HomeMy WebLinkAbout2567ORDINANCE NO. 2567
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
reclassifying property located south
of Highway 101, east of the Port Angeles
Plaza, and immediately north and east of the
Peninsula Golf Course from RS -9, Residen-
tial Single - Family, to RMF, Residential
Multi- Family, and from RS -9, Residential
Single- Family, and RMF, Residential Multi -
Family, to ACD, Arterial Commercial District,
and amending the Official Zoning Map,
Ordinance 2158, and amending Ordinance No.
2564 by correcting the legal description of
certain rezoned property, and by amending
the Official Zoning Map.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port
Angeles has held a public hearing and recorded its recommendation
to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of January
10, 1990; and
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental
Policy Act, Chapter 43.21C RCW, have been met; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public hearing,
finds that said rezone would be in the best interests of the City
and of its citizens and in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, the legal description of the property rezoned
in Ordinance No. 2564 was in error; NOW, THEREFORE,
NGELES as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2564 is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance No.
2158, and Ordinance No. 1709 are hereby amended to change the
zoning of the following described property from RS -9, Residential
Single - Family, to RMF, Residential Multi- Family:
That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 12 and
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of
Section 13, all in Township 30 North, Range 6 West,
W.M., Clallam County, Washington, described as follows:
Parcels 1 through 3 and 5 through 8, inclusive, as
delineated on survey recorded in Volume 11 of Surveys,
Page 44, under Auditor's File Number 572387, records
of Clallam County, Washington;
EXCEPT Lots 1, 3, and 4 of Chort Plat rccordcd in
Volume 1G of Chort Plats, Page 50, undcr Auditor's File
Number 577054, rccords of Clallam County, Washington,
509, under Auditor's Filc Number 504412, rccords of
Clallam County, Washington, and as shown on said
AND ALPO EXCEPT those portions of Parcels, 2, 3, 5, 6,
7 and 8, as delineated on said survey described as
Beginning at the northeast corner of Parcel 8 as
delineated on said survey; thence north 82 °05'20" west,
along the northerly lines of Parcels 5, 6, 7, and 8,
a distance of 270.07 feet; thence north 58 °42'04" west,
along the northerly line of Parcel 5, a distance of
5.10 feet; thence north 87 °40'21" west, along the
northerly lines of Parcels 2, 3, and 5, a distance of
768.00 feet to a point on the north line of said Parcel
3; thence south 03 °12'56" west, a distance of 3.55 feet
to a point on the northerly margin of said easement for
ingress, egress, and utilities, shown on said survey;
thence south 79 °51'23" east, along the northerly margin
of said easement, a distance of 43.95 feet to the point
of curvature of a tangent curve to the right, having
a radius of 170.00 feet; thence along the northeasterly
margin of said easement southwesterly along said curve
for an arc distance of 91.82 feet through a central
angle of 30 °56'50 "; thence leaving said easement south
84 °38'18" east, a distance of 103.16 feet; thence south
45 °02'02" east, a distance of 101.41 feet; thence south
36 °59'06" east, a distance of 76.40 feet; thence south
46 °22'09" east, a distance of 26.14 feet; thence south
18 °24'18" east, a distance of 9.97 feet; thence south
52 °53'20" east, a distance of 30.75 feet; thence south
13 °26'02" east, a distance of 49.21 feet; thence south
15 °47'25" east, a distance of 43.52 feet; thence south
30 °03'36" east, a distance of 42.25 feet; thence south
86 °24'19" east, a distance of 64.01 feet; thence south
29 °27'10" east, a distance of 43.19 feet; thence south
17 °14'24" west, a distance of 90.97 feet; thence south
15 °18'41" east, a distance of 268.22 feet; thence south
71 °57'46" west, a distance of 90.79 feet; thence south
37 °46'55" west, a distance of 47.24 feet to a point on
the easterly margin of said easement shown on said
survey and the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the
left having a radius of 170.00 feet, the radial bearing
at said beginning of curve being north 81 °53'53" east
inward; thence along the easterly margin of said
easement shown on said survey and southerly along said
curve for an arc distance of 9.18 feet through a
central angle of 03 °09'36" to a point of reverse
curvature and the beginning of a curve concave westerly
with a radius of 230.00 feet; thence continuing along
the easterly margin of said easement and southerly
along said curve through a central angle of 18 °38'50"
for an arc distance of 74.85 feet to a point of
compound curvature and the beginning of a curve concave
westerly with a radius of 830.00 feet; thence
continuing along the easterly margin of said easement
along said curve through a central angle of 09 °43'46"
for an arc distance of 140.94 feet; thence leaving said
easement south 32 °21'49" east, a distance of 69.52
feet; thence south 11 °30'18" east, a distance of 34.92
feet; thence north 82 °03'41" east, a distance of 65.36
feet; thence south 23 °46'02" east, a distance of 21.18
feet; thence south 38 °18'04" east, a distance of 93.09
feet; thence south 21 °18'29" east, a distance of 50.25
feet; thence south 28 °26'37" east, a distance of 43.43
feet; thence south 15 °12'14" east, a distance of 22.86
feet; thence south 46 °19'33" east, a distance of 22.21
feet; thence north 88 °00'29" east, a distance of 36.26
feet; thence south 07 °11'45" west, a distance of 106.24
feet; thence south 65 °26'24" east, a distance of 50.49
feet; thence south 60 °54'15" east, a distance of 50.09
feet; thence south 27 °21'24" east, a distance of 57.80
feet; thence south 74 °10'11" east, a distance of 52.02
feet; thence south 47 °15'59" east, a distance of 50.80
feet; thence south 10 °39'15" east, a distance of 78.53
feet; thence south 18 °40'09" west, a distance of 49.12
feet to the south line of the north half of the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North,
Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington; thence
south 87 °23'00" east, along said south line, a distance
of 47.46 feet to the east line of the northwest quarter
of said Section 13; thence north 04 °00'10" east along
said east line a distance of 333.00 feet to the north
quarter corner of said Section 13; thence north
03 °36'34" east, along the east line of the southwest
quarter of Section 12, a distance of 1,311.93 feet to
the point of beginning;
AND ALSO EXCEPT that southerly portion of Parcel 8 as
delineated on said survey, lying southerly of a line
parallel with and 50 feet north of the east line of the
Northwest Quarter of said Section 13; said east line
also being the most southerly boundary of Parcel 8;
AND ALSO EXCEPT that southerly portion of Parcel 1, as
delineated on said survey, described as follows:
Beginning at the most southwesterly portion of said
Parcel 1, thence along the boundary of said Parcel 1
as follows: South 87 °17'00" east, a distance of 209.22
feet; north 03 °32'11" east, a distance of 120.42 feet;
south 87 °19'34" east, a distance of 195.21 feet; north
03 °39'09" east, a distance of 131.17 feet; north
87 °21'56" west, a distance of 325.22 feet; thence
leaving said boundary to intercept a point on the
western boundary of said Parcel 1 north 87 °21'56" west
a distance of 129.74 feet; thence along said boundary
as follows: South 03 °25'06" west, a distance of 130.35
feet; south 87 °19'34" east, a distance of 49.80 feet;
south 03 °26'53" west, a distance of 120.26 feet, to the
point of beginning.
Section 2. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance No.
2158, and Ordinance No. 1709 are hereby amended to change the
zoning of the following described property from RS -9, Single -
Famil Residential and RMF, Residential Multi- Family, to ACD,
rterial Commercial District:
Township 30 North, Range G West, W.M. Clallam County,
Washington Lots 3 and 4 of Short Plat recorded in
Volume 16 of Short plats, page 58, under Auditor's File
No. 577654, records of Clallam County, Washington,
described as follows:
Commencing at the southwest corner of the Northwest
Quarter of said Southwest Quarter; thence south
87 °40'21" east along the southerly line of said
Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance
of 853.75 feet to the true point of beginning; thence
north 02 °57'25" east, a distance of 157.31 feet; thence
south 76 °34'00" east, a distance of 199.62 feet to the
beginning of a non - tangent curve concave northeasterly
having a radius of 130.00 feet, a radial to said curve
at said point of beginning bears south 79 °15'33" west;
thence southeasterly along said curve through a central
angle of 69 °33'16" an arc length of 157.81 feet; thence
tangent to said curve south 80 °17'43" east, a distance
of 295.18 feet; thence south 09 °42'17" west, a distance
of 137.17 feet; thence north 76 °34'00" west, a distance
of 543.14 feet; thence north 02 °19'39" east, a distance
of 50.00 feet; thence north 87 °40'20" west, a distance
of 49.71 feet to the true point of beginning.
Section 3. Section 1 of this Ordinance and the changes
o the Official Zoning Map adopted therein shall be conditioned
nd dependent upon approval by the City of a Planned Residential
evelopment for the property described therein, and, in the event
aid approval is not obtained, said property shall revert to its
oning classification prior to the adoption of this Ordinance.
Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file
certified copy of this Ordinance with the Clallam County
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5)
ays after date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of
February, 1990.
ichelle M. Maitre, City Clerk
Craig D. utson, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: 2/25/90 (by summary)
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APP 01{fD AS y(170/
Craig 0. '4utson, City Attorney
dyr "art
An ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
reclassifying property located south of Highway 101, east of
the Port Angeles Plaza, and immediately north and east of the
Peninsula Golf Course from RS -9, Residential Single - Family, to
RMF, Residential Multi- Family, and from RS -9, Residential
Single - Family, and RMF, Residential Multi- Family, to ACD,
Arterial Commercial District, and amending the Official zoning
Map, Ordinance 2158, and amending Ordinance No. 2564 by
correcting the legal description of certain rezoned property,
and by amending the Official Zoning Map.
This ordinance shall take effect 5 days after
publication. Full text of said ordinance shall
be mailed upon request.
Michelle M. Maike
City Clerk
Publish: February 25, 1990