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• • 31 7. ORDINANCE NO... PM AN ORDINANCE providing for the adoption, administration, and enforcement of the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Sign Code, Uniform Housing Code and amending Sections 2 and 3 of Ordinance 1935, and section 14.04.020 and 14.04.030, the Port Angeles Municipal Code, repealing Section 1 of Ordinance 1959 and Section 14.04.025 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. a', S. 2/ BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the State Building Act and codified at Chapter 19.27 RCW, enacted by the Washington State Legislature the following codes are hereby adopted subject to the amendments hereinafter set forth in 14.04.030 of this Code: (A) Uniform Building Code and Related Standards, 1979 Edition with Appendices Chapters 11, 12, 23, 32, 35, 48, 49, 55, 57, 70, published by the International Conference of Building Officials; (B) Uniform Mechanical Code, 1979 Edition, including Chapter 22, Fuel Gas Piping, Appendix "B ", published by the International Conference of Building Officials. (C) "Washington State Barrier -Free Design Standards" (Chapter 70.92 RCW). (D) Uniform Sign Code, 1979 Edition, published by the Internation- al Conference of Building Officials. (E) Uniform Housing Code, 1979 Edition, published by the Inter- national Conference of Building Officials. (F) Dangerous Buildings Code, 1979 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials. (G) Uniform Plumbing Code, 1979 Edition, published by the Inter- national Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, with Appendices, installation standards and as amended. (H) Uniform Solar Energy Code, 1979 Edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials with Appendices. In case of conflict, among the Codes enumerated in Sub - sections (A) through (H) of this section, the earlier named code shall govern over those following. Section 2. Pursuant to RCW 19.27.040, RCW 19.27.060 (3) and (4), and Section 14.04.020 of this Code, the following amendments t� the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Sign Code and Uniform Plumbing Code are hereby adopted: A. Volume I, Section 3802(b) 6A (page 542) is hereby deleted. B. Volume I, Section 3802(b) is hereby amended by adding the following: "7A. In all buildings where the floor area exceeds 12,000 square feet on any floor, or 24,000 square feet on all floors; however, the area and height increases specified in Section 506(C) and 507 (for sprinklers) shall be permitted. For the purpose of this subsection, portions of buildings separated from the rest of buildings by a 4 -hour area separation wall may be considered as separate buildings." "7B. In all buildings so constructed that any occupied portion is not readily accessible to Fire Department personnel to allow evacuation of occupants in the event of fire." C. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Sec. 301 is hereby amended by adding the following: "Provided, that presently existing signs not in conformity with the Code, as amended, may be maintained in their present conditon unless hazardous, but may not be altered or reconstructed unless in conformity with this Code." D. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Sec. 304 is hereby amended to read as follows: "A sign permit fee and plan- checking fee shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule: Type of Sign Sign Size 25 -50 50 -99 over 100 sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Wall or marquees, non - electric $25 $30 $35 Wall or marquees, electric 30 40 50 Freestanding and projecting 40 50 70 Freestanding, projecting, 15 -- -- electric less than 25 sq.ft. All other electric, less than 10 25 sq.ft. All non - electric, less than 25 sq. ft. 10 Supergraphic on building (any size) 15 An additional annual license fee of fifty dollars shall be required for each billboard and shall be due and payable on the first of January of each year. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within ninety calendar days after the date of issuance of the permit, the permit shall expire and any subsequent work shall require a renewal of the permit and payment of renewal fees, at one -half the original fee. All fees are nonrefundable. 0 • Any person, firm or corporation who shall erect, re- erect, construct, alter, or maintain a sign without a permit first having been obtained, except as provided by this Code, shall as a penalty pay double the amount of the fee due for signs in the above named schedule. E. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 4, Sec. 403, Table 4 -B is hereby amended by substituting Chapter 45, Section 4505(b) (Page 604) of of the Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, Volume I as adopted, in place of Table 4 -B. F. Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby amended as follows: To the "Schedule of Fees" on page 4a add "Call back inspection fees $10.00 G. Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix "C" is hereby amended by deleting and substitution of the following table of minimum plumbing facilities: -3- O 0 z • 0 .Z] m c O < z0-S N o 0 O z v Inv (D 0 O - -5 NN CO O 0 •s 01 0 0 O -4. c7 m m om = s b 4/") j Z CD PI -t 0 rri 0 -1 00mvc)c v XI O= :+7 •••� YO Vl o tnzm� V) 0 01 0• N w - 3 r •0 z CO 0w N- IDw< 3 C) ID 1 1 1 0. D. -5 -la 00 -4 al 0. 0 0 1 I rD 0 X0000 0 cra., 00 -. d . 0 d 0 7 Ow -'W N- 0 -i1 1 I -If V1X•N 1 O O x 00-1 rt 0 O C w C 1 1 9 -1 .P N O (Del a 000 • co -4, VI 0 O O w N w < f) O 1 1 1 Co = 1 4a, N 1 © 0 O '--• 00 a)--•-4 1 ¢ 0 1 I N 0 -40do 1i' 00 ID N • 0 -4, 0 0 w -O Co. 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OO ■ -s 1 Y CD CD fD 007 CD41cc- -r an -3nrn '0 S 0 0" O '-h O fi r0 • 0 - r0 0 (0 0 (D 0 cn 1 in -5 • 3 3 3 J 7 7 3 ro 33(0 c c-s cc z 3 3 3 co co I I 1 1 - 7 ro ro "5 fn 110 (n --h0 -. O 3 0 0 7 0. -1 3 -5 CD fD O 01 n ro A/ ph 3 A n -0 7 • - (00 ro0 ro 0 rD0 N 1 N -1 S3IH3SHnN 38V3 AVO usaiaLpo 8 aad L SNOSN3d /S321f11XI3 SNOS213d /S32if11XId SNOSd3d /S321fliXI3 S13SO1O H31VM S3 I HOIVAV1 213MOHS 2!O 8f11H1Y8 • *Whenever urinals are provided, one (1) water closet less than the number specified may be provided for each urinal installed, except the number of water closets in such cases shall not be reduced to less than two - thirds (2/3) of the minimum specified. 1The figures shown are based upon one fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction thereof. In calculating the number of persons, Table 33-A Vol. I of the Uniform Building Code will be•used as the basis. 2Building category not shown on this table shall be considered separately by the Administrative Authority. 30rinking fountains shall not be installed in toilet rooms. ** 4Laundry trays - 1 laundry tray or 1 automatic washer standpipe for each dwelling unit or 2 laundry trays or 2 automatic washer standpipes (or combina- tions thereof) for each 10 apts. Kitchen sinks - 1 for each dwelling or apt. unit. 5This schedule has been adopted (1945) by the National Council on Schoolhouse Construction. 6As required by the American Standard Safety Code for Industrial Sanitation in Manufacturing Establishments (ANSI Z4.1- 1942). 7Where there is exposure to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious, or irritating materials, provide 1 lavatory for each 5 persons. 824 lineal inches of wash sink or 18 inches of a circular basin, when provided with water outlets for such space, shall be considered equivalent to 1 lavatory. 9Laundry Trays - 1 for each 50 persons. Slop sinks, 1 for each 100 persons. 10 (a) Trough urinals are prohibited (b) Wall -type trough urinals shall be acid resistant and each such urinal shall be not less than six (6) inches deep and shall be furnished with one -piece backs and have strainers with outlets at least one and one -half (14) inches in diameter. The washdown pipe shall be perforated so as to flush with an even curtain of water against the back of the urinal. Urinal tanks shall have a flushing capacity of not less than one and one -half (12) gallons of water for each two (2) feet of urinal length. (c) Equivalent length- Trough urinals shall be figured on the basis of one urinal for each eighteen (18) inches of length, provided that - Length of Urinal 24" 36" 48" 60" 72" Equivalent No. Urinals 1 2 2 3 4 (d) Surrounding materials - Wall and floor space to a point one (1) foot in front of urinal lip and four {4) feet above the floor, and at least one (1) foot to each side of the urinal shall be lined with non - absorbent material. General - In applying this schedule of facilities, consideration must be given to the accessibility of the fixtures. Conformity purely on a numerical basis may not result in an installation suited to the need of the individual establishment. For example, schools should be provided with toilet facilities on each floor having classrooms. -7- Temporary Workingmen Facilities - 1 water closet and 1 urinal for each 30 workmen. Length of Urinal 24" 36" 487 60" Equivalent No. Urinals 1 2 3 4 11A restaurant is defined as a business which sells food to be consumed on the premises. (a) The number of occupants for a drive -in restaurant shall be considered as equal to the number of parking stalls. (b) Employee toilet facilities are not to be included in the above restaurant requirements. Band washing facilities must be available in the kitchen for employees. 12Where food is consumed indoors, water stations may be substituted for drinking fountains. Theaters, Auditoriums, Dormitories, Office of Public Buildings for use by more than six (6) persons shall have one drinking fountain for the first one hundred (100) persons and one additional fountain for each two hundred (200) persons thereafter. 13 Required restroom facilities shall be maintained open and operable during business hours where businesses are being conducted and in other buildings when being used by employees, occupants or the public. Such public rest - room facilities shall be readily identifiable. In multi- tenant buildings, public restrooms shall be so constructed as to isolate them from other por- tions of the building and preclude access to prevent unlawful entry into those areas. ** See drinking fountain requirements No. 12. Section 3. Savings - The ordinances and amendments repealed by this Ordinance are repealed except with respect to rights and duties which matured, penalties incurred, and proceedings begun before the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance, or of the codes referred to herein, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 5. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1959 and Section 14.04.025 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby repealed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 4 '� day of ,19 81 . ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City ttorney P :LISHED: • t /91/