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AN ORDINANCE relating,to the Municipal Water
Supply System of the City of Port Angeles;
regulating the use of water therefrom; pro-
viding for the sale of the same; fixing the
price thereof; providing penalties for vio-
lations of this ordinance; repealing Ordi-
nances 1328, 1433, 1484, 1528, 1529, 1531,1938,
1567, 1590, 1871, 1919, 1981, 2040 and 2080,
and Chapter 13.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code, and establishing new chapters within
Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
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ANGELES, as follows:
Section 1. Interpretation of Definitions. For the
purpose of this ordinance the following words or phrases have
the meaning set forth herein, unless the context indicates
Section 2. "City" The City of Port Angeles.
Section 3. "Commercial Services" Water services to
multiple dwelling units or businesses engaged in the manufacture
and /or sale of a commodity or commodities, or the rendering of a
service, such as hotels, motels and hospitals.
Section 4. "Council" The City Council of the City of
Port Angeles.
Section 5. "Cross Connection" Any connection between any
part of the water system used or intended to supply water for
drinking purposes and any source or system containing water or
substance that is not or cannot be approved as safe, wholesome,
and potable for human consumption.
Section 6. "Customer" All persons obtaining water
service from the water supply system of the City of Port Angeles.
Section 7. "Department" The Public Works Department
of the City of Port Angeles.
Section 8. "Director" The Director of Public Works of
the City of Port Angeles, or his designated agent.
.r '
October 30, 1981
To: City Manager /City Council
From: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Work
Subject: Comprehensive Water Utility Ordinanc
Attached for your review and consideration is the
completed Comprehensive Water Utility Ordinance. We have met with
the North Peninsula Homebuilders Association and provided them review
copies of this Ordinance. Attached is a letter from their president
with the results of their review.
Some minor language adjustments have been made to the
Ordinance from that as submitted on September 9, 1981 as well as some
deletions and changes in some sections. Those major changes are listed
in attachment "A" for your reference. Should you have any questions
either before the City Council meeting or during the Council meeting
on the proposed Ordinance, we will be very happy to respond.
Attachment: Letter from North Peninsula Homebuilders Association
Attachment "A"
Copy of Proposed Ordinance
home builr, rs cssoci afaof
OIF ClAtI .$ AND 11}•01.021 coumnts P. 0. Box 748
D 0CT301981
kr`;4,:-,:4,: A UBIVI Sg4EE14.6k1C5. ►t. %8 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362, TELEPHONE 452 -8160
October 27, 1981
City of Port Angeles
Public Works Department
Port Angeles, Washington 95362
ATTN: Jack Pettis
Dear Jack:
In regard to the recently proposed crater ordinance for the City,
the i-IP,A committee members studied the ordinance at some length
and we reel that we couldn't hake any appreciable comments or
We feel that we have something imoortant to say on any issue,
but you did such an outstanding job on this one it left, us
Again, we appreciate the opportunity to comment, and we loo'::
forward to participating in the upcoming subdivision ordinance.
Keep up the good work.
JSK :psg
r •
11.0111• builders 3350C /31,0,1
Best regards,
Johnie S. Key, President
Section 9. "Industrial Services" Water service connec-
tions to a business enterprise engaged in the manufacture of
products, materials, equipment, machinery and supplies on a
substantial or major scale.
Section 10. "Main" A water line designed or used to
serve more than one premises.
Section 11. "Multiple Dwelling Units" Duplexes, apart-
ment buildings, condominiums, mobile home parks, trailer courts,
Section 12. "Person" Natural persons of either sex, and
associations, co- partnerships and corporations, whether acting by
themselves or by a servant, agent or employee.
Section 13. "Permanent Main" A main of PVC, cast iron,
asbestos - cement or other materials as approved by the Director
which are constructed to City standards and approved and accepted
for use by the City.
Section 14. "Premises" A private home, building, apart-
ment house, condominium, trailer court, mobile home park, a group
of adjacent buildings or property utilized under one ownership
and under a single control with respect to use of water and re-
sponsibility for payment therefor.
Section 15. "Residential Service" A water service con-
nection to a single family dwelling unit.
Section 16. "Service Installation, Service Connection, or
Connection" All pipings and fittings from the main to
the property owner's side of the water meter assembly.
Section 17. "System" All water source and supply facil-
ities, transmission pipelines, and storage facilities, pumping
plants, distribution mains and appurtenances, vehicles, and
materials storage facilities.
Section 18. "Temporary Main" Mains which do not conform
to City standards with repsect to size, location, type of material
and /or method of installation.
Section 19. "Treasurer" The City Treasurer of the City
of Port Angeles.
Section 20. "Water Service Area" That area consisting of
the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles and those areas
that have been or may be designated for water service by the City
Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to
establish fees for service, and general rules and regulations for
the service and extension of service from the water system of the
City of Port Angeles; and to promote the public health, safety,
and general welfare of the users of the water system, in accor-
dance with standards established by the City, County, State and
Federal governments.
Section 2. Applicability. The provisions of this ordi-
nance shall apply to all water services provided by, and to all
work performed by the Department.
Section 3. Inspection.
A. Authorized employees of the City, property identified,
shall have access, at reasonable hours of the day, to all parts
of a premises or buildings to which water is supplied by the City,
for the purpose of assuring conformity to these regulations.
B. Whenever the owner of any premises supplied by the
Department restrains authorized City employees from making such
necessary inspections, water service may be refused or discon-
Section 4. Unlawful Acts Defined.
A. Any person causing damage to any property belonging
to the Department shall be liable to the Department for any and
all damages resulting either directly or indirectly therefrom.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully
disturb, break, deface, damage or trespass upon any property
belonging to or connected with the water system of the City of
Port Angeles, in any manner whatsoever.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to store, main-
tain or keep any goods, merchandise, materials or rubbish within
a distance of five (5) feet of, or to interfere with, the access
or operation of any water meter, gate valve, fire hydrant, or
other appurtenance in use on any water service, connection, water
main, or fire protection service.
Section 5. Hydrants - Authorized Use. It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person, other than authorized employees of the Fire
and Public Works Departments of the City, to operate fire hydrants
and hose outlets,,unless proper arrangements have been made for
payment therefor and permission has been granted by the Department
Section 6. Emergency Interruption of Service.
A. In case of emergency, or whenever the public health ,
safety, or the equitable distribution of water so demands, the
Director may authorize the Department to change, reduce or limit
the time for, or temporarily discontinue the use of water. Water
service may be temporarily interrupted for purposes of making re-
pairs, extension or doing other necessary work.
B. Before so changing, reducing, limiting or interrupting
the use of water, the Department shall notify, insofar as practi-
cable, all water consumers affected.
C. The City shall not be responsible for any damage
resulting from interruption, change or failure of the water
supply system.
Section 7. Cross Connections Prohibited.
A. The installation or maintenance of a cross connection
is prohibited.
B. Any such cross connection now existing or hereafter
installed is hereby declared a nuisance and shall be abated im-
mediately. The control or elimination of cross connections shall
be in accordance with the State of Washington Administrative Code
(WAC 284 -54 -820) as now enacted or hereafter amended, together
with any future manuals of standard practice pertaining to cross
connection control approved by the Director of the State of Wash-
ington Department of Social and Health Services.
C. Water service will be discontinued to any premises for
failure to comply with the provisions of this section.
D. Furnishing of water service shall be contingent upon
the customer providing cross connection control approved by the
appropriate Health Authority and the Director for protecting the
City supply from backflow.
Section 8. City Not Liable for Damages. The City shall
not be liable for'damages nor will allowances be made for loss of
production, sales or service, in case of water pressure variations
or in case the operation of the City's source of water supply or
means of distribution fails or is curtailed, suspended, inter-
rupted or interfered with, or for any cause reasonably beyond its
control. Such pressure variations, failure, curtailment, suspen-
sion, interruption or interference shall not be held to constitute
a breach of contract on the part of the City, or in any way affect
any liability for payment for water made available or for money
due on or before the date of such occurrence.
Section 9. Discontinuance of Service.
A. The City may discontinue service by reason of a
failure to pay a bill for service or the failure to comply with
the terms of this ordinance, in accordance with the procedures
established by state law, this ordinance, and other City ordi-
B. Service to any premises upon which a private water
supply system is used or operated contrary to the provisions of
this chapter may be discontinued or refused.
Section 10. Administration.
A. The Director and the Director of Finance and Adminis-
trative Services may make such administrative determinations for
the proper operation of this ordinance as are not inconsistent
with its provisions.
B. The Director .shall promulgate and enforce such cus-
tomer service policies and related additional rules as may be
deemed necessary from time to time to encourage and facilitate
the use of water, pursuant to City Council resolution approving
the same.
Section 11. Violations - Penalty. Any person willfully
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as set forth in Section
1.24.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Application for Service.
A. An application shall be made for all service connec-
tions, for the use of fire hydrants, and for work to be performed
by the Department. Such application shall be on forms provided
by the Department.
B. An application shall be accompanied by all fees or
deposits required by this ordinance.
C. The application shall provide all information re-
quired by this ordinance, as well as all other information deter-
mined by the Director to be necessary for consideration and action
upon the application.
D. The application, when approved by the Director, shall
constitute an agreement whereby the applicant agrees to conform
to the provisions of this ordinance, as now enacted or hereafter
E. A change.of'use of._the'served premises will.reauire
that a new application for service be made.
Section 2. Conditions Applicable To All Water Service
A. All service connections shall be metered.
B. Each served premise must have a separate connection
to a main, unless otherwise approved by the Director when impos-
sible or impractical.
C. Water will not be provided to more than one customer
or dwelling through a single service connection, and separate
service applications are required for each dwelling. When two
customers are being served by a single service connection on the
effective date of this ordinance, the Director may require the in-
stallation of a new service, when necessary, for efficient
operation of the system, at the cost of the customer.
D. When the premises for which service is sought does
not abut a main with sufficient pressure and capacity to provide
the required flow at the property line, the application for
service shall be rejected.
E. No application for water service shall be accepted
or approved for locations outside of the City water service area.
F. The furnishing of water by a customer to premises
other than that served by the customer's service is prohibited,
except as may be approved by the Director, and except during
emergencies, provided that emergency service cannot continue for
more than 30 days and an application for emergency service shall
be made to the Department within 48 hours of the onset of the
G. A request for a change in the size of service connec-
tion shall be treated as a request for a new service installation.
H. A change of use of the served premises will require
a new service connection, unless the existing service is adequate
for the changed use, as determined by the Director.
Section 3. Conditions Applicable To All Connections
A. All water service connections shall be made by the
B. The cost of such connections shall be paid by the
customer at the time of application.
C. The fees established by this ordinance are for the
water service connection only. Where special conditions exist,
such as inability to bury service lines, the actual cost of in-
stallation shall be charged to the customer.
D. When buildings are replaced by new buildings, the
existing water service connection shall not be used, when the
Director determines that such connection is not acceptable. In
such an instance, the customer shall be required to install a new
water service connection, in accordance with the terms of this
Section 4. New Residential Service Connection Fee.
A. The fee for new residential water service connections,
including the meter, shall be set by the City Council by resolu-
tion, as may be necessary.
B. Whenever residential water service connections are to
be installed by the Department at the same time a water main is
being installed, and the trench is open, and /or when ten or more
adjacent connections are installed simultaneously, the fee for
new connections may be reduced by 10% for each such connection.
C. This fee shall cover the cost of tapping the City's
water main for the necessary size of service, installing the
copper tubing, type "K" or 160 P.S.I. PVC or P.E. necessary to
reach to within two feet of the property line, to a maximum dis-
tance of 60 feet, and provide and install a yoke, shut -off, meter
and meter box. For any additional extra length of service pipe
beyond 60 feet, the customer shall be billed for the additional
cost plus administrative overhead.
Section 5. New Commercial, or Industrial Service Connec-
tion Fee.
A. For all commercial and /or industrial services, and
for all residential services larger than 3/4 inch diameter ir-
respective of meter size, the owner or applicant shall pay a
deposit in an amount of the City estimate of cost for the con-
struction work and the work shall be thereafter billed on the
basis of actual cost of installation plus administrative overhead.
The applicant shall be refunded any under -run or billed any over-
run of the actual cost difference in the estimated cost including
administrative overhead.
B. In no event shall the charge be less than the charge
for a 3/4 inch diameter residential service with a 3/4 inch meter.
Section 6. Ownership of Permanent Facilities.
A. The ownership of all water mains and service connections
in public rights -of -way shall be solely vested in the City, except
for those mains which are designated as private mains.
B. The ownership and responsibility for the maintenance
of individual service pipe extensions from the meter to the
premises served shall be that of the owner of the premises served
and the City shall not be liable for any part thereof.
Section 7. Non - Standard Water Service Extension.
A. Where the premises of one customer only is located
near or abuts upon a street in which there is no water main, a
non- standard water service extension no greater than 150 feet in
length may be installed and connected, as approved by the Director
to the nearest available water main.
B. The Department will maintain the non - standard water
service extension beneath and along the public street, from the
main to the water meter. Whenever any improvement within the
public right -of -way within which any non - standard water service
extension is located requires the removal or readjustment of such
pipe, the cost and responsibility therefor shall be that of the
owner of the premises served and the City shall not be liable for
any portion of the cost thereof.
C. Upon acceptance of a new permanent main where the
customer is being served by a non - standard water service, the
customer shall discontinue the use of said service and the De-
partment shall connect the service line to the permanent main at
its own expense.
Section 8. Owner's Service Piping Specifications.
A. All water service piping leading from the water main
to the meter and from the meter to the premises shall be laid not
less than 30 inches below the surface of the ground.
B. Water service pipes or any underground water pipes
shall not be laid in the same trench with building sewer or
drainage piping.
C. Water service pipes, parallel to building sewers or
drainage piping, shall normally be above and separated by a dis-
tance of at least ten;(10) feet horizontally, unless otherwise
approved by the Director.
D. Shut -off valves of approved full -flow pattern with
key or hand wheel shall be installed in the water service pipe
leading from the City meter to the building, within the premises
served, in accordance with the applicable plumbing code. Shut-
off valves where buried shall be properly enclosed in a minimum
6 -inch diameter pipe, or box, of concrete, plastic, or iron with
an approved cover, protected from freezing and readily accessible.
E. Valves or customer -owned equipment are not permitted
to be installed within the City's meter box.
F. Service connections and extension pipes laid under-
ground shall be sized in conformance with the applicable pro-
visions of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City.
G. Service connection and extension pipes shall be con-
structed of standard weight galvanized iron or steel pipe, cast
or dectile iron pipe, copper tubing, or non - metallic material
as approved by the Director.
H. The Department may require any customer to install a
pressure reducing valve, backflow preventive device, pressure
relief valve or similar device at any location where the Director
detertines a need, to protect the Department's facilities.
I. The customer shall install and provide copper tubing
type "K" or 160 P.S.I. .PVC or P.E. or such other material as
approved by the Director as a service line from the meter to the
structure to be served.
Section 9. Plumbing Specifications.
A. All persons installing fixtures or appliances to be
supplied with water from the City water mains shall be subject to
the requirements of the applicable Plumbing Code of the City.
Persons installing plumbing in new buildings shall leave the valve
at the meter in the "Off" position upon completion of their work.
B. Persons making additions or repairs to existing
plumbing systems shall leave the valve at the meter in the posi-
tion in which it was found on beginning their work.
C. The Director shall have the right to refuse water
service or discontinue water service in any situation where it
is discovered that applicable City standards and Codes have not
been complied with in making the installation.
Section 10. Lawn Sprinkler Specifications.
A. A lawn sprinkler system connected to a domestic, or
commercial connection shall be equipped with a vacuum breaker
placed between the sprinkler stop and waste valve and the first
sprinkler outlet. The approved vacuum breaker shall be placed at
a height as provided in the applicable City Plumbing Code. The
stop and waste valve and vacuum breaker shall be in the sprinkler
line after it branches from the water service pipe or the build=
ing plumbing.
B. The stop and waste valve for a lawn sprinkler system
shall be at the same depth as the water service pipe, however,
the lawn sprinkler system proper may be laid to a lesser depth
at the option of the owner.
C. Such additional stop and waste valves, as are required
to properly drain the sprinkler piping, shall also be installed.
D. All sprinkler piping shall be inspected by an author-
ized City employee prior to backfilling the trenches.
E. Water service may be refused on existing lawn sprinkler
systems which are not equipped with a stop and waste valve and an
approved vacuum system.
Section 11. Fire Protection Service.
A. A water service connection to be used solely for fire
protection purposes may be installed, servicing any premises,
subject to the provisions of this section.
B. Fire protection systems shall be provided in accord-
ance with I.S.O. Guidelines.
C. A plan of the proposed required fire protection system
showing the general installation detail shall be required and
shall be approved by the Director and the Fire Marshal prior to
D. Service of more than one premise by a fire service
shall not be permitted.
E. Fire Protection systems shall be installed and main-
tained by the customer in a manner approved by the Department and
the system shall contain an approved, tested backflow prevention
F. Fire protection systems shall be installed with a
detection check meter of a size and type approved by the Depart-
G. Indication of unauthorized use of water through a
detector check meter more than once per calendar year shall be
cause for installation of a fire line meter at the expense of
the customer.
H. Delinquency in payment of expense for fire protection
service or failure of the customer to make changes in meter in-
stallation as herein provided, after reasonably notice from the
Department, shall be sufficient cause for filing a lien on the
property and /or discontinuance of the service.
Section 1. Turn On - New Installation. When new water
service connections are installed by the Department for any
premises, the valve at the meter shall be turned to the "Off"
position and remain off until a "turn on" is applied for and an
order shall be issued by the Department upon written application
therefor by the owner of the premises to be supplied after in-
spection and approval by the Department, and after the Plumbing
Inspector has issued a certificate that all provisions of the
applicable Plumbing Code have been complied with.
Section 2. Turn Off - No Charge. After written applica-
tion or verbal request, any water service will be turned off with-
out charge where such "turn off" can be accomplished at a time
convenient to the Department.
Section 3. Special or Emergency Turn On or Turn Off Fees.
Whenever a request is made of the Department for an emer-
gency "turn off" or "turn on" or temporary discontinuance of
water service to any premises, which necessitates immediate action
the following charges shall be made therefor:
1. Emergency "Turn Off ", "Turn On During Regular
Hours $6 OO per call
2. Emergency "Turn Off ", "Turn On" Outside of Regular
Working Hours $22.00 per call
Section 4. General Requirements As To Fees.
A. "Turn On" or "Turn Off" charges are for expenses in-
curred to take final or initial meter readings, administrative,
accounting, data processing, and overhead charges incurred in
transferring or establishing a new or existing account. The turn
on fee shall be deemed fully earned if all or any part of the
above activities are accomplished.
B. Turn on charges shall not be pro -rated for services
started during a billing period.
C. All unpaid water service charges and penalties
against the premises shall be required to be paid at the time of
application for turn on, or an arrangement for payment satis-
factory to the Director of Administrative Services and Director
of Public Works shall be made before water is supplied to the
Section 5. Turn On - Unauthorized.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person, except duly
authorized employees of the City, to "turn on" the water supply
to the premises after a "turn off" is made at the meter by the
B. A water service to any premise turned on by an un-
authorized person, after said water supply had been turned off
by the Department, may, upon discovery, be disconnected by the
City from the water main in the street, and shall not be connected
again until all fees due as a result of the disconnecting and re-
connecting of such service are paid.
Section 6. Turn Off, Turn On - Liability Disclaimer.
The City shall not be liable for any damage to persons
or property resulting from a properly performed and authorized
"turn off" or "turn on of the water service including, but not
limited to, situations where water service is left on between a
change of customers occupying the premises, at the request of one
of the customers, or the services disconnected for "non- payment"
or "no contract ".
Section 7. Disconnection of Service - Condemned Buildings.
Whenever a premise supplied with water has been found by
the proper authorities to be dangerous to human life and unfit
for human habitation, and notice of such finding has been received
by the Department from said authorities, the Director shall cause
the water service to such premise to be turned off. Water service
to such premise shall not be restored until the owner and /or his
agent has secured a release or clearance from the proper author-
Section 1. Meter Ownership and Installation.
All meters installed on water service connections by the
Department shall be and remain the property of the City and shall
be removed only by the Department.
Section 2. Meters - Exchange and Reinstallation.
A. Whenever the owner of any premises desires to change
the size of a meter, an application shall be made to the Depart-
ment, and, upon approval, the exchange will be made at the ex-
pense of the owner, less credit for the useable value of the
meter removed.
B. OVERLOAD METERS. Whenever demand periodically ex-
ceeds the rated capacity of a meter to the extent that the meter
may be damaged, the Department shall notify the owner of this
fact. After evaluating the owner's requirements, the Department
shall advise what size meter is necessary to give proper service
without damage to the meter. The estimate of cost covering such
change shall be furnished by the Department, upon request by the
owner, without charge. If the owner does not make the required
deposit for the installation of the larger meter within thirty
days after the date of the notice, then the Department shall in-
stall the proper size meter, charging the total cost to the owner,
or the Department may discontinue service.
Section 3. Meter - Maintenance and Repair.
A. The department shall maintain and repair all domestic,
commercial and industrial service meters and shall replace meters
periodically, when necessary, if rendered unservicable by ordinary
B. When replacement or repairs to any meter are made
necessary by the willful act, neglect or carelessness of the
owner or occupant of the premises served, all expenses of such
replacement shall be borne by the owner or occupant of the premise
Section 4. Customer Leak Repair and Bill Adjustment.
If the customer discovers and repairs a leak or leaks to
the plumbing on his premises, he may, upon request, receive credit
for up to one month's excess consumption over the average consump-
tion for the .month pr.eceeding the. repait-of the leak,.:as.that.:av-
erage consumption is based upon the previous consumption history
for the premises.
Section 5. Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bill.
A. Upon request from a customer, based upon a complaint
that the water bill for any period has been excessive, the Depart-
ment shall have the meter re -read.
B. Should the customer then request that the meter be
tested for accuracy, he shall make a deposit, as prescribed herein
with the City Treasurer. The customer shall have the privilege of
being present when such test is made. In case the test discloses
an error of more than three percent in favor of the City, the
deposit shall be refunded to the customer, a correct registering
meter shall be installed and the customer's account shall be
credited with the excess consumption over the average consumption
for the last previous reading, unless otherwise approved by the
Director. When the test discloses either no error or an error
of three percent or less, the amount deposited will be retained
by the Department to cover a part of the cost of such test.
Section 6. Water Meter Test Deposit.
A. The amount of the deposit shall be as follows:
For testing 5/8 inch meters
For testing 3/4 inch meters
For testing 1 inch meters
For testing 11 inch meters
B. For 2 inch meters and larger the deposit shall be
fifty ($50.00) dollars. The person requesting the test shall be
billed the actual cost for the meter test minus the deposit made.
Section 1. Monthly Residential Flat Rate.
Each service shall be $8.95.
Section 2. Monthly Residential Metered Rate - Within City.
A. The following monthly minimum charges are applicable
to water service to single family residences within the corporate
limits of the City of Port Angeles. For the purposes of this
section, "single family residences" are defined as structures
designed for occupancy by a single family only, containing a com-
plete kitchen unit. Structures which are not "single family resi-
dences" include, but are not limited to, single family residences
under construction, duplexes, four - plexes, apartments, and room-
ing houses. The charge is based upon size of the service line,
and not size of the meter, except as specified for 3/4" service
below. The charges are as follows:
Service Size
3/4" service (with 5/8" meter)
3/4" service (with 3/4" meter)
1 inch service
1; inch service
2 inch service
''- Monthly Rate Per Month
B. Metered consumption shall be $0.22 for each 100
cubic feet consumed, regardless of size of service.
Section 3. Monthly industrial Metered Rate - Within City.
A. The monthly minimum charge applicable to water service
to industrial customers within the corporate limits of the City
of Port Angeles shall be $310.00 per month, regardless of size of
service. For purposes of this section, "industrial customers"
are defined as customers whose average monthly potable water con-
sumption is in excess of 350,000 cubic feet per month, where such
average is computed by dividing total annual month period by 12;
provided, that this rate shall not apply to public wholesale cus-
tomers of the City, whose rate shall be established by contract.
B. Metered consumption shall be $0.28 for each 100
cubic feet consumed.
Section 4. Monthly Metered Rate - Outside City.
A. The following monthly minimum charges are applicable
to water service outside the corporate limits of the City of
Port Angeles. The charge is based upon size of the service line,
and not size of the meter, except as specified for 3/4" services
below. The minimum charges are as follows:
Service Size
3/4" service (with 5/8" meter)
3/4" service (with 3/4" meter)
1 inch service
11/2 inch service
2 inch service
4 inch service
6 inch service
Monthly Rate Per Month
$ 9.80
$ 10.00
$" 13:75
$ 18.40
$ 30.00
$ 92.00
B. Metered consumption shall be $0:46,for each 100
cubic feet consumed, regardless of size of service.
Section 5. All Other Monthly Metered Rates.
A. The following monthly minimum charges are applicable
to all water services other than those provided for under Sections
1, 2, 3 and 4 of this ordinance, within the corporate limits of
the City of Port Angeles. The minimum rate is based upon size of
the service line, and not the size of the meter, except as speci-
fied for 3/4" service below. The rates are as follows:
Service Line
3/4" service (with 5/8" meter)
3/4" service (with 3/4" meter)
1 inch service
11 inch service
2 inch service
3 inch service
4 inch service
6 inch service
8 inch or 10 inch service
Minimum Rate Per Month
$ 7.00
$ 7.20
$ 9.85
$ 13.15
$ 21.40
$ 44.40
$ 66.00
B. Metered consumption shall be $0.50 for each 100
cubic feet consumed, regardless of size of service.
Section 6. Monthly Fire Hydrant Charge. A monthly charge
to the City for providing general public fire protection service
through the use of the Department's fire hydrants and other neces-
sary facilities shall be charged to the Fire Department based on
operation and maintenance costs of hydrants.
Section 7. Rates - Temporary Water Use.
A. For billing purposes where two or more premises are
served on a temporary basis through a single meter, each shall be
considered a separate premise.
B. The use of water-for construction purposes shall be
allowed, where available, to construct or reconstruct any build-
ing or structure or settle trenches or fills. Before commencing
such usage, application therefor shall be made to the Department
and a $25.00 fee paid. Water used shall be paid for at a rate
described in Section 5 of this chapter.
Section 8. Rates - Fire Protection.
A. Where City water is used for fire protection purposes,
the monthly rate shall be as follows:
Service Size Monthly Rate
2 inch $ 6.00
3 inch $ 9.00
4 inch $12.00
6 inch $15.00
8 inch $18.00
10 inch $21.00
12 inch $24.00
The monthly charge shall be based upon the size of service and
not upon the size of the meter.
B. Where such fire service is provided, no charge will
be made for water used in extinguishing fires of incendiary or
accidental origin, if the customer at the location where the fire
occurs gives written notice to the Department within ten (10) days
from the time of such fire. Otherwise, all water used will be
billed at the applicable rate for the premises being served pro-
vided in this ordinance.
Section 9. Service Charge. Whenever the Department re-
sponds to a request outside of regular working hours for assis-
tancetto_ investigate a deficiency in water service to any premises
and it is determined that the deficiency is the result of improper
operation or maintenance of the customer's plumbing, a $22.00
charge will be made to defray a portion of the cost of responding
to the request.
Section 1. When Required. A main extension shall be re-
quired whenever more than one (1) residence or customer is pro-
vided service, and the property to be served does not abut a
water main, or the existing water main is not adequate to pro-
vide the necessary water pressure or flow characteristics.
Section 2. Application.
A. The person desiring a main extension shall apply to
the Director requesting permission to extend the City's water
B. The Director shall review the application, and if the
requested extension is determined to be a proper extension of the
water system, shall provide the petitioner with the design re-
quirements for the extension.
C. Irthe requested main extension is determined to be
an improper extension of the water system, the application shall
be denied.
Section 3. Preparation of Plans and Specifications.
Upon receipt of the design requirements from the Depart-
ment, the petitioner shall cause plans and specifications for the
extension to be prepared. All design and construction plans and
specifications shall be in accordance with APWA standards adopted
by the Department. The completed plans and specifications,
having a valid Professional Engineer's seal and endorsement, shall
be submitted to the Department for review and approval.
Section 4. Inspection - Fee - Deposit Required.
A. After approval of the plans and specifications, the
Department shall provide the petitioner with an estimate of the
construction inspection fee. A permit for construction will be
issued after the inspection fees and estimated main connection
charges have been deposited with the City Treasurer. At such
time as the Director determines the remaining funds are not ade-
quate to provide necessary inspection for project completion, the
petitioner shall be notified of such and an estimate of additional
inspection fee required will be provided. The additional fees
shall be deposited with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of
the funds on deposit. Any monies unexpended from the inspection
deposit upon completion of the project shall be returned to the
Section 5. Construction of Main Extensions.
A. Main extensions may be made by private contract,
through local improvement district procedure, or by Department
B. Any main extension done other than by the Depart-
ment's forces shall be done by a licensed and bonded contractor
of the State of Washington.
C. Extension by the Department's forces shall be at the
expense of the person requesting construction of the main.
D. All main extensions must be on the City's frontage
of the applicant's property and other public right -of -way.
Section 6. City Participating in Main Construction.
The City will participate in construction of main ex-
tensions only where the requested service is to a single family
residence which abuts a street in which there is no main and
where funds are available. In such circumstances, the City may
extend its main at the cost of a two (2) inch main installed.
Section 7. Acceptance of Main Extensions.
A. The City reserves the right to reject any installation
not inspected and approved by the Department.
B. Upon satisfactory completion of all required tests
and acceptance of the main extension, the Department shall cause
the extension to be connected to the City system. All costs in-
curred in such connection(s) including overhead and administra-
tive charges, shall be the responsibility of the petitioner. Any
adjustment on the actual cost of installation because of variance
between the estimate and the actual cost shall be adjusted by re-
fund upon completion of the job by the petitioner, or by payment
by the petitioner to the City of any additional expense above
the estimate.
C. No main extension shall be energized other than for
test purposes by duly authorized personnel until the main exten-
sion has been accepted by the City and all fees and charges have
been paid. If energizing a main is necessary to restore service
to existing customers, fire hydrants will not be activated until
acceptance of the main extension.
Section 8. Construction Drawings.
A. Upon completion of a main extension, the petitioner
shall provide the Department a reproducible mylar drawing that
accurately indicates the main extension and appurtenances as
actually installed in plan and profile.
B. No main extension will be accepted until satisfactory
"as built" drawings are provided.
Section 9. Main Extensions Deeded to City.
A. The permit holder shall provide the City with a
deed of conveyance for all main extensions as a condition:of
acceptance of the main extension by the City.
B. The transfer of any main to the City shall be on
the condition that the owner, district, company, constructor, or
contributor shall transfer or provide for any necessary and proper
Section 10. Temporary Mains.
A. No temporary main shall be permitted to be installed
as a part of the City's water system.
B. Temporary mains and main extensions, however, may
be acquired, maintained and operated by the Division where pro-
visions have been made by the owners of such mains to standardize
such installations, in compliance with the standards for permanent
mains, under terms of an agreement entered into with the Council.
Where necessary, said agreement may provide for a surcharge rate
or charge to be levied by the City for a specified period of time
to provide sufficient revenues to assure compliance with City
standards. The Director shall, before recommending the acceptance
delineate the temporary mains included in such installations,
which are to be brought up to the City standards, on a map to be
included as an exhibit under the aforementioned agreement.
Section 11. Water Mains Relative to Sewer Lines.
Water mains, parallel to a sewer, shall normally be above
and separated by a distance of at least ten (10) feet horizontally
Under unusual circumstances the horizontal spacina may be adjusted,
subject to the approval of the'Department. Water mains crossing
sewers should be not less than three (3) feet above the sewer.
Where it is necessary for a sewer to cross within three (3) feet,
or over the water main, the sewer shall be constructed of cast
iron for a distance of ten (10) feet on either side of the water
main or encased in reinforced concrete for the same distance or
constructed of other materials approved by the Department.
Section 1. Severability. If any provisions of this
ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is
held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or application of
the provisions of the ordinance to other persons or circum-
stances, is not affected.
Section 2. Ordinances Repealed. The following ordinances
are repealed: Ordinances 1328, 1433, 1484, 1528, 1529, 1531, 1567,
1590, 1871, 1919, 1938, 1981, 2040, 2080, and other ordinances or
parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, and Chapter
13.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 3. Codification. Chapters 1 through 7 of this
ordinance shall be codified as consecutive chapters in Title 13
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take
effect as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of the Council held on this pJ1 day of
, 19 y/ .
M14: e.. _
ari -.C. Parrish, City Clerk
aig L Mill-r, City Attorney
PU - ISHED: l0tr-14600i 7 /TP/