of sanitary sewers,
together with all appurtenances and work required in connection
"Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 4 Block
368 Townsite of Port Angeles; thence westerly
along the south line of 12th Street to the north-
west corner of Lot 2 Block 367; thence northerly
along the west line of said Lot 2 extended and
the west line of Lot 19 Block 356 to the north-
west corner of said Lot 19; thence westerly along
the south line of the alley between llth and 12th
Street to the northwest corner of the east half of
Lot 12 Block 356; thence southerly along the west
line of the east half of said Lot 12 to the south
line of 12th Street; thence westerly along the
south line of 12th Street to the northwest corner
of Lot 10 Block 366; thence southerly along the
west line of said Lot 10 to the southwest corner
thereof; thence easterly along the north line of
the alley between 12th and 13th streets to the
northwest corner of Lot 11 Block 368; thence south-
erly along the west line of said Lot 11 to the
southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along
the north line of vacated 13th Street to the south-
east corner of Lot 17 Block 368; thence northerly
along the east line of said Lot 17 to the northeast
corner of Lot 4, Block 368 the point of beginning."
Section 2. The following described sanitary sewers shall
be constructed and installed within the area described in Section
1. above, together with all necessary manholes and appurtenances
and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith:
Sewers in Platted Alleys as Follows:
1. A 6" sanitary sewer in the alley between 11th
and 12th Street from "G" Street to "F" Street.
2. A 8" sanitary sewer in the alley between 12th
and 13th Street from "H" Street to a point 200
feet west of "G" Street.
3. A 10" sanitary sewer in the alley between 12th
and 13th Street from a point 200 feet west of
"G" Street to a point 100 feet west of "5" Street.
Section 3. The plans and specifications for the improve-
ments described in Section 2 above as prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file are hereby adopted and approved.
Section 4. There is hereby established a local improve-
ment district of the city to be known as "Local Improvement Distric
No. 192" which said district shall include all the property describ
ed in Section 2 above.
Section 5. The estimated cost of said improvements is
$14,800, all of which shall be borne by and assessed against the
property within Local Improvement District No. 192 specially bene-
fited by said improvements. Such assessments shall be made agains
the property within the said Local Improvement District in accor-
dance with the special benefits said property will derive from
said improvements, without regard to the zone and termini method.
Section 6. There is hereby created a fund of the city
to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 192 Fund" into
which fund there shall be paid all of the assessments collected
in said district as and when directed by the ordinance confirming
said assessments and the assessment roll therefor.
Interim revenue warrants bearing interest at a rate to be
fixed by the City Council shall be drawn upon said fund based upon
extimates of the City Engineer and shall be sold to such person,
firm or corporation or to such other funds of the city as may here-
after be provided by resolution of the City Council and in the
manner provided by such resolution to furnish moneys for the pay-
ment of the costs of construction and installation of said improve-
ments and costs incidental thereto as the same shall be incurred.
The proceeds of sale of such interim revenue warrants shall be
deposited in said fund and cash warrants drawn thereon in payment
of such costs.
I Upon completion of the improvements and after the expira-
tion of the 30 -day assessment prepayment period, installment notes
or bonds of said local improvement district bearing interest at a
rate to be fixed by the City Council at the time of their sale,,
twelve years from date of issue shall be issued for the redemption
of the outstanding revenue warrants and shall be payable both
principal and interest by the collection of special assessments to
be levied and assessed upon the property within the district pay-
able in ten equal annual installments with interest at a rate of
not to exceed 82 % per annum, all as provided by law and ordinances
of the city. If bonds are issued they shall be in denominations
of $1,000 each, except for bond No. 1, the denomination of which
shall be hereafter provided by resolution of the City Council.
Section 7. It is hereby found and declared that the
improvements provided for in this ordinance are necessary for the
public health, welfare and benefit of the people of said district
and the community and city.
Section 8, This ordinance shall become effective five
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles, and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held
this 2nd day of November, 1970.
City Clerk
A RESOLUTION OF the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles declaring its intention to improve
a certain area within the City by the construction
and installation of sanitary sewers, including
manholes, lamp holes and tees where needed, and
by doing all work necessary in connection there-
with, and creating a local improvement district
for the levying and collection of assessments for
such improvement, and fixing a time and date for
the hearing on this Resolution of Intention.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
Section 1: That the sanitary sewers described herein
are necessary for the public health, welfare and benefit of the
community to be served thereby and that for the protection of
such health and welfare it is necessary that the same be con-
structed without delay and the ordinance forming said local
improvement district should be passed without delay.
Section 2: That it is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the improvement
of the area within the City bounded as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 4 Block
368 Townsite of Port Angeles; thence westerly
along the south line of 12th Street to the north-
west corner of Lot 2, Block 367; thence northerly
along the west line of said Lot 2 extended and
the west line of Lot 19, Block 356 to the north-
west corner of said Lot 19; thence westerly along
the south line of the alley between llth and 12th
Street to the northwest corner of the east half of
Lot 12, Block 356; thence southerly along the west
line of the east half of said Lot 12 to south
line of 12th street; thence westerly along the
south line of 12th street to the northwest corner
of Lot 10, Block 366; thence southerly along the
west line of said Lot 10 to the southwest corner
thereof; thence easterly along the north line of
the alley between 12th and 13th streets to the
northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 368; thence
southerly along the west line of said Lot 11 to
the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along
the north line of vacated 13th Street to the south-
east corner of Lot 17 Block 368; thence northerly
along the east line of said Lot 17 to the northeast
corner of Lot 4, Block 368 the point of beginning.
by the construction and installation of the hereinafter described
sanitary sewers together with the necessary manholes, and all
necessary appurtenances for such improvements, and by doing all
work necessary in connection therewith.
1. A 6" sanitary sewer in the alley between 11th and 12th
street from "G" Street to "F" Street.
2. A 8" sanitary sewer in the alley between 12th and 13th
Street from "H" Street to a point 200 feet west of
"G" Street.
3. A 10" sanitary sewer in the alley between 12th and
13th Street from a point 200 feet west of "G" Street
to a point 100 feet west of "E" Street.
Section 3: For the reason that the above described sewer
improvements will be of special benefit to all of the property
/within the above described area, it is the intention of the Council
to create a local improvement, district to pay the cost of the
improvements described in Section 1 hereof. It is intended that
100% of such cost shall be charged to the property lying between
the termini of the proposed improvements.
Section 4: That the City of Port Angeles shall not be
liable in any manner for any part of the cost of said improvement
except in so far as said City is made liable by the statutes of
the State of Washington in such cases made and provided and
especially by the statute governing the application of the local
improvement guarantee fund.
Section 5: The City Engineer is hereby directed to
submit to the Council at, or prior to, the date fixed for hearing
on this improvement resolution a statement of the estimated cost
and expense of such improvement, the portion thereof which shall
and should be borne by each lot within the improved district, the
local improvement districts assessments outstanding, pending and
unpaid against the property therein, and the aggregate actual
valuation of the
1 valuation of the improvements in the proposed district according
to the valuation last placed upon it for the purpose of general
real property, including 25% of the actual
taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the
lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property which shall be
especially benefitted by said improvement and the estimated amount
of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or
parcel of land or other property within the proposed district.
Section 6: All persons who may desire to object to such
local improvement district are hereby notified to appear and
present such objection at a meeting of the City Council to be
held in the Council Chambers at 134 West Front Street at 7:30
o'clock P.M. on November, 1970, which time and place is hereby
fixed for hearing of matters relating to said improvement and
all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment
for the same.
That the City Clerk and Engineer are hereby directed to
prepare and give notice of such hearing in the manner required
by law.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of
said City Council held this 6th day of October 1970.
City Clerk
Approved as to orm:
C ty orney
PUBLISHED: October 8, & 15, 1970