HomeMy WebLinkAbout2376ORDINANCE NO. ,Q3--gt,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a position classification,
fringe benefit and pay plan for Admin-
istrative, Technical and Clerical Per-
sonnel, and providing for the payment
thereof for the year 1986.
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a salary and fringe bene-
fit schedule be established at this time for Administrative,
Technical and Clerical (non- union) personnel employed by the City
of Port Angeles and providing for the payment thereof; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a clear delineation be
made between the management group and union personnel;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles do ordain as follows:
Section 1. As of January 1, 1986, the salaries for
Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non- union) personnel
shall be as set forth in Schedule A attached to this ordinance
and made a part hereof by reference.
Section 2. All of the salaries set forth in Schedule A
shall be paid in bi- weekly installments to be as nearly equal as
the established accounting procedure of the City of Port Angeles
will permit, and shall be paid within five working days after the
close of the established payroll period for each month during the
year, or as soon thereafter as the established accounting
procedure of the City of Port Angeles will permit; except the
last installment shall be paid on the last working day of
December, 1986.
Section 3. Any of the salaries set forth in Schedule A
may be reviewed as of three, six or nine month intervals at the
discretion of the City Manager and the City Council.
Section 4. As of January 1, 1986, the fringe benefits
for Administrative Technical and Clerical (non- union) personnel
shall be as set forth in Schedule B attached hereto and made a
part hereof. Fringe benefits shall include holidays, sick leave,
vacation, medical, dental and optical insurance, as well as
mandatory requirements of state and federal government on
retirement programs.
Section 5. As of January 1, 1986, the classification
plan, salary administration procedures and the job descriptions
for the Administrative, Technical and Clerical (non- union)
personnel shall be as set forth in Schedule C attached to
Ordinance No. 2284 and made a part hereof by reference.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of
January, 1986.
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Mer i A. Lannoye, City/ Clerk
Craig . Knu son, City Attorney
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Schedule A - Master Job Title Index
Office Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Legal Administrative Assistant
Word Processing Technician
Executive Administrative Assistant
Programmer /Analyst
Recreation Coordinator
Assistant City Attorney
Cemetery Manager
Deputy City Clerk /Personnel Assistant
Equipment Rental Superintendent
Parks Superintendent
Accounting Manager
Senior Citizens Center Manager
Solid Waste Superintendent
Street Superintendent
Swimming Pool Manager
c3u; Id. �cq aauG l
Assistant Fire Chief
Assistant Police Chief
City Treasurer
Conservation Manager
Data Processing Manager
Electrical Engineer
Office Engineer
Personnel Manager /City Clerk
Police Lieutenant
Risk Manager /Safety Officer
Sewer /Water Superintendent
City Engineer /Asst. Dir. Public Works
Engineering and Operations Manager
Power Manager
City Attorney
Fire Chief
Parks and Recreation Director
Planning Director
Police Chief
Administrative Services Director
City Light Director
Public Works Director
City Manager
Schedule A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A 1166 1201 1237 1274 1313 1353
B 1201 1237 1274 1313 1353 1394
C 1237 1274 1313 1353 1394 1433
A 1313 1353 1394 1433 1479 1523
B 1353 1394 1433 1479 1523 1567
C 1394 1433 1479 1523 1567 1612
A 1479 1523 1567 1612 1659 1705 1757
B 1523 1567 1612 1659 1705 1757 1808
C 1567 1612 1659 1705 1757 1808 1866
A 1659 1705 1757 1808 1866 1921 1979
B 1705 1757 1808 1866 1921 1979 2036
C 1757 1808 1866 1921 1979 2036 2098
A 1866 1921 1979 2036 2098 2162 2226
B 1979 2036 2098 2162 2226 2290 2351
C 2098 2162 2226 2290 2351 2418 2489
A 2162 2226 2290 2351 2418 2489 2559
B 2290 2351 2418 2489 2559 2634 2710
C 2418 2489 2559 2634 2710 2788 2868
A 2489 2559 2634 2710 2788 2868 2951
B 2634 2710 2788 2868 2951 3035 3122
C 2788 2868 2951 3035 3122 3213 3306
A 2868 2951 3035 3122 3213 3306 3402
B 3035 3122 3213 3306 3402 3501 3603
C 3213 3306 3402 3501 3603 3709 3817
A 2951 3035 3122 3213 3306 3402 3501
B 3122 3213 3306 3402 3501 3603 3709
C 3306 3402 3501 3603 3709 3817 3929
A 3402 3501 3603 3709 3817 3929 4042
B 3603 3709 3817 3929 4042 4161 4282
C 3817 3929 4042 4161 4282 4407 4537
A 3929 4042 4161 4282 4407 4537 4670
B 4161 4282 4407 4537 4670 4806 4947
C 4407 4537 4670 4806 4947 5092 5242
Schedule B - Fringe Benefit Program
Administrative, Technical and Clerical Personnel
Section I. Retirement Program
A. Social Security
In accordance with laws established by the U.S. Government.
B. State Retirement Program
In accordance with the provisions of the Public Employee Retirement System
and the Law Enforcement Firefighters System as established by the Washington
State Legislature.
Section II. Holidays
In accordance with the statutes established by the Washington State Legislature,
holidays shall be as listed below:
New Years Day
Washington's Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
The day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Two floating holidays
Section III. Leave Policies
January 1
Third Monday in February
Last Monday in May
July 4
First Monday in September
November 11
Fourth Thursday in November
Fourth Friday in November
December 25
Employee's choice
A. Leave Policies for the City Manager and Department Heads.
1. Positions entitled to leave privileges set forth in this subsection:
City Manager
Director of Public Works
Director of City Light
Director of Administrative Services
Director of Parks and Recreation
Director of Planning
Fire Chief
Police Chief
City Attorney
2. Each department head and City Manager shall receive for each
month of service in each 12 -month period, 2.5 days of General Leave to
be used as they desire within the guidelines established below:
Section III (Continued)
A. (Cont.)
2. (Cont.)
(a) It is to be used for vacation, sick leave or other leave require-
(b) Maximum accumulation shall be 120 days.
(c) Department Heads are not required to take leave; however, the City
Manager may exercise his authority to request a Department Head to
take vacation, when he feels that a Department Head is not doing
so, to the detriment of either the department or the City.
However, when such is not the case, and no vacation is taken due
to job demands, no penalty should be incurred.
(d) Leave may be sold to the City for cash at prevailing rates of pay
only in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. A minimum accumulation of sixty (60) days must be achieved
before any leave may be converted to cash.
2. Sale of leave to the City will be approved only in cases of
emergency, contingency, or hardship, as determined by the
City Manager.
3. The City Manager will (on a case-by-case basis) approve all
sales of leave, and the extent to which such sales will be
(e) All time off shall be taken at the employee's convenience and with
the permission of the City Manager except when it may interfere
with operational functions of the City demanding the employee's
service or knowledge.
(f) All vacation and sick leave accumulated on the effective date of
the resolution or presently credited to the employee shall be
placed to his credit in the records of the City.
(g) It shall be the responsibility of the Department Head to use accu-
mulated leave in a prudent and careful manner.
(h) The City Manager may permit sick leave for employees with less
than one year of service or who have not been able to accumulate
sufficient time to cover the injury or sickness.
(i) Upon termination, a Department Head would receive general leave
pay in accordance with the following schedule at his current rate
of pay:
Years of Service Cash -Out Rate
0 - 3 years
4 - 5 Years
6 - 7 Years
8 or more years
B. Leave policies for non - department head employees in the exempt group:
1. All employees of the administrative, technical and clerical
union) not included in Section III -A shall be known as the
tive Group.
2. vacation leave shall be accrued by the Administrative Group
lowing rates:
group (non -
at the fol-
Section III (Continued)
B. (Cont.)
Less than two years' service 11 days
Two through five years 14 days
Six through ten years 17 days
Eleven through fifteen years 21 days
Sixteen through twenty years 26 days
Twenty -one years and over 31 days
(a) Leave accredited for any month of service may be taken in any sub-
sequent month providing such leave is approved by the employee's
(b) Annual leave may be accumulated provided the total does not exceed
120 days.
(c) Vacation leave may be sold to the City for cash at prevailing
rates of pay only in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. A minimum accumulation of sixty (60) days must be achieved
before any leave may be converted to cash.
2. Sale of leave to the City will be approved only in cases of
emergency, contingency, or hardship, as determined by the
City Manager.
3. The City Manager will (on a case -by -case basis) approve all
sales of leave, and the extent to which such sales will be
3. Sick leave for the Administrative Group shall be accrued and used in
accordance with the guidelines set forth below:
(a) Sick leave shall only be used in the case of necessity and actual
sickness or disability.
(b) Sick leave with pay shall accumulate at the rate of one work day
for each calendar month of service with no maximum.
(c) The City Manager has the authority to grant additional sick leave
in emergencies.
(d) Sick leave used by the employee shall be deducted from his total
(e) In order to receive compensation while on sick leave, the employee
1. Give immediate superior prior notice.
2. For absences of more than five days, a doctor's certificate
is required.
3. Less than five days absence, the employee must file a
personal affidavit stating the reason for his absence.
(f) Sick leave may be used for the following reasons:
1. Because of illness in the immediate family requiring the
attendance of the employee one day sick leave allowed.
Immediate family is wife, husband, and children.
2. Because of illness or injury incapacitating the employee to
perform his employment.
3. Because of death in the immediate family requiring the
employee's attendance. Three days are allowed for any one
incident. Immediate family shall include only persons
related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption in the degree
of consanguinity of which includes parent, wife, husband,
brother, sister, child, grandparents, or grandchildren, and
any relative living in the employee's household.
Section III (Continued)
R. (Cont.)
3. (Cont.)
(f) 4. Maternity leave up to 30 days.
5. Employees on sick leave shall continue to accrue sick leave
at the regular rate.
6. When an employee is injured on the job and there is time
lost, he shall go on industrial insurance as provided by the
City, and draw workmen's compensation disability pay. He
will be paid sick leave pay equal to the difference between
his regular pay less the amount of workmen's compensation
pay. The portion of sick leave paid will be deducted from
accumulated sick leave.
7. Twenty -five percent of accumulated sick leave will be paid
the employee upon retirement, death, or termination.
However, an employee who retires under the provisions of
P.E.R.S. shall have the option of selecting payment for a
maximum of 24 days at 100% if the 24 days do not exceed 25%
of his /her total accumulated sick leave. The City shall
notify the retirement system which option the employee
Section IV. Deferred Compensation
The City shall continue to make the ICMA - RC deferred compensation program
available to the administrative, technical and clerical employees.
Section V. Medical Insurance Programs
The City will provide a combined medical, dental, vision care, and disability
insurance program for all employees so eligible under this schedule.
Section VI. Tuition Reimbursement
Any employee in the administrative, technical or clerical group is entitled to
full reimbursement of tuition costs for any course directly related to his /her
job, provided that the employee has gained the approval of his /her department
head prior to registration for the class of instruction. All employees
requesting reimbursement for tuition will be expected to meet the minimum
standards for taking the course and must complete the course with a passing grade
or notification of course completion.