HomeMy WebLinkAbout2449ORDINANCE NO. q49
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
regulating the operation of ambulances,
establishing a Medic I Board, and amending
Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050, and Chapter
5.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.010 Definitions. The following definitions shall
apply to the provisions of this Chapter:
A. "Advanced Life Support" means services requiring
advanced emergency medical treatment skills, i.e., intravenous
technicians, airway technicians, and paramedics.
AB. IL Arne tl1anee"- means - airy - meter- r3.E3-e -eeti-rkg--a-a--e -- cannon
earn er- €eE- h €re - €er- the- tranepertat €en- er- eenveyanee -e €- the -s ek
er•- ia3xr?ed7
"Ambulance" means a vehicle designed and used to
transport the ill and injured and to provide personnel,
facilities, and equipment to treat patients before and during
C. "Ambulance Operator" means a person who owns one or
more ambulances and operates them as a private profit or non-
profit enterprise.
D. "Basic Life Support" means emergency medical treatment
E. "Board" means the Port Angeles Medic I Board created
pursuant to this Ordinance.
F. "Emer•enc Medical Care" or "Emer.enc Medical Service"
means such medical treatment and care which may be rendered to
persons injured, sick, or incapacitated in order to reduce the
risk of loss of life or aggravation of illness or injury,
emergency medical technician certificate, at least one of which
shall be an emer•enc medical technician, who shall be in command
of the vehicle and shall be in the patient compartment in
attendance to the patient.
B. Emergency medical care by ambulance crew will be
performed in accordance with the applicable standards and
principles of the course of instruction required for the type of
emergency pre - hospital care personnel rendering the emergency
medical service and will be subject to the immunity from
liability provisions of Ch. 18.71 RCW as now or hereafter
Section 5. Section 6 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.060 Equipment. Baer - ctrl- enFe-- sha }lr -at -a-1-1
times; -be- equipped- as- €ellewst
A - - -- First - aid- etinip nett,-'eernSt4tg -ef -i£EJ- -eitd-- &rm- -sp- }+nts
and - standard - twenty - €ear -un ±t- first- aid-kits- as- presaf eel-by -the
Ameriean- Reel - erase -er -the- State - a - Washington- Bepartment -e€ -Haber
and- lndustries;
B---- lnvalid -eeueh -type- bed -en- wheels;
Er--- Streteher- €er- a- seeend- patient -en- €leer -er- hanger;
B- - -- Bandages;- teurniguets- and - splints;
E- - -- oxygen- serk,- i x& -with- hose -- and-- faee- D4eee -tid
reserve - type -e €- equipment - ter- administering- exygent
F7- -- Fresh- c3reair- linen -anti- l-ciicrcz- en4iieient -41me- -two
67--- Towels7- itrel�- and - -etne urinals; - -In ribri. -a-,-- €ire
extinguisher;- basin; - €an- and- heater;
R- - - -As- regtATed- 1km - emergency- ven4e4es- 4iy- lakapter -46-34
REW;-as- new- enaeted- er -hereafter- amended-
All ambulances, when in operation, shall have at least
the minimum equipment required by regulation of the State of
including care rendered while transporting a patient from an
ambulance or other vehicle to an appropriate location within a
hospital or other medical facility.
G. "Emergency Medical Technician" means a person who is
authorized by the Secretary to render emergency medical care
pursuant to RCW 18.73.110 as now or hereafter amended.
H. "Emergency Pre - Hospital Care Personnel" means a person
who is authorized by the Secretary as a paramedic, advanced
emergency medical technician, emergency medical technician, or
first responder.
2. "First Responder" means a person who is authorized by
the Secretary to render emergency medical care pursuant to RCW
J. "Medic I Personnel" means any person who is acting on
behalf of the Port Angeles Fire Department and who has been
certified as a paramedic or emergency medical technician.
BK. "Operate an ambulance" means the use of an ambulance in
any of the following manners:
1. An ambulance stationed within the City;
2. An ambulance dispatched from within or without the
Port Angeles City limits which repeatedly or customarily makes
trips for hire to transport the sick or injured from within the
City to health facilities within the City.
L. "Patient" means an individual who is sick, injured,
wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless.
M. "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership,
association, corporation, company, group of individuals acting
together for a common purpose, or organization of any kind,
including a governmental agency.
N. "Port Angeles Consolidated Dispatch" means the Police/
Fire Dispatch Center located within the Port Angeles Police
0. "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Washington State
Department of Social and Health Services.
Section 2. Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.020 License - Required.
A. No person shall operate, or cause to be operated, an
ambulance in the City without first securing from the City Clerk
a business license for such purpose.;- prev ded;- hewever;- that -the
number- e€- persene- 4A. eeflsed- sha3.3_- $e- iimited -to-tet to±+e- t-harr -one
person-tor--eaels - seven -tlx ul aimd- persens -er- rha theree€
papa€ at #em -w4th- tire- E3ty-441T44s -- wreak -p-na tied - €trrtler, -- that -any
hasp €ta € -er- mars mg -heme -map7- pursuant -te- the- regu €at ens - a € -ths
ehapter7-prev4de-ambu€anee-serv4ee-€er-4ts- patents -en €p 7
B. No such license shall be issued unless:
1. The applicant has fulfilled all applicable
requirements of the laws of the State of Washington, including
but not limited to Chapter 18.73 RCW and Chapter 248 -17 WAC, as
now or hereafter amended.
The a
licant has met all the requirements of this
C. There shall be no fees charged for an ambulance
business license issued pursuant to this Chapter.
Section 3. Section 3 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.030 License - Application - Required Information.
In addition to all other information required of an applicant for
a business license, an applicant for an ambulance business
license shall provide the following information to the City
The number and description of ambulances owned and
operated by the applicant;
B. The distinguishing color scheme, design, or dress,
including any monogram or insignia to be used on such ambulance;
C. A certificate of insurance as required by this Chapter
which shall contain an endorsement providing that thirty days'
notice to the City will be given by the insurance company in the
event of any material change or cancellation in the insurance.
D. List of current employees filed with the City Clerk and
updated annually, providing the following information:
1. Valid Washington State driver's license;
2. Evidence of emergency medical technician or first
responder certification, including expiration dates.
E. The licensee and each employee listed in (D) above
shall satisfy a record check by the Police Department, showing no
criminal convictions for crimes having a direct adverse
relationship to custody of incapacitated persons, custody of
narcotics and controlled substances, or the safe driving of
emergency vehicles. The Police Department shall provide this
information on any new employee to the City Clerk within three
Section 4. Section 5 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.050 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.050 Ambulance Crew Required.
A. No person shall operate any ambulance in the City
without the same being attended by a crew of at least two able -
bodied persons, at- least- ors -o - m- s1tal + -J9e- over- t-kre - -ec -rf
twenty -eae --rear - aad-- troird - a- vtdrid-- Wasi'i- tgtem-State- akrie1 -e
eperaterss- i3eense; --R d- rafsr-ad+tairee errst- ailk- eertt €ieate- 99xed
by- t}ie- +eexearr- Re&- Ere99;- State-- erf-- Wa�lri�rgtoirr - Repartmerrt -e€
Laker- arid- fldiietesref- OttreT- eeffipara- b- le- -i-rest-rtiEt-i tonal Ear up--or
erganieat }en- both of which shall be emergency pre - hospital care
personnel, at least 18 years of age, holding valid Washington
State vehicle operator's licenses, holding a first responder or
Washington for ambulances. All equipment must be in proper
operating condition at all times.
Section 6. Section 7 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows: )
5.08.070 speet4en--- €reeeedes -.It ssts ee --e- -- iree**se.
Inspection Required. The eh4e € -el- Po-iiee- yr --the Fire Chief
or their his designee shall inspect all ambulances prior to
issuance of any license to encoure compliance with the provisions
of this Chapter. Such inspection shall include adequacy and
maintenance of medical equipment and supplies, and the mechanical
condition of the vehicle, including its mechanical and electrical
equipment. Inspection shall also occur once per year thereafter,
or at any time adequate cause exists as determined by the Fire
Section 7. Section 9 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.090 Insurance - Required.
A. No business license shall be issued for the operation
of any ambulance until the applicant provides proof of public
liability insurance, or an equivalent program of self - insurance,
e€- ene -+*ind e-d-- thetxse-ned-- de -1-1-c 3- fee- i-rtjeise -to- ene - person - -twe
handred- theusand- de4- leTes -4 -4t trryrets-eo-- mete--- tltam- ene - gersen;
and-pr operty- damase- neintnee --o €- ten- theusand- derl3ars -4et --etch
aeeident- er- eeetrenee: that would provide coverage in the event
of liability of the ambulance operator and /or emergency pre -
hospital care personnel for bodily injury or death as a result of
any accident or occurrence involving the ambulance or the provi-
sion of basic life support or advanced life support services.
The minimum coverage shall be $300,000 for any one person killed
or injured in any one accident or occurrence, $500000 for all
persons killed or injured in any one accident or occurrence, and
$1,000,000 for professional liability coverage. Such policy
shall also provide a minimum coverage of $50,000 for damages
arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one
accident or occurrence.
B. Every insurance policy required under this Section
shall contain a provision for continuing liability thereunder to
the full amount thereof, notwithstanding any recovery thereon,
but the liability of the insurer shall not be affected by the
insolvency or the bankruptcy of the insured, and that until the
policy is revoked, the insurance company shall not be relieved
from liability on account of non - payment of premium, failure to
renew license at the end of the year, or any other act or
omission of the named insured.
C. Every insurance policy required under this Section
shall extend for the period to be covered by the license applied
for and the insurer shall be required to give not less than 30
days' written notice to the City Clerk and to the insured before
any cancellation or termination of the policy earlier than its
expiration date, and the cancellation or other termination of any
such policy shall automatically revoke and terminate any license
issued for the ambulances covered by such policy, unless a
substitute insurance policy complying with the provisions of this
Section shall be provided and be in effect at or prior to the
time of such cancellation or termination.
D. Every insurance policy required under this Section
shall include coverage for the ambulance wherever used in the
City of Port Angeles even if used in violation of this Chapter
and shall name the City as an additional insured.
E. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to make the
City or its officials or employees liable for costs or perform-
ance of private ambulance services.
Section 8. Section 10 of Chapter 2 of Ordinance 2050
and Section 5.08.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended as follows:
5.08.100 Service Availability.
A. Each licensee may list or advertise a telephone number
for access to ambulance service only if such number is answered
on a 24 -hour basis throughout the year. Each licensee shall
advise every person calling whether an ambulance is available for
immediate response, and, if not immediately available, the
approximate time delay before an ambulance will become available.
B. Each licensee shall notify Port Angeles Consolidated
Dispatch prior to responding to any call for emergency medical
services within the City of Port Angeles.
C. Each licensee shall maintain a radio communications
capability between each of the licensee ambulances and the
telephone answering facility described in (A) above.
D. No effort shall be made by any licensee to transport
a patient before release of custody has been made by Medic I
personnel in charge.
Section 9. There is hereby added to Chapter 5.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code a new Section to read as follows:
5.08.110 Agreements with the City. Each licensee
shall, within 60 days of the effective date of the Ordinance
codified herein, enter into an agreement with the City providing
for full cooperation between the City and the licensee and for
full compliance with the terms of this Section outlined below:
1. Clallam County /City of Port Angeles medical
2. Port Angeles Medic I patient transportation
3. City of Port Angeles emergency response
4. Port Angeles Consolidated Dispatch radio
communication procedures.
Provided that these requirements shall not substantially differ
from the requirements that apply to the Medic I Program estab-
lished pursuant to Chapter 8.36 PAMC.
Section 10. There is hereby added to Chapter 5.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code a new Section to read as follows:
5.08.120 Port Angeles Medic I Board. There is hereby
created a Port Angeles Medic I Board of eleven members for the
A. One member shall be the representative of the adminis-
tration of Olympic Memorial Hospital; one member shall be the
Medic I Physician Coordinator; one member shall be the repre-
sentative of the Clallam County Emergency Medical Services
Council, one member shall be the Port Angeles Chief of Police or
his designee; one member shall be the Port Angeles Fire Chief or
his designee; one member shall be the representative of the Port
Angeles Senior Center; one member shall be the representative of
the Port Angeles City Council; four members shall be representa-
tives of the citizenry at large.
B. Citizen members.
(1) The citizen members of the Board shall be
appointed by the City Council in accordance with the Council's
Rules of Procedure and may be removed from office for reasons
deemed appropriate by the Council, including but not limited to
malfeasance in office or neglect of duties.
(2) Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall
include but not be limited to the following:
a. Members shall be residents of the City.
b. Members shall have displayed an interest in
the work of the Board.
c. Members shall be selected in accordance with
the Equal Opportunity Guidelines.
d. Members shall be appointed without regard to
political affiliation.
C. Duties. The Port Angeles Medic I Board shall be
responsible for reviewing the qualifications and performance of
licensees under this Chapter and shall advise the City Council
with regard to the agreement between the licensee and the Police
and Fire Departments and all other matters pertaining to this
Section 11. There is hereby added to Chapter 5.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code a new section to read as follows:
5.08.130 Filing of Ambulance Rates Required. Each
ambulance service licensed under this Chapter shall, immediately
upon the issuance of a license, file with the City Clerk its
schedule of rates to be charged for its services, for the
duration of the calendar year in which the license is issued.
Thereafter, each ambulance service license under this Chapter
shall annually file with the City Clerk its schedule of rates to
be charged for its services. Said annual rates schedule shall be
filed on or before the first day of December of the year
preceding the year for which the schedule is to be in effect.
The schedule of rates shall be a matter of public record and open
to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk during
normal business hours. Any revisions during the calendar year
shall be filed with the City Clerk and be open to public
It is unlawful for any ambulance service,
including any of its agents or employees, to charge, demand,
collect or receive any greater rate of fare than those posted
with the City Clerk. It is unlawful for any ambulance service to
charge for any service, equipment or supplies not provided by the
ambulance service to the patient.
Section 12. There is hereby added to Chapter 5.08 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code a new section to read as follows:
5.08.140 License Nontransferable. Licenses and
certifications issued under this Chapter shall be personal to the
one to whom issued and cannot be transferred to any other person.
Section 13 Severability. If any provisions of this
Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is
held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of
the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circum-
stances, is not affected.
Section 14 Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
effect as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the Ala'"day of
, 1987.
Sherri L. Anderson, City Clerk
C r
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City Attorney