HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915ORDINANCE NO./q/ 5
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles Establishing
a Comprehensive Animal Control Program Amending and
Repealing Ordinances and Portions of Ordinances and
the Municipal Code in Conflict.
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles to establish reasonable rules and regulations to govern the control of
animals within the city for the general welfare of all its citizens.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do
ordain as follows:
Section I - Index and Definitions.
A. Index: This Ordinance shall consist of the following four-
teen sections:
I Index and Definitions
II Enforcement of Ordinance
III Licensing Procedures for Dogs
IV Cruelty or Injury to Animals
V Abandoned or Wild Animals
VI Slaughtering Animals
VII Disposal of Dead Animals
VIII Citizen Complaints
IX Violations
X Redemption from Impoundment; Disposition upon Failure
to Redeem
XI Animal Control Records and Revenues
XII Penalties
XIII Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
XIV Severability
B. Definitions: Words used in this Ordinance shall have the
following meanings:
1. Abandoned Animal: An animal is abandoned when deliberately
left in any location without any provisions for care and feeding
of such animal and without any provisions for returning animal
to the owner or custodian.
2. Animal: Any live, vertebrate creature, domestic or wild.
3. Animal Shelter: Any facility operated by a humane society,
or municipal agency, or its authorized agents for the purpose
of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority
of this ordinance or state law.
4. Animal Control Officer: Any person designated by the
State of Washington, the City of Port Angeles or any other
municipality, or a humane society as a law enforcement officer
or who is qualified to perform such duties under the laws of
this State.
5. Owner: Any person, partnership, or corporation owning,
keeping or harboring one or more animals. An animal shall be
deemed to be harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three
consecutive days or more;
6. Vicious Animal: Any animal or animals that constitute a
physical threat to human beings or other animals.
7. Wild Animal: Any live monkey (non -human primate), raccoon,
skunk, fox, poisonous: snake, leopard, panther, tiger, lion,
lynx, or any other warmblooded animal which can normally be
found in the wild state.
Section II - Enforcement of Ordinance
The Animal Control Officer, under the direction of the City
Manager and Chief of Police, is hereby charged with the primary enforcement
of this ordinance. The acts, conduct and events in this ordinance defined
and denominated as public nuisances, are hereby declared to be public nui --
sances and any person who creates, causes or permits the existence of such
shall be guilty of a misdeameanor. The acts and conduct in this ordinance
defined and declared to be unlawful are hereby declared to be misdemeanors
or gross misdemeanors as the case may be.
(a) The Animal Control Officer shall issue citation to animal
owners who are in violation of this ordinance and, if necessary, supply
evidence or testimony. needed to prosecute the case in the appropriate Court
of jurisdiction.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, attempt
to intimidate or in any manner, hinder, molest, or abuse any animal control
officer engaged in the enforcement of this ordinance. Violation of this sub-
section shall constitute a gross misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine
not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than six
months or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section III - Licensing Procedures for Dogs
A. Licenses Required
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or have in
possession or control in the City any dog of either sex more
than four months old without having first obtained a license
therefor. Seeing Eye Dogs for the Blind, owned and kept by a
blind individual, shall be exempt from the licensing provisions
of this ordinance.
B. License Fees
1. Fees for dogs licensed prior to April 1st of each year or
within thirty (30) days from change of ownership shall be:
(a) Male dogs $4.00
(b) Spayed female dogs 4.00
(c) Unspayed female dogs 12.00
2. Fees for dogs licensed after April 1st of each year or
beyond thirty (30) days from change of ownership shall be:
(a) Male Dogs $6.00
(b) Spayed female dogs 6.00
(c) Unspayed female dogs 14.00
3. License fees for dogs apprehended and impounded without a
license shall be:
(a)° Male dogs °.$8.00
(b) Spayed female dogs 8.00
(c) Unspayed female dogs 24.00
License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the dog(s).
4. It shall be the responsibility of the dog owner to present
evidence that his dog is either a male or spayed female as
specified in Subsection C, below.
C. Application for Dog Licenses shall be made at the Office of
the City Treasurer. Information required for a dog license:
(1) Name, address and telephone number of the dog owner.
(2) Address where dog will be kept if different from owner's
(3) Name of dog, breed of dog, if known.
(4) Sex of animal, whether spayed or unspayed.
(5) Certification that the animal has been spayed shall be fur-
nished by owner of the dog. Certification will be considered
acceptable if obtained from a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine,
licensed animal breeder, licensed pet vendor, or Animal Control
D. Visitors
The license requirements of this ordinance do not apply to
non - residents residing within the City less than 30 days.
After thirty (30)days a license shall be required.
E. License Tags
The license required shall consist of a metal tag of a size
and shape suitable to be attached to the collar of the animal
for which issued, shall be serially numbered commencing with the
number one each year and shall bear the number of the year for
which issued. Such license shall be for a period of one year,
shall be due on January first of each year and shall expire
December thirty -first of the year of issue. All licenses
issued for dogs of either sex shall be permanently attached to
the collar or harness of and worn by the animal for which
issued until such license shall have expired. It shall be
unlawful for the owner or custodian of any dog to allow the
same to run at large without having permanently attached to a
suitable collar or harness worn by such dog, the current metal
license tag issued for such dog. Any dog without such a license
tag is hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be impounded,
with the owner being subject to fees specified in Paragraph 3,
Subsection B, above.
F. Transfer of License Tag
It is unlawful to remove a valid license tag from a properly
licensed dog for use on a dog not licensed.
G. Counterfeiting License Tags
It is unlawful to counterfeit any license tag to use in evading
the purchase of a license tag.
SECTION IV Cruelty or Injury to Animals
A. Injuring animal with vehicle. No person shall willfully in-
jure, beat, abuse or run down any animal with a vehicle. Any person who
kills or injures any animal while driving a vehicle shall stop at the scene
of the accident and render such assistance as practicable; shall make
reasonable efforts to locate and identify himself to the owner or to any
person having custody of the animal and shall report the accident
immediately to the police department or animal control officer.
B. Feeding and care of animals: It shall be unlawful for any
person to keep or harbor an animal within the city withoutproviding a
suitable dry place for the housing thereof or to fail to provide a
suitable amount of wholesome food and clean water for the nutrition and
comfort thereof or to leave the premises upon which such animal is
confined or to which it customarily returns -- for more than 24 hours with-
out providing for the feeding and care of such animal in the absence of
such person.
C. Poisoning of animals. It shall be unlawful to lay out or ex-
pose any kind of poison or to leave exposed any poisoned food or drink
for man, animal or fowl or any substance or fluid whatever whereon or
wherein there is or shall be deposited or mingled any kind of poison
or poisonous or deadly substance of fluid whatever on any premises
or in any unenclosed place, or to aid or abet any person in so doing;
except that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the
killing by poison of an animal or bird in a lawful and humane manner by
the owner thereof or by a duly authorized servant or agent of such owner,
or by a person acting pursuant to instructions from a duly constituted
public authority, in accordance with the exceptions provided in RCW
D. Injury to Animals or Neglect of Insured Animal.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
1. Willfully and cruelly injure or kill any animal by any
means causing it fright or pain.
2. By reason of neglect or intent to cause or allow any
animal to endure :pain, suffering, or injury or to fail or
neglect to aid or attempt alleviation of pain, suffering
or injury such person has caused to any animal.
3. Immature Animals. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to sell, offer for sale, barter, or give
away baby chickens, ducklings, or other fowl, under three
weeks of age, as pets, toys, premiums or novelties or to
color, dye, stain or otherwise change the natural color of
baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl, or rabbits or to
bring or transport the same into the ,State, County or City,
provided, however, that this Act shall not be construed to
prohibit the sale or display of such baby chickens, duck-
lings, or other fowl, or such rabbits, in proper facilities
by breeders or stores engaged in the business of selling for
purposes of commercial breeding and raising.
SECTION V Abandoned or Wild Animals
A. Abandoned Animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to aban-
don within the City of Port Angeles any animal by leaving
such animal on the street, road, or other public property or
upon private property without the express consent of the owner.
Any animal found to be abandoned and whose owner cannot be
located may be disposed by the City or an agent working on
behalf of the City. Any animal caught without any readily
available method of identification, such as a license tag shall,
for the purposes of this ordinance, be considered as an
abandoned animal. Any person who is apprehended and convicted
of vio.latingthis section shall be punished by a fine and shall
also pay for any cost incurred by the City in caring and dis-
posing of the abandoned animal.
B. Wild Animals. The Animal Control Officer shall assist any .
resident in the control or extermination of wild animals that
may be causing damage to the said resident. Any assistance
shall only be at the direct request of the property owner.
Any such animal impounded shall either be destroyed or re-
leased in a wilderness area.
SECTION VI Slaughtering Animals
The keeping or yarding of any cattle, or the slaughtering of any animal
or livestock within the city, or the rendering of the offal, fat, bones,
or scraps from such 'animals, or any carcass, or any animal matter
whatever, or the establishment and maintenance and carrying on the
business of yarding cattle and animals, or of slaughtering animals
for food or packing them for market, or rendering and disposing of
their carcass or of any animal matter whatever, in any of the several
branches of said kinds of business, is hereby declared a nuisance;
provided, however, that upon written petition and application, accom-
panied by the approval of the city health officer, the City Council
may grant a permit or license for the carrying on of the business and
doing of the things herein prohibited. The right under such license
or permit to be exercised underregulations prescribed by the city
health officer and subject to inspection by him.
SECTION VII Disposal of Dead Animals -- Generally.
Any person in possession of dead animals shall dispose of same in the
manner provided in this section. The carcasses of dead animals shall
be removed and disposed of by burial, incineration or other proper
method within twenty -four hours after. death. If the carcass is buried,
it shall be so placed that every part thereof shall be covered by at
least two feet of earth and at a location not less than one hundred
feet from any well, spring, or stream and in a place not subject to
overflow by the surface waters. In all cases of death from communicable
disease, the carcass, if disposed of by burial, shall first be enveloped
in unslackened lime.
SECTION VIII Citizen Complaints
A complaint alleging violation of this ordinance may be filed with the
Police Department on a form to be supplied by the Police Department,
setting forth all known information. The Animal Control Officer shall
investigate all complaints and attempt to resolve the complaints.
SECTION IX Violations
A. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of any dog to cause,
permit or allow such dog to roam, run, stray, or to be away from
the premises of such owner or custodian and to be on any public
place, or on any public property, or the private property of another
in'the City of Port-Angeles, unless such dog while away from such
premises be under dontrol. Any dog found roaming, running, stray-
ing, or being away from such premises and not under control as
herein provided may be impounded subject to redemption in the
manner provided by ordinance. "Under control" for the purpose of
this ordinance shall mean the dog is on a leash, or at "heel"
beside a competent person at a distance not to exceed twenty feet
from such person and obedient to such person's command, or on or
within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets, or within
the property limits of its owner or keeper..
B. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of an animal to bring
or allow an animal to enter any public place which has as its
primary purpose the storage, selling, preparation or serving of food
to the public. This paragraph is not applicable to individuals
using trained seeing -eye dogs.
C. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of an animal to fail
to clean up or be responsible for any deposits of animal waste or
damage while on public property or private property not belonging
to the owner or custodian of the animal.
D. It is unlawful to keep, use or maintain within the City, any
pen, stable, lot, place, building or premises in which any hogs,
horses, cattle, or fowl may be confined, or kept in such manner as
to be nauseous, fowl, offensive, dusty, or aesthetically displeasing,
or, as from any cause to be an annoyance to the community or neigh-
E. A female domesticated animal while in heat (estrus) accessible
more than one day to other animals for purposes other than controlled
and planned breeding is a public nuisance.
F. Any domesticated animal which habitually chases or runs after
vehicles using the public streets and alleys is a public nuisance.
G. Any domesticated animal which habitually snaps, growls, snarls,
jumps upon or otherwise threatens or frightens persons using the
public sidewalks, streets, alleys or other public ways is a public
H. Any animal which has repeatedly exhibited vicious propensities
and which constitutes a danger to the safety of persons or property
off its premises or lawfully on its premises is a public nuisance.
I. An animal with vicious propensities which habitually runs at
large, or which is repeatedly off its owner's premises not securely
leashed on a line or confined or under the control and restraint of a
person of suitable age and discretion is a public nuisance.
J. Any domesticated animal which by frequent or habitual howling,
yelping, whining, or barking or other oral noises unreasonably
annoys or disturbs other persons in the vicinity of the premises or
upon the public street is a public nuisance.
K. Any domesticated animal which repeatedly enters upon other persons
properties without the permission of such persons is a public
L. Animals repeatedly staked, tethered, or kept on public property
without prior written consent of the animal control authority are
a public nuisance.
M. Animals repeatedly on any public property not under control by
the owner or other competent person are a public nuisance.
N. Animals kept, harbored or maintained and known to have a
contagious disease unless under the treatment of a licensed veterin-
arian are a public nuisance.
0. Dogs habitually running in packs are a public nuisance.
P. Any animal or animals which repeatedly trespasses on school
grounds or repeatedly attack other animals are a public nuisance.
SECTION X Redemption from Impoundment; Disposition Upon Failure
Of Owner To Redeem
A. Redemption of Animal. Any impounded animal shall be held for
a period of at least forty -eight (48) hours, provided that at least
six (6) hours of the forty -eight shall be within the normal business
hours of the shelter, during which period the owner or custodian
thereof may redeem and regain custody thereof by paying the City
any license fee that may be due for such animal, plus a penalty of
$10, plus $3 per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs
incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an animal. Provided,
that one of the following .conditions does not prevail:
1. If any animal so impounded shall be suffering from injury
or disease of such nature as to require the services of a
veterinarian, the same shall not be released from the shelter
or other place where the same may be held except to a licensed
veterinarian, or veterinary hospital of the owner's choice and
upon an indication of the willingness of the owner to assume
the fees for the necessary treatment.
2. Any animal suffering from any incurable injury or disease
or any disease or condition which shall cause the same to be a
menace to public health or safety shall be destroyed by the
custodian of the shelter in a humane manner and disposed of in
such manner as to properly safeguard and protect the public
health and safety.
B. Disposition of Animal After Failure to Redeem
Any impounded animal not suffering as provided in the previous
section shall, after being held for forty -eight (48) hours, be
humanely destrayed by the custodian of the shelter: provided, that
in the discretion of the County Humane Society, such animal may be
held for a reasonable period in excess of forty -eight (48) hours
for purposes of redemption. At any time during the period of
discretionary holding, any person may redeem such animal by payment
of the required license fee, penalties and boarding costs. Be it
further provided that no live animal be used for experimentation
SECTION XI Animal Control Records and Revenues
A. City Treasurer Records. The City Treasurer shall maintain
accurate records on the number of licenses sold and revenues re-
received by category of male, spayed female and unspayed female dogs.
B. Animal Control Officer Records. The Animal Control Officer
shall maintain accurate records and submit a monthly report to the
City Council and City Manager on the following items:
1. Number of complaints received.
2. Number of animals apprehended by type.
3. Number of animals redeemed.
4. Number of animals destroyed.
5. Number of citations issued.
C. Revenues. All revenues received from the animal control pro-
gram shall be deposited in and become a part of the General Fund of
the City.
Except as otherwise provided, every person who is convicted of a
violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by
a fine of not more than $250. Each day of continuing violation
without any attempt to terminate such violation shall be a separate
offense and subject to punishment as such. On a second or subsequent
conviction within a five -year period any person convicted of an
offense involving cruelty to animals shall be punished by a fine of
not less than $100 nor more than $250, which fine shall not be
suspended, deferred or otherwise mitigated.
SECTION XIII Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
The following ordinances and provisions of the Municipal Code or
portions thereof as indicated, copies of which ordinances are
attached hereto and are by this reference incorporated herein as
though fully set forth, are hereby revoked and are of no further
force or effect, or are amended as the case may be:
§ 2 of 1317
§ 3 of 1221
§ 2 of 673
§ 7 of 1221
$ 25 of §1 of 673
§ 9 of 1221
§ 10 of 1221 ]
§ §11 and 15 of 1221
§ 3 of 1317
§ 4 of 1317
§ 12 of 1221
§ 1 of 1221
§ 1 of 1317 ]
1645 ]
§ §1 and 6 of 1221 ]
§4.3 7.16.030
4.7 7.24.010
4.9 7.28.010
4.10 7.28.030
4.11 7.04.010
4.12 7.04.020
4.13 7.04.030
4.17 7.04.040
4.16 7.08.030
4.18 7.12.010
] 4.19 7.12.020
§ 1 of 1317 ]
§ 4 of 1221 4.20 7.16.070
§ 5 of 1221 4.21 7.28.020
§ 8 of 1221 ]
] 4.22 7.08.040
§ 2 of 1585 ]
§ 1 of 1585 (none) 7.16.080
§ 10 of 1327 15.16 8.24.010
§ 13 of 1221 15.17 8.24.020
§ §3, 6 and 7 of 393 17A.3, 17A.4 and 17A.5 (none)
SECTION XIV Severability
If any provision of this ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or
the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is
not affected.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after
its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved
by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on the
day of
, 1977 .
Carleton B. Olson, Mayor
Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
C. T. Walrath, City Attorney
Published: March 3O.. 1977
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AN ORDINANCE relating to dogs -and cats in the City of Port
Angeles, fixing license fees therefore, declaring a nuisance., pro-
viding for a City Pound, providing for the enforcement of this ordi-
nance and for the disbursement of funds therefore, fixing penalties,
repealing ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,
and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. That from and after the effective date of this
ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep_or have
in possession or control in the City of Port Angeles any dog or cat
of either sex more than six months old without having first obtained
a license therefore as herein provided. Such license shall be issued
by the City Clerk upon payment to him of the following fees:
Male and spayed female dogs $2.00
Female dog 3.00
Cat of either sex .50
Such license shall consist of a metal tag of a size and shape suit-
able to be attached to the collar of the animal for which issued,
shall be serially numbered commencing with the number one each year
and shall bear the number of the year for which issued. Such li-
cense shall be for a period of one year, shall be due on January 1st
of each year and shall expire on December 31st of the year of issue.
All licenses issued for dogs of either sex shall be permanently at-
tached to the collar or harness of and .worn by the animal for which
issued until such license shall have expired. Before issuing any
don; or cat license, the City Clerk shall take from the applicant
therefore an application in writing which shall state the breed, age,
sex, and general description as to color, weight and characteristics
and give the name, if any, of the animal for which said license is
a :if"-
being issued, and the serial number of the license tag to be issued
therefore, and shall be signed by the applicant.
Section 2. There is hereby established for the City of Port
Angeles a Pound for the restraint, care and destruction of dogs,
cats and other animals taken up for violation of an y ordinance of
said City, which Pound shall be located at such place as the City
Commission. of said City shall, from time to time, designate.
Section 3. It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian
of any dog or cat to suffer or permit such animal to trespass upon
any private property in the City of Port Angeles in such manner as
to damage, injure or destroy such property, and any dog or cat so
trespassing is hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be impounded
as such.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian
of any female dog or cat to permit the same to run at large in the
City of Port Angeles while in heat, and it shall be the duty of such
owner. or custodian to so confine such animal that it will not be a
nuisance or annoyance to other persons during such period. Any such
female dog or cat found to be running at large or improperly confined
during such period of heat is hereby declared to be a nuisance and
may be impounded.
Section 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to suffer or
permit within the City of Port Angeles any dog or cat in their
possession or under their control to bark or howl or to in any manner
make or create any obnoxious noise or disturbance or do any other act
or thing to the annoyance of any person or persons, or to keep, har-
bor or maintain any dog or cat so doing. Any such dog or cat is
hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be impounded.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for the o•;.ner or custodian
of any dog to allow the same to run at large in the City of Port
Angeles without having permanently attached to a suitable collar or
harness worn by such dog the current metal license tag issued for
such dog. Any dog so running at large without such license tag is
hereby declared to be a nuisance and may be impounded.
Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, har-
bor or maintain any vicious or dangerous animal at any place within
the City of Port Angeles. It shall be the duty of the Clallam County
Humane Society, with the assistance of the Police Department of the
City of Port Angeles in such cases as may be necessary, to kill or
otherwise properly dispose of any such animal found within the City.
of Port Angeles. The Police Judge of the City of Port Angeles shall
have authority to, in his discretion, and in addition to any other
penalty imposed for the violation of this section, order any such
animal killed or otherwise properly disposed of and assess the cost
and expense thereof as an additional penalty to be taxed and
collected as any other fine or cost in such case. •
Section 8. Any dog or cat impounded for a violation hereof
shall. be held for a period of at least 48 hours during which period
the owner or custodian thereof may redeem and regain custody there-
of by paying to the City of Port Angeles any license fee that may be
due for such animal plus a penalty of <'l.00. Any dog or cat held so
impounded more than 48 hours may be so redeemed by the payment of
the sum of 50¢ for each 24 hours that such animal has been held in
excess of 48 hours, in addition to all other license fees and penal-
ties herein provided for. Provided, however, that if any dog or cat
so impounded shall be suffering from injury or disease of such nature
as to require the services of a veterinarian, the same shall not be
released from the Pound or other place ::here the same may be held ex-
cept to a licensed veterinarian for treatment. Any impounded dog or
cat suffering from any incurable injury or disease or any disease or
condition which shall cause the same to be a menace to public health
or safety shall be destroyed by the custodian of the Pound in a
humane manner, and disposed of in such manner as to properly safe -
guard and protect the public health and safety. Any impounded dog
or cat not suffering as above provided shall, after being held for
48 hours, be humanely destroyed by the custodian of the Pound: pro-
vided, however, that in the discretion of the Clallam County Humane
Society, such animal may be held for a reasonable period in excess
of 48 hours for purposes of redemption. At any time during the
period of such discretionary holding, any person may redeem such
animal by payment of the license fees and penalties herein provided
Section 9. That the Clallam County Humane Society, a corpora-
tion organized under and existing by virtue of the laws of the State
of Washington (Chapter 146, Laws of 1901, Remington's Revised Stat-
utes, sections 3184 to 3206), be, and it is hereby, employed by the
City of Port Angeles and appointed the agent of said City for the
purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance, and all other
ordinances of the City of Port Angeles relating to the same subjects,
and all powers and duties of enforcement of the terms of such ordi- •
nances, which have heretofore been or now are vested in the City of
Port Angeles or any of its officers or employees, are hereby dele-
gated to and vested in the said Clallam County Humane Society. Such
powers shall include the power of arrest in so far as the same is
granted to the members, officers and employees of such Humane Society
by the laws of the State of 'rashin ;ton. All license tags, licenses,
receipts; application forms and all other material and supplies of
every kind and character necessary or proper for the issuing of dog
and cat licenses, for the feeding and care of impounded animals, or
for the enforcement of any of the provisions, of this ordinance,
,shall be furnished to the City of Port Angeles by the Humane Society
without cost or expense to the City. All buildin ;s, except as here-
inafter provided, all furnishings and equipment, all vehicles and
all labor and material for the operation or maintenance of them shall
be supplied by the Humane Society without cost to the City. The
Humane Society shall, at its own expense, supply and pay all person-
nel necessary or proper for the carrying out of the objects and pur-
poses and the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance. All
license fees and penalties herein provided for shall be paid to the
City Treasurer, who shall hold the same in a separate fund for pay-
ment to the Humane Society as herein provided.
Section 10. Any enforcement officer employed by the Clallam
County Humane Society for the purpose of enforcing the licensing .
provisions of this ordinance is hereby designated and appointed as
a Deputy City Clerk for the purpose of collecting license
fees e..ly,
and shall serve as such without-pay from the City of Port Angeles.
Such officer shall have authority to collect license
and cats under the provisions of this ordinance, and
cations for such licenses, and,
issue receipts for such payment
officer shall keep accurate and
ceived by him for such licenses
for dogs
to take appli-
upon payment of the license fees, to
and to issue such licenses.
complete records of all monies re-
and all licenses issued and shall,
or the first day of each month, nay to the City Treasurer all monies
so collected and deliver to the City Clerk all applications for li-
censes taken by him and copies of all receipts issued for license
fees during the preceding month. Such officer shall be bonded to
the City of Port Angeles for the faithful performance of his duties
and the accurate accounting for of all monies collected by him, such
bond to be in the sum of 1,000',00.
Section 11'. As compensation to the Humane Society for the
furnishing of the various items herein required by it to be furnished
and supplied, and the discharge of the duties herein delegated, the
City of Port Angeles shall pay to the IHumane Society all license
fees and penalties collected by said City under the provisions of
this ordinance. such payments shall be made on the tenth day of
each calendar month, at Which time there shall be paid to the Humane
Society all such fees and penalties collected by the City subsequent
to January 1, 1950, and then remaining unpaid. In addition to the
foregoing pa:nents and as additional compensation to the Humane
Society for the, performance of the duties herein delegatedtc it, the
City shall pay to such corporation the sum of ,h�1,500.00 appropri-
ated for such purpose in the 1950 budget of the City of Port Angeles,
which payments shall be made on the following dates and in the follow
ing amounts: 050.00 on February 10, 1950; 250.00 on karch 10, 1950
and 1Q100.00 on the tenth day of each of the next succeeding five
months until_ the entire sum of ti 1,500.00 so appropriated shall have
been expended. The City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is here-
by authorized to issue and the Treasurer•of said City is hereby
authorized to pay the warrants necessary to accomplish the payments
by the City above provided for.
Section 12. There is hereby granted to the Clallam County
humane Society during the time that it shall continue to discharge
the duties and obligations herein - imposed upon it, the use, manage-
ment and control of the City Pound heretofore maintained by the City
of Port Angeles, including all equipment now thereon or used in con-
nection therewith. In consideratioh'of the use of such premises and
equipment, the 'HIumane society shall, without cost or expense to the
City, defray all cost of the upkeep, maintenance, repair and replace-
ment thereof.
Section 13. In addition to any other duties herein specified,
it shall be the duty of the humane Society to gather up, remove and
properly dispose of any dead animals found in the City of Port
Suction 14. Any person violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ti25.00.
Section 15. This ordinance shall not be construed to require
the payment by the City to the Clallam County Humane Society of any
fines or court costs levied and assessed by the Police Judge of said
City for the violation of this or any other ordinance of the City of
Port Angeles. Provided, however, that the cost of killing or other-
wise properly disposing of any vicious or dangerous animal assessed
.by the Police Judge as provided in Section 7 hereof, shall, if said
animal has been so killed, or disposed of by the Humane Society, be
paid to said Humane Society in the same manner as other penalties
herein provided for.
Section 16. This ordinance shall not becoine effective until
the Clallam County Humane Society shall have filed with the City
Clerk a written acceptance, signed by'the proper officers of such
corporation, accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions
Section 17. The following ordinances and parts of ordinances
of the City of Port Angeles, to wit: Ordinance No. 143, Ordinance
No. 284, Ordinance Fo. 391, Paragraph 11 of Section 1 and Section 4
of Ordinance No. 673, Section 50 of Ordinance No. 971, Ordinance No.
1162, Ordinance No. 1205 and all other ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.
Section 10. It is hereby declared that this ordinance is
necessary for innedia e preservation of the public health, peace
and safety of the population of the City of Port Angeles, and that
an emergency exists, and that this ordinance shall be effective im-
mediately upon its passage and publication as provided by law and
the filing of the acceptance hereof by the Clallam County fumane
Society as herein provided.
Passed first reading by the City Commission
Passed second reading by the City Commission
Passed third reading and adopted by the City Commission
f/4-61-6{,4i - , 1950.
Approved and signed by the iviayor Q. tty , 1950.
Q e.
U City Clerk
City Attorney
u. 61 s% e J
AN ORDINANCE pertaining to regulations and control of dogs and cats anrj
other pet animals, prescribing new license fees, and amending Sections One (1)
and Three (3) of Ordinance No. 1221 and adding Section Nineteen (19) to Ordinance
No. 1221.
Section 1. That Section One (1) of Ordinance No. 1221 be amended to
read as follows:
"Section 1. That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance is
shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or have in possession or control in
the City of Port Angeles any dog or cat of Dither sex more than four (4) months
old without having first obtained a license therefor as herein provided. Such
license shall be issued by the Clallam County Humane Society as the agent of this
City, upon payment to their representative of tho following fees:
Male and Spayed Female dogs 3.00
Unspayed Female dogs 4.00
Cats 1.00
If paid on or before April.lst of each year, or within Thirty (30) days
from change of ownership, the fee shall be: $2.00 — $3.00 and .50¢ respectively.
Such license shall consist of a metal tag of a size and shape suitable
be attached to the collar of the animal for Which issued, shall be serially nulr._::
ed commencing with the number one each year and shall bear the number of the yea:
for which issued. Such license shall be for a period of one year, shall be dus tr
January 1st of each year and shall expire December 31st of the year of issue. All
licenses issued for dogs of either sex shall be permanently attached to the, col_lae
or harness of and worn by the animal for which issued until such license shall
have expired."
Section 2. That Section Three (3) of „aid Ordinance No. 1221 be
amended to read as follows:
"Section 3. It shall be unlawful to suffer or permit any animal or fo.r'_
o trespass on private or public property so as to damage or destroy any property
or. thing of value and same is hereby declared to be a nuisance and any such anixreii
or fowl may be impounded by the poundmaster. Whenever it shall be affirmed in
rriting by three (5) or more persons having separate residences, or regularly
employed in the neighborhood that any animal or fowl is an habitual nuisance by
reason of trespassing, howling, barking or other noise, or damage to property,
being vicious, or by its actions potentially vicious or in any other manner
'Causing undue annoyance, the poundmaster, if he finds such nuisance to exist in
fact, shall serve notice upon the owner or custodian that such nuisance must be
abated:within forty (40) hours, after which the poundmaster shall decide whether
uch nuisance has been abated and if not, any such animal shall be impounded.
efusal to release to the poundmaster any such animal or fowl shall constitute a
Iviolation of this ordinance."
Section 5. That Section Eleven (11) of said Ordinance No. 1221 be
changed to read as follows:
"Section 11. As Compensation to the Humane Society for the furnishing of
the various items herein required by it to be furnished and supplied and the dis-
charge of the duties herein delegated, the City of Port Angeles shall pay to tho
!-Iumane Society all license fees and penalties collected by said Humane Society and
eposited with the City Treasurer under provisions of this Ordinance. Such pay- .
rents shall be made on the tenth day of each calendar month along with (1/12)
One Twelfth of the City's budget appropriation for the Huriane Society, if any.
The City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby authorized to issue and the
Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the warrants necessary to accomplish the
eayments by the City above provided for."
Section 4. That Section Nineteen (19) be added to said Ordinance No.
221 to read as follows:
"Section 19. An advisory committee of three members, shall be appointed,
ne by the Director of the Public Health, one by the Chief of Police and ono by
he poundmaster, subject to the approval by the City Council, each to serve for
ne year, to consider problems arising from the enforcement of this Ordinance."
INTRODUCED, November 19, 1953.
PASSED first reading November 19, 1953. I
PASSED SECOND reading, December J, 1953.
City Clerk
City Attorney /
Published: ) r r_7o
�-7 t w` GC_
AN ORDINANCE relating to public health and sanitation;
regulating the collection and disposal of garbage, refuse, trash,
off al and dead animals; providing for the establishment, maintenanc
and operation of a compulsory system of garbage collection and dis-
posal in the City of Port Angeles, making delinquent charges for
services performed a lien upon property; providing penalties for
the violation hereof; and repealing ordinances numbered 1129, 1163,
1227 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith.
Section 1. The ;maintenance of health and sanitation re-
quire, and it is the intention hereof to make the collection, re-
moval and disposal of garbage and refuse and dead animals within the
City of Port Angeles compulsory and universal.
DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of the ordinance, the
following definitions shall obtain (a) "Garbage" shall mean all solil
and semi -solid kitchen refuse subject to decay or putrefaction, and
all market waste of animal and vegetable matter which was intended
to be used as food, (b) "Trash" and "Refuse" shall mean all waste
matter not subject to decay or putrefaction which for the purpose of
this ordinance shall include ashes. (c) "Offal" shall mean waste
animal matter from butcher, slaughter or packing houses. (d) "Dead
Animals" shall mean all animals large or small, which may die or may
be killed for other than food purposes. (e) "Person" shall mean every
perscn, firm partnership, association, institution, and corporation.
The terms shall also mean the occupant and /or owner of the premises
for which service herein is rendered. (f) The term "Health Officer"
shall mean the City or County Health Officer as defined by the laws
of the State of Washington. (g) The term "Apartments" shall mean
any building in which more than one family unit resides.
Section 2. For the purpose of carrying into effect ne
provisions of this ordin ante, there is hereby created and establish
ed a department to be known as the City Sanitation Department.
.Section '''. The City 1a:3C1' shall appoint a suitable Dnd
1ifJed person as superintendent of the said City Sanitation 7-)e-
prt7rnt, and such superintendent shall have full charge and control
of Dll -;;ork provided fcr and contemplated by t7d_s ordinance. 7c
shall also have char;!e of all collections and enforcement of all
c'qerEcs for services rendered.
Section 4. Therc'is hereby created end established a
peciel fund to be designotcd end I:noun as the Sanitary Fund Lrto
1::lich all sums collected under this ordinance shall be depcsi-e• and
kept and from -,!hich all eptnses of the -dministration, la.cintenance
and operation of the. City Ssnitary Department shall be pcid.
SeCtion 5* It shall be the duty of every person in the
possession, charge, or control of ony flat, rooming house,
apartment house, trailer ca-p, hospital, hotel, school, club, restau
rant boarding house or eating place or in the pion, charge
or control of any public or private place of business or manufact-
uring establishment or any other place or premises 11171= garbael
refuse, trash or offal shall originate or be crated or accumulated
vithing the City o±' Port Anieles at all times from and after the dat
of this ordinance becomes effective, to keep or cause to be
portable containers of ai7roved .size, type and construction 2S 7-ere-
inafter provided, and to deposit or cause to be de-2ositcd thereln
such garbage, refuse, trash or effal c7cept as hereinafter rrovidPd.
It shall 1:e r.or.:17•.:lsouy to take a collection service Por
g,arbagel refuse, trash and offal provided by the City of Port nnEele
.Jithin the 1L -its of the City of Pout Angeles, e:Tcept os herein '020-
vided. 7very residence ,:!ithin the City of Fort Angeles receiving
•inter from the City '.Tater Depaxtment shall be billed fo7 the cell-
ectf.on of aerbage, trash, refuse and offal at the tome t'fne !71.7.07!".
residence is billed for 1:;eter, and shall ray for such callecton
service in thesa:.le manner and withIn the 7=0 of time as ore
rrovidcd for the payment of-c')orges for ':15t(7r flArniS17R(1 to such
TCSiRrICe. and at the nirimm rote hereinafter nrovided.
Section 6 The Superintendent of tc City -.1aitary
Denartmcnt, ';'ith such assistance of personnel and eclu:;.p-ment es :7hall
be furnished hip by the City of Port Angeles, shall collect, remove
and dispose of all garbage, refuse, trash and offal from hotels,
restaurants, boarding houses, eating places, apartment houses,
schools and hospitals, and in the business sectic;ls of the City as
may be necessary or as may be contracted for.
Section 7. All garbage and offal must be placed or kept
y the occupant of the premises in water tight garbage cans, con-
structed of metal or suitable alternate material with two handholds
nd covers; capacity to be not over 25 gallons per single residen-
t,i l unit and not ov =r 35 gallons capacity at hotels, apartments,
estaurants and other business locations.
Section 8. Trash and refuse must be deposited in suitable
of id containers not in excess-of 25 gallon capacity and when loaded
lot weighing more than 50 pounds, except as by special agreement wit
the Superintendent of the City Sanitary Department; provided that
rush and shrubbery trimmings may be tied in bundles not over six
eet in length and not over twenty -five pounds in weight. No sod
aill be handled by the City Sanitary Department.
Section 9. All garbage cans shall be placed at locations
'equiring a carrying distance of not over 15 feet from alleys when
he alleys are passable by trucks, and where alleys are not passable
y trucks they shall be placed at locations designated by the Super -
ntendent of the City Sanitary Department requiring not more than
5 feet carrying distance from the driveway or entrance to such prop -
rty. The decision of the Superintendent of the City Sanitary De-
artr:ent as to whether or not any given alley is passable by trucks
hall be binding and final.
Section 10. Any person in possession of dead animals
hall dispose cf same in the manner hereinafter provided. The car-
asses of dead animals shall be removed and disposed of by burial,
.ncineration or other proper method ;within 24 hours after death. If
he carcass is buried, it shall be so placed that every part there -
f shall be covered by at least two feet of earth and at a location
tot less than one hundred feet from any well, spring, or stream and
.n a place not subject to overflow by surface waters. In all cases
f death from communicable disease, the carcass, if dis-
posed of by burial, shall first be enveloped in unslac!;:ened lime.
Section 11. It nhall be unlawful for any person to ',urn,
dump, collect, removc cr in nny other mcnner dispose of Earbage and
offal u:on or over any of the streets, alleys, public places or
private property itbin the City of Port i;n7e1•s otherwinc than
os herein provided.
':Taste pe.per, bce:cal refuse end trash, debris, brush, leovc
crass wood and cutting,s from tree's, lawns, shrubs and gardens, (but
e::ce-)ting paper, coroerd or wood containers in commercial cuan-
tities), may bc burred on private property upon special permit from
the Chief of the Fire Department and not otherwise.
It shall be unlawful for any person to bury, burn or dump
waste paper, bons, leaves, trash, de:ris, crass, leaves, woods crd
cuttincs from trees, lawns, shrubs no Eardens upon the street,
alley or public place in the City of Port Angeles.
It shall be unlawful for nny person to collect or remove
any of the items mentioned in the next preceding paragraph hereof
over ary pib1ic street, alley or publjc way in the City of Port
:,ngeles e::cept by permission of the Superintendent of the City San-
itary Department.
12. Rates for the collection end disposal of garbage,
trash, refuse and offal sholl be the sum of Seventy-five Csnts
(75) 'per month for the first container end Fifty Cents (5Cc') per
renth fop each additicral cortaincr. Trcvided5 thnt any indigent
person nay sply to the City Council for relief from the e,oyment of
such collection rate, and if, upon the reco=ndation of ',.he Super-
intenc7:ent of the Sanitation Departmnt, the City Council shall find
that the a:plicant is an indigent person, and that the poyment cf
such collection charEcs -ill constiute an undue harip u:on such
epl:licont, the Council ericr such collecton scrvice rcn1e7cd
to the reF,iencc occupied 12y such indigent person without el=gc.
Section 1 ates for nervice et ell other :laces of res-
idence and business shall be such as arc agreed upon b; the oners
or occupants, and the Su.perintenckrt of the Sanitary Depart' "cntw In
the event of a d:isarrcement t:pon the amount to re charged t- erefore ,
the City Council of the City of Port Angeles hall have the risht to
the amount which shall be binding.
Section 14, All charges for the services to be rendered
crein shall be re-fable to the City Treasurer of the City of Port
rgeles at the office of the ',`titer Department; end if not paid on or
before ten Clays from date of bill, Such charges shall be delinquent.
Upon failure to pray such charres and upon delinouence the amount
thereof shall become a lien against the Tiroperty from which the
garbage collection service shall have been rendered. Such lien si=o1
b e made effective by filin g a notice thereof specifying the C
the pe_io^ covered by the charges end giving a legal descrJ_pticn of
the "premises at i._2--C'1 the service was rendered. Such a lien shall
be file) with the same official and 1•!ithin the time and shall be for, -
cloeed within the time and canner prescribed by la,l for filing end
foreclosing liens for labor and material. Such lien shall be prior
to any and all other liens and encumbrances filed subsequent to the
filing of such lien, but shall be subject to all general ta;;ea and
local = provc nt assessments, whether levied prior or subsequent
Section 15. The City Council is :uthori ~.ed tc from time
to tine acquire such edl:.:t : :ant and authorize the o.'7.Plo;y'"Snt of such
personnel to assist the Superintendent of the City ;unitary Depart-
ment 's in their judgement shell seem necessary or adv__aa ie 11
c:;pcnd_tures therefore shall be from he Sanitary Fund created under
section 1;. hereof.
Section 160 Any person viols,ti_g any of tIle 1' 'Gv._sicns
__crecf shall be p_?nicbcd by c fine not exceeding Cne i"a.indred (1rO0)
or by din rosonmcnt in the city jail for not more than t'"_'..:ty d.ayc7
or hy loth fine and improsn::'cr.t.
Section 17. That ordinance numbered 11Pr' entitled R.:n
CT'd _:c:' r cl_a t:_nE• to ]l! f' hca7 tl] 11 etc., pc •cd by t ;h City
onion the 27th day of.SeptelTher, and ordina,'Ine numbered
1163 entitled "An.Ordincnce relatin to public health and Sflni-
tation" etc., passcd by the City Comr1L7sion June 129 and Ord-
inance numbered 122?, entitled "An Ord4nance relatin to Public
3nd 3:,nitetion" etc., p:ssed_by the City Connission
::nd all other nc or parts of ordinances in cnnfl'!ct
ereiAth cre hereby repealed.
,Gction iC :kis ordinance is declared to be urr:ent and
leceary for the im7edte preervatien of the peace, health
J,nd s3fety of the resiOlents anc: people of said City of Port Anceles,
and shall take effect and be in force imediately upon, from ard
after its passa:e, approval and puMcetion.
Passed by the City Council May 20 ,195
Approved and siE:ned by the nayor
itj 7 crk
TPECT77.) As TO 7011.(7 !
C1 :;-7 Atte
May 20
1 r'
ru—VE ct Mddy 7, /71,/
City Clerk
City At rney
Pitbiished, p w? 1 g 1q.5-0,
AN ORDINANCE amending Sections 4.12 and 4.18 of the Code
of the City of Port Angeles with reference to the
Clallam County Humane Society and dogs and cats.
ANGELES that Sections 4.12 and 4.18 of the Code of the City of
Port Angles be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4.12. City Clerk to collect fees.
The City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is desig-
nated as the agent of the County Humane Society for collecting
license fees and issuing licenses. Ten per cent of the fees so
collected shall be paid to the City Treasurer to reimburse the
Sec. 4.18. Licenses—Required; fees.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or
have in possession or control in the city any dog or cat of either
sex more than four months old without having first obtained a li-
cense therefor. Such license shall be issued by the County Humane
Society as the agent of the.city, upon,payment to their representa-
tive of the following fees:
Annual License:
A. If payment made prior. to April 1 each year.
1. Male and ,: spayed female dogs $3.00
2. Unspayed female dogs 4.00
3. Cats 1.00
B. If payment made after April 1 each year and
animal was required to be licensed prior to
April 1.
1. Male and spayed female dogs $4.00 '
2. Unspayed female dogs 5.00
3. Cats 1.00
C. If animal is not required to be licensed
prior to April 1, the fees shall be those
provided in Section A above.
PASSED by the.City Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on
this .E /� 'day of , 1963.
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City A , ,r
PUBLISHED• .I'-} e c' %� i�l.L -3
AN ORDINANCE making it unlawful for the owner or custodian
of any dog to allow said animal to roam, run or stray
without being under control and amending Section 4.22
of the City Code with reference to redemption and im-
poundment. ? ` 1 �.�.►
Cis,{ � e� �. t : t`: r-+r�
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of
any dog to cause, permit or allow such dog to roam, run, stray,
or to be away from the premises of such owner or custodian and
to be on any public place, or on any public property, or the pri-
vate property of another in the City of Port Angeles, unless such
dog while away from such premises be under control. Any dog found
roaming, running, straying, or being away from such premises and
not under control as herein provided may be impounded subject to
redemption in the manner provided by ordinance. "Under control"
for.the purpose of this ordinance shall mean the dog is on a leash,
or at "heel" beside a competent person at a distance not to exceed
twenty feet from such person and obedient to such person's command,
or on or within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets,
or within the property limits of its owner or keeper.
Section 2. Section 4.22 of the Code of the City of Port
Angeles is amended to read as follows:
- -
"Sec. 4.22. Redemption from impoundment; disposfion
upon failure of owner to redeem.
Any impounded dog or cat shall be held for a period of
at least forty -eight hours, during which period the owner or cus-
todian thereof may redeem and regain custody thereof by paying the
city any license fee that may be due for such animal, plus a penalty
of $10.00. Any dog or cat held more than forty -eight hours may be
edeemed by the payment of the sum of $1.00 for each twenty -four
hours that such animal has been held in excess of iVl%y -eiyh -. .UJUib,
in addition to all other license fees and penalties; provided,
that if any dog or cat so impounded shall be suffering from injury
or disease of such nature as to require the services of a veterin-
arian, the same shall not be released from the pound or other place
where the same may be held except to a licensed veterinarian for
treatment. Any impounded dog or cat suffering from any incurable
injury or disease or any disease or condition which shall cause the
same to be a menace to public health or safety shall he destroyed
by the custodian of the pound in a humane manner and disposed of
in such manner as to properly safeguard and protect the public
health and safety.
Any impounded dog or gat .not suffering as above pro-
vided shall, after being held for forty -eight hours, be. humanely
destroyed by the custodian of the pound; provided, that in—the dis-
cretion of the county humane society, such animal may be held for a
reasonable period in excess of forty -eight hours for purposes of
redemption. At any time during the period of such discretionary
olding, any person may redeem such animal by payment of the re-
uired license fees and penalties."
PASSED by the City Council and approved by/its Mayor at a
egular meeting of the Council held on the. S` "day of 2
City Clerk
pproved as to form:
icR c. PfOF1 EtT
City Attorney
/6 't.5"
AN ORDINANCis amending certain license fees.
ANGELES as follows:
Sec. 4.18 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles is
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4.1E Licenses - Required; fees.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or
have in possession or control in the City any dog of
either sex more than four rionths•old without having
first obtained a license therefor. Such license shall
be issued by the county humane society as the agent of
the. City, upon payments to their representative of the
following fees:
(a) Male dogs
(b) Spayed female dogs
$ 4,00
(c) Unspayed female dogs 12.00
If paid on or before April 1st of each year or
within thirty (30) days from change of ownership, the
fees shall be three dollars, three dollars, and ten
dollars, respectively.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Fort Angeles
and approved by its Mayor at ,a regular sleeting of the Council
held on this 3rd day of October, 1903..
2 /`� / L'!`✓ /,/
B. B. I. :c :ELCE
City Clerk