HomeMy WebLinkAbout1864ORDINANCE NO. //er4
AN ORDINANCE providing for the organization, manage-
ment and control, use and disposition acquired for
cemetery purposes; the creation of certain funds
thereto; fixing and defining rules and regulations
for the uses and privileges of Ocean View Cemetery;
providing for perpetual care thereof, and repealing
Ordinance No. 1311 passed the 20th day of August,
a. "Human remains" or "remains" means the body of a de-
ceased person, and includes the body in any stage of
decomposition and cremated remains.
b. "Cremated Remains" means human remains after cremation
in a crematory.
c. "Interment" means the disposition of human remains by
cremation and inurment, entombment, or burial in a
place used, or intended to be used and dedicated, for
cemetery purposes.
d. "Burial" means the placement of human remains in a
e. "Grave" means a space of ground in a cemetery used,
or intended to be used for burial. General dimensions
not to exceed 9' by 4'.
f. "Cemetery Business" and "Cemetery Purposes" are used
interchangeably and mean any and all business and
purposes requisite to, necessary for, or incident to,
establishing, maintaining, operating, improving, or
conducting cemetery property.
"Lot ", "Plot ", or "Interment Plot" means space in a
cemetery used or intended to be used for the inter-
ment of human remains, such terms include and apply
to one or more than one adjoining graves.
h. "Plot Owner ", "Owner," or "Lot Owner" means any person
in whose name an interment plot stands of record as
owner, in the city office.
a. That there be and is hereby created in the City
Treasury a fund to be known as the "Cemetery Fund"
into which shall be paid 50% of receipts of the
sale of lots, tracts or parcels of land for burial
purposes and any other income received from and
through the operation of the cemetery, including
receipts from taxes levied annually as provided
for in the annual city budget.
b. That there shall be provided in the annual budget
of the city an estimate of receipts and expenses
of such cemetery fund sufficient to cover necessary
operation, maintenance and capital improvements or
additions thereto, and that a tax be levied annually
for any deficit of receipts to anticipated expendi-
c. The cemetery fund hereby created shall be used solely
for the paying of all expenditures authorized in
such budget for the operation, maintenance and cap-
ital improvements of such cemetery including all
costs of management and labor as contemplated by
such annual budget.
That there is hereby created in the treasury of the City
a fund to be designated as the "Cemetery Perpetual Care
Fund" into which shall be deposited 50% of the receipts
of the sale of lots, tracts or parcels of land sold for
burial purposes, and the full amount of any other gifts,
donations, bequeaths or grants. Said fund shall be kept
perpetually invested from time to time in safe invest-
ments as directed by the City Council. The earnings of
said fund so invested shall be retained in the fund un-
til the present cemetery is filled. Thereafter, these
earnings shall be used for the perpetual care of the
lots and tracts or parcels of land so sold. Said fund
shall be perpetual and irreducible, and shall be used
for no other purpose than herein specified. The Ocean
View Cemetery shall have perpetual care and funds for
this purpose shall all be paid from the cemetery fund
until such time as the earnings of the cemetery per-
petual care fund become available for this purpose as
hereinbefore provided.
a. All lots to be purchased at the office of the City
Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles. No lots,
tracts, or grave space shall be occupied for burial
purposes until the same has been paid for in full
and the cemetery sexton will permit no burials ex-
cept upon production by the applicant applying for
permission to bury, a receipt signed by the City
Treasurer showing payment of the scheduled price
of such lots or tracts so proposed to be utilized.
b. The schedule of prices of all lots, plots, tracts,
or parcels of land in the platted portion of said
cemetery property shall be fixed and adopted by
resolution of the City Council and filed in the
office of the City Clerk. Such schedule of prices
may be changed or altered by like resolutions of
the City Council from time to time, as in it's
judgment may be necessary or proper. No lots,
tracts, or grave space shall be sold, or disposed
of, for less than the price named in such schedule
which may be in force at the time of such sale, or
c. When interments or disinterments must be made,
notice shall be given in advance to the ceme-
tery sexton so as to give the city a reasonable
length of time in order to properly prepare the
d. Lots are sold for the burial of human remains
only. Interment, disinterment or removal will
normally take place on week days, but may be
permitted on Sunday, legal holidays, or Satur-
day afternoon.
e. When an interment is to be made the exact posi-
tion of the grave must be designated and this
order must be given in person, in writing, or by
the funeral director.
f. The interment of more than one body in one grave
will not be allowed except in cases of mother
and infant child, twin children, or two children
buried at the same time.
g. No disinterment will be allowed without the
written consent of one of the following in the
order named; the surviving spouse, the surviving
parents of the decedent, the surviving brother (s)
or sister (s) of the decedent. Where written con-
sent is not obtained, an order by the Superior
Court of Clallam County will be sufficient.
h. On the death of any owner of lots in the cemetery,
the heirs or assigns or devisees of such decedent
must, if required, furnish to and file with the
City satisfactory proof of their ownership, and
all such papers shall remain with the City.
Without such proof, ownership of such lot can-
not be recognized by the City. No transfer of
any lot or interest therein will be valid with-
out the consent of the City first being had and
endorsed on such transfer and the same shall
have been endorsed on the books of the City.
Any purchaser or lot owner may permit an inter-
ment of one not a member of his family, but an
heir may not give his permission without the
unanimous consent of all the lot owners. No
cemetery lot, tract, or grave space purchased
from the City of Port Angeles shall be resold
to'any purchaser, firm or corporation other than
the City. The City will, upon written applica-
tion, return the purchase price of any lot,
tract or grave space at the price originally
charged by the City.
i. Funerals while within the grounds shall be
under control of the sexton or his assistant.
j. All graves shall be opened and closed by City
Employees. A charge payable in advance, shall
be made for each opening and closing.
k. No interment will be permitted in the cemetery
without a reenforced concrete liner or approved
type of metal or concrete wall.
1. All graves will be sodded or seeded by the City
without charge to the lot owner when the grave
shall have thoroughly settled and have been made
level with the surface of adjoining lawn.
a. All work and care and improvements of lots shall
be done by employees of the cemetery. No lots
or graves shall be defined by small trees, shrubs,
roses, plants, fences, ropings, railings, or any
other markings which extend above the ground.
All marking of lot boundaries will be by corner
stone set by the cemetery sexton upon the lines
beounding the lots. Corner stones must not pro-
ject above the ground and must not be altered or
b. No iron work, wire work, seats, benches, boxes,
arbers, trellises, tripods, or objects of simi-
lar description will be allowed on lots except-
ing by permission of the City. Artifical flowers
will be permitted only from November 1 through
April 1.
c. In order to secure the best general appearance,
all planting not prohibited above shall be done
only in accordance with the established plan un-
der direction of the cemetery sexton. The City
reserves the right to exclude or remove from any lot
any headstone, monument, or other structure, trees,
plants, or any object whatsoever that my conflict
with the regulations of which the City may con-
sider injurious to the appearance of the grounds.
No trees, plants or flowers growing within any
lot shall be removed or trimmed without the con-
sent of the sexton.
d. The City reserves the right to lay out, alter
or vacate avenues, walks and roads, to estab-
lish the grades of avenues, walks, and roads
and to change these rules and regulations as
may be deemed necessary and proper by the City
to secure and promote general interest of the
cemetery and not notice of such intended action
shall be required.
e. All headstones or markers excepting in section
"L" shall be flush with the existing ground level.
All monuments must be set on line according to
the cemetery survey. All headstones, and markers
will be set upon a concrete base to extend not
less than six inches on all four sides. Head-
stones or markers in section "L" may extend to
a height not to exceed six inches.
The installation of all headstones, and markers
will be by cemetery crews only. All foundations
must be of concrete compose of Portland cement,
clean sharp sand and crushed rock, in the pro-
portions of one part cement, three parts of sand
and five parts of crushed rock. Foundations for
head stones and markers must be at least four
inches deep. All foundations must be flush with
the ground level.
f. In crematory section all markers must be flush
with the ground.
a. Persons with dogs or firearms will not be per-
mitted to enter the grounds, except that this
shall not apply to use of firearms in any mil-
itary service.
b. No vehicle other than for cemetery purpose shall
be driven in any part of the cemetery except on
the driveways laid out for that purpose. Auto-
mobiles shall not be driven in the cemetery at
a speed exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour.
No vehicle shall be driven or parked within any
part of the cemetery between the hours of sun-
set and sunrise of each day. Any person violat-
ing this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be published by a fine not to exceed
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and confinement
within the city jail not to exceed thirty days
or both such fine and imprisonment.
c. Soliciting for monumental or other kind of work
will not be permitted on the cemetery grounds.
Signs and advertisement of every description
are strictly prohibited in any part of the
d. Lot owners, purchasers, visitors or other persons
are prohibited from giving gratuities to any em-
ployee for service rendered. Employees accepting
same shall be immediately discharged.
e. Picking flowers, breaking or injuring trees, or
shrubs, or in any way injuring any monument or
headstone is prohibited. Any person violating
this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and punished as provided in section b hereof.
f. The City Council shall have the right to make
exceptions to the foregoing rules when deemed
advisable for the best interest of the property;
such exception shall not be considered as re-
scinding or waiving any of these rules. Any
waiver that may be made by the City Council
shall not be or be considered to be a continuing
waiver and shall not bar the City Council from
enforcing the usual rules and regulations at any
later time it may desire to do so.
g. Lost and found articles are to be urned in to
the City Clerk's Office.
h. All paper, rubbish, dead flowers and floral
pieces must be deposited by the person re-
sponsible therefor in receptacles provided for
the purpose.
i. Receptacles for cut flowers must be sunk level
with the ground to insure the safety of such
articles and to facilitate the cutting of grass
from the grave. Tin cans, glass jars, or boxes
are prohibited. Proper receptacles may be pur-
chased and installed from the cemetery sexton
at established prices. The City reserves the
right to remove and dispose of all unapproved
receptacles without notice to plot owners.
Further, the City will not be responsible for
anything placed upon graves which may be lost
or misplaced.
a. No lots or graves shall be sold in the Ocean
View Cemetery without perpetual care.
b. The City does not bind itself to maintain, re-
pair or replace any grave markers or monumental
structures erected upon the lots. If such re-
pairs or replacements are desired by the lot
owner, such repairs and replacements will be
made by the cemetery crew at established rates
or at figures agreed upon by the lot owner and
the sexton, all payments to be made to the City
Ordinance number 1311 and all other Ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council
held -on the"'2nd day of December , 1975.
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City Clerk
APPP.OVED as form:
City Attorney ���