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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating the undeveloped street
identified as Eighth /Tenth Crossover
Drive and the alley in Blocks 253 and
254, TPA.
WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port
Angeles to vacate the undeveloped street identified as Eighth/
Tenth Crossover Drive and the alley in Blocks 253 and 254, TPA;
WHEREAS, the requirements of Chapter 43.21C RCW, the
State Environmental Policy Act, have been met and a public hear-
ing has been held by the City Council following public notice
pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and
WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and
in the interest of the public; now, therefore,
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. Vacation. Subject to the terms and condi-
tions of this Ordinance, the following described street and alley
is hereby vacated:
"H" Street between Eighth Street and the 9/10
alley; also the arterial street commonly known
as the Eighth /Tenth Crossover, from Eighth
Street to the 9/10 alley; also the alley in
Blocks 253 and 254, TPA.
Section 2. Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030,
the compensation required for the vacation of this street and
alley is as set forth in the-attached Exhibit "A. "..
Section 3. Easement Reserved. Pursuant to RCW
35.79.030, the City of Port Angeles hereby retains an easement
over the vacated street and alley for the construction, repair
and maintenance of public utilities.
Section 4. Quit Claim Deed. Upon compliance with the
terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the owner of abutting
property entitled to the vacated street and alley, pursuant to
RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port
Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and
directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed
shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifica-
tions upon the title established by this Ordinance.
Section 5. Pursuant to Chapter 43.21C RCW, the vaca-
tion of this street and alley is conditioned as set forth in the
attached Exhibit "B."
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be
effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions
of this Ordinance, and the Clerk is hereby directed to file,
record and publish this Ordinance upon that satisfaction.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of
May, 1986.
Sherri Anderson, Acting City C er
Craig D. Kitson, City Attorney
The vacationing of streets (cross -over) and alleys in the two
block area amounts to 173,275 square feet of real property.
Based upon assessment rolls and actual sales of real estate in
the vicinity, the cost per square foot is determined to be $1.12
per sq. ft. (173,275 X 1.12 = $194,068). According to code, the
compensation is for a base price of $97,034 or $.66 per sq. ft.
1) Given the community need for this project and the
special topographical and geological problems con-
nected with this piece of property, a credit shall
be given to the developer of $40,000 if the follow-
ing conditions are met:
A) Completion of a portion of the 146 unit project
consisting of at least 60 residential units and
supporting or related commercial development by
December 31, 1988.
B) The developer shall donate land at 8th and "I"
for traffic modification in accordance with the
Public Works Department's preliminary design of
the necessary improvements and legal description
of the property required from the developer.
C) The developer shall provide offsite drainage
improvements from the westerly edge of the
development to the drainageway south of 10th
Street along the "K" Street alignment. It is
projected that this will require a 24" pipe.
D) Run off flows from the site shall be restricted
to 6.2 c.f.s.
E) The developer shall construct and maintain an
adequate onsite retention pond to prevent ex-
cessive stormwater in heavy rains. The City
may assist with the maintenance of the site's
storm drainage system (except the retention pond)
if the system is placed along utility easements
accessible by the City's maintenance crews.
2) The developer shall pay to the City the $40,000
credit if the above conditions are not met by the
December 31, 1988 date.
3) In consideration of the fact that existing storm
drain systems discharge onto the site without benefit
of leaving the site, the amount of the compensation
is further reduced by $15,000 in order to alleviate
and accommodate drainage through the site from the
east part of the site to the west part of the site.
4) The developer shall pay the remaining $42,034 to the
City of Port Angeles at the time that property title
is transferred from the City to the developer.
Exhibit B
(1) In order to
reduce the impact on local hydrology and the City storm water system, the
development shall incorporate the storm water retention catch basin, oil/
water separator and other facilities deemed necessary by the City Public
Works Department, which shall have the capacity to retain the storm water
runoff at the pre- development level of the site; (2) Fire hydrants and
other fire prevention facilities be provided in accordance with ISO
Standards, the Uniform Fire Code and th<' City Fire Department; (3) To
reduce light and glare, noise, land use conflicts between residential and
commercial use, and to decrease visual impacts of the development, a
natural landscape buffer, utilizing the existing native trees and shrubs,
shall be provided to a depth of at least 50 feet from the rights -of -way of
Eighth Street, "C" Street, "I" Street and along the north line of the 9/10
alley. Az easement for a landscape buffer small be granted and filed with
the Count, Auditor, nctinc that the maintenance of said landscape buffer
shall be the responsibility of the property owner; (4) In order to mitigate
the impacts of light and glare of development an adjacent residential
areas, low -glare high pressure sodium lights with cut -off switches and
directed away from adjacent residential properties, shall be used wherever
feasible in all outdoor fixtures. To further reduce light and glare, the
landscape planting shall be incorporated into all parking lots, in residual
areas and the parking strip along the Eighth /Tenth Crossover, and in the
traffic median island at the intersections of the. Crossover with Eighth and
Tenth Streets; replacing (5) with,=that surficien tproperty be added on the
southeast corner of "1" and Eighth in order to make the intersection a free
right turn; (6) To provide for the safety of pedestrians in the vicinity,
sidewalks shall be installed by the petitioner on the south side of Eighth
Street, the east side of "I" Street and the west side of "G" Street
adjacent to the subject parcel. Marked pedestrian crossings across these
streets shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City
Public Works Department.
Condition No. 7 that if the project is not undertaken within a two -year
period, the right -of -way be returned to the City.
*,-3 that the southeastern portion be senior citizen housing and the northwest
area of the two -block site be the commercial site.
May 15, 1986
TO: City Council
FROM: Planning Departm
RE: Short Plat Ordinance Amendment
ISSUE: Consideration of amendment of the Short Plat Ordinance to
require Fire Chief's signature on short plats.
BACKGROUND: Wednesday, April 23rd, the Planning Commission
unanimously recommended the City Council amend the City's Short
Plat Regulations to require the Fire Chief's signature on final
short plats. The Commission stated that the amendment would
promote the protection and general health, safety and welfare of
the community by improving review of public safety concerns. The
Planning Commission's reasons have been included in the preamble
of the Ordinance.
ACTION: Following the public hearing, the Council could enter-
tain a motion to adopt the proposed Ordinance. Staff will be
available to respond to questions.