HomeMy WebLinkAbout2318ORDINANCE NO. gbIcis
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
providing for the adoption, administration,
and enforcement of the 1982 Edition of the
Uniform Building Code, and other related
Codes, and amending Section 1 of Ordinance
2235, Section 1 of Ordinance 2140, and Sec-
tion l'of Ordinance 2141, and Sections
14.04.020, 14.04.030, and 14.20.020 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 2140 and PAMC
14.04.020 are hereby amended to read as follows:
14.04.020 Adoption. Pursuant to the State Building
Code, enacted by the Washington State Legislature and codified at
Ch. 19.27 RCW, the following codes are adopted subject to the
amendments set forth in Section 14.040.030:
A. Uniform Building Code with appendices, Chapter 1,
except subsection 108(b), Chapters 7 and 32, and Uniform Building
Code Standards, 1982 Edition, published by the International
Conference of Building Officials;
B. Uniform Mechanical Code, 1982 Edition, including
Chapter 22, Fuel Gas Piping, Appendix B, published by the
International Conference of Building Officials;
C. The Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards
as specifically adopted in Chapter 14.20 PAMC;
D. The Uniform Plumbing Code with Appendix C and Uniform
Plumbing Code Standards, 1982 Edition, published by the
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials;
provided, that Chapters 11 and 12 are not adopted;
E. The rules and regulations adopted by the Washington
State Building Code Advisory Council and codified at Chapter
51 -10 WAC, establishing standards for making buildings and
facilities accessible to and usable by the physically handicapped
or elderly persons as provided for in RCW 70.92.100 through
F. The Washington State Energy Code, as adopted by the
State Building Code Advisory Council, Second Edition, March,
1984, and as codified in Chapter 51.12 WAC;
G. Uniform Sign Code, 1982 Edition, published by the
International Conference of Building Officials;
H. Dangerous Building Codes, 1982 Edition, published by
the International Conference of Building Officials.
In case of conflict among the codes enumerated in
sub - sections A through D of this Section, the earlier named Code
shall govern over those following.
Section 2. Section 1 of Ordinance 2235 and PAMC
14.04.030 are each amended to read as follows:
14.04.030 Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 19.27.040, RCW
19.27.060(3) and (4), and PAMC 14.04.020, the following
amendments to the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code
and Uniform Sign Code are adopted:
A. Uniform Building Code, Table 5 -C is amended by adding
the following footnote:
(7) Type V -N construction prohibited in CBD - Central
Business District.
B. Uniform Building Code, Section 3802(b) is amended by
adding the following:
5A. In all buildings where the floor area exceeds
12,000 square feet on one floor, or 24,000 square
feet on all floors; however, the area and height
increases specified in Section 506(C) and 507 (for
sprinklers) shall be permitted. For the purpose
of this subsection, portions of buildings separated
from the rest of the building, in accordance with Sec-
tion 505(e) of the Uniform Building Code, with openings
allowed by the Uniform Building Code protected by the
installation of approved magnetic hold -open devices
which are activated by smoke detection devices
installed on both sides of said openings, may be
considered as separate buildings.
5B. In all buildings so constructed that any oc-
cupied portion is not readily accessible to Fire
Department personnel to allow evacuation of occu-
pants in the event of fire.
C. Uniform Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows:
(1) Paragraph 1, Article 20.7, Schedule of Fees: Add
call back inspection fees - $10.
(2) Add to Appendix "C" Footnote *14. Required
restroom facilities shall be maintained open and
operable during business hours where businesses
are being conducted and in other buildings when
being used by employees, occupants or the public.
Such public restrooms shall be readily identifiable.
D. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 301 is amended by
adding the following:
Provided, that presently existing signs not in
conformity with the Code, as amended, may be maintained
in their present condition unless hazardous, but may
not be altered or reconstructed unless in conformity
with this code.
E. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 303: Delete #3,
signs less than 6' above grade.
F. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 304 is amended to
read as follows:
(1) A sign permit fee and plan - checking fee shall be
paid in accordance with the following schedule:
Type of Sign
Wall or marquees,
Wall or marquees,
Freestanding and
Freestanding, projecting,
electric, less than
25 sq.ft.
All other electric, less
than 24 sq.ft.
All nonelectric, less
than 25 sq.ft.
Supergraphic on build-
ing (any size)
Sign Size
25 - 50 50 - 99 Over 100
sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft.
$25 $30 $35
30 40 50
40 50 70
An additional annual license fee of fifty dollars
shall be required for each billboard and shall be due
and payable on the first of January of each year.
If the work authorized under a sign permit has not
been completed within ninety calendar days after the
date of issuance of the permit, the permit shall expire
and any subsequent work shall require a renewal of the
permit and payment of renewal fees, at one -half the
original fee. All fees are nonrefundable.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall erect,
re- erect, construct, alter, or maintain a sign without
a permit first having been obtained, except as provided
by this Code, shall as a penalty pay double the amount
of the fee due for signs in the above -named schedule.
G. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 4, delete Table 4 -B. In
lieu thereof, Section 4505(b) of the Uniform Building Code, 1982
Edition, is adopted.
Section 3. Section 1 of Ordinance 2141 and PAMC
14.20.010 are each amended to read as follows:
14.20.010 Adoption. There is adopted by the City
Council, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing
conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion,
that certain code known as the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire
Code Standards, 1982 Edition, published by the International
Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs
Association; provided, that, notwithstanding any wording in this
Code, participants in religious ceremonies shall not be precluded
from carrying hand -held candles; and provided further, that
Article 78, Fireworks, is deleted in its entirety.
Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinance, or of
the Codes referred to herein, or its application to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or
the application of the provision to other persons or
circumstances is not affected.
Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect as
provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the /6-t-4 day of (3,QA,) , 1984.
err A. Lannoye, City Clerl
Craig D. .tson, City Attorney
JM A 0 R