HomeMy WebLinkAbout2406ORDINANCE NU. -2.11 06
AN uRDINANCE of the City or rort Angeles
amending the City's Animal Control
Orainance, providing for spaying or
neutering of unclaimed animals,
establishing a cat license requirement
and related fees, regulating dangerous
dogs, amenaing Ordinances 1915 ana
2282, and amending Chapters 7.02, ,.u8,
7.12, 7.16, and 7.1a or the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, tne City Council finds tnat it is necessary to
control tne canine and feline animas population in Port Angeles
by requiring that unclaimed animals be spayed or neuterea prior
to release rrom the Pound; and
WHEREAS, tne City Council finds tnat it is necessary to
license cats in order to provide tne animal Control Officer with
a means of iaentifying such animals; and
WHEREAS, tne City Council finds tnat it is necessary to
further regulate dangerous dogs due to the increase in numbers of
such dogs and injuries caused by them; and
WHEREAS, the City Council rinds that the City's Animal
Control Ordinance requires updating.
Section 1. Section 1(B)(6) of Ordinance 1915, and
Section 7.02.060 or tne Port Angeles Municipal Code are each
hereby amended to read as rollows:
7.02.060 Dangerous Animal. As used in this Title,
"dangerous animal" means:
A. Any dog with a known propensity, tendency, or aisposi-
tion to attack, to cause injury, or to otherwise endanger the
sarety of human beings or aomestic animals; or
B. any aog which attacks a human being or domestic animal
one or more times witnout provocation.
section 2. section 10(A) of Ordinance 1915, Section 3
of Orainance 2282, and Section 1.08.030 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are each hereby amended to read as follows:
7.08.030 Redemption by Owner - Procedure - uestruction
or Witnnolding of Animal Wnen. Any impounaed animal shall be
held for a period of at least forty - eignt hours, provided tnat at
least six nours of the forty -eignt snall be within the normal
business hours or tne shelter, during wnicn period the owner or
custoaian thereof may redeem ana regain custody thereof by paying
the City any license fee tnat may be due for sucn animal plus a
penalty of twenty -five collars for the first impound plus five
dollars per day boarding tees plus any other billable costs
incurred by the City to apprehend or care ror an animal; provided
that one or the conditions listed below does not prevail. Any
succeeding impound of the animal witnin a one -year period snail
incur an additional tifteen dollar penalty over the previous
penalty incurred plus five dollars per day boarding fees plus any
otner billable costs incurred by the City to apprenend or care
tor an animal, proviaea that one of the following conditions does
not prevail:
A. If any animal so impounded shall be surfering from
injury or disease of such nature as to require the services of a
veterinarian, the same shall not be released rrom the shelter or
other place where the same may be neld except to a licensed
veterinarian, or veterinary hospital or the owner's choice ana
upon an indication of the willingness or the owner to assume tne
fees for tne necessary treatment.
B. Any animal suffering rrom any incurable injury or
aisease or any disease or condition which shall cause the same to
De a menace to public health or safety shall be destroyed by the
custodian of the shelter in a numane manner and disposed of in
such manner as to properly safeguard and protect the public
health anu safety.
Section J. Chapter /.u8 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code is hereby amended by adding a new section to read as
1.08.050 Acquisition of Animal From Humane Society or
City round by City Residents - rrocedure - Requirements.
A. The Humane Society or City Pound shall not deliver an
unclaimed canine or feline animal to a resident or the City of
Fort Angeles unless such resident first pays a spaying or
neutering deposit to the Humane Society or City round. Said
deposit shall be established by the Humane
anu snall be used to pay tne contractual
neutering. The fee snail be determined by
Society or City Pound
costs of spaying or
computation of current
contractual costs of veterinarian services with the agency and
shall furtner be based on the genaer and species of the animal.
Such fee shall be in auuition to any administrative and licensing
ree imposed by the Humane society or City Pound and the City of
Fort Angeles.
H. The Humane Society or City Pound shall, at tne time of
tne acquisition of the animal, collect the spaying or neutering
deposit plus any administrative or licensing rees but shall not
require a male animal to be neutered until such animal reacnes
eight months or age or a female animal to ne spayed until such
animal reaches six months of age.
C. In the event tne person acquiring the animal chooses
not to have the animas spayed or neutered, tne spaying or
neutering deposit shall De forfeited to the City.
D. In the event the person acquiring the animal chooses a
veterinary service, other than that orrered by the Humane Society
or City
L Of
Pound, for spaying or neutering the acquired animal, the
or neutering
or neutering
section 4.
deposit shall be refunded upon proof
by a doctor of veterinary
of the
Section 3 of Ordinance 1915, Sections
Ordinance 2282, anu
cnapter 7.12
of the
Municipal Cone are each hereby amendea to read as follows:
Chapter 1.12
1.12.010 Required - Exception. It is unlawful for any
person to own, keep or have in possession or control in the amity
any dog or cat or either sex more than six months old without
having first obtained a license tnerefor. Seeing Eye dogs 'or
the blind, owned and kept by a blind inaividual, shall be exempt
rrom the licensing provisions of this Title.
,.12.020 Application - Intormation required.
application for dog or cat licenses shall be maae at the office
of the City Treasurer. Tne tollowing information is required for
a dog or cat license:
A. Name, address and telephone number of the dog or cat
B. Address where dog or cat will be kept it airierent from
owner's address;
C. Name of dog or cat, breed of dog or cat, it xnown;
D. Sex of animal, whether neutered or unneutered and
whether spayed or unspayed;
E. Certification that the animal has been neutered or
spayed shall ne furnished by the owner of the dog or cat. Cer-
tification will be considered acceptable if obtained from a
doctor of veterinary medicine, license animal breeder, licensees
pet vendor, or animal control officer.
7.12.030 Fees.
A. rees for dogs licensed in any calendar year or witnin
thirty days rrom change of ownership snall be as follows:
1. Neuterea male dogs $ 5.00
2. Unneutered male dogs 11).00
J. Spayed female dogs 5.uu
4. Unspayea female dogs 10.00
B. Fees for cats licensed in any casenaar year or within
thirty nays from change ot ownership shall be as follows:
1. Neutered male cat $ 3.00
2. Each additional neutered cat 2.00
J. unneutered male cat lu.uu
4. Spayed female cat 3.00
5. Each additional spayed cat 2.00
6. Unspayed female cat 10.00
C. License fees for dogs apprehended and impounaea without
a license shall De as follows:
1. Neuterea male dogs $ 8.00
z. unneutered male dogs cu.00
J. Spayed female dogs a.00
4. Unspayea remale dogs 20.00
License fees snall be paid prior to tne release of the dog(s).
D. License Tees tor cats apprehendea and impounded without
a license snail be as follows:
1. Neutered male cats $ 6.0u
2. unneutered male cats 15.uu
3. Spayed female cats 6.00
4. Unspayed remale cats 15.00
License Tees shall be paid prior to the release of the cat(s).
E. It shall De the responsibility of tne dog or cat owner
to present eviaence that his dog or cat is either a neuterea male
or spayed remale as specifies in section 17.12.020.
7.12.040 License - Expiration, Renewal, Grace Perioa.
A. Each license shall be for a perioa ot one year. Said
license snail De due on January 1st or each year, beginning on
January 1, 1987, and expire on December 31st of each year;
provided tnat a grace period for renewal of a previous year's
license shall extena to April 1st of each year.
r3. Licenses shall be mace available for purcnase three
months prior to each licensing year, whether tor rirst issue or
renewal purposes.
C. Tne license requirements or this Title do not apply to
nonresidents residing within the City less than thirty days.
After thirty days a license snail be required.
7.12.uDu Tag - Requirements. The license required
shall be a tag or a size and shape suitable to be attached to the
collar of the animal for which issued, snall be serially numbered
commencing with the number one (1) each year, which number shall
be prefaced by tne letter "D" for dogs and "C" for cats, and
shall near the number of the year tor which issued. All licenses
issued for dogs or cats of either sex shall be permanently
attacned to the collar or harness of and worn by the animal for
which issued until sucn license shall have expired. Any dog or
cat without such a license tag is declared to be a nuisance and
may be impounded, witn the owner being subjected to fees
specified in Subsections C and D of Section 7.12.uiu.
7.12.060 Tag - Transfer to unlicensed aog or cat
prohibited. It is unlawful to remove a valid license tag from a
properly licensed dog or cat for use on a dog or cat not
7.12.070 Tag - Counterfeit Prohibited. It is unlawful
to counterfit any license tag to use in evading the purcnase of a
license tag.
Section 5. Subsection 9(A) of Ordinance 1915 and Sec-
tion ,.16.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each hereby
amended to read as rollows:
7.16.070 Dogs. It is unlawful for the owner or cus-
todian of any aog to cause, permit or allow such dog to roam,
run, stray, or to be away from tne premises of such owner or
custodian ana to be on any public place, or on any public prop-
erty, or tne private property or another in the City, unless such
dog while away Prom such premises be unaer control. Any dog
found roaming, running, straying, or being away from such premise
and not under control as herein provided may be impounaea subject
to redemption in the manner provided by Sections /.8.030 and
/.08.040. "Under control ", for the purpose or this title, means
the aog is on a leash not to exceea ten feet in length ana unaer
the restraint or tne owner or custodian, or on or within a
venicle being driven or parxed on the streets, or witnin the
property limits ot its owner or keeper, or taxing part in a
special event with the prior written approval of the wort Angeles
Police Department or within the care ana custody of a law
enforcement agency.
Section 6. Subsection 9(x) of Ordinance 1915 ana sec-
tion 7.16.080 of the runt Angeles Municipal cuoae are each hereby
amended to read as follows:
/.16.080 Animal Entering Private Property Nuisance
When. Any domesticated animal which enters upon other persons*
properties without the permission of such persons is a public
Section 7. Subsection 9(L) of Ordinance 1915 and Sec-
tion /.1b.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are eacn nereby
amended to reaa as follows:
7.16.090 Animal Kept on Public Property Nuisance When.
Animals staked, tetherea, or kept on public property without
prior written consent ot the Animal Control Authority are a
public nuisance.
Section 8. Subsection 9(M) or ordinance 1915 and Sec-
tion 7.16.100 or the Port Angeles Municipal code are each hereby
amenaea to read as follows:
/.16.100 Animal on Public Property Nuisance Wnen.
Animals on any public property not under control by tne owner or
other competent person are a public nuisance.
Section 9. Subsection 9(u) ot Ordinance 1915 and sec-
tion 7.16.110 ot tne Tort Angeles Municipal Lode are each hereby
amenaed to read as follows:
1.16.110 Interference with Public Ways Declarea a
Nuisance. Any domesticated animal which snaps, jumps upon or
otherwise threatens persons using the public sidewalks, streets,
alleys or other public ways is a public nuisance.
Section 10. Subsection 9(0) of Ordinance 19.1.5 and Sec-
tion /.16.120 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each hereby
amended to read as follows:
7.16.120 Dogs in racks. Dogs running in packs are a
public nuisance.
Section 11. Subsection 9(r) of Ordinance 1915 ana sec-
tion 7.16.130 of the rort Angeles Municipal Loae are each hereby
amenaed to read as follows:
1.16.130 Trespassing, Attacking Other Animals Declared
a Nuisance. Any animal or animals whicn trespass on school
grounds or attack otner animals are a puoiic nuisance.
Section 12. Subsection 9(I) of Ordinance 1715 and Sec-
tion 7.16.140 or the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each hereby
amenaed to read as follows:
7.16.140 Dangerous cogs.
A. No person owning, harboring or having the care of a
dangerous dog shall allow or permit such animal to go unconfined
on the premises of sucn person. A dangerous dog is unconfined"
as the term is used in tnis Section if such dog is not securely
confined indoors or continea in a securely enclosea and locked
pen or structure upon the premises of the person described in
this Section. Such pen or structure must have secure siaes and a
secure top. Ir the pen or structure has no bottom secured to tne
sides, the sues must be embedded in the ground no less than one
J3. No person owning or narcoring or having the care of a
dangerous dog snail allow or permit sucn aog to go beyond the
premises of such person unless such dog is securely leashed and
humanely muzziea or otherwise securely restrained.
C. A person who is convicted of violating this Section
shall be round guilty of a misdemeanor. The penalty shall be a
maximum fine or rive hundred dollars ana /or a jail sentence or
six months. Furtner, any person founa guilty of violating this
Section snall pay all expenses, including shelter, rood, veter-
inary expenses for identirication or certification of the breed
of the animal or boaraing and veterinary expenses necessitated by
the seizure or any dog for the protection of the public, and sucn
other expenses as may be required ror the destruction or any such
aog. In addition, any aangerous dog which attacks a human being
or domestic animal may be ordered destroyed wnen, in the court's
judgment, such dangerous dog represents a continuing tnreat of
serious harm to numan beings or domestic animals.
Section 13. Subsection 9(F) of Ordinance 1915 and Sec-
tion 7.16.150 or the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each hereby
amended to read as follows:
7.16.150 Chasing venicles. Any domesticated animal
which cnases or runs after vehicles using the public streets and
alleys is a public nuisance.
Section 14. Subsection 9(H) of Ordinance 1915 and Sec-
tion /.18.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each hereby
amended to read as roiiows:
7.18.050 Dangerous Animal. Any animal which consti-
tutes a aanger to the safety or persons or property orr its
premises or lawrusly on its premises is a public nuisance.
Section 15. Subsection J) of Ordinance 1915 ana sec-
tion 7.18.ub0 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each nereby
amendea to read as follows:
7.18.060 Annoying Animal Noise. Any domesticated
animal which by frequent or excessive howling, yelping, whining,
or barking or other oral noises unreasonably annoys or disturbs
other persons in the vicinity ot tne premises or upon the public
street is a public nuisance.
Section 16 Severability. if any provision of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder or tne Ordinance, or the application
of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not
arrected, and to this end tne provisions of this Ordinance are
declared to ne severable.
Section 18 irfective Date. This Ordinance shall take
ettect as provided by law.
PASSED by the City council of the City ot Port Angeles
at a regular meeting or said Council held on tne /5 4Cday of
J(4114_ , 1986.
AT•TtIbT :
AL Apr c @f 1 _St&
Sherri L. Anaerson,
Acting City clerk
Craig D. tnutson, City Attorney
PUBOISHED: (.1905J (0, !CTh