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AN ORDINANCE, regulating the erection, construction, en-
largement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, con-
version, demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, height,
area and maintenance of buildings or structures in the
City of Port Angeles by adopting the Uniform Building
Code of 1970 as amended.
'ANGELES as follows:
Section 7.1 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles is
amended to read as follows: "The 1970 Edition of Volumes 1 plus
!Appendix, II, III, IV and V of the Uniform Building Code, pub-
lished by the International Conference of Building Officials is
hereby adopted, with the following amendments, by this reference,
as the official Building Code of the City of Port Angeles. Three
copies of this Code are now on file in the office of the City
Clerk and said Building Code is open to inspection at all times as
such office is open to the public."
AMENDED as follows:
Volume I, Table 5 -A (page 50) following the sentence "For
Types 1, II and III construction see Sections 1803, 1901 and 2003."
add the sentence "See Section 1603 (d) for exterior wall protection
of buildings located in Fire Zone No. 2 ".
Volume I, (page 92) in Section 1603, add a sub - section "(d)
Exterior Wall Protection. Exterior walls less than twenty feet
1(20') from an adjacent property line shall be not less than two -
hour, fire resistive construction."
Volume I, Section 2103 (a) (page 109) following the sentence
"for fire protection of exterior walls and openings as determined
kby location on property, see Section 504 and Table No. 5 -A." add
"See Section 1603 (d) for exterior protection of buildings located
4in Fire Zone No. 2."
Volume I, Section 2203 (a) (page 111) following the sentence
"For fire protection of exterior walls and openings as determined
by location of property, see Section 504 and Table No. 5 -A." add
"See Section 1603 (d) for exterior protection of buildings located
in Fire Zone No. 2."
Volume I, Table 3 -A (page 31) delete Table 3 -A and substi-
tute: Valuation $100 to $50,000 inclusive, permit fee $3.00 per
$1000.00 valuation (minimum of $3.00 for $100.00 to $1,000.00); for
each $1000.00 valuation over $50,000.00, permit fee of $1.00 per
$1000.00 (cumulative).
Volume V, Chapter 3, Sec. S-301 is amended by adding thereto
the following wording: "Provided that presently existing signs not
in conformity with the Code, as amended, may be maintained in their
present condition unless hazardous, but may not be altered or re-
constructed unless in conformity with this Code."
Volume V, Chapter 3, Sec. 5 -304 is amended to read as
follows: "A sign permit fee and a plan - checking fee shall be paid
in accordance with the following schedule:
Under $100.00 $2.50
$100.00 to $500.00 $10.00
Over $500.00 to $1,000.00 $15.00
Over $1,000.00 $20.00
"Any person, firm or copropration who shall erect,
re- erect, construct, alter or maintain a sign without a permit
first having been issued, except as provided by this Code, shall
as a penalty pay double the amount of the fee due for signs in the
above named schedule."
Volume V, Chapter 10, Sec. S -1001, Table 9A, is amended by
substituting Chapter 45, Sec. 4505(b) of the Uniform Building Code,
1970 Edition, Vol. 1 as adopted, in place of Table 9A.
Volume V, Sec. S- 103(c) is amended to name the Planning
Commission as the Board of Appeals.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
the ,/,_6" ,eh . day of
City Clerk
Ippproved as to form:
Decel^nhe r
/7,, /47d
, 1970 .