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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Ordinance No. 1709 by rezoning
a portion of Block 320, Townsite of Port
Angeles, from PBP to RS -7.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port
Angeles has held a public hearing and recorded its recommendation
to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of
November 29, 1978; and
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental
Policy Act have been met; and
WHEREAS, the City Council after a public hearing finds
that said rezone would be in the best interests of the City and of
its citizens and in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan; now
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. The Official Zoning Map and Ordinance
No. 1709 are hereby amended to change the zoning of the following
described property from PBP to RS -7:
Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 320, Townsite of
Port Angeles.
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach
a copy of this ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a
certified copy of this ordinance with the Clailam County Auditor.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 5th day of
December, 1978.
PX:A) S: er)e-)L
Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
C. T. Walrath, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: /4, /97t
) ss
County of Clallam )
1, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
do hereby certify that the hereto attached
"City of Port Angeles Ordinance No. 2004, adopted by the City Council
December 5, 1978,"
is a true and correct copy of the document (s) indicated above.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ! day of /rJr,- <x(fr,i 19 17s
City.Clerk of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington .
November 30, 1978
TO: City Council �j�j�
FROM: Planning Department 01
RE: City of Port Angeles Rezone Request
The four city-owned lots which are the subject of this rezone
request are located at llth and "A" Streets, adjacent to Wolver-
ton Park. .The- Public Works Department proposes to sell or trade
these lots in order to acquire property needed for the realign-
ment of Race Street, and therefore has requested a zone change
from PBP to RS -7.
The Planning Commission held public hearings on November 8 and
November 29, 1978. At both hearings the possible use of the
lots as an extension of Wolverton Park was discussed; however,
the Park Department explained that the expansion would not be
desirable because the park is a "Tot Lot ", designed to be a
small play area for preschool children. The Commission voted
6-0, with one abstention, to recommend approval of the rezone
to RS-7, which is the same classification as other privately
owned property in the vicinity and in keeping with the Compre-
hensive Plan.
Environmental Review of the proposal resulted in issuance of a
Declaration of Nonsignificance.
Copies of the Planning Commission minutes, a vicinity map and
other background information are attached.
(If the Council adopts the ordinance approving the rezone, the
motion should include a reference to the Planning Commission
findings of fact.)
Planning Commission
Nov. 8, 1978, Page 4
rezone four lots from PBP.(Public Buildings
and Parks) to RS -7 (Single - family Residential) .
Location: West of "A" Street on the north side
of llth Street. RZ--78 (11) 2
Mrs. McDowell reviewed the -staff report reiterating that
the City proposes to dispose of these four lots as they
are not necessary for any forseeable public use.- The
area to the south, north and west is presently zoned RS-7.
Gene Barnes questioned the location of the lots in relation
to Wolverton Park. William Smith asked why the City does
not extend the existing park onto these lots.
Mr. Carr said the Park Department expressed no need for
these lots for park purposes.
Following the public hearing, Mrs. Tinkham moved to continue
consideration of the application at the next meeting and
asked staff to request a representative of the Park Depart-
ment be present. Mr. LaFerney seconded and the notion
carried 5 -1, Mr. Whidden voting no.
Planning CommissionIREZONE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Request to
Nov. 8, 1978, - rezone four lots from PJ3P (Public Buildings
and Parks) to RS-7 (Single- family Residential) .
Location: West of "A" Street on the north
side of llth Street. (Continued from Novem-
ber 8, 1978) . RZ -78 (11) 2
Mr. Carr noted the Commission had reviewed the staff report.
at the November 8 meeting and gave the Commissioners a
memorandum from Donald Frizzefl , Park Director, explaining
why the department does not desire the land..
During the public hearing, Bill Easley, Parks Department,
explained that the additional lots would not change the
type of the adjacent park; the area is not used enough to
warrant the expense of developing the lots for the park;
and that leaving the area in a. natural state leaves the
City open to liability.
Mr. Bennett moved to recommend approval of the rezone
request based on the fact that the Park Department in-
dicates they have no need for, the lots. Mr. Whidden
seconded and the motion carried 6-0, Mrs. Tinkham abstained.
Planning Department
- 107 North. Oak Street
Port Angeles, Washington
November. 2, 1978
City of Port Angeles Rezone Application RZ- 78(11)2
Rezone of four lots (0.64 acres) from PBP (Public Buildings -
Parks) to RS -7 Single Family Residence. .
The property is located at the northwest corner of Eleventh and
"A" Streets, east of a city playground. The playground and
Tu nwater ravine are zoned PBP, and the ren a5.nder of the surround-
ing property 13 zoned RS -7. . ._
The subject property is located in an area designated as an Urban
Environment in which small lots of 7000 to 9000 square feet will
occur, (See pages 17 and 19, Comprehensive Plan)
The City of Port Angeles proposes to sell or trade
as they are not necessary for any foreseeable public these four lots
this reason, it would be most appropriate to changetheezonFng to
the same classification as other adjacent privately -owned land,
This City - owned property, lots 17 thru 20, Block 320, was originally
purchased from the County, to make possible improvements of "A" Street,.
and the sanitary sewer facilities. The imprvvments were completed by 1964.
Since then, these lots have laid vacant and are subject to being placed .
back on the tax rolls.
Except for a Kiddie Play Area, these lots are completely surrounded
by an area zoned RS -7, and if rezoned, will not he in..conflict with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Because of a future construction project, which will call for the
realignment and improvement of Race Street, additional right of way will
be' required.
Negotiations are now underway, whereby the City will trade these
four(4)city lots for.that property needed for the construction of the
aforementioned realignment project.
c;. /a c6
yJ E. Parrish
C1ity Engineering
November 30, 1978
TO: City Council jJj�
FROM: Planning Department 01
RE: City of Port Angeles Rezone Request
The four city -owned lots which are the subject of this rezone
request are located at llth and "A" Streets, adjacent to Wolver-
ton Park. The.Public Works Department proposes to sell or trade
these lots in order to acquire property needed for the realign-
ment of Race Street, and therefore has requested a zone change
from PBP to RS -7.
The Planning Commission held public hearings on November 8 and
November 29, 1978. At both hearings the possible use of the
lots as an extension of Wolverton Park was discussed; however,
the Park Department explained that the expansion would not be
desirable because the park is a "Tot Lot ", designed to be a
small play area for preschool children. The Commission voted
6 -0, with one abstention, to recommend approval of the rezone
to RS -7, which is the same classification as other privately
owned property in the vicinity and in keeping with the Compre-
hensive Plan.
Environmental Review of the proposal resulted in issuance of a
Declaration of Nonsignificance.
Copies of the Planning Commission minutes, a vicinity map and
other background information are attached.
(If the Council adopts the ordinance approving the rezone, the
motion should include a reference to the Planning Commission
findings of fact.)
TO: Planning Commission -
FROM: Donald Frizzell, Parks i. Recreation Department c:07
DATE: November 27, 1978 -
SUBJECT: Rezone consideration of 4 lots located West of A Street on the
North side of llth Street from PBP to RS -7.
The Department has reviewed the concerned property in question and is
of the opinion the property is of slight or no value to Wolverton Park.
This consideration is based upon the following criterion:
1. The 4 lot addition would not provide enough. space to change the Park
classification from a Totlot to a Neighborhood Park. By definition, a..
Totlot is an area between 2,500 and 15,000 square feet to serve preschool
children participating in low form activity exclusively, separated from
older youth and higher activity forms i.e. baseball, football and soccer.
Currently Wolverton Park does not have adequate space to permit baseball
.without interference to abutting property owners and.street traffic.
The addition of these 4 lots would not correct the space shortage and
would only encourage these activity types within an area already small.
2. The 4 lot area is the lowest point within the block whereby creating a
natural drainage basin. The drainage correction would entail clearing
the area, back filling, constructing a subsurface drainage system,
applying top soil and seeding. All of which would make the improvements
more costly than the value of creating open space which does not change
the intended purpose of the Totlot.
3. At one time the area in question had been considered by the Department
to remain in natural state. .However over the past 22 years, the neigh-
borhood residents have become most disturbed towards the heavy under-
growth, fire possibilities during the dry season and vision obstructions
at street intersections, whereby the Department had. to apply labor
intensity clearup activities to satisfy the neighborhood complaints.
4. The comprehenside plan does not call for any additional Totlot ,open _
space. It does address larger areas within neighborhood B to include .
Tumwater Creek, Lincoln School property. and Stevens Middle School
In summary, because of the above.noted reasons it seems more reasonable
the lots will better.serve the Community by placing them back upon the tax
roll rather than increasing maintenance costs an unbenificial_ area. There-
fore the Department recommends the rezone_
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Ordinance No. 1709 by rezoning
a portion of Block 320, Townsite of Port
Angeles, from PBP to RS -7.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port
Angeles has held a public hearing and recorded its recommendation
to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of
November-29, 1978; and
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental
Policy Act have been met; and
WHEREAS, the City Council after a public hearing finds
that said rezone would be in the best interests of the City and of
its citizens and in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan; now
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. The Official Zoning Map and Ordinance
No. 1709 are hereby amended to change the zoning of the following
described property from PBP to RS -7:
Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 320, Townsite of
Port Angeles.
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach
a copy of this ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a
certified copy of this ordinance with the Clallam County Auditor.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 5th day of
December, 1978.
11 Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
C. T. Walrath, City Attorney