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ORDINANCE NO. 2475 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to animals, repealing Ordinances 165, 273, 275, 298, 299, and sections 6, 7 and 11 of Ordinance 393, Ordinances 474, 478, 560, and paragraphs 11, 24, 28, 41, 43, 45 and 52 of section 1, and sections 3, 4, 21, and 22 of Ordinance 673, Ordinance 818, and sections 11 and 24 of Ordinance 1005, Ordinances 1083, 1162, 1221, 1317, 1585, 1622, 1915, 2282 and 2406, and re- enacting Title 7 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinances 165, 273, 275, 298, 299, and sections 6, 7 and 11 of Ordinance 393, Ordinances 474, 478, 560, and paragraphs 11, 24, 28, 41, 43, 45 and 52 of Section 1, and Sections 3, 4, 21 and 22 of Ordinance 673, Ordinance 818, and Sections 11 and 24 of Ordinance 1005, Ordinances 1083, 1162, 1221, 1317, 1585, 1622, 1915, 2282 and 2406 are hereby repealed, and Title 7 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby re- enacted as follows: Chapters: Title 7 ANIMALS 7.02 Be €in4tiens General Provisions 7.04 Enforcement and Administration 7.06 Dog and Cat Licensing 7.08 eity -Peund Potentially Dangerous and Dangerous Animals 7.10 Prohibited Acts 7.12 Beg- Bieenses Animal Shelter 7.14 Wild Animal Control 7.16 gunning -at -Barge Riding Horses 7.18 Prehib4ted-Aets- and- MiseelIaneeus- Nnisanees Cruelty to Animals -1- 7.20 Riding- Herres Penalties 7.24 @raeity -te- Anima }s 7.28 Slaughtering -et- Peeking 7.32 W #4d- Amime4- 8entre+ 7.36 Penalties Sections: Chapter 7.02 DEFINITIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS 7.02.010 Abandened- an4ma4- Purpose. 7.02.020 Animal- Definitions. 7.02.030 Animal - €antral- 9ff4eer- General Duty. 47927848 -- Animal- ehelter- 47887e5e--ewner- 4-887868-- Vie4ens-An4maf- 4:88 7849- -W4fd- Animal: 7.02.010 Abandened -A i farad: - -�<x- re -- purposes• —e € -bh4s Fide;- -err-- arrineab-rs -abenelerm err- deliberately -4: eft --in -any leeat4en- wait -hoot -arty - grevisieas- far -- - artd—feed4ng-of --such animal -acrd- wiA4Kn r-any -pretisiens- far- zt.tatt,itlh-art rRel -to -the ewner- et- ttrstoditarr. Purpose. The purpose of this Title is to establish reasonable rules and regulations governing the control of animals within the City of Port Angeles for the general wel- fare for all its citizens. The City Council hereby declares that it is the responsibility of owners of animals to keep them in such fashion that the acts, conduct and events prohibited or declared to be nuisances in this Title do not occur; and accord- ingly, such owners are to be held strictly accountable for the actions of their pets or animals unless specifically stated otherwise in this Title. 7.02.020 Animai: -- -sed- art -44Tls- truer- Leat4meiy means -- arty - }we -,- -i i mm tt _o-- ereettwe;-- demestte-- r --wtl -2- Definitions. For purposes of this Title: A. "Abandoned Animal" means an animal deliberately left in any location without provisions for care and feeding of such animal and without provisions for its return to its owner or custodian. B. "Animal" means any live, vertebrate creature, domestic or wild. C. "Animal Control Authority" means an entity acting alone or in concert with other local governmental units for enforcement of the animal control laws of the City, County and /or State and the shelter and welfare of animals. D. "Animal Control Officer" means any individual employed, contracted with, or appointed by the Animal Control Authority for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of this Chapter or any other law or ordinance relating to the licensure of animals, control of animals, or seizure and impoundment of animals, and includes any State or local law enforcement or other employee whose duties in whole or in part include assignments that involve the seizure and impoundment of any animal. E. "Animal Shelter" means any facility operated by a humane society, or municipal agency, or its authorized agents for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this Title or State law. F7--- 1At- f{ee4'- -re-fers-to- -s leis- tsmes- as -an- artittei- i- r-poe4 tiened- and- eea4. -re3.4.ed- 4-m- stm*re rwm? -- so- ag o- remata- within -a distamee -e -- two- -€eet- €rem - }ts- - her-- eempeteftt- persen having-eharge- a €- sueh- animai- F. "At Large" refers to animals unrestrained and off the premises of the owner. For the purposes of this Title, premises of the owner or custodian shall be defined as the residence of the owner or custodian, including the attached property surrounding said residence that is leased or rented by said owner or custodian, but not including any common area, park or -3- recreational property jointly used, owned, or leased by the members of a homeowner's or tenant's association. An animal shall not be deemed at large if: 17--- The- anima3 -or- errrirmeis tare le€t- arrrat. eie -ea -the ewnerts- xetnteea,- - st -or` they - ere -- so- -eot4 ne&,r- teel; -Krr restraeted-as-te-be-rrneble-te-renge-beyend- the- ewnerls- premises- 31. It is attached to a leash or chain of sufficient strength to restrain the animal and not more than 6 feet in length, when said leash or chain is held by a competent or responsible person who will restrain and control the animal off the owner's premises; 3.2 It is restrained on or within a motor vehicle, housed in a veterinary hospital, taking part in a special event with the prior written approval of the Port Angeles Police Department, or within the care and custody of a law enforcement agency. 37--- it- is- eeeempanied- and- et --hee4 #>es -iele- tire- -ownev- -or a- eompetent- respensible- persen; G. "Commercial Kennel" means any lot, premises, building or structure where three or more animals are kept for a fee. H. "Competent or Responsible Person" means any person who, by reason of age and physical ability, and /or training, is capable of maintaining control of an animal to the extent required by this Title. I. "Dangerous Animal" means any animal that according to the records of the Animal Control Authority: 1. Has inflicted severe injury on a human being without provocation on public or private property; 2. Has killed a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner's property; or 3. Has been previously found to be potentially dangerous, the owner having received notice of such, and the -4- animal again aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic animals. J. "Domestic Animal" means an animal belonging to any of the various species of animals domesticated by man so as to live and breed in a tame condition. K. "Guard Dog" shall mean any dog trained or used to protect persons or property by attacking or threatening to attack any person found within the area patrolled by the dog and that is either securely enclosed within that area at all times or under the continuous control of a trained handler. L. "Guide Animal" means an animal trained or approved by an accredited school engaged in training animals for the purpose of guiding blind persons or for assisting hearing- impaired persons. M. "Harbored" means fed or sheltered for three consecutive days or more. N. "Health Officer" includes any person designated as such by the Clallam County Health Department, or any other person designated as such by the City Council. 0. "Owner" means any person, firm, corporation, organiza- tion, or department possessing, harboring, keeping, having an interest in, or having control or custody of an animal. P. "Permit" means human conduct in relation to an owned or harbored animal which is intentioned, deliberate, careless, inadvertent, or negligent. Q. "Person" includes any person, partnership, corporation, trust, or association of persons. R. "Potentially Dangerous Animal" means any animal that when unprovoked: 1. Inflicts bites on a human or a domestic animal, either on public or private property, or 2. Chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds in a menacing fashion or -5- apparent attitude of attack, or any animal with a known propen- sity, tendency, or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury, or otherwise to threaten the safety of humans or domestic animals, or 3. Any non - domestic animal which because of the distinguishing physical characteristics of its kind is a danger to persons or other animals. S. "Proper Enclosure" means secure confinement indoors or in a securely enclosed locked pen or structure, suitable to prevent the entry of young children and designed to prevent the animal from escaping, with secure sides and top, and protection from the elements for the animal. If the pen or structure has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded in the ground no less than one foot. T. "Secure Confinement Indoors" means that the animal may not be kept on a porch, patio, or in any part of a house or structure that would allow it to exit such building on its own volition; additionally, no such animal may be kept in a house or structure when the windows are open or when screen windows or screen doors are the only obstacle preventing the animal from exiting the structure. U. "Service Animal" means an animal that is trained or approved by an accredited school, or state institution of higher education, engaged in training animals for the purposes of assisting or accommodating a physically disabled person related to the person's physical disability. V. "Severe Injury" means any physical injury that results in broken bones or disfiguring lacerations requiring multiple sutures or cosmetic surgery. W. "Veterinary Hospital" means an establishment regularly maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injuries of animals. -6- X. "Wild Animal" means any animal that is not a domestic animal, as defined hereinabove. 7.02.030 Animal -€cn ej --&f+ e r.r--As-- used- -ih-t4'4s P4tle; -Maui ea _.eo rtrel- € €_+ee's- _means- any-person- dcsigss -by the - =-a= _,- the -€4ty- err-- ar,t- ether -txrrricirpe ruby- ,-- er -e -4 ue e see4ety- -a -law- end - iee,..-er- wke-- i- s- -haft€ ed-te per farm -sueh- duties- trnder-t -he days- 0r€-t} State. General Duty. Nothing in this Title is intended to create a cause of action or claim against the City or its officials or employees. Any duty created herein is solel intended to be a •eneral dut runnin• i favor of the public citizenry. 4 7822- 848 -- An4mal - she - ter- .-- -AS-- kraed - -4n -mss-- title; uan4mal- shelteru- means - any- £aeilty- operated -by -a- humane- seeety; er- munieoga- ageney ; -or- its- -atrtirer4sed- tgents -- for- -4rhe -- purpose --rf impounding -er- oarng -£er- animals- held - ender- the - authority- e£ -th4 title-er- state -law- 47822- 858-- 9wner 7- -As- used -4n- this- 44Adre,-merrne -- Ream*• any -- pereen -r- partnership ; -- rr-- eerperat4en- rovrrti-rng- ,--keeping -.or harber4ng- ene- er- xterre-- arrixrai --- An-- anitta1- -shc41 - be• -4—e to be harbered- 4£- it -is- fed- er- sheitere4_tor -- three- eensectrti -ve- -er mere- 768.-668-- Bangerees- erifnal -mss- used- 4fr- thd-e- title; udangereus- anhmain- meenst A- -- -Any - deg - with- a--c-r wn —prope reirty -, --teneik!..n057; -or- i-s eei- t4en-te- etteek, -- to--eat}se- 4nguryr- er -te-eCher -e- - enr}anger the safety -e£- human - beings- er- demee44e- animals; -er 8--- -Any- deg- whieh- etteeks -e- human- bei -ftror i w re- ene-er- mere - tomes- w4theat- prev4eatien- an4malu- mama- any -live- Menke* y- inenhuman- primate4-- raeseenrskunk, £ em7- pe4seneus- snekerleepard7- panther;-tiger7- lien7- lynx; -er -any ether - warmb4eeded- etrimai- whieif- eaf2- f2of~ma3dy be- focrrrd- irrt}re �ari<1 state- -7- Chapter 7.04 ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Sections: 7.04.010 Enforcement aAuthority - Eitatsea -- Interference with eOfficer pProhibited. 7.04.020 Complaint Filing and +Investigation. 7.04.030 Animal eControl (Records and (Revenues. 7.04.010 Enforcement aAuthority - Eitetien - -- Interference with eOfficer pProhibited. A. The-a mime-- -eC-0n4 a - - &f icer ,--era &er - the - exit -et ion--crf the -edty- manager- an&- eh4ef- ef- pe }4eey- 4s- eharged -with - the -pr mar en €ereement- a €- th4s- t-it3.e: -- ire -- nets- ,-een4tiet -e — evetrbe 4 - t-kris t4t} e- 4e €sne4 -e49 - delmmrirr r-ae -- pub- ie- ddi -ddT _c,-- are -dee }erred to -he-- pub -} e-- auisanee•e- and -e-ag - person- who- ereatee;- eeuses --er permits - the- e%istetee -ef- dut*r-s1tai- --be--cp}i-bty--e€-a-m4edemeaner- The -eete -Erect Set. -ia- this- t4t4e- detrree4- mtd --did+ 1predte -be nn}awfer }- are -dee }are&- te- be- misdemeaners -er- grass- miedemeeners -a the- ease - may -be- H---- The- etrima4 -ee +i -e €€ veer- sire44- isst?:t—e-istatieas• -te anima }- ow±?e�� -wke- Ere -- ter- trioietiorr� €-t�9.s- �i�le -an4; --rf neaesseryy- eepp}y- ev4der_ree -ex- tmofty- leede&- te- preseeerte -the ease --ti -- the- tppropt -i te-- eetrrt- ef-- jtrris&±et xr. The Animal Control Authority of the City of Port Angeles is vested in the Chief of Police who ma dele•ate animal control duties as he sees fit. The acts, conduct, and events prohibited or declared unlawful in this Title are declared to be infractions, Class I misdemeanors, or Class II misdemeanors, as the-ease-de-be more specifically provided in Title 7 PAMC. EB. It is unlawful for any person to interfere with, attempt to intimidate or in any manner hinder, molest, or abuse any aAnimal eControl eOfficer engaged in the enforcement of this tTitle. Violation of this subsection shall constitute a grass Class I misdemeanor. anal- shea4-- be- -pundeheb-le-by- -et - €.ine -tot - o -8- emeeed -€ sae- heedred-ciaaerrse }om.., ,,t i r -matte- a €tp -3as1 €er -net- ;Hare -t+ at- -sii- mTrtzre --cm, -k -bethr-eeeh-€€ae- and- 4mpr4semi- ment- 7.04.020 Complaint fFiling and 4lnvestigation. A eemp4a4st- asseg4r�g- asesatsee- et- thss- t- it3e- nra�- be -t3d.� �ri�trd`kre pe4iee --depertmen - en --a-- €arm -to-- lee - sew- i4ed -dby-- the- po-1-ice Department; - ±:+ ng - forth- a}s -4c rx- tfermatioa --- The --aiel te4 eentreT- e££ieer- s4ra34. --i ct_ afie-- a- 1- ;- -eemp3 iitte- an& attempt to rese&ve- tore -- ,emplane -. The primary Animal Control Officer designated by the Chief of Police shall keep records relating to seizure, impoundment, violations, and complaints concerning animals, and records of potentially dangerous and dangerous animals. Such officer has primary responsibility for investiga- tion of citizen complaints, issuance of citations, and is responsible for making initial classifications of potentially dangerous and dangerous animals. Any citizen may request that a particular animal be declared dangerous or potentially dangerous by filing an affidavit or certified statement setting forth all pertinent known information about such animal with the Police Department. The Animal Control Officer may issue citations to any owner who commits or whose animal does or commits any prohibited act, event, or conduct under this Title. 7.04.030 Animal eControl rRecords and rRevenues. A. City Treasurer Records. The eCity tTreasurer shall maintain accurate records on the number of licenses sold, and revenues received ley- eetegery -e €- male ; -epayed- €ema +e- and- nnspaye: €emaie -degs- under this Title. B. Animal Control Officer Records. In addition to those records referred to in Section 7.04.020, Tthe aAnimal eControl eOfficer shall maintain accurate records and submit a monthly report to the eCity eCouncil and eCity mManager on the following items: 1. Number of complaints received, -9- 2. Number of animals apprehended by type, 3. Number of animals redeemed, 4. Number of animals destroyed, 5. Number - a €- eitat4ens- 4ssued7 Number of animals declared potentially dangerous, 6. Number of animals declared dangerous, 7. Number of citations issued. C. Revenues. All revenues received from the animal control program shall be deposited in and become a part of the gGeneral €Fund of the eCity. Chapter 7.06 DOG AND CAT LICENSING Sections: 7.06.010 Required - Exception. 7.06.020 Application - Information Required. 7.06.030 Fees. 7.06.040 License - Expiration, Renewal, Grace Period. 7.06.050 Tag - Requirements. 7.06.060 Tag - Transfer to Unlicensed Dog or Cat Prohibited. 7.06.070 Tag - Counterfeit Prohibited. 7.06.010 Required - Exception. It is unlawful for an person to own, keep or have in possession or control in the City any dog or cat of either sex more than six months old without having first obtained a license therefor. Guide or service legs animals shall be exempt from the licensing fees required by this Title. 7.06.020 Application - Information Required. Applica- tion for dog or cat licenses shall be made at the office of the City Treasurer. The following information is required for a dog or cat license: -10- A. Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the dog or cat- ewner; B. Address where dog or cat will be kept if different from owner's address; C. Name of dog or cat, breed of dog or cat, if known; D. Sex of animal, whether castrated or intact; E. Certification that the animal has been neutered or spayed shall be furnished by the owner of the dog or cat. Certification will be considered acceptable if obtained from a doctor of veterinary medicine, licensed animal breeder, licensed pet vendor, or animal control officer. 7.06.030 Fees. A. Fees for dogs and cats licensed in any calendar year or within thirty days from change of ownership shall be as follows: 1. Neutered or spayed dogs or cats $ 5.00 2. Unneutered or unspayed dogs or cats 10.00 B. License fees for dogs apprehended and impounded without a license shall be as follows: 1. Neutered male dogs $ 8.00 2. Unneutered male dogs 20.00 3. Spayed female dogs 8.00 4. Unspayed female dogs 20.00 License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the dog(s). C. License fees for cats apprehended and impounded without a license shall be as follows: 1. Neutered male cats $ 6.00 2. Unneutered male cats 15.00 3. Spayed female cats 6.00 4. Unspayed female cats 15.00 License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the cat(s). D. It shall be the responsibility of the dog or cat owner to present evidence that his the dog or cat is either a neutered -11- male or spayed female as specified in Section 7.06.020. 7.06.040 License - Expiration, Renewal, Grace Period. A. Each license shall be for a period of one year. Said license shall be due on January 1st of each year, beginning on January 1, 1987, and expire on December 31st of each year; provided that a grace period for renewal of a previous year's license shall extend to April 1st of each year. B. Licenses shall be made available for purchase three months prior to each licensing year, whether for first issue or renewal purposes. C. The license requirements of this Title do not apply to nonresidents residing within the City less than thirty days. After thirty days a license shall be required. 7.06.050 Tag - Requirements. The license required shall be a tag of a size and shape suitable to be attached to th collar of the animal for which issued, shall be serially numbere commencing with the number one (1) each year, which number shall be prefaced by the letter "D" for dogs and "C" for cats, and shall bear the number of the year for which issued. All licenses issued for dogs or cats of either sex shall be permanently attached to the collar or harness of and worn by the animal for which issued until such license shall have expired. Any dog or cat without such a license tag is declared to be a nuisance and may be impounded, with the owner being subjected to fees specified in Subsections B and C of Section 7.06.030. 7.06.060 Tag - Transfer to Unlicensed Dog or Cat Prohibited. it is unlawful to remove a valid license tag from a properly licensed dog or cat for use on a dog or cat not licensed. 7.06.070 Tag - Counterfeit Prohibited. It is unlawful to counterfeit any license tag to use in evading the purchase of a license tag. -12- CHAPTER 7.07 DECLARATION OF POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS AND DANGEROUS ANIMALS Sections: 7.07.010 Declaration and Notice. 7.07.020 Hearing. 7.07.010 Declaration and Notice. Whenever the Animal Control Officer determines, b his records or u■on investi•ation, that an animal should be classified as potentially dangerous or dangerous he shall enter such declaration in his records and shall notify the owner of such animal of that declaration in writing, informing him of the applicable laws and ordinances. Such notice shall include: A. A description of the animal; B. The name and address of the alleged owner or keeper of the animal; C. The whereabouts of the animal if not in the custody of the owner; D. The facts, incident(s), and date(s) upon which the declaration is based; E. The procedure allowed by law to contest such classi- fication; F. The penalties for violation of restrictions pertaining to that classification. An animal shall not be declared dangerous if the threat, injury or damage was sustained by a person who, at the time, was committing a willful trespass or other tort upon the premises occupied by the owner of the animal, or was tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the animal, or has, in the past, been observed or reported to have tormented, abused, or assaulted the animal or was committing or attempting to commit a crime. 7.07.020 Hearing. The owner of an animal declared potentially dangerous or dangerous may file a request within ten -13- (10) days from the date of such notice for hearing before the Director of Administrative Services of the City of Port Angeles to contest such declaration. Upon receipt of such a request, the Director of Administrative Services shall set a date for hearing within fifteen (15) days and promptly notify the Animal Control Officer and owner of the date, time, and place for hearing. The hearing conducted pursuant to this Chapter shall be informal and the rules of evidence shall not apply. The sole issue at such hearing shall be whether or not the animal is dangerous or potentially dangerous as defined in Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 7.02. The hearing shall be recorded and the tape and any exhibits retained for a period of one year. Any person aggrieved by a final decision may petition the Superior Court of Clallam County within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision of the Director of Administrative Services for review of the determination, said review to be confined to the issue of whether that determination was arbitrary and capricious. In the event of the affirmation of such declaration, classification, or determination, the appellant shall pay the costs of such hearing, including any filing fee and fees to any witnesses called in support of such classification. Chapter 7.08 G+TY- PeUNB* POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS AND DANGEROUS ANIMALS Sections: 7.08.010 Established- Registration Required - When. 7.08.020 Bniawfui- release- Registration - Grounds for Issuance. 7.08.030 Redemptien- by- ewner--- Preeedure--- Bestruetien er- withheiding- ef- anitai- when.- Registration Not Transferable 7.08.040 Bestrnetien- er- redemptien- after -fatty -eight hears- Registration - When - Valid. -14- 87.08.050 Aegu4sitien- e£- Anima + -Prom- Humane- Seeety -er 8ty- Pound- by- Gity- Res4dents--- Preeedure -- Requirements- Notification - Other Jurisdic tions. 7.08.060 Sale or Transfer of Ownership Within City Prohibited. 7.08.070 Registration - Fee. 7.08.080 Muzzle Requirement. 7.08.090 Identification Photographs. 7.08.100 Classification by Court. 7.08.110 Confiscation. 7.08.010 Hstab44ehed7-- -Theie is- estabjished- 4er --the eity- t- -pei2t -- -tke- restra4nt, eare -- and -ci truet4orr -e€ doge; eats - and - ether - animals - to #en- up- £er- v4eletien -e£- any - prevision -e4 this- eerie -er- of -hers amity- cn sneer wilieirrxmi- slrbe- 4eeated at- ste3r-- p+ac - -as- the -�;ity - eotrnekl - shaiiy -t' mr-lAme --to -time; desgnate.- Registration Required - When. It is unlawful for an owner to have a potentially dangerous or dangerous animal within the City of Port Angeles without a valid certificate of registration in effect from the Animal Control Authority. This section shall not apply to animals used by law enforcement officials for police work nor animals possessed, owned, or maintained by traveling circuses. The Animal Control Officer has discretionary authority to exempt particular potentially dangerous animals from any or all requirements of this Chapter after considering the nature of the animal, its past history, and its potential for harm to persons or other animals. 7.08.020 Hniaw£u4- lcaac. He -pe*scnr sha44- neee, attempt - to -f&ce- yr -e ±st - any --pe son- i-xr- n4-iisg —ar- attempting -te make- any- peend- breaeh- er;- d4reetiy- er- 4ndireet4y;-eenvey;-de1iver er- assist- any - person- n- eenvey4ng -er- delivering- any - animal- out -e£ the -peisi e- peered- erf -tte- eider, -* tt e+t-3t 441.3- tet'4 Regis- tration - Grounds for Issuance. The Animal Control Officer shall -15- issue a certificate of registration to the owner of a potentially dangerous or dangerous animal if the owner presents to him sufficient evidence of: A. A proper enclosure to confine such animal and the posting of the premises with a clearly visible warning sign that such animal is on the property. In addition, the owner shall conspicuously display a sign with a warning symbol that informs children of the presence of such animal. An owner of a dangerous animal must also provide either: B. A surety bond issued by a surety insurer qualified under Chapter 48.28 RCW in a form acceptable to the Chief of Police in the sum of at least $50,000, payable to any person injured by the animal and containing a provision that the bond may not be cancelled, terminated or allowed to lapse without ten (10) days prior written notice to the Animal Control Officer; or C. A policy of liability insurance, such as homeowner's insurance, issued by an insurer qualified under Title 48 RCW in the amount of at least $50,000, insuring the owner for any personal injuries inflicted by the animal, and containing a provision that the insurance policy may not be cancelled, terminated or allowed to lapse without ten (10) days prior written notice to the Animal Control Officer. 4 7881.838 -- Redemption- bp- 6wner--- Preeedure--- Bestraetten er- id-itirholddng -- 04 Pori- map- Whenr -- deny-- itnpourx rime -b- sitar} -be held - fer -a- period - of -at- least - forty- e4ght- hearerpreaided- that -at least- s4%- z`minnr�f -tke -f arty - eght- sira33 --be- institilm - the - normal bes4ness- hears -ei- tine --e it ,- eri- rrg- t-eh- -period- he- ewner -er eastedan- thereof- may - redeem- earl- regMn- easterly- thereof- by- payng the -city- any- 4ieense- fee- hirer!.- -may -- 113-- for- sae* -ani -ma- pitrs-a penslty-ef -twe rt-y--f4 -do-a-les--€e- bite - first- 3mpeeed-- p4tts- -t-ive debars - ay - bearding - Bees li s - any - ether rpp�rkrie -oasts 4neurred -by- the- E4ty -te- apprehend- er- eare- fer -an- animal;- prevded that - see- et- the- zord4&bone listed-- bepew- lees - net- pre+reti-1 r - -Any -16- sueeeedsng- impettnd -e€ -t rAmei- -rdt'ttritr -onc year- peried -shall sneer -an- additional- fifteen - dollar - penalty ever- ttte- p!ev4eus-- pesa}ty- 3nenrred- ius-- five• - &esters - - bearding - €ees- yrltts- any -otsre sri3itbit *s±s- inn ri Yry -C � te- tDprehennd -- r--e e-- fear- an- etrita+ - -prev -id..d -the -b.- one -e€- -the €ellewsng- eenditsens -deer- net- prevaslt A--- -f f -- any-- amiiner1-- se- 4.ftpettuded-- sirErl-1-- be -stz€ €ert- ur- f-retn snjnry -er- disease -e €- their- nature- -e-s- to--reg3ri a drhe- !±c- es --crf--a vetersnersen;- the - same - shah- net - pe- leased -t mrttre- oste3ter- -car ether -- 4tee- -fiva`xe-rC- the - seine -" "' -be- held -exte ri-- tv- a- }leansed vetersearsan;-et -± etitraxy-- heeFsrLe-1--erf.- the- ewner1s- rei a -end upen- an- indieetien- e€- tine -t -i+ ngtress- ef- tTICowner --ter- ass +±ma -the fees -fer- the- neeessary- treatment- B- --- Any-- antitagrsuffersng- mr- thr-ineu ed3e --i-n- jury- -er disease -er- any -di sease- er- eenditien- whseh- shanty- eeuse- the - same -te he- a- menace- te- pttsrlie- hea4ttt -er-- safety- ssrei- i--be- old --by -tine enstedian- a € -Jel e-- shelter- -in- -a - h-unta te- manner - end - &lipase& -o£--tn inef Mt-r- mss- - t e - -prep eniy- -sa- €agnates -and - -pre to- -tste -pub } 4 e heath- and- sa€ety7 7.08.030 Registration - Not Transferable. Any certificate of registration issued under this Chapter is specific to the individual animal for which it is issued and to the owner to whom it is issued. The certificate is non - transferable to any other animal or owner. 4 7997646-- Bestrnetien -er- tedemptien--after --f - -- eight hears-- --hrq- npoundetd-- areittraF- net -su€ €eying-- ag- prOV- il}ed - -ra -the prevseus- seetien- ssra33 ;- ef-te+r- 43/41rg-- Bale.- far - €arty- eight- hears ; be- humanely- desbre/itd- by is ti tc, ; rte € - the - shelter- provided; that -in- the- &iteration -e€- rite- teeffity-49ftlinerrirrs0fAret1. -- stx31- - arriers4 may -sue -belt} - for -a -tee enable-- per4o& -i t- eweess - et- forty- -e.4ght hears -fer - purposes -e €- redemption:-- F+,t- atry -tA during -44mr- parted ef- disetetiotery-hoie}ivrg -,- tray-- perucitp- may-redeem -suety atriRrer3 -ty payment -o£-- the- tegaired- ±±4a- €ee-- petra3ties -- arse -- bearding -17- oasts--- it- is-- t+*_e±�- -pxrov- ire&- no- } #ve- an�ma�- �e- trsee]- �f�crr experimentatien-pnrpeses7 7.08.040 Registration - When Valid. A. A certificate of registration issued under this Chapter is valid during such period of time as: 1. A proper enclosure for the animal is maintained; 2. The premises are posted as required under 7.08.020; 3. Any bond or insurance required under 7.08.020 is in effect; and 4. The animal is maintained at the same address under the same ownership. 4 798 - 8 5 e - -Ae guis itten- a € - Animei-- F- rem--Humene- fieei-ety- cr eity-Peund-by-eity- Residents--- Preeedure--- Regairements- A---- The - Humane- Society- or-Eifil,- rind- 1-1-- net -detis er-an uneiaimed- eenine- er -4-4- sr ttei - to--a- ee4-de rt-,5€ tke- etty -ef P ert --M geieee - -en €ens -cue r- resident- brat -- +s- -a- saying - -er neutering -,l posies to-- tke- ilamane -�ci r�r- city - rnd: -- &a4d depesit- shah- be- estehiished- fir - the- -Htxmatne -€e ietror- -C4-ny--Pound and- s4ha3.1-- be-- ctsed -te- -pay -- the --eent ±e1-- eests -e €- -or neutering.- - -The- fee - shah -be- determined- by- eemputatien -e€- current eentraetual- costs -v&-v t ine ion - serrsees- with- tke- tget'key --acrd shah - Further- tie- 4rasod-rxrt -gec dec-en i -spook- es- o €- tke- enimai- 6ueh- fee - shall- be -in- addition - to -eny- administrative- and- iieensing €ee- impesed- iy- ttie -4 - Geekrety- ter- -G±t'p -r mid-- and- tke- eity -ef Perk- Ange4es7 B-- - -The- Humane- Beeiety- er -Eity- Pound- thel3;- -at-t- i-me -cf the- aeguisitien -crf --ere- t- tlec.-t -- the- sparroot -er- neutering depesit- pins- any-ttt4 rist atiae- Hreens -irrg --fees ut -shah -net regutre -e- teit -mot•- to -he- neutered -until ee i- -errime3 -reaches eight - months -e#- -ego - --€ ema te- aaimai- te- he- tpeytd-- nt4i --eueh animei- reaehes- six- menths- e£ -age- -18- e - - - -fn- the --e ene_ the-- persea- aequiring- the- etrisea3 -zzooses net- -te--h e-- tie-- etrrieme -1 -- spayed -or` -r red•r- tke-- epay4ng - -er neuter±ng-depes±t-shaii-be-ferfeited-te- the -eity- B- - - -in- the- event - the - ,erpsen -attic irirE - arise t - tzo,x-r-e veterinary- sery ±ee;- ether - than - that -e€ €eyed -by- the - Humane - bee ety er- city- Peund; -fer- -os-ti ieg- t ri spaying cute• r -l9re- attn - iAlueri, -the spaying- et-- nettter'tng- depestt- th e47.- 49e- -reftrnded- trporr -pTee& t f --the spaying -er- neutering- by- a -deeter-e €-veterinary-medie ±ne: B. Any certificate of registration issued under this Chapter is void and a new certificate may not be obtained if any owner, owners, or keepers are convicted two or more times of failing to maintain a proper enclosure, posting, or bond or insurance on any animal(s) required to be registered under this Chapter. 7.08.050 Notification - Other Jurisdictions. A. Any owner of an animal who has been required to maintain a certificate of registration as to that animal from another jurisdiction or whose animal has been declared poten- tially dangerous, dangerous or vicious by another jurisdiction, is required to notify the Animal Control Officer of Port Angeles of such facts so that the Officer may investigate and make a determination as to the classification of such animal under this Title. B. Any owner of an animal registered or required to be registered under this Chapter shall notify the Animal Control Officer of their new address upon moving, whether such address is within or without the City. 7.08.060 Sale or Transfer of Ownership Within City Prohibited. A. No person shall sell, give, barter, or in any other way transfer ownership of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal required to be registered under Chapter 16.08 RCW, this Chapter, -19- or any similar ordinance or statute of any jurisdiction, to any other person within the City. B. Any owner of an animal registered or required to be registered under this Chapter shall notify the Animal Control Officer upon the disposition of such animal to any person outside the City, together with the name and address of the new owner. 7.08.070 Registration - Fee. The fee for issuance of a certificate of registration under this Chapter shall be $50; provided that a certificate may be renewed without fee upon an owner's change of address if he provides the Animal Control Officer with evidence that all conditions necessary for the issuance of a valid certificate of registration are met at the new address within ten (10) days of that change. 7.08.080 Muzzle Requirement. It shall be unlawful for the owner of a potentially dangerous or dangerous animal to permit it outside of its proper enclosure unless muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash and under the control of a competent or responsible person. The muzzle shall be made so as not to interfere with respiration or cause injury, but to prevent the animal from biting. These restraint restrictions shall apply from the time an animal has been classified as dangerous or potentially dangerous, regardless of the filing of an appeal, unless and until the Director of Administrative Services or Superior Court reverses the classification. 7.08.090 Identification Photographs. All owners or custodians of potentially dangerous or dangerous animals must, within twenty (20) days of such classification, provide the Animal Control Officer with two color photographs of the animal in different poses, clearly showing its color, markings, and approximate size. 7.08.100 Classification by Court. If the Animal Control Officer has not previously made such a classification, upon the trial of an owner for a violation of this @hapter Title, -20- the court may determine whether or not an animal is potentially dangerous or dangerous notwithstanding the finding of guilt or innocence of the person charged. In addition, whether or not the animal has been previously classified, the court may determine whether it should be destroyed, licensed, or otherwise disposed of and enter orders as it finds necessary or appropriate. 7.08.110 Confiscation and Penalties. In addition to citing the owner for violation of this Chapter, the Animal Control Officer shall immediately confiscate any potentially dangerous or dangerous animal if: A. The animal is not validly registered under Section 7.08.010; B. The owner does not secure the liability insurance or bond required under this Chapter; C. The animal is not maintained in the proper enclosure; D. The animal is outside the dwelling of the owner or proper enclosure and not under muzzle and restraint by a responsible person; or E. The animal attacks or bites a person or domestic animal. Complaints shall not be filed under this Chapter if the conduct is punishable under Chapter 16.08 RCW, which conduct shall be prosecuted solely under State law. Any violation filed under this Chapter shall be a Class I misdemeanor. CHAPTER 7.10 PROHIBITED ACTS Sections: 7.10.010 Picketing Animal Prohibited. 7.10.020 Animals At Large. 7.10.025 Further Restraint Required Upon Complaint. 7.10.030 Interference With Public Ways. 7.10.040 Biting, Chasing, Attacking Persons or Animals. -21- 7.10.050 Chasing Vehicles. 7.10.060 Allowing Animal in Public Food Establishment. 7.10.070 Failure to Clean Up After Animal. 7.10.080 Maintaining Offensive Pen. 7.10.090 Accessible Female in Heat. 7.10.100 Annoying Animal Noise. 7.10.110 Diseased Animals. 7.10.120 Keeping Guard Dogs. 7.10.010 Picketing Animal Prohibited. It is unlawful to tie, stake, tether, or picket any animal on any public property or in such a fashion that the same may go upon any public property or the private property of another without the consent of the owner. 7.10.020 Animals At Large. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of any deg animal to cause, permit or allow such deg animal to roam, run, stray, or to be at large, or away from the premises of such owner or custodian and -te- ire-- on--at y pubi ie- piaee-- or-- progerty,r-er-t1e --pr, ivt4e-- peopem. ty-- €- anebher ; unless such deg animal while away from such premises be ender eentrei controlled as provided in PAMC 7.02.020(F). Any deg animal found roaming, running, straying, or at large being -away f rem - seed -preee tses -end- riot -twedn ee tt'ei --es- ere4Jn- ov-Rk d —, may be impounded, subject to redemption in the manner provided by Chapter 7.12. 7.10.025 Further Restraint Required Upon Complaint. Upon receipt of written complaint from a City resident that an animal has been allowed to roam, run, stray, or be at large within the City, the Animal Control Officer shall contact the owner of such animal and warn him or her that if another such complaint is received within ninety days of the first that the owner shall be required to restrain, confine, or tie the animal so as to be unable to range beyond his or her premises at all times. Upon the Animal Control Officer's receipt of a second -22- written complaint from a City resident about such animal within ninety days, the owner, after receipt of written notice from the Animal Control Officer, shall be required to confine, restrain or tie his or her animal so as to be unable to range beyond his or her premises at all times. If the Animal Control Officer thereafter finds the animal not restrained on the premises of the owner, at large, or receives complaints that such animal is not restrained upon the premises of the owner so that it may roam, run, stray, or be at large, then he shall impound the animal and cite the owner for a violation of this Section. 7.10.030 Interference With Public Ways. It shall be unlawful for any owner, harborer, or custodian of any animal to cause, permit or allow such animal to snap, jump upon, or otherwise threaten persons using the public sidewalks, streets, alleys or other public ways. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.10.040 Biting, Chasing, Attacking Persons or Animals. It shall be unlawful for any owner or custodian of an animal to cause, permit or allow such animal to bite, chase, or attack persons or other animals. This Section does not apply to guard dogs as defined in Section 7.02.020(K) or to animals used by law enforcement officials for police work. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.10.050 Chasing Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of any animal to cause, permit, or allow such animal to chase or run after vehicles using the public streets and /or alleys. 7.10.060 Allowing Animal in Public Food Establishment. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of an animal to bring or allow an animal to enter any public place which has as its primary purpose the storage, selling, or preparation of food to the public. This Section is not applicable to individuals using trained service or guide animals. -23- 7.10.070 Failure to Clean Up After Animal. It is unlawful for the owner or custodian of any animal to fail to clean up or be responsible for any deposits of animal waste or damage while on public property or private property of another. 7.10.080 Maintaining Offensive Pen. Any pen, lot, place, run, or structure used, kept or maintained within the City of Port Angeles for the confinement or keeping of any animals shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition, free from insects, rodents, weather and odors at all times, with adequate drainage to prevent the ponding of water and mud. 7.10.090 Accessible Female in Heat. No person shall permit a female domesticated animal while in heat (estrus) to be accessible for more than one day to other animals for purposes other than controlled and planned breeding. 7.10.100 Annoying Animal Noise. No person shall allow or permit his or her animal to unreasonably annoy or disturb other persons in the vicinity of his or her premises or upon the public street by frequent or excessive howling, yelping, whining, barking or other noises. 7.10.110 Diseased Animals. No person shall keep, harbor or maintain an animal known to have a contagious disease unless such animal is under the treatment of a licensed veterinarian. 7.10.120 Keeping Guard Dogs. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or maintain guard dogs in any area for the protection of persons or property unless the following provisions are met: A. The dogs shall be confined to an enclosed area adequate to ensure they will not escape; or B. They shall be under the absolute control of a handler at all times when not securely enclosed; and C. The owner or other persons in control of the premises upon which a guard dog is maintained shall post warning signs on, -24- over or next to all exterior doors stating that such a dog is on the premises. At least one such sign shall be posted at each drivewa or entrancewa to said •remises. Such si•ns shall be i lettering clearly visible from either the curbline or a distance of fifty (50) feet, whichever is lesser, and shall contain a telephone number where some person responsible for controlling such guard dog can be reached twenty -four (24) hours a day; and D. Prior to the placing of a guard dog on any property, the person or persons responsible for the placing shall inform the Animal Control Officer, the Police Department, and the Fire Department, in writing, of their intention to post said dog or dogs, the number of dogs to be posted, the location where said dog or dogs will be posted, the approximate length of time said dog or dogs will be guarding the area, the daily hours said dog or dogs will be guarding the area, and the breed, sex, age and rabies tag number of said dog or dogs. Such notice must be renewed every six (6) months. Violation of the provisions of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. Chapter 7.12 Dee- AND- EAT- LiEENSE6 ANIMAL SHELTER Sections: 7.12.010 Required--- Exeept4en- Established. 7.12.020 Appiieetien---In€ermetiea-Reeleired- Unlawful Release. 7.12.030 Fees.- Redemption by Owner - Procedure - Destruction or Withholding of Animal When. 7.12.040 Refusal to Pay Fees - Penalty 7.12.050 D4eense--- Exp4rat4en7- Renewe -Graee Per4ed- Destruction or Redemption After Forty -Eight Hours. -25- 7.12.060 Tag - -- Requirements.- Acquisition of Animal From Humane Society or City Pound by City Residents - Procedure - Requirements. 47427969 -- Tag - -- Trans €er- te- Hnlieensed- Beg -er -Eat Prehibited- P- 427949 -- deg-- -Eeenter£eit- Prekib4ted- 7.12.010 Required--- Bxeeptien--- £t- is- uniaw €uI- €er -an persen- to -ewn;- keep -er -ta re- itrposses - en- er- eotetto3 -y n-- 'bhe - -C4ty any- deg - t--e -ctf -- either - sex- merre -- €tan - -st —m nth -s--e - wstheut having - first --ebt -nit red- -a-t - tkere€er - -- Seeing -£ye- wogs -ffrr the -blind;- awned - arid - kept- iiy-e -bi3trd- drrei:vidreet- skrtrgarte-extempt £rem -tire - Heerrs•rng- previs3ens- of--- this -tit3.em Established. There is established for the City a pound for the restraint, car and destruction of dogs, cats and other animals taken up for violation of any provision of this Code or other City ordinance, which pound shall be located at such place as the City Council from time to time shall designate. Authority is expressly created to impound for any violation of this Title, and nothing in this Title shall be construed to prevent the immediate destruction by an Animal Control Officer of any vicious animal where neither such officer nor the animal's owner are able to restrain or control it so that it may be impounded, or the officer is unable and the owner is unwilling to restrain or control it, and where less drastic methods, such as tranquiliz- ing, are not readily available or effective. 271 2- 929- -Appiieaten- --- -drrftrzat-ioer --Rego red - Applieatien - €er- deg -e r-tet- i-ie rrseo- -g ire- }- }--be- grade- at the -e£ €lee e €- the -eity- Treasurer -- -The- €allowing- in €ermaten -s- required -£e a- deg -er- eat- Meemeet A- - -- Name;- address -- end - *ne-- ixrmber--e €-the- de-g -e --eat owner; B---- Address- where-deg -er- eat- wiii -be- kept- i € -di €- €erent- £rem- ewnerls- address; -26- E7 - -- Name -e €- deg- er -eet7- breed -e €- deg -er- eat;- 4f- kaewn; B- --- 6ex -v#-- anima € -- 4m:dez`l - neutered - er -m+r nw -= -= -axd whether- spayed- er- unspeyed; E 7 - -- E e r t i€ i e e t i e n- t krert- - the - etti ma3- -kree- - 1>eerr - tteatered- -©r spayed --eta - he-- €trrrrrske& -}�y -- owner- - the- -decf- yr - -eet: Eertifieetsen-t*i33- .•_r atiere i4- aeeeptabfe- if- ebteined - -f-roxr deeter -e€- veterinary- medieiee;- iiee sed- -erriel --b Bede ,- 14eensed pet- vender 7 -er- anima €- eentrel- a € €4eer 7 7.12.020 Unlawful Release. No person shall make attempt to make or assist any person in making or attempting to make any pound breach or, directly or indirectly, convey, delive or assist any person in conveying or delivering any animal out o� the public pound of the City, unless such animal's release has been authorized by an employee of the pound. 47437939- -Fees7 A- -- -Fees - for -doe} 4rir :cad n- sy— etlenelar- year -er- within thirty- daps - from- ehange -e€- ownership- shai }- be- as- feiiews- 17--- Neutered -male -dogs 4 -5 -99 37--- Ummeutered -male -deps 49799 37--- 6payed- 4emale -legs 5789 47--- Umspayed- Tema &e -degs 497997 B7- -- Fees - for - teats- 3rireer - rn- ixrp --e tlerrde- year- er-withsn thirty- days - from- ehange- e€- ewnerehip- shall- be -as- fellows- 47- -- Neutered -male -eat $ -3 799 27--- Baeh- additienai- neutered- eat - -- -3798 37--- Bnneutered- me4e-eat 49799 47--- 6peyed- €ema +e -eat 37ee 5---- Baeh- additienai- spayed -eat 3769 67--- Unspayed- female -eat 49 799 E----bieense- fees -4er -legs- apprehended - and -im- peended- without- a- lieenee- sha14- be- as- fe4iews- 47- -- Neutered -me4e -dogs 4-8790 27--- 0nneutered -male -dogs 38700 -27- 37-- -Spayed- femeie -degs 9796 47--- Bnspayed- €ema .1e -degs 29 799 bieense- fees - sha44 -be- paid - prier -te -the- release -e€ -the- deg{s} 7 B - - - -hi sense- -fecro- -for- eater -appre tended -eltd- iii -- pounded witheut- a- .1ieense- shall- be- as- €e.1lewsr i- - -- Neutered -Male -eats $ -6 799 97--- 8nneutered -Male -eats 15 -99 3: - -- Spayed - €eMaie -eats 6799 47--- 8nspayed- female -eats .15799 6ieense -f ees- shaii -be- paid- prier -te- the - release -ef -the- eat4s } - 5- - - -it- sha44 -be- the- respess345444ty -of -f or --e-at -roomer te- present- evidenee -this- his- deg -er- eat -is- either -a- neutered -mal er- spayed-€ eme& e- es- speeified- in- Seetien- i474a7eae7 7.12.030 Redem•tion b Owner - Procedure - Destructio or Withholding of Animal When. Any impounded animal shall be held for a period of at least forty -eight hours, provided that a least six hours of the forty -eight shall be within the normal business hours of the shelter, during which period the owner or custodian thereof may redeem and regain custody thereof by payin the City any license fee that may be due for such animal plus a penalty of twenty -five dollars for the first impound plus five six dollars per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an animal; provide that one of the conditions listed below does not prevail. Any succeeding impound of the animal within a one -year period shall incur an additional fifteen dollar penalty over the previous penalty incurred plus six dollars per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an animal; provided that one of the following conditions does not prevail: A. If any animal so impounded shall be suffering from injury or disease of such nature as to require the services of a veterinarian, the same shall not be released from the shelter or -28- other place where the same may be held except to a licensed veterinarian, or veterinary hospital of the owner's choice and upon an indication of the willingness of the owner to assume the fees for the necessary treatment. B. Any animal suffering from any incurable injury or disease or any disease or condition which shall cause the same t be a menace to public health or safety shall be destroyed by the custodian of the shelter in a humane manner and disposed of in such manner as to properly safeguard and protect the public health and safety. 41427949-- bteense--- Exptrat ten;- RenewslT- Sraee- Perted. A---- Baeh- 44eense- sira44- te- eri - o €-eae- pear -- -said iieense -shei4 -ire- dere-- cmr-1-st- of -eaeh- peer;- bcgilrrring -ron danuerp -3 - 1-9• &7 -,-- and- exfrrxm- ea-Beeember- 3-1 - o -eaeh -wear; pre aided- that- e- ireee -- germ- fer- renewei -o#-m -prey etrs- yearls Meense- shaii- extend- te- Agrii- ist -ef- sash -year- 137--- Bieenses- ste44 -4 Made- evei3atte -4erx� ttse- -three Menths- }prier -te- semi rrinmrrrg -year, - whet her -€er- frst - issue -er renewa4-purpeses7 E---- The -; eense-requireMents -o€- this- JPitie-de --next- rl -y-fio nenresdents- rres-±di- rorifei44141r- the-Eitp- best- than- titiirty- days -. A€ ter - thirty- days- a- iteense- shaii- be- required7 7.12.040 Refusal to Pay Fees - Penalty. The refusal to redeem any impounded animal by the owner thereof shall not relieve such owner of the duty to pay the impoundment, boarding, and veterinary charges that may be assessed. The owner of any animal who fails or refuses to •a such fees and char es shall b in violation of this Chapter and shall be liable for any costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the City to collect such fees as may be due, in addition to any penalties that a court may assess. 7.12.050 Destruction or Redemption After Forty -Eight Hours. Any impounded animal not suffering as provided in the -29- previous Section shall, after being held for forty -eight hours, be humanely destroyed by the custodian of the shelter; provided that in the discretion of the County Humane Society, such animal may be held for a reasonable period in excess of forty -eight hours for purposes of redemption. At any time during the period of discretionary holding, any person other than the previous owner and members of his or her household may redeem such animal by payment of the required license fee and boarding costs. It i further provided that no live animal be used or sold for experi- mentation purposes. 4 - 497859 - -Tag Reertkremente. 'Nile- 'tents- required eha € -be -a- tag - a € - a -siae- and - shape- suitab €e- te- be- attaehed- to -th= eeiiar -e€- the- animai- €er- whieh- issued ;- shaii- be- seriaiiy- numbere. eemmeneing- w4th -t4 e-r - ene - -(34 eeehr , t- ekrmmtice- s}ra - }-1 be- 'A'refeeeel -ty- - }etter- nBL -t€or- d.,g-s --. - LLet - €er- eats-, --and sheii- bear -the- number -e€ -the- year- €er- whieh- issued.--- A} }- }ieense issued- for- -ceoge -er- sets --e +- either - sex-- sltra } } -be- nanee4 -}y ettaehed- te- tbe- ecrldaer -o - 41tram o- f --aix} o-re-br-tke- anima} - €er whieh- 4ssued- uint44- stcher4 'eeff ei3 -lire }t ed -r- Perr- deg -er eat- N4theut- saeb- e-3iree±rse teks- tierecit- be- a-nuiranee -and may - - imgeundee1 -- tri-t-lr- the - -owner-- being- -sub- jeeted-- to --£cep sgeei €ied- n- 6ubseetiens -e- and- B- e€- eeetien -4 739 7939- 7.12.060 Acquisition of Animal From Humane Society or City Pound by City Residents - Procedure - Requirements. A. The Humane Society or City Pound shall not deliver an unclaimed canine or feline animal to a resident of the City of Port Angeles unless such resident first pays a spaying or neutering deposit to the Humane Society or City Pound. Said deposit shall be established by the Humane Society or City Pound and shall be used to pay the contractual costs of spaying or neutering. The fee shall be determined by computation of curren contractual costs of veterinarian services with the agency and shall further be based on the gender and species of the animal. -30- Such fee shall be in addition to any administrative and licensing fee imposed by the Humane Society or City Pound and the City of Port Angeles. B. The Humane Society or City Pound shall, at the time of the acquisition of the animal, collect the spaying or neutering deposit plus any administrative or licensing fees but shall not require a male animal to be neutered until such animal reaches eight months of age or a female animal to be spayed until such animal reaches six months of age. C. In the event the person acquiring the animal chooses not to have the animal spayed or neutered, the spaying or neutering deposit shall be forfeited to the City. D. In the event the person acquiring the animal chooses a veterinary service other than that offered by the Humane Society or City Pound for spaying or neutering the acquired animal, the spaying or neutering deposit shall be refunded upon proof of the spaying or neutering by a doctor of veterinary medicine. 4 7487868 -- Peg--- Tranefer- ttrt.ieensed•- Beg --or- -Eat Prehtbtted--- ft- is- iMMawiai -te-z nave -a Fra3id- 1i sdtaeJ- mr a preperiy --1 - eenset1 -- darer' -- cat-- fer- tise-- err-a -rtkog -ter- eat --net iieensed- 4- i8- 848 -- Peg--- eeenterfeit- Prohibited--- It -is- tin }a`afe te- eennterfett- any- iieense- tag- to—tise -irr i-ne the-- perehese- of e- +teemee -tag- 6eettenst ehepter -4 716 RUNNING- ASP- bARGEt 47t67918--Prehbtted- 47t67888-- Pecat- 47t67858 -- Pte #ettng- entmai- en- pxbite- piaee7 47+67848- -Begs- 41467888 -- An4ma}- entering - private - property nnieenee -ahen7 -31- 4 -46- 898 -- Animal- kept -en- pahiie- grepertp- naisaaee when. - 97.167+88-- Anima + -en- par .1ie - property- naisanee -when7 97 467448 -- 4nter €erenee - with - pahiie- ways- dee .1ered naisanee- 97467486-- Begs- in- paeks- 47 467448 -- Trespassing7- attaeking- ether - anima .1s deeiared-a-nuisanee- 9- .16- .146-- Beegereas -degs7 97467.158-- Ehasing- vehie .1e7 474 678.18-- Prehibitea-- -Be- person;- owning- -er-- hav -ing the eere -e €- any- hersereatt .1e7- mules7- sheep; - goats7- begs -er- any -ethe kind - a €- .14vesteek7- she .1i - permit- er- su € €er- the - same- te- ge- at -iarg- er- step- te- feed- eireaee sa-any- street ; - a}iey- or --p'ab uee with4n -the -e4ty- 91467888-- Fewi- - -€Ie- persotr,- wner- €- aaeks,-- geese; turkeys : - ehiekens- er- et}ier- poaitrp ,- shtrl3 -- permit - nhe —sewe- no --ru -n at- .1arge -4n- the -ety7 9 7167858-- 1;4eketing- arrirta•1-- en- paisiio --p• ee-- -- t --rs eSw€a .1 -te- tie- er- pieket- any - anima + -se- that - the -same- may -ge -ape any-pabi4e-p.1aee- 9.-.16.-898-- Begs - -- It-- is-- un- lear€ir1- - €er -O tte-- owner -rr easted4an -e €- any - deg- te- eatise;- permit-cm- oi- ow- -stairdegJ --bo- , ran; - stray- ,- vr- -to- -be- away - from )e--p ism: c3 -e €- saeh- ettner -or eastedian- anti -- to- -he- on-- any- paa33� glace ,- -er- efr- a-ny-- pub +ie property -er- the - private - property -e4 -ark t.1rer -frrt rtylcx saeh - deg- whi .1e- away -£ rem - saeh - premises -be- under- eentrei -- -Any -deg €eund- -r erming -,-- running; --st ay+ny -r -er-- be-rng -- away-- -rem-saeh premises—and net -- under- eentre + --as- herein prow -id�d - may --be impeunded-sub3eet-te-redempten-n- the - manner - provided- by -6ee- tens- 9.-887 838 - and -9..88 .-848.--- AUnder- eentre }u; -£er- the- parpese -e€ this - Tit .1e; - means - the - deg- is -en -a- leash- net- te- exeeed- ten - €eat -in length- and- tirtaer- the - r -nt- af- -the - -owner er- easte&ran -er-en -32- e r- witMMMn -s-- e4 - bein'-dr4ven-er- -per4c - enr- tir&-streets - -er within- the - property- limits -e €- its - owner -er- keeper; -er- taking -gar fin- a -spee i- ai-- e;ent- w-i-tit - 1te- prier- wr4tten- agprevea- e# --t-4 -Po-rt Angeles- Peliee- Bepartment -er- within- the -eare- and- enstedy- a € -a -a en€ereement-ageney- 9 7167888 -- Animal-- Ent.ber eng- Private- - - Nuinanee When.-- -Any dews .eeted snimai -who ir-e open- ether- persenss properties- wit-hent- tore- -perin-ission e €- naeh- persrxrs-- i{r- a- pubiie naisanee- 7167898 -- Animal - Kept- en- Pabl ±e- Preperty-Natsenee -When Animals- st&cee1,- teT_= red- j-- er-- k -ept -- rr- pabl4e- prepeesty -- without prier- v144terr-- eentetrb. e€ - t-}re- -rrima - eentrel-Atrtrhen•ie- -a pablie-na4sanee- 9-16 -188 -- Animal-- orr- Peblie-- Pr©pe�{ny - Neinnnee- -Wwrr. Animals- en- any- pnir3.- ie- propet-ty -- not *_td tettrerl- -bar -- the - -owner -or ether-eempetent-persen- are- a- puhlie- naisanee- 9 -16 -118 -- nter€ erenee - iii- i- bh-- Prrblie -ice- Beefared --a Naisanen. a-ny- _-nies- ___-_-- aainra1-- whieh- smaps;- j- amps--- tzpea-er etherwise- threatens- persens -txs3 ng the karlA e--s-i l*s -,-- treat--, alleys-er- ether- pablie -ways- is- a- pablie- na4eanee- 9- 16- 188-- Hegs- 3n- i?aEics--- �ogs- �trrmrrx�- i.- n-- gae`]rs -are -a pablie-naisenee- 9 7167138-- Pres= aesin--- Attaekin=- 9ther- Animals- Beelare a- iVtris*_>rre -err- animal- or--an-ii arls-- wh4eh- trrespess-- cxr- seheel greands- er- attaek- ether - animals- are- a- pablie- naisanee- 9.-16.-149--Bengereue-Bege- Ac--- Ne-per-ownii g-i -karberrng-- er- i3ev.ing -t-he- -a € -a 4angereen- deg - shall- aiiew -er -perm t -s resit ei-ter - uneoni4ned en- the- prem4ses- ef- -sne+i-persotr.-- 9rde•_n_ eue- -docHs -!4nx xnHi.dirneeP as- the - 4erm -4s -used it tkris- ee on— rf-- steefr -r -rs- net- seearely een €fined -fir, deers- or--ee M ned-- Mt- a- seearely- ene4esed -sue loe4eed pen- er- stt'trettn -- upon -- the - premises -ef- -the - -person-- eteserrberl- in this- Seetien7- -6aeh- pen- er- straetare- mast -have seeare -sides -and -a -33- seeure- tepr - -I €- the - pen- er- struetare- has- ne- bettem- seenreel- to -the sides:- the - sides - west -he- embedded -4n- tire• --g eerner- no- -1-es-s --Ihan --ere €eet- B-- --Ne- persen- evening -er-f irrg- -e 3ra rg-M e-- earee -e € -e dangerous- eleg- -ehei3 hhyt -er- permit - seep- edog—Inr -go-- beyond -the premises - of -seeh- person- tInicos —sre4r-deg-- is-- seeure3 -- ieasired -and hemeneiy-mesaied-er-etherer4se-seeure4y-restrained7 5 - - - -A- person- ith e-- S-- eenvieted- o€-- v- io-l-etinl - tkre- Seet4en sha44- be- 4entid- gni -i-t -o& -e--m i r- 4Phoo- perra±ty- sheii-be -a six - months :-- 4'trrtcher- ,-- ony -inmmn it nmi? - gnT -ty- a €- ete4ating -this Seetien-- sha-F1-- pey-a44- -e-m-peitses -, 4neieding--shetter,- - -fRKrc-, veterinary- epenses --f ideirt r €iestion-- er- eeetifieetien -o£ --tire breed-- o€- t-he -- animas- ror•- beetdinel-- ane'i-g = rnerT -- expenses neeessitated- by- the - seizure -of airy - sloe -for - ire -pt oteet4on --o-f --the pnbiie ; -- encl-- sneh -- ether- eteperrees --as- may- - ire- -reerni- ree&- fet --1 he destruetien- trf-- easy--sneh- deg:-- -1- n-- ad&ition ,--any -dat crone --dog whieh- etteeke-- e--krmen herng-er- demesne-- enimei -- near -be- ordered destroyed - when- , - -ia- the - ' - }ndgment, -- shot-- dmAglmeotrs-deg represents- a- eentinuing- threat - a €- ser4eue- harm -te- human- beings -er demestie-animais- 4 -46- 458 -- Sharing- ce. -hi-e3 -- Pery- demestieeted-- erni-m$1 rahieh- ebases- et- tttis-eefter- cehieies- trsi- ng-- tire- putbi-ie--s is --end ai4eys-is-a-pubiie-nuisenee4 Shapter -4448 PRSHIB4TBB- ASPS- ANB- Mi66£BBAN£98S- NHiSANSBS Seet4ens- 4 -i8- 848-- Aiieraing- enimai-in-pubiie - €eed establishment: 47487828-- Paiiere- te- eieen- up-efter-anima44 47487838 -- Maintaining- ef€ensiae-pen- er- beiiding7 44484646-- Aeeesstbie- €ema4e- in -heet4 x7487858-- Bengerees- anima14. -34- 4-48 7868 -- Annoying- anima£- neise- 47487848-- Biseased- animale- 4- 487848 -- Allowing- Animal- 4n- Publie- Feed- Eetablishment: t- is- nn4ewttfti. - -fo tho- -or- p iarre€- aa- a$tma -te -bring er- e4iew- tn-- antne - }--to- enter - any -pu 4e-vrl -ar -- wh+eh --1 s -as -its primary- pnryese -t49re -st(m:sego-,-- serrierepa-rati -er- serving -e€ €eed-to-- the- -ptdrl e-r- This - paragraph - -is -- net-- aggiieabie-to individnais -using trained- Geeing - Eye -degs- 4 748: 888-- FaHure-to- -C-bea r- Up- -Prfter-- Animal, - -dt --rs unlawful-£er- the - owner- er- enstedian- e€ -an- anima£ -te- fail - to -eiea- up- er --be- remgmnrri- bile - -- ry-- depeei+w- o €- arri:mak -waste -er- damage while- en- publ4e- greperty -er- private- greperty - met- belenging- to -tb_ enter-er-eustedian-ef- the - animal 47487838 -- Maintaining- 9€fensive- Pen -er- Building7- -4t -i unlawful -to- kccp,-- use -t r --fief twit - yr i -tbi-n- the-- Otty -r-aay -pen; stable; --i t-,-- p•Face.--bn4ld4ng -or- remises- 4n --wht kr a..y -beget herses7- eett4e: -to-tows -teem-- },e- -c-v;r`rn r vr- kept- is -sueh- manner as- to-- be- aeuseeun ;- 4k m+r- e€€ ensive -- Amsty,,-- ole- aesthetieally displeasing;- or --as- €ram - any - taunt— e- be -e-rr rnoyarn a -the eemmnnity- er- neighberheedt 4484 848-- Aeeessible- -Female - -rn -- Feat.--- -271r -1t demestieated- en-imal- +hide- 4o-4wNlt- -festtlmal - -ac eekele-mere -then ene- day -te tt -en-i na -le-- for- pitrposca - ebeer- tban- eentreiled-and planned- breeding- 4s- a- pubi4e- nu4sanee- 4 787858-- Bangereus-- Ari.near -- ,-- ,ewima1-- -whieh eenstitutes -a- danger -te- the- ea €ety- ef- persens -er- greperty - of € -4ts premises-er- law €ugly -en- its - premises- 4s- a- pubiie- nn4sanee- 4%-ith869--Anneying--Prrrinto-1Neito----Prrty--denteetiteted a nimal- whieh- ¥y- tregttetit oe �-e-- how- i4-ng -- -re4 -p ng,-w ttirn ng-, er- barking -er- oilier - oral - s tn-reasertebiy airmen er disturbs ether- pereetis -in- the -v4e4 Mty -ef -t - px'emiaca or-- upexrtre- Ttbi4c street- is- a- publie- nnisanee7 -35- q 7387848-- Biseased- anmas :- -P.nsma4.s- -kept - tied --rr maintained- end- 4mtemffr e-- have- a- eentagiens- disease -trrri s-- rnder the- treatment - a €- a- lieeneed- veterinerien- are- a- pnHHie- nnisenee- Chapter 7.3314 WILD ANIMAL CONTROL Sections: Assistance to Resident - Duty of Animal Control Officer. Assistance to Resident - Duty of Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer is authorized to assist any resident in the control or extermination of wild animals that may be causing damage to the property of the resident. Any assistance shall only be at the direct request of the property owner. Any such animal impounded shall either be destroyed or released in a wilderness area. Chapter 7.3816 RIDING HORSES Sections: 7.3816.010 7.3816.020 7.3816.030 7.3816.040 After Dark. Street and Park Restrictions. On Private Property. When Waivers Issued. 4 -38- 858-- Vieiaten--- tmpenndment--- 6aie -at aeetien- 7.3816.010 After dark. No person shall ride a horse within the city limits on any street or alley during the hours of darkness, or on any sidewalk or planting strip at any time. 7.3816.020 Street and Park Restrictions. No person shall ride any horse on Prst- Btreet- €rem -its -St=m - te-- Ve-1-1-ey Street; -en -zz n - 64IN—=t - from- Raee -Stt t-3ro- Hey- Street; -en E4meein- Street -Item- S4shth- Street- te- 4ta3- itreet --4 any street or alley within the area bounded by Golf Course Road on the east, Lauridsen Blvd. and 14th Street on the South, "C" Street on the -36- west, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca on the North, or upon any part of Marine Drive, or in any City park which is posted agains horseback riding. 7.2816.030 On Private Property. No person shall ride any horse on private property without permission of the owner or occupier thereof. 7.2916.040 When Waivers Issued. The Police Chief may issue waivers in writing of the above prohibitions in the event of a parade or special event. 47297959 -- Vie +atien -- -Impoimalimert--- Gale -at ,fM4on -. Any -i hors a -- used-- ka-vieiatien -o#- he--a -grekibitiene- :nap --be impenndeel-- by-- -i - pe }iee- elepartatent;- xd- eke- ewner -ti»+t -mss 4iabie- €er- a44 -oe tts-ofi- ifm,mm atim rr - .-- -1d- i- Nkti-mr-frSteenr -4aya -after the- seetpetatiment;-tire --pe- i e- -ekri:e - map -seii- the- 4.1erse- - pitkrl4c aeetien- to- -rati fy-- the-- easta- a €- -i-mpetitArert;--*_tt - gimrrrg -the ewner-theree€- three- days1- netiee -in- writng -e€- the - time - and -giae: ei -the- sae---- Arny-- ertoerrt reee-i- ved --My- the- peiiee- e- hie€-tvver--anKl above - the - eee et- o#- -imtpotwkdatent- -she i4- -be- - reteneci -ta - the -ew n e r - e € the - anima- Chapter 7.2418 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS* Sections: 7.2418.010 Abandoning Animal Unlawful - Impoundment and Penalty. 7.2418.020 Training for Fighting Prohibited. 7.2418.030 Injuring With Vehicle Unlawful - Driver's Duty at Accident. 7.2418.040 Care and Feeding Requirements. 7.2418.050 Poisoning Unlawful - Exception. 7.2418.060 Mistreatment, Sale of Young Fowl - Unlawful. 7.2418.010 Abandoning Animal Unlawful - Impoundment and Penalty. It is unlawful for any person to abandon within th -37- City any animal by leaving such animal on the street, road, or other public property or upon private property - wizz t -the express- eenseet- e4- tte-tinner. Any animal found to be abandoned and whose owner cannot be located may be disposed of by the City or an agent working on behalf of the City. Any animal caught without any readily available method of identification, such as license tag shall, for the purposes of this title be considered as an abandoned animal. Any- persea- whe- 4s- eenvieted- a €- v4e &at4n this - beet# ea- shea4- 45o -pu 4siled- iby- a- 44.-ne --acrd A violation of this Section shall be a Class II misdemeanor and any person convicted of its violation shall also pay for any cost incurred by the Cit in caring for and disposing of the abandoned animal, in addition to any fine the court may impose. 7.2418.020 Training for Fighting Prohibited. No person shall train any dog, bird or animal with intent to use th same in fighting for sport or money or keep or have the same in his possession for such purpose. Violation of this Section shal be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.2418.030 Injuring With Vehicle Unlawful - Driver's Duty at Accident. No person shall willfully injure, beat, abuse or run down any animal with a vehicle. Any person who kills or injures any animal while driving a vehicle shall stop at the scene of the accident and render such assistance as practicable, shall make reasonable efforts to locate and identify himself to the owner or to any person having custody of the animal, and shall report the accident immediately to the Police Department o Animal Control Officer. Owners of animals involved in accidents, when present, shall promptly identify themselves. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.2418.040 Care and Feeding Requirements. It is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor an animal within the City without providing a suitable dry place for the housing thereof or to fail to provide a suitable amount of wholesome foo -38- and clean water for the nutrition and comfort thereof or to leav: the premises upon which such animal is confined or to which it customarily returns for more than twenty -four hours without providing for the feeding and care of such animal in the absence of such person. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.2418.050 Poisoning Unlawful - Exception. It is unlawful to lay out or expose any kind of poison or to leave exposed any poisoned food or drink for man, animal or fowl or an substance or fluid whatever whereon or wherein there is or shall be deposited or mingled any kind of poison or poisonous or deadl substance or fluid whatever on any premises or in any unenclosed place, or to aid or abet any person in so doing; except that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to the killing by poison of an animal or bird in a lawful and humane manner by the owner thereof or by a duly authorized servant or agent of such owner, or by a person acting pursuant to instructions from a dul constituted public authority, in accordance with the exceptions provided in RCW 16.52.190. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. 7.8418.060 Mistreatment, Sale of Young Fowl - Unlawful. A. It is unlawful for any person to: 1. W4}} €u y- aad- erueily Intentionally injure or kil any animal; or by -any- mesas- eauMng -it- €right- er -pa4n- 2. By- sen- e - neg4eet- vr-- €ntent Negligently or intentionally cause or allow any animal to endure pain, suffer- ing, or injury; or te- -•ati-i - er- Yregiec - te- ai - -r- attempt a44ev4aten -e €- pain; -s-u 4e 4 rtn rj y-- sueh -- person- has-eaneed te- any- en4maI- 3. Knowingly or negligently fail to aid or attempt alleviation of pain, suffering or injury such person has caused to any animal; provided that this Section shall not apply to the -39- killing of an animal in a humane manner by the owner thereof, or his duly authorized agent or employee, or by a person acting ursuant to instructions from a dul constituted authorit or t actions taken in accordance with the exceptions provided in RCW 16.52.190. B. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, offer for sale, barter, or give away baby chickens, ducklings, or other fowl, under three weeks of age, as pets, toys, premiums or novelties or to color, dye, stain or otherwise change the natural color of baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl, or rabbits or to bring or transport the same into the City; provided, however, that this act shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or display of such baby chickens, ducklings, o other fowl, or such rabbits, in proper facilities by breeders or stores engaged in the business of selling for purposes of commercial breeding and raising. C. Violation of this Section shall be a Class I misdemeanor. ehapter -4 788 6 HAH6HTE Ri Ne- Ail- PASKIN6 Seet4enst 47887848 -- Bee &aced- nuisanee--- Bxeept4en7 4- 8878 }0-- Bee4ered- re4setiee - --B eyrie.- -eke- keeping er- yarding- trf --any- 1-e•,-- er- tke-s }anghtering -e4- arty --ern tre -1--or 44veeteek- wit£ tint- t- ke- -eity -,- [rr - rerrderimg -e£- tote -of ill tt, banes; -er- serape - £rem -eueh- anima }s; -er- any- eareass; -er- any - anima matter -�te __ ,- -er-- t4se•- esta4riit+ttnertt - as &- -t�ttri -and earrying -en- 4re-- buee a -e €- yarding- eett1e-- erne nimeF&r -er -e£ s3eughtering- etriata+s- -€or -- fee& -er -pee kter- there -£er- market 7 --ex render4 ng- -ernr- eliaposi-rx - e£- 4heie+ -mow a-esed er tf --any- anima} matter - whatever; -4rt- arty- e€ -the-s erei t: :tom trf st3it- kirte}s �f besi mesa;- is- tiee -1 - - rmisanee; - previded;- 4tewever;-thet- -upern wr4tten- pet4tien- and- epp4.4eet4en : - eeeempenieti-4ty -. tore- tpgreiverl --of -40- the- eity -€ .4t- eroffri 7-- Are- i- 34-ty- ?nia41- gray- -a -permit -er }4eense -te --th -ean .4 -rep -- err -e€ -tom- bue+ne&e-- anc+-de4eg-ef --ire thongs- here4 n- prek4b4ted - -- The- r4ght- under - seek- 44eense- er- perm4t te- be- exereised- .Qe: r }ex3 t4rons-- greser+h aid b -the•- eity- hea4th e€f4eer- and- subeet- te- onspeet4en- by -h4m7 Chapter 7.3620 PENALTIES Sections: 7.3620.010 Designated. 7.3620.010 Designated. Except as otherwise provided, every - person- whe- 4s- eenv4eted -e € -a violation of the provisions of this Title shall be classified as an infraction and punished by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars. Each day of continuing violation without any attempt to terminate such violation shall be a separate offense and subject to punishment as such. 6n- a- seeend- er- subsequent- eenvoetoen- w4thin- a - €4ve -year per4e el- arty- -persen- r CR Y= -e -an -ef fence- 4twe4n4nel- -errxe- Ity --to aa± mais- sha44- 3se- pun4shed-ty-a--f4tte-o#-- net --icns -b rairrtrne-- hundred de44ars -ner- mere - than -twe- hundred- €o €ty- de44ers7- wh4eh- €one -sha44 net-be- suspended; -de €erred- er- etherw4se- m4t4gated- Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 3 - Repealer. Ordinance Nos. 165, 299, 673, 1005, 1221, 1622, 1915, and 2282 are each repealed. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. -41- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of January , 1988. ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson Sherri L. Anderson, City Clerk APPROVID AS TO FORM: Craig Knu son, City Attorney PUBLISHED: C>Zeo_ /4_ /9 / AT1091[4] -42- M A Y O R