HomeMy WebLinkAbout2041ORDINANCE NO. a,..14/
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, providing for the improve-
ment of a certain area within the city
generally known as 14th & "K" by grading,
draining and paving of certain streets and
alleys therein, the construction of curbs
and gutters, and installation of sanitary
sewers and by doing all other work required
in connection with such improvements, all
pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 204
of the City passed and approved July 31, 1979
creating a local improvement district therefor,
providing for payment of the cost of said
improvements by special assessments upon the
property in said District, providing for the
creation of Local Improvement District No.
204 Fund and for the issuance and sale of
local improvement district warrants and notes
or bonds.
WHEREAS, on July 31, 1979, the Council of the City of
i'ort Angeles, Washington, adopted its Improvement Resolution No.
04 declaring its intention to order the improvement of a certain
:rea within the city generally known as 14th and "K" by the grading,
•raining and paving of certain streets and alleys therein, the
construction of curbs and gutters, installation of sanitary sewers
.nd by doing all work required in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said resolution was duly published in the Port
Angeles Daily News in the manner required by law and notice of said
earing was also duly given by mailing as required by law; and
WHEREAS, said hearing was held on August 21, 1979, as
rovided in said notice, various oral statements for and against
he improvements were made and certain written protests were filed
.nd after discussion of said improvements and due consideration
hereof the Council, has determined to order the construction and
installation of the improvements hereinafter more particularly
•escribed and to create a local improvement district therefor;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows:
SECTION 1. The area described in Exhibit A, attached
ereto and incorporated by reference herein, shall be improved by
grading, paving and draining the streets described in Exhibit B,
attached hereto and incorporated herein, and by doing all work
ecessary in connection therewith, including the installation of
curbs and gutters in such streets and installation of sanitary
SECTION 2. The plans and specifications for the improve-
ments described in Section 1 above as prepared by the City Engineer
and now on file are hereby adopted and approved.
SECTION 3. There is hereby established a local improve-
ment distirct of the city to be known as "Local Improvement District
No. 204" which said district shall include all the property describe
in Exhibit A.
SECTION 4. The cost of said improvements shall be borne
by and assessed against the property within Local Improvement
District No. 204 specially benefited by said improvements. If the
low bid submitted for construction of L.I.D. 204 should exceed
the engineers' estimate by 10% or more, the property owners shall
have the opportunity to vote upon rejection of the L.I.D.
SECTION 5. There is hereby created a fund of the city
to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 204 Fund" into
which fund there shall be paid all of the assessments collected
in said district as and when directed by the ordinance confirming
said assessments and the assessment roll therefor.
Interim revenue warrants bearing interest at a rate of
not to exceed the maximum rate permitted by law may be drawn upon
said fund based upon estimates of the City Engineer and shall be
sold to such person, firm or corporation or to such other funds
of the city as may hereafter be provided by such resolution to
furnish monies for the payment of the costs of constructing and
nsta - lation of said improvements and costs incidental thereto as
same shall be incurred. The proceeds of sale of such interim
evenue warrants shall be deposited in said fund and cash warrants
rawn thereon in payment of such costs.
Upon completion of the improvements and after the expir-
tion of the 30 -day assessment prepayment period, installment notes
or bonds of said local improvement distirct bearing interest at a
ate of not to exceed the maximum rate permitted by law shall be
ssued for the redemption of the outstanding revenue warrants and
shall be payable both principal and interest by the collection of
special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property
ithin the district, all as provided by law and ordinances of the
city. If bonds are issued they shall be in denominations of $5,000
each, except for Bond No. 1, the denomination of which shall be
ereafter provided by resolution of the City Council.
SECTION 6. Ordinance 2037 is hereby repealed.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall become effective immedi-
ately upon its passage, approval and publication.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles and
approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of aid Council held
his a /p,¢ day of
arian C. Parrish, City Clerk
ler, City Attorney
SHED: 4 , i 9 7 - 7 02
I, MARIAN C. PARRISH, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk
of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that
the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. e,?,6 41/
of said city, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its
Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the „Ina day
lik,f,,...-, c ,,..,,_
City Clerk
14th & K
Description of district:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 366, Townsite of
Port Angeles, and the south line of 12th Street:
Thence westerly along the south line of 12th Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 10, Block 365, Townsite, and the east line of I Street;
Thence northerly along the east line of I Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 11, Block 358, Townsite, and the south line of the alley
between llth and 12th Streets;
Thence westerly along the south line of the alley between llth and 12th
Streets to the northeast corner of Lot 16, Block 360, Townsite and the
line between Lot 15 and 16;
Thence southerly along the line between Lots 15 and 16, Block 360,
Townsite and said line produced, to the northwest corner of Lot 5,
Block 363, and the south line of 12th Street;
Thence westerly along the south line of 12th Street to the northeast
corner of Lot 20, Block 362, Townsite and the west line of L Street;
Thence southerly along the west line of L Street to the southeast
corner of Lot 20, Block 438, Townsite, and the north line of 16th
Thence easterly along the north line of 16th Street, to the southwest
corner of Lot 11, Block 436, Townsite and the east line of K Street;
Thence northerly along the east line of K Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 11, Block 436,Townsite, and the south line of the alley
between 15th and 16th Streets;
Pag two
Exhibit A
Thence easterly along the south line of the alley between 15th and
16th Streets to the northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 435, Townsite
and the east line of 1 Street;
Thence southerly along the east line of 1 Street to the southwest
corner of Lot 11, Block 435, Townsite and the north line of 16th
41/ Street;
Thence easterly along the north line of 16thGtreet to the southeast
corner of Lot 20, Block 1135, Townsite and the west line of H Street;
Thence northerly along the west line of H Street to the northeast
corner of Lot 1, Block 435, Townsite, and the south line of 15th
Thence westerly along the south line of 15th Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 5, Block 435, Townsite;
Thence northerly along the line between Lots 15 and 16, Block 408,
and said line produced, to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2108,
and the north line of the alley between 14th and 15th Streets;
Thence easterly along the north line of the alley between 14th and
15th to the southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 409, Townsite, and
the east line of H Street;
Thence northerly along the east line of H Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 10, Block 409, Townsite, and the south line of 14th
Thence easterly along the south line of 14th Street to the northwest
corner of Lot 5, Block 409, Townsite;
Thence northerly along the line between Lots 5 and 6, Block 409, Townsite,
and said line produced to the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 366,
111 Townsite and the south line of 12th Street, point of beginning.
14th & K LID
12th I Street 250' west of K Street
13th 1 Street L Street
14th I Street L Street
15th I Street L Street
H Street 12th Street 13th Street
I Street 12th /13th alley 15th Street
K Street 12th Street 15th /16th alley
An 8" storm sewer in K Street from 12th Street to llth /12th alley
A 12" storm sewer in K Street from 14th Street to 15th Street
a 12" storm sewer in 14th Street from K Street to I Street
A 12" storm sewer in 15th Street from K Street to I Street
An 8" storm sewer in I Street from 13th Street to 14th Street
A 15" storm sewer in 1 Street from 14th Street to 15th Street
An 18" storm sewer in 14th Street from 1 Street to H Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in J3thStreet from I Street to L Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in 1 Street from Wk Street to 14th Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in 14th Street from L Street to H Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in the 13/14 alley from I Street to H Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in the 14/15 alley from L Street to 1 Street
Page two •
.-Exhibit B
An 8" sanitary sewer in 15th Street from K Street to I Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in the 15/16 alley from L Street to K Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in K Street from the 15/16 alley to 15th Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in I Street from the 15/16 alley to 14th Street
An 8" sanitary sewer in the 15/16 alley from I Street to H Street
A 10" sanitary sewer in H Street from 14th Street to 13/14 alley
A 6" pressure sanitary sewer in H Street from 13/14 alley to 12/13 alley
An 8" water main in K Street from 15th Street to 15/16 alley
12/13 alley from H Street to 250' west of K Street
13/14 alley from H Street to L Street
14/15 alley from I Street to L Street
15/16 alley from K Street to L Street