HomeMy WebLinkAbout2417ORDINANCE NO. 410
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
altering the rates for the sale of
electricity; amending the general
provisions applicable to all services;
amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2054
as most recently amended by Section 1
of Ordinance 2137; amending Section 6
of Ordinance 2054 as most recently
amended by Section 3 of Ordinance
2273; amending Section 2 of Ordinance
2173 as most recently amended by
Section 4 of Ordinance 2273; amending
Section 3 of Ordinance 2173 as most
recently amended by Section 5 of
Ordinance 2273; and amending Sections
13.12.010, 13.12.060, 13.12.071 and
13.12.072 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 2054, as most recently
amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 2137, and Section 13.12.010 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amended to read as
13.12.010 General Provisions Applicable to All Services.
A. Any single motor of over ten ((three)) horsepower, single -
phase; any single motor of over twenty ((five)) horsepower, poly-
phase; any single electric load over fifty kVA; and welders and
x -ray equipment; shall not be placed in service without prior
approval from the Light Department.
B. When a request for service requires an extension of distri-
bution facilities to serve new loads or customers, the Light
Department will determine the amount of construction costs, if
any, to be paid by the customer prior to actual construction. It
shall be the customer's responsibility to provide and clear at
least a twenty foot access to within one hundred fifty feet of
the metering point. All required rights -of -way and /or easements,
properly executed, must be in the City's possession before con-
struction is started. The City may require the customer to
install and maintain poles, wires and /or other equipment on his
property necessary to serve at a greater distance than one
hundred fifty feet from the City's supply facilities to the cus-
tomer's metering point.
C. Any changes or re- arrangements of the Light Department's
facilities at the request of the customer will be done only if
- 1 -
the customer pays all costs associated with the change or re-
arrangement, including overhead.
D. Metering shall be provided as specified by the Light
Department, which shall have the right to install such equipment
as it finds necessary to determine any and all operating
E. When the customer's average power factor falls below ninety -
five percent, as measured by a reactive meter, the billing demand
will be increased one percent for each percentage point below
ninety -five percent, unless otherwise specified. Minimum billing
and demand charges, if applicable, will be applied after the
correction for low power factor. The City shall have the right
to refuse or discontinue service to any customer not maintaining
a power factor of at least eighty percent.
Section 2. Section 6 of Ordinance 2054 as most recently
amended by Section 3 of Ordinance 2273, and Section 13.12.060 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amended to read as
13.12.060 Schedule IP5 - Industrial Primary.
A. Avplicability. This schedule applies to industrial manu-
facturing and processing plants when connected load is greater
than one thousand kilowatts.
B. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this
schedule is unregulated three phase, sixty cycle, alternating
current at primary voltage, 12.5KV nominal. Service under this
schedule shall be provided and measured at the point(s) of inter-
connection of the distribution facilities of the customer and the
C. Rate:
1. Billing demand for the month shall be the maximum one -
hour demand for the month, after adjustment for power
factor(( er- eae- thousand- kilewattsy- whiehever -4e- higher)).
The minimum demand charge shall be $1,770.
2. Monthly Demand Charge:
a. Heavy load period demand charges:
The maximum one -hour demand occurring during the
hours of 7:00 A.M. through 2:00 P.M., Monday through
Saturday ((Priddy)), after adjustment for power
i. December - April: $6.23 (($6.56)) per kW of
billing demand
ii. May - November: $3.81 (($4r44)) per kW of
billing demand
- 2 -
b. Intermediate Load Period ((lead)) Demand Charges:
The maximum one -hour demand in excess of heavy load
demand which occurs during the hours of 2:00 P.M.
through 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, after
adjustment for power factor. The maximum amount of
demand available at this rate shall be limited to
20% of the actual demand occurring in the heavy load
period, or two thousand kilowatts, whichever is
i. December - April: $3.12 (($3 -38)) per kW of
billing demand
ii. May - November: $1.91 (($3 -82)) per kW of
billing demand
Demand greater than the above limits will be billed
at the heavy load period rate.
c. Light Load Period Demand Charges:
The maximum one -hour demand occurring during the
hours of 10:00 P.M. through 7:00 A.M., Monday
through Saturday and all hours Sunday in excess of
billing demand occurring during heavy or intermediate
load hours after adjustment for power factor.
$1.77 (($1743)) per kW of billing demand
3. Monthly Energy Charge:
a. September - March: $0.0191 per kWh
b. April - August: $0.0160 per kWh
4. Metering Charge:
Where more than one metering point is established at the
request of, and benefit to, the customer, a metering
charge of $150 per month shall apply, and billing demand
shall be calculated by combining the demand readings
Section 3. Section 2 of Ordinance 2173, as most recently
amended by Section 4 of Ordinance 2273, and Section 13.12.071 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amended to read as
13.12.071 Schedule IT5 ((4)) Industrial Transmission.
A. Avplicability. This schedule applies to industrial, manu-
facturing and processing plants, for power delivered at trans-
mission voltage.
B. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this
schedule is unregulated three phase, sixty cycle, alternating
current at transmission voltage, 69 KV nominal. Service under
this schedule shall be provided and measured where the customer's
- 3 -
facilities interconnect with the facilities of the City and the
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).
C. Rate:
1. Noncoincidental billing demand for the month shall be
the maximum one -hour integrated demand (actual demand)
during the hours of 7:00 A.M. through 10:00 P.M.,
Monday through Saturday, or 130 percent of maximum
computed demand, whichever is less for the month, after
adjustment for power factor.
2. Computed demand shall be the maximum computed load for
the month. Computed load shall be calculated as
a. A ratio is developed for each hour and is equal to
all remaining load divided by the maximum hourly
demand for the month of all remaining load
occurring between the hours of 7:00 A.M. through
10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. All
remaining load is defined as all City load less
the customer's load.
b. The customer's actual hourly load is then
multiplied by the ratio calculated for that hour
to obtain hourly computed load.
c. The monthly maximum computed load shall be the
largest computed load value during the hours of
7:00 A.M. through 10:00 P.M., Monday through
Saturday within the month.
3. Incremental demand shall be the difference between the
maximum noncoincidental billing demand and the maximum
computed demand.
4. Monthly Demand Charge:
a. Noncoincidental billing demand:
i. December - April: $5.82 per kW of non -coin-
cidental billing demand
ii. May - November: $2.82 per kW of non -coin-
cidental billing demand.
b. Credit to the Demand Charge:
i. December - April: $2.91 per kW of incre-
mental demand
ii. May - November: $1.41 per kW of incre-
mental demand
All other hours:
No Charge
5. Monthly Energy Charge:
a. September - March: $0.0179 per kWh
b. April - August: $0.0149 per kWh
6. Power Factor Adjustments:
If the average power factor at which power is delivered
- 4 -
(e. Rate
to the customer is less than 90% lagging, the billing
demand may be increased by one percent of each percent
or major fraction thereof that the average power factor
is less than 90% lagging. The average power factor will
be determined by measurement of kilowatt hours and
reactive kilovolt- ampere hours during the billing period
using the following formula:
PF = kWh
(kWh)2 + (kvarh)2
Where PF = Average power factor
Where kWh = Kilowatt hours
Where Kvarh = Reactive kilovolt- am•ere hours
The metering reactive volt- ampere -hours shall be
ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation when the power
factor of the load is leading.
Billing- demand - fer - the- menth- shall -be- the - maximum -ene-
henr- integrated- demand- {aetual- demand} -fer- the - manta,
after -ad ? estment- fer - power- faeterr
Menbhlp- Remand- Gharger
a. Heavy- Bead - Period- Bemand- ehargesr
Maximem- ene -hear- demand- eeeurring- during- the - hears -e:
9- 99 -A -M-- threagh- 9t69- P- M- y- Menday- threagh- Pridap
after-adgustment- fer - power- faeterr
i. Beeember- -- April- $5r822- per- kW -e €- billing
ii. May--- Nevemberr $ar82- per- kW-e€- billing
b. Intermediate- lead- Peried- Demand- Gkargesr
The- maximum- ene - hear - demand- in- exeees- e4 -heavy-lead
peried- demand -whisk - assure- daring - the- heere -e€ -24-06
P- Mr-threugh- 19.09- PrMr7- Menday- threagh- Fridayy-and
whieh- eeenre- dur ng-all- heere- a €- 6aburdayy-alter
adiestment -€ e4-- parrs-- €aeterr-- Whe- mamitum- ameuat -e4
demand -available -at- this -rate- shall -be- limited -be
29S -ef- the -aeb teal - demand- eeeurriag- ia- bke -keavy -lead
peri ed - e4-- two- theusaad- kilewabterwklekever -is
i. Beeember--- Aprils $6 -91- per- kW -e €- billing
ii. May--- Hevemberr $11-41- per- kW -ef- billing
Bemand - greater - than - the- abeve- limits - will -be- billed
at- the - heavy -lead- peried -rater
- 5 -
e. Ali- ether - hours-
3. Menthly- Baergy- Eharge-
a. September--- Mareh-
b. April--- Augest-
Ne- eharge
$9:9144- per -kWh
Section 4. Section 3 of Ordinance 2173, as most recently
amended by Section 5 of Ordinance 2273, and Section 13.12.072 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code are each amended to read as
13.12.072 - Schedule L3 (m) - Lighting.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all approved un-
metered yard and area lights.
B. Installation. Yard or area lights are available upon request.
Upon approval by the City Light Department, lights will be in-
stalled and energy furnished on private or public property, for
the use and convenience of customers. A one -year contract for
service will be required before the light will be installed.
Costs of additional poles and /or line extensions necessary to
provide for lighting shall be charged to the customer at the time
of installation or removal.
C. Maintenance. If the City Light Department retains ownership
of the area lighting, the maintenance of such lights shall be the
responsibility of the City Light Department. If the customer
retains ownership of the area lighting, the maintenance of such
lights shall be the responsibility of the customer.
D. Rate.
1. Lighting which remains in City Light Department
a. 100 watts or less:
b. More than 100 watts, but
150 watts or less:
c. More than 150 watts, but
200 watts or less:
d. More than 200 watts:
$5.00 per month
$6.00 per month
$7.25 per month
$9.00 per month
2. Lighting which remains in customer ownership:
a. 100 watts or less:
b. More than 100 watts, but
150 watts or less:
c. More than 150 watts, but
200 watts or less:
d. More than 200 watts:
- 6 -
$3.00 per month
$3.50 per month
$3.75 per month
$5.25 per month
(B. Rate.
1. bighting- whieh- remains-in -Eity- bight - Department
s. 145-watts-or-least $8745
b. Mere - than -145- watts,- -bat
356- watts -er -lease $9735
e. Mere -than- 358 - watts7-but
498- watts -er -less- $16 758
d. Mere - than - 499- watte,- -but
1688- watts -er -lease $15788
2. bighting- wh.teh- remains- in- enetemer- ewnershipt
a. 195- watts -er -less7 $3756
b. Mere - than -l45 -watts rbut
658- watts- er -lesse $4788
e. Mere - than -356- watts7-but
468- watts -er -less- $5 756
d. Mere - than -4(46- watts,- -but
1666 - watts- er -lesse $9 745))
Section 5. Effective Date: This Ordinance shall take effect
on December 1, 1986.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the CHblets day of
laco}r , 1986.
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Sherri L. An
erson, City C erk
Craig D \Knutson, City Attorney
- 7 -
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