HomeMy WebLinkAbout2410ORDINANCE NO. ALL*
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the Civil Service System to
provide for a Rule of Three, to establish
a separate interview board, and to re-
define the duties and functions of the
Civil Service Commission, Chief Examiner,
and appointing authority, amending
Ordinances 1040 and 2372 and Chapter 2.22
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinances 1040 and 2372 and Chapter 2.22
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as
Purpose and Scope.
Civil Service Commission.
Interview Board.
Classified Civil Service.
Qualification of Applicants.
Discrimination Prohibited.
Grounds for Discipline.
Procedure for Removal.
Filling of Vacancies.
Probationary Period.
Powers Not Infringed.
Approval of Payrolls.
Leaves of Absence.
Enforcement by Civil Action.
Deceptive Practices Prohibited.
Political Contributions and Services.
2.22.010 Establishment. There is hereby established a
Civil Service Commission and a Civil Service System of employment
in the Police and Fire Departments. The Civil Service Commission
and the Civil Service System shall operate in compliance with
this Chapter.
2.22.020 Purpose and Scope. This Chapter sets forth
the policies and provisions that shall govern the system of
employment of Police and Fire Department personnel in the City of
Port Angeles. This Civil Service System is intended to operate
on a uniform, equitable basis so that the affected employees and
the citizens of Port Angeles may derive the benefits and
advantages which can be expected to result from a competent staff
of uniformed personnel. This Chapter shall apply to all members
of the Classified Civil Service as specified in PAMC 2.22.070.
This Chapter shall prevail except where its provisions conflict
with the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
2.22.030 Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the
words and terms set forth in this section shall be given the
following definitions:
(A) "Appointing Authority or Power" means the City Manager or
his designee.
(B) "Appointment" includes all means of selecting, appointing or
employing any person to hold any office, place, position or
employment subject to Civil Service.
(C) "Board" means the Interview Board created in this Chapter.
(D) "Chief Examiner" means the City Personnel Director or his or
her designee.
(E) "Commission" means the Civil Service Commission created in
this Chapter, and "Commissioner" means any one of the three
Commissioners appointed to that Commission.
(F) "Discipline" includes personnel actions by the Appointing
Power that directly affect the employee's compensation, including
demotion, suspension without pay, reduction in rank, reduction in
compensation, or discharge, and shall not include such personnel
actions as oral or written reprimands.
2.22.040 Organization. The Civil Service System shall
consist of the City Council, the Appointing Power, the Civil
Service Commission, the Chief Examiner, and the Interview Board,
which shall have the following respective duties:
(A) City Council. The City Council shall appoint the Civil
Service Commission.
(B) Civil Service Commission.
(1) The Civil Service Commission shall promulgate Civil
Service Rules necessary to carry out and enforce the purpose of
this Chapter. Such Rules shall be subject to adoption by
Resolution of the City Council.
(2) The Commission shall make investigations concerning and
report upon all matters touching the enforcement and effect of
the provisions of this Chapter, and the Rules prescribed here-
under. In the course of such investigation, the Commission or
its designated Commissioner shall have the power to administer
oaths, subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the
production by them of documents pertaining to the investigation
and also to cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or
without the State to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for
like depositions in civil actions in the Superior Court. The
oaths administered hereunder and the subpoenas issued hereunder
shall have the same force and effect as the oaths administered by
a Superior Court Judge in his judicial capacity. The failure
upon the part of any person so subpoenaed to comply with the
provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a violation of this
Chapter and punishable as such.
(3) The Commission shall hear and determine appeals or
complaints respecting the administrative work of the Chief
Examiner and such other matters governed by this Chapter as may
be referred to the Commission.
(4) All hearings and investigations before the Commission
or its designated Commissioner shall be governed by this Chapter
and by the Rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Neither the
Commission nor a designated Commissioner shall be bound by the
technical rules of evidence. No informality in any proceedings
or hearing, or in the manner of taking testimony before the
Commission or designated Commissioner, shall invalidate any
order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or
by the Commission: PROVIDED, however, that no order,
rule or regulation made by any designated Commissioner
any hearing or investigation alone shall be
effect whatsoever unless and until concurred
of the other two Commissioners.
(C) The Appointing Power. The Appointing Power shall fix and
establish the number of employees in the Police and Fire Depart-
ments and determine their duties and compensation in accordance
with the salary ordinance or compensation plan adopted by the
City Council.
(D) Chief Examiner.
(1) The Chief Examiner shall keep the records for the
Commission, preserve all reports made to it, superintend and keep
a record of all examinations, and perform such other duties as
the Commission may prescribe.
(2) The Chief Examiner shall provide for, formulate and
hold competitive tests to determine the relative qualifications
of persons who seek employment in any class or position and as a
result thereof establish eligible lists for the various classes
of positions and certify to the Appointing Authority the neces-
sary applicants from the established eligible list; PROVIDED,
that personnel laid off because of curtailment of expenditures,
reduction in force, and for like causes, shall head the list in
the order of their seniority, to the end that they shall be the
first to be re- employed.
(3) All tests shall be practical, designed to reasonably
assess the applicant's qualifications, and shall consist only of
subjects which will fairly determine the capacity of persons
examined to perform duties of a position to which appointment is
to be made, and may include tests of physical and mental fitness
of any force or
least one
and /or manual skill; PROVIDED that a credit of ten percent (10 %)
in favor of all applicants for appointment under Civil Service,
who, in time of war, or in any expedition of the Armed Forces of
the United States, have served in and been honorably discharged
from the Armed Forces of the United States, including the Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps and the American Red Cross; PROVIDED
FURTHER that such credit shall apply to a final passing score on
entrance examinations only.
(4) The Chief Examiner shall administer the Classification
Plan for the classes covered under the Civil Service System.
(5) The Chief Examiner shall draft Civil Service Rules for
consideration by the Commission and adoption by the City Council
and shall from time to time draft amendments to said Rules as
(E) The Interview Board. The Interview Board shall conduct any
oral examination given as part of the determination of qualifica-
tions of persons seeking employment to the Classified Civil
2.22.050 Civil Service Commission. There shall be
three (3) members on the Civil Service Commission, who shall be
appointed by the City Council. The members of the Commission
shall serve without compensation. No person shall be appointed a
member of such Commission who is not a citizen of the United
States, a resident of the City of Port Angeles for at least three
years immediately preceding such appointment, and an elector of
the County wherein he or she resides. At the time of any appoint
ment not more than two (2) Commissioners shall be adherents of
the same political party.
A full term of office on the Civil Service Commis-
sion shall be four (4) years and shall start on March 1st of the
year in which the appointment is made, PROVIDED that appointments
to an expired term shall start as designated in the appointment,
and PROVIDED FURTHER that the appointment to the current vacant
position shall expire on the last day of February, 1988, after
which a re- appointment may be made. No person shall be allowed
to serve on the Civil Service Commission for more than two (2)
consecutive four -year terms; PROVIDED that this prohibition shall
not disqualify any person now serving on the Civil Service
Commission from completing the term that he or she has been
appointed to serve as of March 19, 1986.
Any member of the Commission may be removed from
office for incompetency, incompatibility or dereliction of duty,
or malfeasance in office, or other good cause, as determined by
the City Council: PROVIDED, however, that no member of the
Commission shall be removed until charges have been preferred, in
writing, due notice and a full hearing held before the City
Council. The members of such Commission shall devote due time
and attention to the performance of the duties specified and
imposed upon them by this Chapter.
2.22.060 Interview Board. The Interview Board shall
be composed of three (3) persons. One member shall be the Chief
Examiner or his /her designee. The Chief Examiner shall appoint
the other two members, subject to confirmation by the City
Council. One member shall be a lay person who shall be a citizen
of Port Angeles. One member shall be a uniformed professional
with experience and expertise with respect to the particular
position for which the interviews are being conducted; PROVIDED
that such uniformed professional member shall not be an employee
of the City of Port Angeles.
2.22.070 Classified Civil Service. The Classified
Civil Service and provisions of this Chapter shall include all
regular, full -paid, sworn safety employees of the Police and Fire
Departments of the City of Port Angeles, including the Chiefs of
said Departments. All appointments to and promotions in said
Departments shall be made solely on merit, efficiency and fit-
ness, which shall be ascertained by competitive examination (open
or promotional) and impartial investigation. No person shall be
reinstated in or transferred, suspended or discharged from any
such place, position or employment contrary to the provisions of
this Chapter.
2.22.080 Qualifications of Applicants. An applicant
for a position of any kind under Civil Service must be a citizen
of the United States of America who can read and write the
English language.
An applicant for a position of any kind under
Civil Service must meet the necessary qualifications as provided
for in the job description for the classification, maintained in
the City of Port Angeles Personnel Office. Such qualifications
include being of good moral character and of temperate and
industrious habits; such qualifications and facts to be
ascertained in such manner as the Chief Examiner may deem
advisable and consistent with the Civil Service Rules promulgated
pursuant to this Chapter.
Further qualifications for each position in the
Classified Service shall be developed by the Chief Examiner in
cooperation with the Appointing Power and consistent with the job
description developed by the Appointing Power.
2.22.090 Discrimination Prohibited. No person apply-
ing for or holding an office, place, position, or employment
under the provisions of this Chapter or the Civil Service Rules
promulgated pursuant thereto shall be required to reside within
the limits of the City of Port Angeles as a condition of employ-
ment nor shall any such person be discriminated against by the
City in any manner because of his or her residence outside of the
City limits; PROVIDED that reasonable response time may be
considered as a necessary position prerequisite.
2.22.100 Grounds for Discipline. The tenure of every-
one holding an office, place, position or employment under the
provisions of this Chapter shall be only during good behavior,
and any such person may be removed or discharged, suspended
without pay, demoted, or reduced in rank, or deprived of vacation
privileges or other special privileges for any of the following
(A) Incompetency, inefficiency or inattention to or dereliction
of duty;
(B) Dishonesty, intemperance, immoral conduct, insubordination,
discourteous treatment of the public, or a fellow employee, or
any other act of omission or commission tending to injure the
public service; or any other wilful failure on the part of the
employee to properly conduct himself; or any wilful violation of
the provisions of this Chapter or the Civil Service Rules to be
adopted hereunder;
(C) Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the
employee holds;
(D) Dishonest, disgraceful, immoral, or prejudicial conduct;
(E) Drunkenness or use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or
any other habit - forming drug, liquid or preparation to such
extent that the use thereof interferes with the efficiency or
mental or physical fitness of the employee, or which precludes
the employee from properly performing the function and duties of
any position under Civil Service;
(F) Conviction of any felony or misdemeanor, directly or
indirectly related to the employee's employment with the City of
Port Angeles;
(G) Any other act or failure to act which, in the judgment of
the Appointing Power, is sufficient to show cause for
disciplinary action.
2.22.110 Procedure for Removal. No person in the
Classified Civil Service who is a regular, full -time employee and
who has completed his /her probationary period under provisions of
this Chapter, shall be removed, suspended, demoted, or discharged
except for cause, and only upon written accusation of the Appoint-
ing Power, or any citizen or taxpayer; a written statement of
which accusation, in general terms, shall be served upon the
accused, and a duplicate filed with the Commission and the Chief
Examiner. Any person so removed, suspended, demoted or
discharged may within ten days from the time of his removal,
suspension, demotion or discharge, file with the Commission a
written demand for an investigation, whereupon the Commission
shall conduct such investigation. The investigation shall be
confined to the determination of the question of whether such
removal, suspension, demotion or discharge was or was not made
for political or religious reasons and was or was not made in
good faith for cause. After such investigation, the Commission
may affirm the removal, or if it shall find that the removal,
suspension, or demotion was made for political or religious
reasons, or was not made in good faith for cause, shall order the
immediate reinstatement of or re- employment of such person in the
office, place, position or employment from which such person was
removed, suspended, demoted or discharged, which reinstatement
shall, if the Commission so provides in its discretion, be
retroactive, and entitle such person to pay or compensation from
the time of such removal, suspension, demotion or discharge. The
Commission, upon such investigation, in lieu of affirming the
removal, suspension, demotion or discharge may modify the order
of removal, suspension, demotion or discharge by directing a
suspension, without pay, for a given period, and subsequent
restoration to duty, or demotion in classification, grade, or
pay; the findings of the Commission shall be certified, in
writing to the Appointing Power, and shall be forthwith enforced
by such officer.
All investigations made by the Commission pursuant
to the provisions of this Section shall be had by public hearing,
after reasonable notice to the accused of the time and place of
such hearing, at which hearing the accused shall be afforded an
opportunity of appearing in person and by counsel, and presenting
his /her defense. The findings of the Commission may be appealed
to the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the
County of Clallam. Such appeal shall be taken within thirty (30)
days after the entry of the Commission's findings, which appeal
shall be based on a certified transcript of the record and of all
papers on file in the office of the Commission affecting or
relating to such judgment or order.
2.22.120 Filling of Vacancies. Whenever a position in
the Classified Service becomes vacant, the Appointing Power, if
it desires to fill a vacancy, shall make requisition to the Chief
Examiner for the names and addresses of the persons eligible for
appointment thereto. The Chief Examiner shall certify the names
of the three persons highest on the eligible list for the class
to which the vacant position has been allocated, who are willing
to accept employment and who have the appropriate phychological
examination and background investigation. If there is no appro-
priate eligible list for the class, the Chief Examiner shall
either establish such a list as provided in this Chapter, or
otherwise determine what list shall be deemed appropriate for
such class. The Chief Examiner shall then certify the names of
the three persons standing highest on the list. If more than one
vacancy is to be filled, an additional name shall be certified
for each additional vacancy.
The Appointing Power shall, after review of the
persons so certified, appoint one person to each such vacant
position. If any person certified by the Chief Examiner is
removed from the list or otherwise requests to not be considered
for appointment, the Chief Examiner shall certify the next
highest person on the list to replace those removed. The Civil
Service Rules shall establish a procedure for removal of names
from the eligibility list either prior to or subsequent to
certification to the Appointing Authority.
If there is an eligible list for the class which
contains the names of less than three eligibles, the Appointing
Authority may, upon being notified of such fact, elect to fill
the vacancy using those on the eligible list, or fill the vacancy
by temporary appointment until the eligible list contains the
names of at least three eligibles. The Civil Service Rules may
provide for expiration of an eligible list when the number of
names on such list has been reduced to less than three, or may
provide for a method of supplementing the list with additional
eligibles who have been tested in the same manner as those on the
2.22.130 Probationary Period. To enable the Appoint-
ing Power to exercise a choice in the filling of positions, no
appointment, employment or promotion in any position in the
Classified Service shall be deemed complete until after the
expiration of a period of one year probationary service, exclud-
ing any paid or unpaid leave periods greater than 15 working
days, as shall be provided in the Civil Service Rules, during
which the Appointing Power may terminate the employment of the
person certified to him /her. If, during the probation period
thus afforded, upon observation or consideration of the
performance of duty, the Appointing Power deems him /her unfit or
unsatisfactory for service in the Department, the Appointing
Power shall designate one of the persons certified as standing
within the next three persons highest on any such list. Such
persons shall likewise enter upon the duties until some person is
found who is deemed fit for appointment, employment or promotion
for the probationary period provided therefor, whereupon the
appointment, employment or promotion shall be deemed to be
2.22.140 Powers Not Infringed. All offices, places,
positions and employments coming within the purview of this
Chapter, shall be created by the City Council and the Appointing
Power, and nothing herein contained shall infringe upon the power
and authority of the City Council to fix the salaries and
compensation of all employees employed hereunder.
2.22.150 Approval of Payrolls. No treasurer, auditor,
comptroller or other officer, or employee of the City of Port
Angeles shall approve the payment of or be in any manner concerne
in paying, auditing or approving any salary, wage, or other
compensation for services to any person subject to the jurisdic-
tion and scope of this Chapter, unless a payroll, estimate or
account for such salary, wage or other compensation, containing
the names of the persons to be paid, the amount to be paid to
each such person, the services on account of which same is paid,
and any other information which, in the judgment of the Civil
Service Commission, should be furnished on said payroll, bears
the certificate of the Chief Examiner that the persons named in
such payroll, estimate or account have been appointed or employed
in compliance with the terms of this Chapter and with the Civil
Service Rules, and that the said payroll, estimate or account is,
so far as known to the said Chief Examiner, a true and accurate
statement. The Chief Examiner shall refuse to certify the pay of
any public officer or employee whom he /she finds to be illegally
or improperly appointed, and may further refuse to certify the
pay of any public officer or employee who shall wilfully or
through culpable negligence violate or fail to comply with this
Chapter or with the Civil Service Rules.
2.22.160 Leaves of Absence. Leave of absence, with
or without pay, may be granted by the Appointing Power to any
person under Civil Service: PROVIDED, that the Appointing Power
shall give notice of such leave to the Chief Examiner. All
temporary employment caused by leaves of absence shall be made
from the eligible list of the Classified Civil Service.
2.22.170 Enforcement by Civil Action. It shall be the
duty of the Commission to begin and conduct all civil suits which
may be necessary for the proper enforcement of this Chapter and
of the Civil Service Rules. The Commission shall be represented
in such suits by the chief legal officer of the City, but said
Commission may in any case be represented by special counsel
appointed by it upon approval by the City Council.
2.22.180 Deceptive Practices Prohibited. No Commis-
sioner or Chief Examiner or any other person, shall, by himself
or in cooperation with one or more persons, defeat, deceive, or
obstruct any person in respect of his right of examination or
registration according to the Rules and Regulations of this
Chapter, or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the
examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered
or certified pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, or aid
in so doing, or make any false representation concerning the
same, or concerning the person examined, or furnish any person
any special or secret information for the purpose of improving or
insuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined,
registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certi-
fied, or persuade any person, or permit or aid in any manner any
other person to impersonate him, in connection with any examina-
tion or registration of application or request to be examined or
2.22.190 Political Contributions and Services. No
person holding any office, place, position or employment subject
to Civil Service, is under any obligation to contribute to any
political fund or to render any political service to any person
or party whatsoever, and no person shall be removed, reduced in
grade or salary, or otherwise prejudiced for refusing so to do.
No public officer, whether elected or appointed, shall discharge,
promote, demote, or in any manner change the official rank,
employment or compensation of any person under Civil Service, or
promise or threaten so to do, for giving or withholding, or
neglecting to make any contribution of money, or services, or any
other valuable thing, for any political purpose.
2.22.200 Penalty. Any person who shall wilfully
violate any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not more than $500 and by imprisonment in
the County Jail for not longer than 30 days, or by both such fine
and imprisonment.
Section 2 Severability. If any provision of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or the application
of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not
affected, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are
declared to be severable.
Section 3 Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the
S.Op (hP,,r , 1986.
I , ,
Sherri L. An`clerson, City Clerk
Craig D. utson, City Attorne
PUBLISHED:, �1' rf f'.vV/t t 4' I.' 1
day of