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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Ordinance No. 1709 and the
Port Angeles Municipal Code by adoption
of a new chapter containing procedures
and standards for the Arterial Commercial
District; and repealing Article IV, Sec-
tion 8, Ordinance No. 1709 and Ordinance
Nos. 1784 and 1787.
WHEREAS, the necessary public hearings have been held;
WHEREAS, the requirements of Chapter 35A.63 RCW and
Chapter 43.21C RCW have been met and a public hearing has been
held by the City Council following public notice; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended to the
City Council that the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1709) and
the Port Angeles Municipal Code be amended by adding a new
chapter containing procedures and standards for the Arterial
Commercial District; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds it to be in the best
interests of the City of Port Angeles; NOW, THEREFORE,
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. There is hereby created a new chapter of
the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1709) and a new chapter of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code, to be known as Chapter 17.26,
Arterial Commercial District.
Section 2. Section 17.26.010 PURPOSE OF THE ARTERIAL
COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. The purpose of the Arterial Commerical
District is to create and preserve areas for business serving the
entire city that need an arterial location because of the nature
of the business or intensity of traffic generated.
Section 3. Section 17.26.040 PERMITTED USES:
1. Auto supply stores, service stations, self - service gas
islands, and tire shops.
2. New and used dealerships of automobiles, trucks,
trailers, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, tractors,
including sales, leasing and related servicing.
3. Boat and marine sales, and related servicing.
4. Building material stores, cabinet shops, glass stores,
hardware stores, lumber yards, paint stores, and
plumbing supply stores.
5. Commercial recreation establishments, such as bowling
alleys, night clubs, pool halls, theaters (movie and
6. Farm equipment stores, garden supply stores, nurseries.
7. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail
lounges, cafes, cafeterias, drive -in restaurants,
restaurants, take -out lunch stands, and taverns;
provided that drive -in restaurants, restaurants with
cocktail lounges and taverns, all of which have direct
customer access to an alley abutting residentially
zoned property, shall be conditional uses..
8. Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakeries, candy
stores, delicatessens, grocery stores, liquor stores,
meat and fish markets, and supermarkets.
9. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales
stores, clothing and shoe stores, department stores,
drug stores, second -hand stores, antique stores, pawn
shops, sporting goods stores, and variety stores.
10. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores,
furniture stores, office equipment stores, and stereo
11. Motels, hotels and hostels.
12. Specialized stores, such as bicycle, book, computer,
florist, gift, hobby and toy, and pet stores.
1. Art, dance, voice and music schools.
2. Business colleges and trade schools.
3. Business services, such as accounting, tax, employment,
and management consulting services.
4. Financial services, such as bail bond stores, banks,
finance offices, insurance companies, real estate
offices, stock brokerages, and title companies.
5. Furnishings repair shops, such as upholstering and
reupholstering shops.
6. Governmental offices and social service agencies.
7. Commercial laundries, dry cleaning shops, self- service
laundries, and tailor shops.
8. Personal services, such as barber shops, beauty shops,
exercise and reducing studios, and travel agencies.
9. Professional services, such as architectural, dental,
engineering, legal, medical, medical and dental labs,
and planning services.
10. Repair services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair,
and TV and stereo repair services.
11. Printing, blueprinting, photo developing and reproduc-
tion, and sign shops.
1. Clubs and lodges.
1. Apartments on second floor or above.
1. Convention centers, auditoriums.
2. Ferry, seaplane, airplane, helicopter, offices and
3. Mass transit terminals.
4. Parcel delivery service.
5. Radio, TV stations, and news buildings.
6. Vehicular services, such as ambulance service, automo-
tive and truck rentals, and vehicle maintenance and
repair shops, not including body and paint shops.
1. Storage services, such as frozen food and cold storage
lockers, mini - warehouses, transfer, moving and storage
2. Warehouse buildings and yards.
3. Wholesale businesses.
Section 4. Section 17.26.080 ACCESSORY USES. Those
uses incidental and accessory to the primary use as defined in
Ordinance No. 1709 as amended are permitted.
Section 5. Section 17.26.160 CONDITIONAL USES
A. Buildings or development necessary for the operation of a
public utility.
B. Churches.
C. Day care centers and pre - schools.
D. Drive -in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and
taverns, all of which have direct customer access to an
alley abutting residentially zoned property.
E. Independent off- street parking structures and lots.
F. Licensed wrecking yards.
G. Massage parlors, saunas and steam baths, as primary uses.
H. Parks and public piers.
I. Recreational vehicle courts and parks.
J. Retail stands, subject to Ordinance No. 2070.
K. Salvage stores and yards, recycling stores.
L. Shopping malls, exceeding 63,000 square feet in land area.
M. Social service agencies providing 24 -hour residential care.
N. Vehicle body and paint shops.
0. Veterinary clinics, offices and kennels, provided:
1. buildings and structures are soundproof.
2. all run areas are surrounded by an 8 -foot solid wall or
3. animal runs are to be constructed in such a manner that
no animal can see another.
4. that an incinerator of a type approved by the local
health department is installed.
Section 6. Section 17.26.200 AREA AND DIMENSIONAL
A. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 7000 square feet.
Front - no setback requirement.
Rear - no structure shall be built within the rear 15 feet
of a lot that abuts an alley or a residential district.
Side - no structure shall be built within 15 feet of any
property that has a residential zoning classification or an
alley. No side yard required when abutting another commer-
cially zoned lot.
D. VISION CLEARANCE: All corner lots shall maintain a triangu-
lar area at the intersection of two streets within which no
tree, fence, shrub, wall or other physical obstruction shall
be permitted higher than thirty (30) inches above the estab-
lished grade. The vision triangle shall extend twenty (20)
feet along both rights -of -way lines as measured from their
point of intersection.
Section 7. Section 17.26.210 PARKING: Parking spaces
shall be provided as required in Ordinance No. 1588, as amended.
[Or Chapter 14.40 of the PAMC.]
Section 8. Section 17.26.220 SIGNS: Signs may be
lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not exceeding 300
square feet total area. All signs and billboards over 10 square
feet in area shall be restricted to territory no closer than 100
feet to all property in a Residential District. Maximum height
35 feet.
Section 9. Section 17.26.230 DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING:
A. ALL OUTDOOR STORAGE areas shall be screened from public view
from public rights -of -way and abutting property by a sight -
obscuring fence 6 feet in height; except sanitation
receptacles associated with mechanized collection.
B. ALL LIGHTING on the site shall be directed or shaded so as
to not shine directly on adjoining non - commercial property.
C. A VISUAL SCREEN consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or
other materials, shall be provided in the yard abutting
residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a
height of 6 feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include
evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge of at least 6 feet
mature height within three years of the planting date,
except that approved vehicle driveways to an alley shall not
be obstructed; and except that sanitation receptacles asso-
ciated with municipal collection shall not be obstructed.
D. ALL REQUIRED PARKING areas shall include landscaping of at
least one tree for each ten spaces. The trees shall be of a
type approved by the City, at least 2" caliper at planting
time, and planted in a planting area of 10 -foot minimum
width or diameter.
Section 10. Section 17.26.300 REDESIGNATION: Any
property designated CAD or CAD -R on the Zoning Map of Ordinance
No. 1709, as amended, including the CAD -R designation of
Ordinance No. 1787, is hereby designated ACD (Arterial Commercial
Section 11. Section 17.26.310 REPEALER: Article IV,
Section 8, of Ordinance No. 1709 and Ordinance Nos. 1784 and 1787
are hereby repealed.
Section 12. Section 17.26.320 SEVERABILITY: If any
provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or
circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or
application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons
or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 13. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be
effective five (5) days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at are J}c`
ular meeting of said Council held on the day of
198* .
Q421 , x41.41 t
Merr Lannoye, City C
Craig D.'{nutson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: \ j 3D� t 4