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AN ORDINANCE Creating a Board of Adjustment.
The City Council of the City of Port Angeles do ordain
as follows:
Section 1. A Board of Adjustment is hereby established.
The word "board" when used herein shall mean the Board of
Adjustment. The Board shall consist of five members, all of whom
shall serve without salary. The Board members shall be appointed
by the Mayor with the consent of the Council and shall consist
of citizens having an understanding of the benefits of zoning to
the municipality. In case any vacancy shall occur in the
membership of the Board for any cause, the Mayor shall fill such
vacancy by making an appointment with the consent of the Council.
The members of the Board may be removed by the Mayor subject to
the approval of the Council, for such causes as he shall deem
sufficient, which shall be set forth in a letter filed with the
Council. The initial membership shall consist of one member
appointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years
and two for fours years; and each appointment thereafter shall be
for four years. No member of the Board shall be a member of
the planning commission or City Council.
Section 2. Meetings of the Board, shall be held at leas
once each month, and at such other times as the Chairman of the
Board may determine. There shall be a fixed place of meeting
and all regular board meetings shall be open to the public.
The presence of three members shall be necessary to constitute a
Section 3. The Board may review any interpretation of
the provisions of the zoning ordinance made by the Building
Inspector, and any order, requirement, decision, or determination
relating thereto, in the application of the specific provision of
the zoning ordinance to any parcel of land and /or structure. The
building inspector is hereby authorized to issue building permits
for those applications which do not increase the violation of
existing regulations. The Board may affirm or reverse the inter-
pretation of the provisions of the zoning ordinance made by the
Building Inspector, and any order, requirement, decision, or
determination relating thereto; and the Board's decision shall be
based upon the records and the findings in each case and to that
end it shall have all of the powers of the Building Inspector.
Section 4. Recognizing that there are certain uses of
property that may or may not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, morals, and general welfare, depending upon the facts
in each particular case, a limited power to grant variances for
such uses is vested, by specific mention in this ordinance, in
the Board. The Board shall have and exercise original jurisdiction
in receiving, granting, or
variances uses as provided
the power to place in such
denying all applications for such
for in this ordinance and shall have
permits, conditions or limitations in
its judgment required to secure adequate protection to the zone
or locality in which_'s,uch use is to be permitted, No variance
sha]1 be granted by the Board until after public hearing, as here-
inafter provided, and until after the Building Inspector has found
that the provisions of all other ordinances, with which compliance
is required, have been fulfilled and until the Board finds;
(a) The variance shall not constitute a grant of
special privilege inconsistent with the limitation
upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and
zone in which the property on behalf of which the
application was filed is located; and
(b) That such variance is necessary, because of
special circumstances relating to the size, shape,
topography, location, or surroundings of the
subject property, to provide with use rights and
privileges permitted to other properties in the
vicinity and zone in which the subject property
is located; and
(c) That the granting of such variance shall not be
materially detrimental to the public welfare or
injurious to the property or improvements in the
vicinity and zone in which the subject property
is situated.
Section 5. In deciding any of the matters referred to
in Sections 3 and 4 of this ordinance the Board shall issue a
written report giving the reasons for its decision.
Section 6. The Board shall adopt its own rules of
procedure (except as hereinafter fixed as to voting) and keep
a record of its proceedings, findings, and actions in each case,
and the vote of each member on each question considered in the
Section 7. Any person or persons aggrieved, or any
officer, official of any department or commission of the City,
jointly or severally, may file a written petition with the Board
for a review of the Building Inspector's interpretation of the
provisions of this ordinance. Such petition shall be filed with
the office of the City Clerk within ten (10) days after the
petitioner shall receive either written or oral notice of the
interpretation of any provision of the zoning ordinance by which
petitioner shall deem himself to be aggrieved. Such petition
shall set forth the provision of the zoning ordinance which
the Building Inspector has interpreted, the Building Inspector's
interpretation thereof, the petitioner's interpretation of the
same and the reasons why the petitioner believes the interpreta-
tion of the Building Inspector to be incorrect. Such petition
shall contain the name or names of all aggrieved parties and the
names of all attorneys or agents representing such aggrieved
parties together with the mailing address of such parties, their
agents and attorneys. The City Clerk shall transmit said petition
to the secretary of the Board prior to the next regular meeting
of the Board. The secretary of the Board shall present the
petition to the Board at their next regular meeting and the Board,
at such meeting, shall fix a date for the hearing on said petition
which date shall not be less than ten (10) days nor more than
sixty (60) days from the date upon which said petition was
presented to the Board. At least five (5) days prior to the date
fixed for such hearing the secretary of the Board shall cause to
be mailed to the petitioners or their agents or attorneys, at
the respective addresses shown on the petition, a notice of the
time and place of the hearing on said petition. At such hearing
the petitioner may appear in person, by agent or by attorney.
All city officials and other interested persons may be heard at
such hearing in support of or opposition to such petition.
The Board may initiate a review of the Building Inspector's
interpretation of the provisions of the zoning ordinance by affirm
ative vote of a majority of the entire Board.
The Board may affirm or reverse the interpretation of
the provisions of the zoning ordinance made by the Building
Inspector, and any order, requirement decision, or determination
relating thereto; and the Board's decision shall be based upon
the record and the findings in each case, and to that end it shall
have all of the powers of the Building Inspector, Unless a
majority of the entire Board vote in favor of reversing the deci-
sion of the-Building Inspector such decision shall stand affirmed.
The Board shall maintain in the office of the Building Inspector
full and complete written records of all decisions involving
the interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance, which
records shall be open to public inspection during all regular
business hours.
Section 8. All applications for variances permitted by
this ordinance shall be submitted in writing to the office of
the Building Inspector. Each such application shall contain the
name and mailing address of the applicant or applicants, the
legal description of the property for which. the variance is re-
quested, the nature of the variance requested and a concise
statement as to the reasons why such property is needed for and
suited to such variance. The application shall be accompanied
by a plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the diminsions of any
and all existing structures and all structures to be erected on
the property involved and the yard areas thereof. The Board or
Building Inspector may, at any time, require the applicant to
furnish such additional written information as may be necessary
to enable the Board to determine whether such application should
or should not be granted. With each application, filed for a
special property use there shall be paid by the applicant, at the
time of filing the application with the office of the Building
Inspector, a fee of forty. dollars ($40) to help defray the
City's costs and expenses in processing such application,.
including the publication and mailing of the not ices.bereinaftex
required. All fees so collected by the office of the Bi4lding
Inspector shall be surrendered at least once each month: to the
office of the City Treasurer who shall deposit the same in the
City's general fund.
The written application, plot plan and any other written
information requested from the applicant'by the Building Inspector
shall be submitted to the Board at its next regular or special
meeting. The Board at such meeting shall fix a time, date and
place for public hearing on such application which date shall not
be less than ten (10) days after notice given in the following
manner, except that the final notice to be published in the
official newspaper shall not be published more than three (3)
days prior to the date of said hearing;
(a) By United States mail addressed to the applicant
and to the owners of all adjoining or abutting
property. (Property separated from the proposed
use by a street, highway or other public road or
alley shall be construed to be adjoining or
abutting for the purpose of giving notice; and
notices addressed to the last known address of the
person making the latest property tax payment shall
be deemed proper notice to the owner of such
(b) By not less than two printed or written notices •
posted in a conspicuous place at or near the
location of the proposed use.
(c) By publishing two notices thereof in the official
newspaper of the City, such 'notices to be published
at least three days apart. Such notices shall
contain the name of the applicant or applicants,
the legal description of the property: involved, the
special property use requested, the date, time and
place of the public hearing thereon .and shall
specify that any person interested may appear at
such public hearing and be heard either for or
against such application,
At such public hearing the Board shall proceed to hear
all persons present who desire to be heard either for or against
such application and shall render its decision upon such
application at the conclusion of such hearing or as soon there-
after as reasonable possible. Any building permit thereafter
issued for such property shall be in accordance with and subject
to all terms and conditions contained in the decision of the
The Board shall maintain in the office of the Building
Inspector full and complete written records of all proceedings,
factual findings and conclusions reached on any and all such
Section 9. Whenever the Board shall by its decision
authorize the issurance of a permit for a variance if such
building permit and /or occupancy permit is not obtained by the
applicant within six (6) months from the date of the Board's
decision, the Board's decision shall cease to be effective,
Section 10. In addition to all other penalties pre-
scribed in this ordinance whenever, in the opinion of the Building
Inspector, any person granted a permit for a variance shall fail to
comply with all of the terms, conditions, or limitations of such
permit and of the decision of the Board authorizing the granting
of such permit, he shall issue an order, in writing, requiring
that all further work on the premises or use thereof be stopped
until the violation has been corrected, g the y olation be not
corrected or if the work on the premises or use thereof be not
stopped or suspended until such violation is corrected, the
Building Inspector shall give written notice to the owner or
occupant of the premises deemed in violation that the Building
Inspector will apply to the Board for an order revoking the
permit for the variance. Such written notice shall specify the
-time, the date and place when. the Building in §peCtor'w ,ii, appear
before the Board to request such revocation and shA5,1.ad0se the
owner or occupant of the premises deemed to be in violation that
such owner or occupant is at liberty to appear and be beard
with respect to the request of the Building Inspector gor sgch.
revocation. Such notice shall be mailed to the owner or occupant
of the premises deemed in violation, by registered mail w ,th a
return receipt requested, at least five C51 days prior to the
date specified in such notice as being the date of the: hearing,
At the hearing the Board shall have the power.to sustain or over7.
rule the order of the Building Inspector and to .revoke the permit
granted for such variance. The affirmative vote o.f.a gjority
of the entire Board shall be necessary before the order of the
Building Inspector shall be declared to be overruled
The Board shall keep in the office of the Building
Inspector full and complete written records of al], proceedings,
factual findings and conclusions of the Board in all such hearings
Section 11. An application to the Board for any varianc
or for any review of the Building Inspector's interpretation of
the provisions of the zoning ordinance or of any orders, requiren.
ments, decisions or determinations relating thereto made by the
Building Inspector, shall operate to stay all further proceedings
by the Building Inspector unless the Building Inspector certifies
to the Board and the Board finds that, by reasons of facts stated
in the. certification, a stay would cause imminent peril to life
or property, in which case such action shall not be stayed otherr
wise than by a restraining order issued by the Superior Court of
Clallam County. The findings and decisions of the Board shall
be transmitted to the office of the Building Inspector,
Section 12.. All decisions and orders of the Board shall
be final and conclusive, unless, within ten (10) days from the
date of the action, the original applicant or an adverse party
makes application to the Superior Court of Clallam County for
a writ of certiorori, a writ of prohibition, or a writ of mandamus
The application must be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court
and the office of the Building Inspector within ten (10) days
from rendering of the decision or order. Such application shall
set forth the name and address of the applicant, the date of the
order or decision and shall set forth a correct copy of the order
or decision for which a writ is sought.
At the time of filing the application with the Clerk of
said Superior Court, the applicant shall execute and file with him
a sufficient bond in the penal sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00
with at least two sureties to be approved by the Judge of the
Court, or a surety company authorized to do business in the State
of Washington, conditioned to prosecute the writ without delay,
and if unsuccessful to pay all costs to which the City is put by
reason of the action. Upon application therefor, the Court may
order the applicant to execute and file such additional bonds as
the necessity of the case may require.
Within twenty (20) days from the filing of the appli-
cation, the applicant shall file with the Clerk of the Superior
Court a transcript of all of the proceedings before the board,
including the order or decision for which the writ is sought, The
transcript shall be prepared under the supervision of the Secretar
of the Board and shall be certified by said Secretary to contain
a full, true and correct copy of all matters and proceedings
required to be in the transcript. The fee for preparing and
certifying said transcript shall be one dollar ($1.00) for the
first legal size page and fifty cents '($0.50) for each - additional
legal size page, which fee shall be paid to the office of the
Building Inspector. The Secretary of the Board shall be under
no duty to surrender said transcript to the applicant until
said fees are paid. All fees so received shall be surrendered
by the office of the Building Inspector to the City Treasurer for
deposit in the general fund of the City.
Within five (5) days after the filing of the transcript
with the Clerk of said Superior Court, the applicant shall give
notice to the head of the legal department of the City and to the
City Clerk that the transcript has been filed. The notice shall
also state a time (not less than five (5) days from the date of
service thereof) when the applicant will call up the cause for
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council
held on the j 7,h day of
JuLy , 1973.
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City Attorney