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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing the procedures and require-
ments for construction or excavation work
within rights -of -way of the City of Port
Angeles, requiring a permit for such work,
providing specifications to which such work
must conform, establishing a fee for such
permits, providing penalties for violation
of the ordinance, repealing Ordinance numbers
820, 848, 958, 1125, 1534, 1614, and 2100,
and Section 11.04.070 and Chapter 11.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adding
a new chapter to Title 11 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Port
The following definitions apply to the provisions of this
ordinance, unless the context shall indicate otherwise:
A. "Applicant ". Any person making application for a
permit for construction or excavation work, pursuant to the
terms of this ordinance.
B. "City ". The City of Port Angeles.
C. "City Council" or "Council ". The City Council of the
City of Port Angeles.
D. "City Engineer ". The City Engineer of the City of
Port Angeles.
E. "Construction" or "Excavation ". The act of opening,
excavating, or in any manner disturbing or breaking the surface
or foundation of any permanent pavement; the establishment or
alteration of any established grade or street; and the main-
tenance or removal of a sidewalk or crosswalk, pavement, sewers,
water mains, street lighting or appurtenances thereto.
F. "Person".. Any person, firm, partnership, association,
corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
G. "Permittee ". Any person holding a permit from the
City of Port Angeles for the performance of any construction or
excavation work within a right -of -way of the City of Port
H. "Right -of- Way ".' A dedicated or owned right -of -way
of the City of Port Angeles, between the outer boundaries there-
of, within which may be located a street, highway, sidewalk,
alley, avenue or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicu-
lar traffic, or a utility structure or appurtenance. A right-
of-way or easement is included within the definition of "Right-
of-Way" whether such right -of -way or easement is currently used
or not.
I. "Work ". Any construction or excavation within a
right -of -way of the City of Port Angeles.
It is unlawful for any person to perform any work in a
City right -of -way without first having obtained a permit there-
for from the City building official as provided in this ordinance
No application for a permit shall be received, nor shall
any permit be issued, other than to a licensed and bonded con-
tractor of the State of Washington, provided, that if all work
to be done under a permit is outside the outer boundaries of a
traveled and improved street, highway, or avenue, and the fair
market value of the work is equal to or less than $2,000 then a
permit may be issued to other than a licensed and bonded con-
A. A written application for the issuance of a permit
shall be submitted to the City building official,on a form and
in a manner required by him.
B. At a minimum, the application shall state the name
and address of the applicant, the nature, location, and purpose
of the work to be performed, the name of the person who will
perform the work, the date of commencement and date of comple-
tion of the work, and such other data as may reasonably be re-
quiredciby the City Engineer or the City building official.
C. The City Engineer may require that the application be
accompanied by plans and /or specifications showing the extent of
the proposed work, the dimensions and elevations of the existing
ground prior to any excavation, and of the other proposed ele-
vated surfaces, the location of the work, and such other infor-
mation as may reasonably be required by the City Engineer.
D. The application shall be accompanied by the fee re-
quired by this ordinance.
A. The City Engineer shall examine each application to
determine if it complies with the provisions of this ordinance.
The City Engineer shall cause to be inspected the premises which
are desired to be used, or otherwise ascertain any facts which
may aid in determining whether a permit shall be granted.
B. If the City Engineer finds that the application con-
forms to the requirements of this ordinance, and that the pro-
posed work will not unduly interfere with the right of the pub-
lic in the right -of -way, he may authorize the City building
official to grant the permit.
C. If an application is denied, the applicant may appeal
the denial by the City building official to the Director of
Public Works. The Director of Public Works shall review the
application, to ascertain that the denial is based upon noncon-
formance of the application with the terms of this ordinance,
and /or a determination that the proposed work will interfere
with the rights of the public in the right -of -way.
D. If the Director of Public Works upholds the denial
of the permit, the applicant may appeal the Director of Public
Works' denial to the City Council. The City Council shall re-
view the application, on the same basis as the application was
reviewed by the Director of the Department of Public Works.
Section 6. PERMIT - FEE
A permit fee shall be charged by the City for the issu-
ance of a permit for work in a right -of -way, which fee shall be
in addition to all other fees for permits or charges relative to
any proposed work. The amount of such fee shall be established
by the City Council by resolution, and may be charged by further
resolution from time to time as may be necessary.
Section 7. PERMIT - FORM
A. The City shall provide each permittee a written permit.
B. It shall be the duty of the permittee hereunder to
keep the permit posted in a conspicuous place at the site of
the work.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit such
permit at or about any excavation not covered by such permit, or
to misrepresent the number of the permit, or the date of the ex-
piration of the permit.
The following work shall not require a permit:
A. Any work performed by or under the direction of the
City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, including work per-
formed by employees of the City or any person contracting with
the City.
B. Any work within the external boundaries of a sub-
division, for which approval has been given by the Council or
other approving authority of the City.
OF $2,000
A permittee doing work whose fair market value is greater
than $2,000 shall provide assurance to the City of completion of
that work, by one of the following methods:
A. Furnishing a performance bond, approved as to surety
by the City Manager and as to form by the City Attorney, which
bond shall be conditioned upon faithful completion of that por -,'
tion of the work performed pursuant to the permit which will re-
quire completion by the City of Port Angeles should the permittee
or his contractor default. The amount of such bond shall be de-
termined' by the City = .Engineer.
B. Furnishing to the City an assignment of a savings ac-
count, or the placing in trust, of an amount determined by the
City Engineer to be sufficient to assure completion of the work.
This savings account or trust shall be conditioned so that no
amount may be removed therefrom without prior written approval of
the City, and shall further provide that, If the work is not
performed within the time limit set by the permit, or not done
to the satisfaction of the City, then the City may withdraw from
the savings account or trust the amount necessary to complete
the work.
As a condition of permit issuance, a permittee shall
agree to save and hold the City harmless from, and defend the
City against, any claims for personal injury or property damage
arising out of or in any way connected with, the performance by
the permittee of any work within the rights -of -way of the City
of Port Angeles pursuant to the issued permit.
A. Any permittee receiving a permit under the terms of
this ordinance, the fair market value of which is $2,000 or less,
shall provide to the City satisfactory proof of the existence of
a comprehensive liability insurance policy, in an amount and form
determined by the City Engineer or City Attorney, but in no event
providing coverage of less than $50,000 for personal injury to
any one person, $100,000 for injury to more than one person
arising out of the same incident, and $20,000 for property dam-
age, against claims arising pursuant to permits issued pursuant
to this ordinance. The City shall further be provided with an
endorsement to such policy, naming the City of Port Angeles as
an additional insured.
B. Any permittee receiving a permit under the terms of
this ordinance, the fair market value of which is over $2,000,
shall provide to the City satisfactory proof of the existence of
a comprehensive liability insurance policy, in an amount and
form determined by the City Engineer or City Attorney, but in no
event providing coverage of less than $200,000 for personal in-
jury to any one person, $500,000 for injury to more than one
person arising out of the same incident, and $100,000 for prop-
erty damage, against claims arising pursuant to permits issued
pursuant to this ordinance. The City shall further be provided
with an endorsement to such policy, naming the City of Port
Angeles as an additional insured.
Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, all work
performed pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to this chapter
shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications for
Municipal Public Works Construction issued by the Washington
State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, 1977
Where there is an existing cement concrete curb, any side-
walk installed or repaired in that location shall be constructed
only with cement concrete or any equally satisfactory material
approved by the City Engineer.
Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the
following specifications:
A. The maximum single driveway width for lot frontage
of 75 feet or less shall not exceed twenty -five (25) feet at
the curb, including transitions.
B. The maximum single driveway width for lot frontage
of 75 feet or more shall not exceed thirty -five (35) feet at
the curb, including transitions.
C. Where two or more adjoining driveways are provided
for the same property, a full curb height safety island of not
less than fifteen feet, at the curb, must be provided.
D. No driveway apron shall extend into the street
further than the face of the curb or into the gutter area.
E. No driveway shall be located within twenty (20) feet
of a regular crosswalk area at an intersection or any other
designated crosswalk area.
F. No driveway may be located so as to conflict with
power poles, street lights, fire hydrants, or other aboveground
public facilities.
Whenever an existing driveway is abandoned, relocated, or
ceases to be used as a driveway, the curb opening provided shall
be restored to normal curb height in a manner satisfactory to
the City Engineer, within thirty days after notification by the
City Engineer that restoration shall occur. Such restoration
shall be the responsibility of the property owner of record,
and shall be performed pursuant to a permit issued under the
terms of this ordinance.
A. All residential driveways shall be constructed of
Class 5 (11) or 5 (3/4) coment concrete, not less than six (6)
inches thick. Driveways shall be constructed in conformance
with the standard specifications adopted by this ordinance, for
type "C" cement concrete driveways.
B. All commercial or industrial driveways shall be con-
structed in accordance with specifications provided by the City
C. All driveways shall slope upward from the gutter to
the back, or property, side of the sidewalk at not less than one -
quarter (1/4) inch to one (1) foot, and not more than three -
quarter (3/4) inch to one (1) foot. Curb height at a depressed
driveway shall not be more than two (2) inches, nor less than
one (1) inch.
The City Engineer, upon application, may grant special
permission to construct driveways deviating from the specifica-
tions of this chapter. Before granting such permission, the
City Engineer shall affirmatively determine that the public use
of a street or sidewalk will not be affected by such special
permission, and that such special permission shall have no affect
upon the safety of the public using the street or sidewalk.
A. The permittee shall take appropriate measures to
assure that, during the performance of the work, pedestrian and
vehicular traffic conditions as nearly normal as possible shall
be maintained at all time, so as to cause as little inconvenience
as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the
general public.
B. The City Engineer may permit the closing of streets
to all traffic for a period of time prescribed by him, if in his
opinion it is necessary for completion of the permitted work.
The following procedure shall be followed before any street may
be closed or restricted to traffic:
1. Permittee shall receive the approval of the City
Engineer and Police Department;
2. Permittee shall notify the Chief of the Fire Depart-
ment of the street so closed;
3. The permittee shall route and control traffic as
directed by the City Engineer and Police Department;
4. Upon completion of the construction work, the
permittee shall notify the City Engineer, the City Police De-
partment and Fire Department of the return of the street to
normal operation;
5. If determined necessary by the City Engineer, flag-
men or other protective measures shall be furnished by the
permittee, at his expense, during the period of closure. Should
it be necessary to provide a detour for traffic, and no existing
street exists for such detour, the permittee shall construct a
necessary detour at his expense, in conformity with the terms
of this ordinance.
A. The permittee shall erect and maintain suitable
barriers to prevent earth from trenches or other excavations
from encroaching upon the streets, except as may be reasonably
necessary for execution of the work.
B. As determined by the City Engineer, the permittee
may be required to construct and maintain adequate and safe
crossings over excavations of streets under improvement, to
permit continued vehicular and pedestrian traffic to use the
street or street intersection. Such crossings shall, at a
minimum, be constructed and maintained of plank, timbers, and
blocking of adequate size to accommodate vehicular and pedes-
trian traffic with safety.
Any work performed pursuant to this ordinance shall be
performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to
fire stations and fire hydrants. Materials or other obstruc-
tions shall not be placed within fifteen feet of fire hydrants.
Passageways leading to fire escapes or fire fighting equipment
shall be kept free of all obstructions.
A. Permittee shall, at all times, at his expense, pre-
serve and protect from injury any public or private property
adjoining the location of the work, by taking all necessary
measures for such purpose.
B. If it is necessary for the proper performance of the
work that adjoining property be entered upon, the permittee shall
obtain a license or other permission from the owner of said prop-
erty for such purposes. Such license or permission shall be
presented to the City Engineer as a portion of the application
for the permit, and the City Engineer shall not issue a permit
until such time as all necessary licenses have been obtained and
presented to him.
A. Permittee shall not interfere with any existing
utilities without the written consent of the utility company or
person owning the utility.
B. If it is_necessary to remove an existing utility, this
shall be done by the owner, at the expense of the permittee.
C. The permittee shall support and protect, by timbers
or otherwise, all pipes, conduits, poles, wires or other
apparatus which may in any way be affected by the work, and do
everything necessary to support, sustain and protect those
D. In case any of such utilities shall be damaged by
the work, it shall be repaired by the owner thereof, at the
expense of the permittee.
E. The permittee shall inform itself, prior to commenc-
ing work, as to the existence and location of all underground
utilities, and protect the same against damage, in accordance
with the provisions of this section.
A. The permittee will be responsible for all damage of
any kind to the streets or highways of the City as a result of
performance of work under the terms of the permit granted pur-
suant to this ordinance, including damage done by mobile equip-
ment required to be present at the site.
B. All damage shall be repaired by the permittee, or if
the City Engineer determines, such damage shall be repaired by
the City, and the cost thereof shall be billed to the permittee.
C. If, upon being ordered to repair the damage, the
permittee fails to furnish the necessary labor and materials for
the repairs, the City shall have the authority to cause such
labor and materials to be furnished by the City and the cost
shall be charged against the permittee.
A. The permittee shall erect such fence, railing or
barriers about the site of the excavation work and shall prevent
danger to persons using the City streets or sidewalks, and such
protective barriers shall be maintained until the work shall be
completed or the danger removed. At twilight, there shall be
placed upon such place of excavation, excavated materials, and
upon the protective barriers, suitable and sufficient lights
which shall be kept burning throughout the night during the
maintenance of such obstructions.
B. It is unlawful for anyone to remove or tear down the
fence or railing or other protective barriers or any lights pro-
vided there for the protection of the public.
A. All material excavated from trenches and piled ad-
jacent to the trench or in any street shall be properly main-
tained in such manner as not to endanger those working on the
trench, pedestrians or users of the streets, so that as little
inconvenience as possible is caused to those using streets and
adjoining property.
B. Where the confines of the area being excavated are
too narrow to permit the piling of excavated materils beside the
trench, the City Engineer shall have the authority to require
that the permittee haul the excavated material to a storage
site, and then re -haul it to the trench site at the time of
backfilling. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to
secure the necessary permission and make all necessary arrange-
ments for all required storage and disposal.
A. At the conclusion of the work at a particular site,
all streets and private property shall be throughly cleaned of
all rubbish,excess earth, rock and other debris resulting from
such work. •
B. Such clean -up work shall be performed within twenty -
four hours of conclusion of the work, or as otherwise directed
by the City Engineer, and at the expense of the permittee.
Should the permittee, after having received an order to do so,
fail to clean up such refuse, such work shall be done by the
City, either by itself or by contractor, and the cost thereof
charged to the permittee.
A. The permittee shall provide for the flow of all water
courses, sewers or drains which are involved in the work, and
shall replace the same in as good condition as it found them
or shall make such provisions for them as the City Engineer may
B. The permittee shall not obstruct the gutter of any
street, but shall use all proper measures to provide for the
free passage of surface water.
C. The permittee shall make provisions to take care of
all surplus water, muck, silt, or other runoff pumped or re-
sulting from the work, and shall be responsible for any damages
resulting from his failure to so provide.
A. If, in the performance of any work, it is necessary
to break through existing pavement, the pavement shall be re-
moved to at least six inches beyond the outer limits of any
subgrade that is to be disturbed, in order to prevent settlement,
and a six inch shoulder of undisturbed material shall be provided
on each side of the excavated trench. Pavement shall be vertical
B. A power driven concrete saw shall be used so as to
prevent complete breakage of concrete pavement or base without
ragged edges. Asphalt paving shall be scored or otherwise cut
in a straight line. No pile driver may be used in breaking up
existing pavement.
Section 29. TUNNELS
Tunnels under pavement shall not be allowed, except where
required or permitted by the City Engineer. Where tunneling is
performed under thoroughfares, concrete streets, state highways,
asphalt streets, or wherever otherwise designated by the City
Engineer, such work shall be one by the jacking or boring of
casings under the street surface, and placing pipes or cables
inside of such casings.
A. Backfilling of any excavation shall be compacted to
a degree equivalent to that of the undisturbed ground in which
the trench was dug, or as otherwise directed by the City engi-
neer. Compacing shall be done by mechanical tampers or vibra-
tors, by rolling in layers, or by water settling, when special
permission therefor is given, all as required by the soil in
question and sound engineering practices generally recognized
in the construction industry.
B. When water is taken from a fire hydrant the permittee
shall assign one man to operate the hydrant and shall make cer-
tain that said man has been instructed in the operation of the
hydrant. The superintendent of the water utility shall likewise
be notified of both beginning and end of the job, so that the
condition of the fire hydrants can be checked. Any damage done
to the hydrant during the excavation shall be the responsibility
of the permittee. Water shall be paid for by the permittee, in
accordance with existing rate schedules therefore.
A. Permittee shall compact the backfill to the top of
the trench, and shall then notify the City Engineer that the
excavation and backfill work is complete.
B. The permanent restoration of the streets shall be
made by the City, after the permittee has completed his work.
C. The permittee may be required to place a temporary
surface over openings made in paved traffic lanes. When such
temporary surface is required, the fill above the bottom of the
paving slab shall be made with suitable material, in accordance
with the preceeding section, and this fill shall then be topped
with a minimum of at least one -inch bituminous mixture, which
is suitable to maintain the opening in good condition until
permanent restoration can be made. The crown of such temporary
restoration shall not exceed one -inch above the adjoining pave-
ment. The permittee shall exercise special care in making such
temporary restorations, and must maintain such restoration in a
safe traveling condition until such time as permanent restora-
tion can be made. Asphalt which is used shall be in accordance
with specifications of the City Engineer.
D. If, in the judgement of the City Engineer, it is not
expedient or .necessary to replace the pavement over any cut or
excavation made in the street, upon completion of the work al-
lowed under such permit, by reason of the looseness of the earth
or weather conditions, he may direct the permittee to lay a
temporary pavement of wood, asphalt, or other suitable material
designated by him over such cut or excavation, to remain until
such time as repair of the original pavement may be properly
E. Acceptance or approval of any work by the City Engi-
neer shall not prevent the City from asserting a claim against
the permittee for incomplete or defective work, if it is dis-
covered within twelve months from the completion of the work.
The City Engineer's presence during the performance of any exca-
vation work shall not relieve the permitee of its responsibil-
ities hereunder.
A. Upon the-approval and grant of the permit, the
permittee shall deposit a restoration fee with the City, to
assure that the work to be performed by the City in permanent
restoration of the street shall be performed. The minimum
amount of such deposit shall be determined by the City Council
by resolution, and may be changed from time to time. The City
Engineer may require additional amounts, if he determines that
the minimum amount is not sufficient to guarantee performance
of the work.
B. All work by the City shall be billed against the
amount of the deposits made.
C. If there are funds remaining after completion of the
work, they shall be returned to the permittee.
D. If the amount of the deposit is not sufficient to
cover the costs incurred by the City in performing its responsi-
bilities, then the amount remaining due and owing over and above
the amount of the deposit shall be billed to the permittee by
the City.
The permittee shall prosecute with diligence and expedite
all work, and shall promptly complete such work and restore the
street in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, as
soon as practicable, and in any event, not later than the date
specified in the permit.
Section 34. URGENT WORK
If, in the judgement of the City Engineer, traffic con-
dition, the safety or convenience of the traveling public, or
the public interest require that the excavation work be performed
in a shorter period than otherwise possible, the City Engineer
may order, at the time the permit is granted, that a crew of men
and adequate facilities be employed by the permittee greater than
eight hours per day, to the end that such excavation work may be
completed as soon as possible.
A. Each permittee shall conduct and carry out the exca-
vation work in such manner as to avoid unnecessary inconvenience
and annoyance to the general public and occupants of neighboring
property. The permittee shall take appropriate measures to re-
duce to the fullest extent practicable in the performance of the
excavation work noise, dust, and unsightly debris.
B. Between the hours of 10 PM and 7 AM, the permittee
shall not use, except with the express written permission of the
City Engineer, any tool, appliance or equipment producing noise
of sufficient volume to disturb the sleep or repose of occupants
in the neighboring property.
Section 36. MONUMENTS
The permittee shall not disturb any surface monuments or
hubs found in the line of excavation work, until authorized to
do so by the City Engineer. All street monuments, property
corners, bench marks and other monuments disturbed by the prog-
ress of the work shall be replaced by the City Engineer, and the
cost of the same shall be paid by the permittee.
The City Engineer shall make such inspections as are
reasonably necessary in the enforcement of this ordinance. The
City Engineer shall have the authority to promulgate and cause
to be enforced such rules and regulations as must be reasonably
necessary to enforce and carry out the intent of this chapter.
A. Permittees who install structures below the surface
of the street shall furnish the City Engineer with accurate
drawings, plans and profiles, showing the location and curvature
of all underground structures installed, including abandoned
installations. Horizontal locations are to be referenced to
street center - lines, as marked by survey monuments, and shall be
accurate to a tolerance of plus or minus one foot. The depth of
such structure may be referenced to the elevation of the finished
street above said utility, with depths to the nearest one -tenth
foot being shown in a minimum of fifty foot intervals along the
location of said utility.
B. Such "as- built" drawings shall be submitted to the
City Engineer's office within thirty (30) days after completion
of the work.
C. In the event that the permittee does not have quali-
fied personnel to furnish the "as- built" drawing required by
this section, he shall advise the City Engineer, in order that
necessary field measurements may be taken by the City Engineer
during construction, and the "as- built" drawings will be pre-
pared by the City Engineer's office. Cost of such field in-
spection and measurement, and the preparing of the "as- built"
drawings, shall be at the expense of the permittee.
This ordinance shall not be construed as imposing upon
the City or any official or employee any liability or responsi-
bility for damages to any person injured with the performance
of any work for which a permit has been issued. The City and
its officials or employees shall not be deemed to have assumed
any liability or responsibility by reason of inspections autho-
rized hereunder, the issuance of any permit, or the approval of
any work.
Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not to
exceed $500. Each day that a violation continues shall con-
stitute a separate offence.
If any provisions of this ordinance, or its application
to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of
the ordinance, or application of the provisions of the ordinance
to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 42. REPEALER
Ordinance numbers 820, 848, 958, 1125, 1534, 1614, and
2100, and Section 11.04.070 and Chapter 11.08 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby repealed.
Sections 1 through 40 of this ordinance shall be codified
as a new chapter in Title 11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This ordinance shall take effect five days after its
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of the Council held on the ie8'le day of
(.,gL7 , 1981.
Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
Craig L. 1ller, City Attorney
PUB SHED: azerade a 4, / 9,17 /