HomeMy WebLinkAbout1859ORDINANCE NO. /f59
AN ORDINANCE establishing rules and regu-
lations for the use of City Parks and
attendant facilities to promote a safe,
healthy and enjoyable experience for
the citizens of Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council and the
Park and Recreation Commission to establish reasonable rules
and regulations to govern the use of city parks and attendant
facilities in such a manner as to encourage full utilization
and to preserve them for the present and future citizens of
Port Angeles.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles do ordain as follows:
Section 1 - Definitions:
(a) City unless specified__ otherwise shall mean the
City of Port Angeles;
(b) Director means the Recreation and Parks Director
duly appointed by the City Manager in accordance
with applicable statutes and policies;
(c) Permit is a license to engage in or conduct a
special event at a Recreation and Park facility.
(d) Recreation and Park Facilities shall include but not
be limited to the following: Wolverton Playfield
7th & D Totlot, 6th & G Playfield, Kiwanis Play -
field, 13th & Laurel Playfield, 5th & Oak Totlot,
Rains Totlot, Washington & Georgiana Totlot,
Haynes Viewpoint, Elks Playfield, Jessie T.
Webster Park, Erickson Playfield, Civic Field,
Crown Park, Lincoln Park, Ediz Hook, Lions Park
and Shane Park, and all areas leased, rented,
loaned or otherwise under temporary control
of the Recreation and Parks Department.
Section 2 - Operation of Parks
(a) Hours of Operation - all parks shall be open from
5 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day of the year. Ath-
letic events requiring illumination shall be
concluded by 11 p.m. except for unusual and /or
unforeseen emergencies as determined by the
Director or his representative.
(b) Closed Areas - any section or portion of any park
may be declared closed by the Director at any
time, either temporarily or at regularly stated
intervals. If a section will remain closed for
over a month or have its use changed permanently,
then the Director shall consult with the Commissio
(c) Permits for Special Events or Areas - Permits for
special events in a recreation and park facility
or for the use of specific areas in such a fac-
ility by individuals or groups may be issued by
the Director upon written application. Any in-
dividual or group receiving the permit shall be
subject to all applicable park regulations and
city ordinances in the use of City facilities.
The permit shall state that the city shall be
held harmless for any loss, damage or injuries
sustained by any person or property resulting from
the exercise of the permission granted by the
permit. The Director, or his representative,
shall revoke any permit where a city ordinance
is being violated or use is not in accordance
with that for which the permit was granted.
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Section 3 - Regulations of Organized Activities
The Director shall 'promulgate regulations for the conduct
of organized activities in city parks and attendant facilities
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, other appli-
cable city ordinances and such policies as may be established
from time to time by the Recreation and Parks Commission. The
promulgation of these regulations and subsequent revisions shall
be for the purpose of achieving the following ideals:
(a) Insuring the safe y, comfort and convenience of the
(b) Securing maximum use of the facilities within the
carrying capacity of the facility.
(c) Insuring that activities within an area are in
accordance with the theme or purpose for which a
particular area or park was developed.
(d) Insuring that organized activities do not fully
utilize all available space; that some area be re-
served for family or individual activities.
In the event of a conflict of schedules, local in -city
groups shall have preference over out -of -city groups.
Section 4 - Regulation of Individual or Family Activities
The Director shall promulgate regulations for the conduct
of individual activities in city parks and attendant facilities
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, other applica-
ble city ordinances and such policies as may be established from
time to time by the Recreation and Parks Commission. Permitted
uses by individuals and families are as follows:
(a) Activities Permitted in a Park
1. Family or group picnics provided facilities are
not used for an excessive period of time.
2. Nature studies where students may observe plants
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in a natural state provided no attempt is made to
cut, carve, transplant, damage, dig, pick or
otherwise disturb, injure or impair the natural
beauty of any park area
3. Playing games of various types. If using tennis
courts or similar facilities, individuals are
expected to observe and obey the common courtesy
rules for use of that facility. Games using dan-
gerous objects shall only be conducted in areas
set aside for that purpose. Dangerous objects
shall include but not be limited to: Hardballs,
stones, arrows, javelins, golf balls.
4. Camping is permitted in the area established for
that purpose in Lincoln Park and in areas desig-
nated on a temporary basis by the Director pro-
vided such activities are carried on in a reason-
able fashion that does not constitute a hazard or
detract from the enjoyment of others engaged in
5. Dogs or other household pets may be exercised in
the park providing they are on a leash or carried
by the person owning or having custody of the
animal. The person owning or having custody shall
be responsible for any mess created or caused by
their animal.
6. Horses may be ridden on trails developed and
designated by signs providing the horse is under
control and never left unattended at any time.
Owners or riders shall be held responsible for
any mess created or caused by their animal.
(b) Activities not permitted in a Park shall include, but
not be limited to, the following:
1. Consuming and /or being under the influence of
intoxicating liquors, drugs or narcotics.
2. Interference with any individual or group engaged
in any lawful use of park facilities.
3. Exposing or offering for sale any article or
thing or stationing or placing in a stand, cart,
or vehicle any article or object for transporta-
tion, sale, or display. This provision does not
apply to regularly licensed concessionaires acting
by and under the direction of the Recreation and
Parks Department. The Director may also give per-
mission for such activities on a temporary basis
providing there is no conflict with the regularly
constituted concessionaire.
4. Distributing, leaving, throwing, tacking or pasting
any signs, handbills, posters, advertisements or
inscriptions for advertising any goods, materials,
meetings, people or for other similar purposes.
5. Soliciting, interfering with, accosting other peo-
ple for selling, begging, immoral act or other
similar purposes is not permitted in any park or
attendant facility.
6. Willfully marking, marring, defacing, disfiguring,
injuring, tampering with or displacing, removing,
burning, cutting, carving, digging up or damaging
any park property and attendant facilities or any
plants, trees or shrubs, or attaching any rope,
wire or other contrivance to a tree, plant, shrub
or structure.
Section y - Regulations promulgated by the Director
All regulations promulgated by the Director under the
authority of this ordinance shall be obeyed by all persons and
groups using the recreation and park facilities of the city.
The Director shall have the authority to regulate activities in
any area when necessary to prevent congestion and to secure
maximum use of the parks for the comfort and convenience of the
public. All persons using the parks of the city shall comply
with any directions of the Director in the use thereof. Failure
on the part of any person or group to abide by the regulations
promulgated by the Director or to follow his directions in the
use of the parks shall be grounds for removal of the violator or
violators from the park in which said violation occurs.
Section 6 - Violation of Ordinances
Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Section 7 - Severability
Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or
phrase of this ordinance be for any reason held invalid or un-
constitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion
shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision
and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions thereof.
Section 8 - Effective date
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from
and after its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council
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held on the
, 1975
arian Parrish, City Clerk
Approved as form:
Stan ey- A_ ., -.Tay, or, City •tt•rney
C. Vernon Basom, Mayor